Why Kabbalah Is a Secret

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Simon Jacobsen here and we will be speaking about why Kabbalah is a secret so recently the word Kabbalah has become very popular fashionable program directors tell me that if you add Kabbalah to the title of a class or to the subject line in an email you get many more visitors and many more attendees most likely so what is it about the Kabbalah that intrigues people perhaps you can say may be connected to its aura of mystique the secret nature of couple that was always studied in secret but what exactly is couple and I would even say what exactly is a secret for that matter now we like the exotic we like the exotica things that are not obvious some people feel it like a refreshing breath of air that they're doing something that's out of the ordinary is the regular regimen and boring tedious monotony of our lives and hear your secrets the deeper secrets but I think what we really need to discuss is what exactly is a secret now what why are some things hidden and I think through that we can understand the deeper meaning and even the surprising secrets of what Kabbalah really is so that's what I'll be addressing and essentially going on a journey into like there was a journey 30 li 30,000 Leagues Under the Sea or 30,000 leagues under the earth so we're going on a journey this is not a physical journey it's a spiritual journey to plumb the deeper recesses of our psyches of the cosmos to understand ourselves in a different way by looking at that which is we'll call the secret part of our I know for some people the word secret conjures up all kinds of negative things the ugly stuff the stuff were ashamed of the stuff we do in private then no one sees but as we will discuss it will we will be discussing there is that element but the shrewdest the true secrets and the true hidden mysteries of our psyches our souls and will called traveling into the heart of our inner beings and their psyche is actually quite fascinating just like when you travel and you see today we have cameras that go deep under the sea or deep into caves and separate subterranean caverns and you discover this fascinating life that's there even the forces that shaped life above the ground if you think of a volcano being almost like a door that opens up from the belly of Earth and the hot lava and the tremendous heat that's lies at the center of our earth core at the core and then you see it explode and interrupt and you get that sense like the geysers in Yellowstone Park and you can also say psychologically and sometimes we have an eruption and we have a expression whether it could be anger or can be profound joy that also reveals and opens up something from our inner belly of our own being and as I've always talked about in contrast to Freudian classic Freudian thought that at the heart the belly of the human being is a beast the hid we go with the approach and I think this is based on a universal Torah psychological approach that at the belly of who you are is not a beast is actually an angel a beautiful beautiful elements that are waiting to be released so we're going to talk about this and the whole idea of secrets and the hidden and through that come back and understand why is cabal a secret so I'll begin with a very simple analogy we talk about secrets interesting paradox and that is that when someone asks you about the weather or to speak about sports or about the economy or about Trump or about any other lightning rod of our times we usually have a lot to say people talk talk talk you see talk radio people talking gossiping conversations about superficial things that really don't have necessarily much meaning and not definitely not life-and-death significance and we can talk and talk we have a lot of words just turn on a radio turn on a TV go to the internet and just see the the gap the gap right the jack what they call the jabber yentas it's called the constant the flow of conversation when someone comes by contrast and asked you tell me about yourself tell me about the real you what makes you tick the inner part of yourself of your psyche you'll find that people have very few words not only because they don't trust someone to share with them but even with people we trust we don't have many words or lack of words when it comes to deeper experiences which seems like an oddity it seems like a ironic actually because when it comes to self the thing you know most the thing that's closest to you the thing that matters most to you the things you love the things you don't love the needs you have the inner needs it would seem that you have a lot to say because it's like what you really live with the things that really matter the things that give you bring your happiness the things that cause you sadness your psychological sense of self your fears your confidences your insecurities the whole works we find very few words but when it comes to these superficial things we can talk and talk and talk and talk how much can we talk about the weather endless some people actually find it great because it's a great distraction there's nothing else to talk about could always say you know what let's talk about the weather it was gonna snow it didn't snow it may snow there's always tomorrow then snow it's gonna turn cold oh it's so cold never seen so much cold then comes the heat I mean great and then all the other superficial nonsense that we can go on and on and on about I'm nothing against sports we all love sports but look I'm a sports radio I sometimes listen just to see how millions of people what they're preoccupied and even out of the season there's the trading season and then there's the post season and there's the preseason and then there's the season and then there's the analysis and this mistake and that mistake all about what a game that makes them really no difference in anything that really matters in life so it's not just the game now the game has a whole culture around the game and analysis before the game and after the game and they they march all the experts of X coaches football coaches to analyze and halftime reports and postgame reports