7 Non-Force Users Who Defeated the JEDI

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[Music] hello there friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name my name is alan and today i want to talk to you guys about the jedi and the sith the false gods you know they're ordinary people who just have this mutation that allows them to manipulate the force it's kind of strange yet they are treated with on respect they do not deserve the sith governed over an empire for thousands of years that was both ineffective and cruel to its citizens the jedi ran a quasi-government agency that had all the powers but no checks and balances and they too abused their powers they took for sensitive children from their parents dragged the entire galaxy into a personal battle against a sith they gave sentience to aquatic mammals which increased kelp production in the oceans and helped give way to global warming no other organization that abuses power to such an extent would be tolerated and so the people who have always impressed me in the star wars universe are not individuals like luke or dooku i mean sure i have a soft spot for everyone but that might just be my man crush for mcgregor and his love for motorcycle adventures and some of the individuals i respect are the ones who do not cower in fear when they run up against a force user i respect individuals brave enough to stand up against these weirdos with supernatural strength speed and abilities and actually have the skills to defeat them in combat like me how do you think i got this baby huh okay i uh i alluded the jedi temple after order 66 but that's not the point because today's video is all about non-force users who actually went up against a jedi or sith and defeated him in combat let's take a look we're gonna start off the list with a very unexpected and unheralded defender of planetary rights and the forgotten people of the outer rim we're talking of course about the b1 battle droid these were poorly designed security droids quickly converted into battle droids just in time for the clone wars they were widely laughed off as incompetent and useless soldiers yet during the battle of petrinaki arena when the jedi interrupt what was turning out to be quite an interesting gladiator show you're telling me you wouldn't want to watch human beings fight gigantic terrifying monsters on tv to the death hashtag reform the prison system anyway the jedi as usual grossly overestimate their own abilities and at the same time grossly underestimate the b1 battle droids that make up the bulk of dooku's forces during the skirmish now most of the individuals on this list are going to be coming from a warrior background and they'll have trained their entire lives to take on someone as powerful as a force user yet none of them will ever get close enough to killing as many jedi as the basic b1 battle droid during the battle of petrinaki arena the jedi would suffer 179 casualties many of them caused by this humble little droid because sometimes quantity has a quality of its own which is not a quote by joseph stalin the man never spoke apparently [Music] the trend oceans loved hunting more than any other species in the galaxy their entire belief system was based on the activity and it wasn't just about how many things you could kill but how rare and endangered that target was garnak was the benevolent head of a famous transocean hunting guild he ran a special sustainable wildlife preserve on the moon of washka specifically for transocean big game hunters including young trans oceans who were still new at this activity like his son dar thanks to garnac's hunting program hundreds of young trans oceans have managed to keep out of trouble and avoid many of the pitfalls of youth unfortunately during garnac's son's first hunt a jedi manages to kill the young trans ocean this sends garnack into a blind rage and he manages to kill a young jedi in return although no matter how many jedi garnet kills he'll never get his son back again [Music] grievous wasn't always a cyborg once upon a time he was a general leading his people the kalish against a race of oppressive slave-driving sentient insects known as the yamri unfortunately for grievous and the kalish the republican the jedi backed the yomri and would launch an all-out war against grievous and his people on one routine mission gravis shuttle was brought down the crash was so horrendous that grievous was basically turned into a cyborg till the day he died grievous believed that his shuttle had been bought down by the republic and the jedi but later on we find out that it was actually the sith who bought a shuttle down with an ion bomb they planned on turning grievous into a robotic enforcer enslave anyway general grievous would go on to terrorize the republic and specifically the jedi whom he really hated during the clone wars although official records on how many jedi general grievous killed are not clear grievous was known for walking around with several lightsabers clipped to his belt from his fallen adversaries grievous would be successful in dueling jedi thanks to his multiple arms and lightsabers even if a jedi could predict all of grievous movements through the force and still wasn't enough to usually save their lives general grievous however was defenseless against the jedi's telekinesis abilities and often struggled against force attacks next up we have ochia bastoon an alien cultist who worshipped the sith order he worked as a sith artifact scavenger and jedi hunting assassin although we never technically see him kill a jedi we know that he's been working in the profession since the clone wars he most likely aided the inquisitors in their mission to hunt down any remaining survivors of order 66. at one point he's even hired to take out lord vader but the sith proves to be too powerful for ochi oh she has terrific reflexes though and he was an excellent sniper and melee fighter [Music] next up we have a true mandalorian and i say true because the only people who dispute this are the new mandalorians who don't even wear armor into battle they clearly are not real mandalorians either it shouldn't surprise you that a mandalorian like jango fett is on this list though because they have a long history of battling the jedi and being tricked by the sith into battling the jedi the jedi first run into the mandalorians during the crusader period when the warrior culture was taking over large swaps of the galaxy the mandalorians were stunned by the jedi when they first encountered them these monastic warriors could reflect blaster bolts with their lightsabers and use the force to perform telekinesis while most cultures would cower in fear and capitulate to these magical warriors the mandalorians were not phased they just went back to the drawing boards and upgraded their weapons and defenses to make themselves much deadlier this is why now mandalorians have full plate by scar armor to deflect lightsaber blows along with flamethrowers wrist rockets and grappling hooks all these are designed to give mandalorian more of a chance against the jedi now during the battle of galadron jango fett and his true mandalorian forces are ambushed by a force of jedi django fetch men are cut down left and right until only he remained but somehow django managed to kill several jedi and believe it or not he even got a few kills with his bare hands which is why i think the old man is probably a better fighter than his clone son [Music] do you know why count dooku ultimately chose jango fett as the template for the clone army that's because count dooku was also at the bala gala giant and he was amazed by this non-force user's ability to defeat jedi in hand-to-hand combat and because the clone army was designed to end the threat of the jedi django fed became the natural choice for the template during order 66 the clone troopers would take out the remaining few thousand jedi who were left in the galaxy bringing a balance back to the force amongst the most talented jedi killing clone troopers were a special breed known as the republic clone commandos trained from a young age by mandalori mercenaries these heavily armored special forces soldiers were used to hunt down the remaining jedi who escaped the initial purge [Music] the nile were a very special group of marauders who pillaged the hyperspace lanes of the outer rim during the high republic era what made them so special was their interesting mode of transportation something known as the path engine this was one of the few alternatives to normal ftl hyperspace travel it gave the nile unprecedented amount of maneuverability and flexibility and made them extremely difficult to track down in hyperspace during one of their maneuvers the nile triggered what was known as the great hyperspace disaster this was essentially a hyperspace collision that ripped apart a gigantic passenger freighter and turned its fragments into ftl speed projectiles these projectiles would go on to destroy many lives and almost took out an entire planetary system several jedi would be sent on a rescue mission and lose their lives as you can see there are very few individuals on this list of non-force sensitives who manage to defeat a force sensitive but whenever one of our guys manages to strike down one of these force using gods it gives us hope and inspiration that we also might stand a chance one day and overthrow these oppressive force users and their rule over the rest of the galaxy well guys i hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech [Music] you
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 247,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Id: 8EzOAnm5obE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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