Why Luke's Strategy for Teaching Baby Yoda is Wrong

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hello there friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is alex today's video will contain a discussion and spoilers from episode six of the book of effects so if you haven't seen that episode feel free to tune in i'll wait for you for a few seconds so in this new episode there's a lot of things to unpack here from the return of cobb vance to the return and i guess first time appearance in live action of cad bane there's also the reappearance of ahsoka tano and luke skywalker but the main story that will have wider consequences on the future of stars history is the training sequence of gogert by master luke it takes up a huge chunk of this episode first i have to say the cgi and deep fake algorithm is getting a bit better luke's face still looks a bit weird but things seem to be progressing in the right direction what isn't progressing in the right direction is luke's new jedi temple look i know that saying luke training a baby version of yoda is a satisfying full circle for a lot of fans to see and when i was watching the training montage i was full of nostalgia and also a sensation that i was witnessing something very important but then i remembered a few things about the unfortunate sequel trilogy luke skywalker doesn't turn into a wise and kind old jedi master he's not surrounded by his apprentices and their apprentices instead we found him tired dejected and living as a hermit awaiting death by himself now luke does eventually redeem himself to a certain degree in the sequels but his attempt to restart the jedi order was a complete failure and now we're witnessing the beginning of that struggle this is one of the most important things that happens in the sequel trilogy and it is a continuation of the criticism of the jedi established by the prequel series the jedi are well aware that fear can lead to anger which can lead to hate which can lead to suffering during the old republic period the saying was printed on one of the most popular t-shirts being sold in the jedi temple gift shop and yes if you wore this kind of shirt on coruscant i would judge you as a utterance tourist this creed is how a lot of onlookers saw the jedi they saw them as fearless individuals fearless of death and physical dangers fearless of politicians and warlords and diplomatic situations these were warriors that did not let their emotions specifically the negative ones affect their behavior but a closer look at the organizational structure of the jedi temple and the various rules that the jedi high council imposes on its members shows a very very fearful organization and despite not being raised in that structure master luke has somehow still adopted many of the ancient jedi's more troubling ways we see this towards the end of episode 6 when master luke makes baby yoda choose between being a mandalorian or a jedi which is just the wrong way to go about things but before we continue guys a word from today's sponsor ownershaver.com so far we've already shown you onasabra.com's premium xenopixel lightbearer today we have the cypher blade so guys this is going to be a less expensive blade and that is because the internal components here are a bit more simple which means that the overall product is a lot lighter and it's better balanced which makes it more suitable for all sorts of shenanigans like sparring and actual training the cipher does this all without sacrificing many of the same features that the xenopixel had like customized colors different sound effects in different types of modes anyone who purchased the cipher before february 15th will be entered into a free giveaway for another dueling lightsaber of their choice if this sounds like something you want to check out go to onesaver.com we'll link the website down below they're going to be giving you 20 off of all lightsabers plus if you use my promo code meow that's all caps you can get another 10 off the jedi order was preceded by an ancient organization known as the jedi their practitioners believe that the force could be balanced within an individual instead of throughout the cosmos this organization wasn't about dark side users versus light side users the jedi would have seen both the sith and the jedi as extremist groups instead the jedi realized that the dark and light side were part of every individual and each side of the force had its own uses and porpoises the jedi believed it was optimal to teach each individual how to control both sides of the force so that they could find peace and balance within themselves this is an incredibly harmonious organization until one day some jidai began focusing only on dark side studies this would lead to the first of many great schisms between the dark side fanatics and those trying to rebalance the force but of course these types of conflicts also made those who oppose the dark side become extreme as well and soon this party would turn into the modern day jedi order which only believes in the lights out of the force but then again this organization actually wasn't about balance or even the light side of the force it was more about destroying the dark side which of course is impossible and so ever since light side jedi have this huge irrational fear that many of their members will suddenly just turn to the dark side without reason and so the jedi have imposed a series of very restrictive and fear-based edicts and rules to prevent the same from happening to future padawan it's for this reason why the jedi generally separate their new recruits from their family before they're even old enough to talk or form long-lasting memories the jedi fear that an individual who remembers his family will have an emotional attachment to them that could be exploited by the dark side of the force a good example of this was anakin's attachment to padme when he started having visions of her dying it led him to desperately trust chancellor palpatine who also happened to be a sith lord but at the same time i would argue that anakin's fault the dark side was also caused by the jedi somewhat because of their inability to recognize anakin as an individual this is sort of the problem with blanket solutions like the ones that the jedi used to control their members while separating someone like obi-wan kenobi from his family worked because it was done at an extremely young age separating a nine-year-old like anakin from his mother is quite cruel most of the time force users of his age won't even be considered by the jedi for recruitment but qui-gon jinn essentially died protecting him so they made a special concession to that rule in the same way luke is now facing a very similar decision when it comes to baby yoda the small guy clearly has a very close connection to dinjara and he's far too old now to forget the mandalorian yet you see sokatano and luke skywalker peddling the same old nonsense i mean is this really about keeping a recruit away from their family or is it about keeping your recruits surrounded by jedi only so that they're isolated and easier to mold i mean denjarin flew from the other side of the galaxy to come see this guy and bring him a small code to mithral i mean baskar by the way what are the odds of baby ogre running