and pregame reports Superbowl is coming that's the whole culture of its own a whole day a whole week for some people it's a whole month etcetera etcetera etcetera let's talk about ourselves let's talk about our state of happiness we don't have much to say real things ok some people say well that's why go to a therapist I pay a therapist to listen to me most people are not interested what's going on inside of me but it's more than that we really find less words when we have to do you express a deeper thing why is that so I've discussed this many many times it's a fascinating paradox but it reveals an unbelievable truth that's always vital to hold on to and here's the rule the deeper the experience the less tools and instruments do we have to express that experience the more casual the more shallow the experience the more expression there is to use the language of the Kabbalists talk about the mystics the Kabbalists Kabbalah where there's greater light there's less containers where there's more containers there's less light because the intensity of a deeper intimate feeling the simply cannot be contained by just conventional language so we talk about things that don't have much so-called light and energy in it you can go on and on and on but we talked about something that had let's say a very deep impact on you let's speak both positive and negative tremendously positive joyous moment moment of all a magical moment and someone to explain or to describe it you'll say it's beyond description that's usually the words we use I can't really describe its indescribable you had to be there you have to see it for yourself you have to experience it yourself that doesn't mean we have any words but we don't have many words because it's the the intensity of the experience far overwhelmed so to speak and like it's like pouring a liquid that completely overwhelms the container in which you want to use because the intensity of the experience is so much more powerful the same thing that i got- trauma describe trauma describe your feelings even after time it comes very difficult we can burst out crying and we see when people experience from their have no words they can't even cry because there's no expression well soon talk about that some more so that's the interesting thing the deeper the experience the more real it is the more intimate it is the less containers you have to describe it so what do we do to describe a more intense experience we use the language of metaphor it could be poetry it could be music song other forms of expression you see now it's instead of me describing to you let me sing you a song or let me paint for you I'll draw for you an image then try the visual that will capture that experience and when that's inadequate the metaphor language is derivative well then we resort to sometimes just one word you'll say leave a leave a can contain more than entire volumes of books when it comes from the guts of your kiss kiss from the inner or we say out always say oh my god again positive and negative very short one-word expressions and then they're experienced that even one word expression is too much of a context and sometimes silence like I said shock when you're shocked you can't even cry that's why in trauma and in the catharsis necessary to heal you need it stage of shock then you need to help somebody cry and express their grief and then go on God forbid anyone going through anything like this why because the experience is so intense there's no sound even sound alone even the cry or the laugh is just simply too much so basically it goes exactly disproportionate to each other the more or the more energy light the less container the more container the less light and look at the human body and you see it very clearly which part of the body has the most intense concentrated amount of energy and and faculties the head the head has the brain it has our auto factory our smell it has our sound our ears it has our sight as our mouth basically the primary senses and the functions of the human being are all concentrated in this head now that doesn't mean other parts of the body don't have functions and the head relatively is the smallest part of the body as you travel down the torso so yes we have the heart we have the liver we have the lungs with the diaphragm we have the kidneys we have other forces of elements we have our arms but there compare that to the functions in the head they're far less intense they're necessary they're far more functional they're not as ethereal the major part of human beings function that allows way the basically the hard drive is right over here the central nervous system and it's the smallest part the torso is double maybe triple the size that and then the legs which have the least amount of organs or their legs yes there's the genitals there's other elements there the legs of course have muscles and tendons but as far as faculties goes what faculty the legs have not many and there have the body so the legs are half the torso you could say is that say another 1/2 of the more than a half you could save I mean this is the just average I'm just calculating if you say the legs are around 50% of the human being a little more maybe maybe 60% I would say then 30% is the or 25% would be the torso and the head would be the less the less fit last 15% 15% 25 and 60 something like that there you have it the more they contain the more the energy the less the smaller the container so there you have the anatomy of what a secret is a secret really it not just me keep a secret because it's confidential or - trade secret or ashamed of it or we don't want anyone stealing it for whatever all the other reasons a real secrets the secrets that we carry that lay buried in our hearts and our inner insides are the things that are least expressible but we live in a world of expression like Madison Avenue cynics will say it's not what happened it's not important what happened it's important what people think happens if the spin it's the you know after a president speaks or some of this right away the spinners the spin doctors start spinning the story it's the impression people have how