Why Keanu Reeves Is Way Too Good For This World

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so I guess you have a choice you on a war or do you want to just give me a gun John wake and neo have easily become two of the most recognizable action characters in movie history but what if I told you that the guy who places to be a dude's is actually one of the nicest people in Hollywood who would have thought that you could find one of Hollywood's biggest stars just playing pick-up hockey at the park or taking a ninety percent pay cut on a film to get other great actors on board all I'm saying is that this Keanu Reeves guy is much more than meets the eye this first one is for all my gamers out there gamers rise up am i right anyway so the dock of the town at Microsoft's 2019 e3 conference had to be Keanu Reeves announcing the release of the new cyberpunk 2077 game when Reeves walked out on stage the crowd was so stoked that they kept flustering him and his introduction to the game this all culminated in a crowd member screaming you're breathtaking the Reeves and Reeves responding by saying you're breathtaking and thus launching himself and to meme dumb yet again the cyberpunk creators wanted to build a character that looked like Reeves because why wouldn't you want to have Keanu Reeves in your game anyways Reeves will be voicing the character Johnny silver hands a rebellious Rockstar badass fighter sounds like the role Reeves was born to play John wick and neo are two of the biggest badasses we've seen in movie history but the guy who plays these two insane characters has a softer and more introspective side to him as well Reeves has a passion for writing and poetry on top of his acting skills in 2011 Reeves released a book with illustrator alexandra grant called ode to happiness having a rough childhood Reeves explores the idea of loss and sadness but in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way the book dives into a dark but humorous self regimen guide for those who have experienced loss which includes lounging and alone against silk pajama and moisturizing with I hate myself face cream the book cleverly takes a jab at the way we process our sadness as a society oh and this book is also selling on Amazon for five hundred seventeen dollars if reeves ever decides to quit making films he can definitely make a career at writing especially now that he's the biggest meme on the internet so we've established that Reeves has a way with stringing together words with pen and paper but this dude is literally one of the smoothest talkers of the last century I mean come on is this guy real life-like for real no wonder he's such a likeable guy in the recent Netflix movie always be my maybe Reeves plays an exaggerated version of himself from what we've seen of Reeves in real life making this exaggerated and scripted version of himself isn't that far off from how he really is while on The Ellen Show Reeves gave us a little taste into his love interest about five months before Keanu was on the show Sandra Bullock revealed that she had a crush on Keanu while they were on the set of speed back in the 90s I mean who can blame her but Reeves responded to that interview tape by saying that quote she obviously didn't know that I had a crush on her and honestly who can blame him their unspoken feelings for each other has had a ton of fans asking what could have been okay but hold on a second and watch this interview clip of Reeves on the set of speed talking about Bullock I mean are you kidding me you're telling me that neither of them caught on to what was happening there I don't know man it seems like we may not be getting the whole story here but either way I mean it's clear that Reeves is just a really sweet guy at the end of the day the Matrix series speed John wick one two and three this guy cannot stop making smashing box-office hits these movies collectively brought in about 2.4 billion dollars in revenue I think this gives the dude the right to live lavishly think again surprisingly Reeves is somehow just like the rest of us let's look at a couple examples Exhibit one here's a really sweet video of Keanu Reeves on the subway very humble from a dude who could be taking private helicopters everywhere he goes wait what was that he just gave up his seat to this lady who needed one who knew our boy kyani was such a gentleman exhibit two here's a photo of a humble Keanu Reeves just sitting on a park bench in eating a sandwich sure this picture may have become quite the meme hashtag sad Keanu how can you not love a movie star who does something as simple as this and finally exhibit three he does his own groceries okay look I know you're probably thinking what's the big deal with this but I mean it's Keanu Reeves doing groceries he makes anything look cool speaking of being just like the rest of us Reeves is not afraid to just do what he loves to do Reeves said when he first moved to Los Angeles he saw a couple of guys in a parking lot at a gas station that had hockey equipment in the back of their car Reeves found out that they were gonna play some pickup street hockey down the block B even avid hockey player in high school Reeves asked if he could play with them they said yes and he ended up playing hockey with them basically every weekend for the next ten years on a side note Reeves his nickname to his hockey playing friends is quote the wall but I mean for real who does that as I've been saying over and over and over again Reeves is clearly not afraid to humble himself and partake in the things we all enjoy even if it is just a pickup hockey game every way so next time you're in LA keep a lookout for your boy Keanu the wall Reeves posting up in the goal at some small la park we all know that sequels are what make the big bucks in Hollywood I mean Marvel is releasing endgame with quote more footage in order to pass up avatar as the highest-grossing movie of all time I mean we wouldn't say it's for that reason but we all know the truth anyways when Reeves was offered a role in the sequel to the successful film speed no one would have blamed him if he had taken the role made a [ __ ] ton of money and basked in it however Reeves shockingly turned down the role for the film you may be asking why did he do that and that is quite the valid question he said that he wanted to make time to tour with his band and play Hamlet in a small local production in LA crazy or not it's clear that Keanu Reeves is not one to be pushed around by money it's clear though that Reeves is clearly fond of having some of the greatest actors in the game in his movies so much so in fact that he has willingly taken a pay cut in order to collaborate with some amazing actors for the film the devil's advocate Reeves intentionally took a cut in compensation in order to bring on the great Al Pacino Reeves recalled saying to his producers is that all I have to do cuz I'll do it and let's just say Pacino really got the better end of that deal he was nominated for several different awards including the MTV Film Award for Best Villain for his role as John Milton in the film I mean it's no Godfather but still Pacino sure does have Reeves to thank for giving him the opportunity while Reeves is willing to give up major amounts of money to bring various actors on to his movies it is very apparent that Reeves is also very generous with the cash that he does get one Reddit user said that they were working on the film chain reaction starring Morgan Freeman and Keanu Reeves as an assistant prop designer for those of you who aren't familiar with jobs on a movie set these prop designer is pretty low on the totem pole but this worker said that Reeves was so generous that he took the stagehands and quote grunt workers out for breakfast and lunch every day for the last few weeks of filming and this isn't a one-time occurrence on another occasion Reeves helped out a set builder who is working on the matrix by giving him a 20 thousand dollar Christmas bonus Reeves heard that this set builder was having trouble making ends meet for his family so he gave him the money with no strings attached back in 1997 one of the most widely circulated paparazzi photos of Reeves was taken here you can see Reeves sitting with a homeless man and the two were just hanging out the story goes that Reeves was walking around Los Angeles and saw this man on the street so he decided to go get some drinks and snacks for the man Reeves returned to not only give him the drinks and snacks but it's also sit with him and just listen to his stories the paparazzi showed up before Reeves left to capture the moment otherwise as we can probably assume from mr. humble Reeves himself we would have no idea that this even happened I mean come on this is something that I guaranteed 98% of the planet would not do maybe we have a lesson to learn from Keanu on how to make this world a better place I mean how could you not love Keanu Reeves this guy is the best answer in the comments below what your favorite thing about Keanu Reeves is also make sure to LIKE and subscribe thanks for watching the richest and we will see you soon
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 1,508,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keanu Reeves, John Wick, Toy Story 4, Always Be My Maybe, John Wick 3, Keanu Reeves Meme, Speed, The Matrix, Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, Neo, Hollywood Stars, Keanu Reeves Relatable, Keanu John Wick, Keanu Neo, Keanu Reeves Toy Story 4, duke caboom, Toys Story, John Wick parabellum, keanu reeves movies, too good for this world, keanu reeves breathtaking, keanu reeves interview, Keanu Reeves wife, Netflix, Motorcycle
Id: aInbQ6YYZAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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