into a gigantic spider and that chain male saving his life anyway ahsoka guilts tanjaron into not seeing the little goku she convinces ninjaron that he is a distraction for the little guy and that if he truly cares for gogurt he should leave this is all pointless of course because the little guy sees his mando dad fly off anyway if gogurt wasn't thinking about injaron before he definitely is now and just because the jedi are willing to keep the mandalorian away from gokur doesn't mean that the young jedi will become less attached to him it's possible not seeing him will make yogurt miss ninjarin even more i mean relationships are a beautiful thing especially the longer and more fruitful ones which are full of mutual respect loving cooperation danjaron and baby yoda's relationship is certainly that plus a bit more drama and tension which is why two share a strong bond and so if the giant knew about this attachment why didn't luke just refuse to teach goger from the beginning i mean sure he's giving an option now with this choice kind of situation or better yet why doesn't luke just try to teach gogurt but still allow him to be connected to dinjon isn't taking a force-sensitive child permanently from their parents very similar in effect to orphaning a child by killing their parents in both situations there is great trauma from the loss of one's parent unless they're too young to actually remember their parents which is why i guess it's more ethical when you do it to newborns the jedi should have rescued smee skywalker from the very beginning based on several reasons one they are jedi the defenders of the weak and wretched two slavery is an affront to their beliefs and three having a positive role model for anakin would have helped him adjust to his new situation and feel more secure and perhaps most importantly if qui-gon jin had saved smith skywalker anakin would have never went to tatooine to try and rescue his mother himself and he would have never arrived too late to prevent his mother's death anakin would go on to slaughter the entire village of tuscan raiders who were responsible for his mother's death this was one of anakin's first steps towards the dark side and if you think about anakin had to do this without telling the jedi order because they would have never let him do this they would have flagged this as an attachment immediately the end result is this only created more tension and distrust between anakin and the jedi order [Music] what's surprising to me is that asakutana would have known about this story she was anakin's apprentice and more importantly a close friend and ally when the jedi order kicked around and the republic accused her of bombing the jedi temple it was anakin's emotional attachment to her that made him never give up on her anakin remained the only jedi who believed that she was innocent the whole reason she left the jedi order was because of how rigid and stupid they had become segatano saw firsthand what a passionate and emotional jedi like anakin skywalker could achieve and it wasn't all that bad remember that time when a socatano and berashafi got trapped beneath the jean ocean weapons factory when they brought it down on top of themselves master luminara took one look at that pile and was like eh i'll just grab another padawan gotta let go of this one because it would be an attachment to search the rubble for her i too care for my apprentice but if their time has come i refuse to let ahsoka die anakin however never gives up on ahsoka and ends up rescuing both of the trapped jedi anakin might be emotional here he might be attached to sokitano but he's saved to padawan's lives because he actually cares where's master luminara is just attached and ready to move on clearly she is wrong in this situation i knew they were still alive i told you we shouldn't give up on them it's not that i gave up skywalker but there's not enough time i sense them drifting away no we'll get them out you see not all jedi are going to turn to the dark side just because they have emotions and attachment to loved ones this is a really really stupid idea and that's because each individual is different what anakin really needed wasn't some blanket policy that doesn't work for anyone perfectly he needed a custom program tailored to his needs what anakin wanted more than anything was a group of friends and family that he could belong to and call home he is a classic example of a child who has abandonment issues the closer i get to you the worse it gets the thought of not being with you i can't breathe family and friendship are very basic human and even jedi needs but because anakin skywalker is the chosen one he was never fully accepted by his peers also he joined his class much later on than most individuals on top of that we still have the awkward fact that the jedi didn't save his mother and also saw anakin as a threat and potentially in the pockets of palpatine and so anakin doesn't go to obi-wan kenobi or yoda when he starts having those visions of padme dying because he just doesn't feel comfortable being amongst the jedi i mean he's kept his entire marriage a secret because it's technically illegal under jedi bylaws he knows ultimately that the jedi will not be understanding they will be strict and punitive and fearful anakin skywalker saw how the jedi treated his apprentice when she was accused of bombing the jihadi temple he knows that they have no compassion for their members so it's not hard at all for anakin to suddenly change sides and view the jedi as evil as he would during order 66 and so it's incredibly stupid for luke to make gogurt choose between the baskara and yoda's old lightsaber i mean why can't he have both biscar male is an honorable defensive tool there's nothing in the jedi code that says warriors can't wear armor to protect themselves besides yoda's lightsaber in this case is a weapon and it's a more offensive tool that represents aggression and the failures of another generation of jedi clearly luke doesn't really know what he's doing here anyway he's just trying to revive a lot of the old jedi traditions because the jedi are all gone but why doesn't he just try to throw away the old rules because they failed the jedi in the first place why doesn't he just try to start a new jedi based on his own theories and intuition so i really hope that baby yoda doesn't pick up that lightsaber i hope he goes for the mithril armor or biscar there's also the chance that he might get both because you know why not i mean who else is going to wield that tiny little lightsaber except for baby yoda well i think a sukatana also carries a shorter blade but the point is that lightsaber is built for the little guy and i wouldn't want to see it go anywhere else but the thing is baby ogre could still be the mandalore and that is because like tar vizilla he's both jedi padawan and also foundling so that's something to think about guys let me know in the comment section below what you think baby goker is going to do hopefully we'll find out at the end of this season don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 135,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Id: mR4-gZq8SwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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