much is invested in the package and how much is invested in the product itself you tell me you walk down the street Fifth Avenue anywhere the window dressings the packaging the marketing it's not all bad but it's basically telling you that people are attracted to externals very expressive you could have a lot of noise and glitz a lot of sizzle and no steak right and if you think about many of our even pleasures and lusts and desires think about it at the moment of the desire it's like nothing more powerful and then afterwards you say to yourself so what did I had gained I had that moment of pleasure nothing lasts no fruits doesn't bear fruit there's no next generation I'm talking about pure Hellenistic pleasure obviously intimacy and sexuality that's translated in a sacred way in a family building a family then it's focused and it's being used for something greater than personal indulgence but anything that's personally involved in anything that is there's moments they may have they may be very appealing and very seductive but there's not a lot of energy that remains from it it's what it is and then you need the next high it's like sugar a good rush very pleasant but there's no substance we live in a world where unfortunately much of what's going on is not substance it's the package it looks good others like it makes you look good in front of others the whole garment industry style even the art industry what really determined that a piece of art should sell for a hundred million dollars is because there's an elite clientele that want to feel superior so they've created this culture now I'm not saying these artists aren't great men but what could have been sold for half a minute but then nothing exclusive about it so how much is real and how much is let's call amplified if not exaggerated just to point out how we live in a world where if you use the Kabbalistic terminology a world with very very intense and expanded containers but sometimes very little light inside that would be a lot of sizzle very little steak where's the beef very many people succeed because they present well they know how their gift of gab as I mentioned they have the way of looking now that doesn't mean every good presenter doesn't have anything to say just like the guy that set up just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean no one's doesn't mean no one wants to get me not just because somebody's a good present doesn't mean they're selling nonsense but you could sell nonsense you could have someone that's excellent artist manipulated or emotion owes how to manipulate emotions and they're selling your packages and you come home you're unpacked and you say it's a garbage but it'd look good so the secrets that we carry within us what really defines our beings are fundamentally defy natural and conventional expression which is why we need other language which is why we need the metaphor or the song or other forms of expression to express that which regular language labor the containers are not good enough so if you have a container a little cup that's good for a certain amount of liquids if the liquid is very very intense much more than this Cup that container is not going to be sufficient you need different types of containers not just a larger container you may need more ethereal containers just like someone says to you okay I know how to measure my blood pressure I know how to measure that the temperature outside but how do you measure someone's love you right away see I'm sitting it's a good question on their instruments to measure love the answer is you can't use a physical container because love is more ethereal love is more of a spiritual thing you can't use a physical measure measure a yardstick to measure a spiritual or an emotional or intellectual just like some will say to you write down this table let's just let's say two feet wide and and four feet length long okay eight square feet how many apples can I put on this table so you'll say okay an apple is let's say five inches so you make a measurement let's say I could put 100 apples on this table then I ask you this question how many ideas can you fit into the mind to the brain now the brain is much smaller than this table the brain is a little larger than our palm and we all know they're more than 100 ideas in our brain more than a thousand more than a million and no one really knows a number so you start thinking okay one second what does that mean it means that the ideas are not containable the regular contain ideas don't occupy space quite like an apple but it occupies space but in a very different way like if you're familiar with the mathematics 101 the first thing you learn in geometry literally the first class there's a point there's a line and there's a plane a point does not occupy space that's why a point there are infinite points in any given line a line is the shortest point the shortest way to go from one point to another point but in the line that selves they're infinite points and of course the obvious question everyone asks is what happens if it's a line one inch line a two inch line a 20 inch line a million mile line do they all have the same amount of infinite points something to wrap your head around some say yes because the point doesn't occupy space the fact that we make a data and paper that is just to give us something to hold on to so you see there that there's a whole different way of measuring things when you're dealing with intensity like intense emotions to say okay I'm going to put my love inside of a cup that doesn't make any sense just like someone says let me touch your ideas you can't touch ideas it's not even in that world so therefore you need different type of containers much more subtle containers like I said metaphor so in a world where we measure things by very pure size and by pure weight and by length and width and so on and depth there those are tangible containers and they could only contain a certain amount of energy but when you start getting into deeper levels of energy ideas emotions spirituality love and so on then you cannot speak in those terms you can't use those containers are not enough that's why conventional language doesn't work so you need to find a new language a language that is that that hints the things and that's the language of the secret world of Kabbalah the language of the inside world the inner world the inside story of our lives and of existence so you ask what is Kabbalah mean you think Kabbalah would be translated as secrets so there is a word called Saad therefore that four ways of interpreting and understanding and idea in the Torah one is called their acronym Paradise which means an orchard so practice has four letters pay is the shot means literal interpretation that's surface level like I would say this is a table that's boishakh there's a rebus which is allegorical interpretation like this table is a metaphor for something it's a little you see a little more subtle type of you may use the word table like a table of contents so there it doesn't just mean a table it means an order of things then there is the third rush the Dalit paisa Jewish means the Talmudic the homiletic this is the legal and the analytical analysis of an idea and it's and it's full in full glory and it finally is this the sama paradise is sod secrets secret why it's a secret it's a mystical esoteric dimension let's say within this table and it's actually four steps you can say four dimensions one would roll them the other of the same idea so you can take an idea say ok on the surface level that means this on a leg or allegorical remiz level that means this on a rush homiletic level that means this and then I see a secret esoteric mystical level it means as follows and I'll just use an example let's say let's take water it's raining outside so rain we know is water water is h2o on a Sat level it's raining you put on a raincoat you protect yourself take an umbrella or rain waters the fields and makes things grow you know whatever rain is an extensible surface level shot level if you go on the remans level rain you find no raindrops keep falling on my head a beautiful song it's used in poems it it has all kinds of allegorical meaning it's so you've seen in many romantic scenes suspenseful scenes rain adds a dimension it has a sentiment to it rain it could be positive it can be little negative it could be not so negative it could be a little like a little like foggy type of hinting to some drama then you have the deeper Talmudic you know rain its implications and and what what what the the legal matters if it rains and and its technical scientific dimension to it and so on and then there's the mystical the mystical goes into that rain represents higher spiritual states of Hesed of a flow of kindness water is a flow so you see that you look at it you can see on the surface of you can think the body level and there's the soul so everything has a body and a soul when you read a book you see this analysis of literature when the there's the D Company D Company composed decomposition or decomposing of literature so you read the story there's ten simple story what it means under surface level you analyze a little more you find the hints George Orwell wrote 1984 people been reading all kinds of hints into it was you referring to the communists then you find the deeper meaning on the Jewish level then you finally come and you find even deeper mystical meanings so an interesting book on Michelangelo's art and what was it called secrets of the Sistine Chapel something like that and they actually show how he the secrets that he hid into it's many of them actually Kabbalistic secrets that he started with Cabalists and his Florence Italy it was childhood and you see this all the time in art especially Anna music the hints that artists embed within their works so if you think of it let's talk about more scientific level water H is water is water it's wet we know it's made of h2o hydrogen two parts of hydrogen to one part of oxygen hydrogen oxygen are the elements elements are made up of molecules molecules are made up of atoms atoms are made up of subatomic particles subatomic particles are made up of sub subatomic particles and how far down the rabbit hole can we go who knows we continue to journey has anybody ever seen an atom nope can you describe an atom no there little image we see in high school that they give us looks like a clump of okay the Kalam political grapes a cluster of grapes with black and white which is the neurons and the protons and electrons is just a working model to make us have something better no one can see an atom because there's no instrument that can measure it molecules can be seen but you cannot see an atom so right there you have example and the atom is the most intense of all energies in the atom the splitting of the atom of fusion and fission and yet an atom doesn't take up any space or takes up summer so my noble space that we can't even measure it the same paradox the more energy the less container the more tangible it is the more expressive it is and that's why it becomes a mysterious world of the subatomic world yes with scientific breakthroughs and different testing and speeding up the particles as well as heating them we've discover all kinds of their properties but it's all through extrapolation so when you look at go back now to Kabbalah saw the secret the secret is the innermost dimension that is less tangible but far more real far more defines the phenomenon or the experience or the individual or the element so if you're talking about the h2o the molecules the sub that are atoms the subatomic then there's the spiritual DNA the spiritual atoms and subatomic particles that define and shape water and the same thing with other fire and so on that's with the couple so the kabbalah is dealing with the engine-room but i asked a question before so you think kabbalah means secrets these secrets these secrets that go beyond the conventional definitions and the containers of our lives the instruments that we usually use so you think the kabbalah means secret not kabbalah means to receive reception okay that's pretty strange how about is reception and receiving have to do with our discussion but it's fascinating what has to do with because it tells us not just what it is that's the secret that tells us now the secret of accessing this secrets because the next question is how do we go there when it comes to science scientists are figuring out different ways to measure and to discover the forces that are beneath the surface that are invisible but shape all of existence how do we enter the inner dimension inner dimension of our own secrets the secrets of our soul the secrets of our psyche the secrets of our love the secrets of what makes us tick and as we are a microcosm the same thing the secrets of the cows of entire existence so Kabbalah doesn't just tell us that it's a secret it tells us how it's true become it's through reception and becoming a receptacle so you can interpret Cabal in two ways that you receive Kabbalah is based on the reception of a student from a teacher that really means Kabbalah ish maybe ish you don't create your own mystical and inner understanding these are things we passed or passed on from teacher to student so inherent in the process of studying it means it needs to be received from a teacher before you but the deeper meaning is that we need to be in a state of receptivity and this is the secret to the secret as long as you're not in a state of receptivity you know what you're gonna be you're gonna be a product of the outer world of containers you talk a lot like we said we can talk about the weather you need to experience the deeper secrets you need to quiet down your outer containers your gift of gab the sizzle the selling the pitching the self-interest involved you need to get into a state of humility where everything is silenced silence is the way to hear your inner voice so when a person is busy all day whether they're busy being salesman selling something or buying something or busy socializing or busy showing off or busy with friends now all kinds of all that busyness that I said on the surface level and then that inner secret remains very distant and very hard to access when you shut out shut down the volume you lower the volume of all this interference and all this turbulence and all the static of our lives then what emerges is that inner voice that's why you have the verse that says when Elijah was waiting God said I will appear to you so the first thing that came there was a great wind it says labor - Akash I'm not in the wind then came a great screech Thunder ray this was a labor Rajesh am NOT in the thunder he thought to do and then came a great fire he said LOI by a sham not in fire so where's God says kill the mama doctor a subtle gentle voice so when you really want to see the intensity of something in its purest form you know what you look at look at a child a newborn child they can't speak it they can't communicate they're not selling anything they're just the purest innocent form of who we really are so just as the paradox works one way that the more expression the more container is the less intensity it works all the way around the less expression the more intensity and that's the most important thing of all what we call a Hasidic terminology and Kabbalistic terminology bittle suspension of self suspension of all these outer containers and all the noise that's being made and then what emerges is that quiet gentle subtle voice of your deepest insights and which is far more intense then everything you'll ever say and scream about now we talk about the Levites in the Kohanim the priests and the Levites so says the Levites served in the temple with song this the priests served in silence the question is asked which is greater most people would say song song is beautiful it evokes feelings silence is just nothing going on and the answer is no song is great and expresses profound profound ecstasy and profound yearning and profound pleasure and so on but silence expresses the essence that does not have expression so when you find someone who's silent in a real experience and they're just completely in awe that silence has much more power than all the sounds in the world well the sound of silence and more thundering in many ways and you see it both in good and positive and negative there's no Sun gives you the silent treatment so when your love would care about much more painful than when they yell at you because yelling of these you know what they're saying right silence is this almost like also on the positive end you'll see true experiences you ever have an experience that really touches you and then you know what its own says so what was your reaction I was I was stunned each time Emmett says the expression I was silenced and I just sat sometimes you just said Wow now you have an expression you just take it in and absorb it that is far more profound than expression now mind you that we're going to be talking about this some more the goal obviously is to express the inexpressible but the first thing you need to distinguishes between expression and non expression and that the non expression has more power than the expression and that's the process that when you're sitting before your teacher or you're studying something karbala means it's not about you you put yourself aside and then what happens is the real you emerges not the projected you the one that going through all these motions and and entertaining and all the the machination x' and an entertaining elements of us entertaining a world around us the real you emerges in that sounds and that humility and that's what the Cabal teaches not just that it's a secret but how do you access the secrets to access the secret you have to be able to enter there how could you enter you can't enter with noise you can't enter with your with all these containers you need to push put aside you have to almost lower the volume silence all these loud noises and get to that subtle gentle silent voice so that's why cabal is called cabal because it's teaching us the method the way we enter there even knowing yourself you have to sounds your own voice that you use all day at work so for example Shabbat what's Shabbat job is about all week long we're performing all week long we're working we are producing Shabbos comes and says six days you produce six days you create you work on the seventh day God yeah God rested excuse me what does it mean God rest he got tired no it means he went back into a state of repose interstate of going back into his own inner self creation is creating something like outside of yourself building something so the same thing we do on Shabbos we try to shut down as much as possible our material investments our creation our production we go back to a silent state of just absorbing of experiencing the inner as opposed to the outer now six days a week not one six days a week we're at work because that's the intention the purpose of existence is not to remain in that inner place is to go into an outer world and bridge the two and come to appreciate in a use expression to express the inexpressible so Shabbos is meant to inform the other six days of the week that's where Shabbos blesses those six days but there's two different realities and we each need both in a way when we wake up in the morning and we say a prayer we study something that's more like the Shabbos of each day you focusing more on the inner experience then you go out to work and you work with ethically and I think a mensch but it's informed by that inner dimension people are really connected to this inner sense of self and the and which is ultimately through the study and experience of Kabbalah they are able to access it all the time and it becomes that which informs their all their activities they go to work they see their work as a means to express their inner self or to express the divine inner self within each of us within all of existence so there you have the general picture of what secrets are secrets the real secrets are really the real you that is often often buried or covered up and hidden within the external shells of our lives and those shells have a tendency to actually continue to conceal those inner cells sense of self because that's what their nature is their nature is their by expression they're defined not by silence that's fine by expression by the glitz by the sizzle the intention and purpose is that we should be able to travel in words and that in words should inform and express what ethics and and inexpressible should be the force that we express that which is undefined which is in deterministic in the language of quantum mechanics becomes the font it becomes expressed into the deterministic world so that's ultimately the goal the ultimate the goal is not just to enter those secret places but to bring those secrets to reveal them and the way that we live on the surface level informed by and directed and guided by the inner voice that inner silent voice so imagine if you have both worlds you can sing a song you can express a statement but it's informed by and it's spirit is driven by an inner silent place those are people who are truly integrated that their inner silence their inner core is what defines their lives and all their outer expression is just an expression of that inner core that would be the ultimate Kabbalist the ultimate workable Kabbalah but by definition therefore Kabbalah is a secret why because not just the secret because it was only the elite that studied it because it's not appreciated on that outer dimension because it's very easily abused you can just start to talk about you feel like I said earlier it's exotic secrets this secret that secret cabal by definition requires humility and humility requires a certain discrete modest dignified approach it's not something okay we're gonna sell Kabbalah now that's the latest fad it's the exact opposite so there was a time in history the Kabbalah was studied as the Mishna says very privately one-on-one only one person because not only because it's a secret but because it can be appreciated it's not meant to be a mass-produced commercial thing it's meant to be a personal intimate experience intimacy is experienced very privately but as generations went on especially the holy Ariza in the 16th century and then his successors felt the need and saw that the darkness of the world was getting so intense materialism was becoming so powerful science was displacing faith that they saw the need then now the time has come to begin a mitzvah to reveal this inner and even though there was the risk that it would be sometimes abused or misunderstood or misused but to do anything and that in the classic analogy of the rebel a tiny rabbi schneider's almond of the ADI who's your type we celebrated we honored last week he said once when one of his students or colleagues or said that look people are going to not appreciate these inner secrets they'll just trample over them and as divine providence would have it as they were walking they saw a piece of Hasidic literature a page on the floor which is like desecration so this colleague said to them about the rubbish near Zalman you see on the floor it's like it was symbolic of not being appreciated I could die jewels most precious jewels are on the floor mean that and about and the rubbish news AMA gave the beautiful analogy sad but also beautiful analogy of the child King the Great King had one child the heir to the throne before falls deathly ill and the doctors given up hope doctors from all over the world nobody can save this job finally one doctor somewhere from a 1-up some obscure place comes and says there's one hope left the king who had of course the most precious jewels on earth had the most precious jewel in his crown was a very rare stone says if you crush that stone and you take the powder and mix it with with with water and try to force it between the clenched teeth of the comatose child even if one job gets in it may save his life may save his life as the king the King without hesitation what does he need his crown why does he need his kingdom for his empire without his child so immediately they took they took the they took it this loan and and we didn't know for sure and many of much of it would drop on the floor like that page on the floor it would spill but one drop goes into him it was worth it and that was his analogy that yes we will take the crown jewel the most expensive which is the inner dimension of the most intimate secrets of this wisdom the secret of the soul and until now this would have been given only to very few select few who are worthy who were humble who would not abuse it who wouldn't turn it into a business but because life and death is at stake here we're dealing with a generation that is spiritually comatose like this child you do whatever it takes and if you need to you take even the most precious inner dimensions of the secrets and as of the deepest secrets of existence and you allow everybody to study it some of it may spell true but some of it may save lives I for one can say that without these teachings I don't know if I'd be Who I am today I don't know if I'd be alive I don't know if I'd be maybe physically alive but spiritually definitely not so this is one of the reasons that that which was such a secret that's so intimate again secret not because of copyrights or trade secrets because by definition it's not something that you just experience on the surface level it's not just walking down the street and just okay hey why not let's get a drink of water let's have a coffee it's not superficial that's why it was really so preserved to maintain its integrity but when it when it's necessary in a world that has become increasingly materialistic with so much leisure so much competition so many vices that seduced us whether sexuality whether it's entertainment whether it's this nonsense that on so many things you need to have a competitive force that touches the deepest part of your soul so this secret song the song of silence is tortas with their expectation in the hope that some of it will get into our clenched teeth and revive and awaken us and that's the power that it has of course there's another reason is because before the dawn is always the darkest for the dawn as the dawn of the Messianic era breaks the tsar says that that before that we will have a taste like we taste on unser Friday of the foods and this and the and the delicacies of shabbat Shabbos so we have a taste of the future secrets that will be revealed using the expression that The Book of Isaiah says and you're higher in a racist miracle a kind of a maraca well that's the other way and nothing will that there will not be a kind of a a garment that will conceal your face the student will see your face directly that means at this point the deepest secret sometimes have to be covered that's where the Holy of Holies is covered that's why it's a Moses when he came down from the mountain his face with sorts of glow it had to be concealed for this reason that I said because a very materialistic a very coarse world cannot appreciate such intensity it's like trying to look at the Sun without shades but that says miss Diana cage at the end of times and the world will be refined that you'll be able to look at the face of the teacher of the master and other expressions that talk about the in the book of Song of Songs but the revelation of the deepest secrets Shekinah Mina Sheikh is pure she the commentary it says shake hey Nia kiss you with the kisses of my mouth he says those are the secrets of love there'll be the revelation of the inner secrets of this wisdom that will be revealed because we have done enough work that we can then access it obviously with the goal the the way to do so is through the humility I was describing in the Kabbalah but the bottom-line goal is that we will ultimately reveal these secrets and they will emerge and they will ultimately be accessible so that's why these ideas are taught today that still means that we each of us have to learn to appreciate it and not abuse it but nevertheless we are given the opportunity because of this necessity I can tell you from my own experience much of my teachings much of the things I are coming from these teachings as I've learned them from my teacher who was a great kabbalist and a great mystic and a great Hasidic master sage Rabi naka Mendel Schneerson who in turn his father was a great kabbalist his father-in-law was the previous River going back to rubbish Nizam and seven generations later and going back to the market of ms rich and the baal shem tov in a unbroken chain all the way back to that result and I mean many others in between all the way back to Moses at Sinai where the for these secrets were first revealed and even Abraham attributed to Abraham is the first work most people feel the first Kabbalistic or called the book of formation say for yet Sarah very cryptic a mystical but written by Abraham composed by Abraham so there's a lot more to be said on this but the point I'm making here is that we have these masters and teachers who have taught it and then and the message that it teaches us is really the secrets of your soul it's really a blueprint of what makes you tick like I mentioned before just like their subatomic particles there's the DNA the spiritual DG of the genome just like on a cellular structure there's the spiritual Janome that each of us has and also that of the cosmos so when you study this these ideas you're studying things that are secrets that are intimate that are not measurable with the art sticks and with conventional instruments and tools but doesn't mean they make them less real makes them more real because today we know that these invisible forces that will shape our lives god forbid one mutation on that level so once upon a time size matters everything was what you saw you know something bigger was stronger no no no today what is smaller is stronger the atom packs more energy than anything in in existence because the nuclear energy concentrated in those in those microscopic and minut particles is far more intense I think it was not with the whose it was Sir author our thirst or Arthur Eddington I believe who gave that analogy when he was asked about the beginning of quantum mechanics and they were talking about subatomic particles no one has ever seen them how do you come to all these weird that they were weird weird conclusions that were that defied the conventional logic and counterintuitive to conventional physics and science no one has ever seen them and he gave that analogy of the fishermen who spread his net across the seas of the world and then began to gather different fish began documenting what he caught the different species and the different colors and the different types and the different sizes and and the day after its long analysis long research and measurements came to a conclusion there are no fish in the sea that are shorter than a half inch long and he was about to go make a big announcement that he discovered there no fish in the sea that assured an official his little daughter however like with Emperor no clothes said what are you talking about daddy I've seen fish with smaller shorter and she didn't have any research behind there are no signs she just saw little goldfish and other fish that are shorter than half inch long and became obvious what his mistake was what was the mistake his net had ropes that were half inch spaces so all the fish that were shorter than half inch long fell back into the sea so all you needed to do is make a statement like this that when you use a net with half inch spaces you're never going to catch fish that are shorter than half inch long but who needs a scientist to tell us that the point that Eddington was making was that it's all about what tools you use so don't say I I don't believe in love show me love if you showed me on the screen you show it to me in a under microscope or a telescope I'll accept you need different tools to experience love you need to be a person with a heart and you feel someone who's loving to you one of the specific crab is the physical bad Reber when he was a child he was playing with his older brothers they're absorbing iron I'm Sean bear with playing his children and what his children do they play what they see their parent their father was a great rabbit so one of them rubs Amin are dressed up like a faucet like a disciple and the and he came just his brother absalom death bears that children and says Reb came to like a hospital Reb they were playing classes Reb follow a disciple and teacher and he says the rapid eruption says his brother he says so what is a jewel what is a human being his brother says a human being is fire so the brother of zom nam grabs his brother's hand and says if your fire why don't I get burnt what was his answer when fire touches fire it doesn't get burnt fire touches an object that's not fire will burn so it all comes down to what tools you use you want to experience fire in a real way you have to be fire yourself you want experience love you have to have love within you a stone is not going to experience love from a human being the point matter is it's all about the instruments the kalyan so certain containers are just not fitting they're not fitting just like I said before with the apples on the table ideas are ethereal by nature they are subtle and they have to be looked at the measured in a different way that's how you measure ideas feelings also and definitely on the spiritual dimension so the Kabbalah talks about that inner map the in map of the inner you the inner world in what's going on beneath the surface and the parallels are fascinating by the way between cabbalistic mystical teachings and quantum mechanics and the world of the subatomic very very fascinating including even in the dimension of things that is called they call they called the quantum mind or the cotton brain and a psychological level our unconscious or super conscious the Cabal talks a lot about the super conscious and how the consciousness emerges from the super conscience so this is not a class to talk about the ideas are called I've done that in other classes and if you want links just go to meaningful I have that comment search Church or send us an email and our site meaningful life that come we'll send you some links but here I'm talking more about the essential teaching itself which is the teaching of the secrets now for a person who travels in that place comfortably they are comfortable with they don't see it as a secret like you know something it still requires different tools to access but that's the comfortable place and frankly I remember when I wrote a meaningful have the publisher told me remember Robert Jacobson today everybody's comfortable with the invisible their phones computers television the visible is drive is drives our lives then visible glides our lives everything time you could talk to someone you're not dealing with a wire or you're dealing with you're dealing with invisible forces that are being manipulated whether it's the ear waves sound waves light waves the same level that on the human level that the DNA the cellular the chromosomes and as I spoke about the subatomic all these are invisible forces but they are what gives the power to the microchip they give the power to all these communication devices and to all the advancements in technology how is it possible than a small microchip today you have more power 50 years ago you wouldn't need it two blocks or ten blocks of computing power of machines because as we get to more a force more quality we need less quantity and we get more quantity there's less quality so today little little things that are tiny carry more power than once upon a time something that was so big remember those early cell phones those big but look where we're going so these are all lessons in our own lives about the invisible and understanding and after and the map of the invisible realities and learning yes to express the inexpressible and to the define the undefinable so be able to express your deepest feelings in words it's not easy to do but when you are able to be humble and have the Kabbalistic the kabbalah within you when you relate to things in that type of way of absorbing instead of exuding that bittle that humility that suspension of self is what allows you to really experience everything because without that you're still it's you you may be a great person but you're only as great as you are when a person suspends themselves and they become a channel for something greater than themselves then they can channel things that are far greater than you are and that's the key to all of us is becoming a channel is becoming a conduit for realities that are greater than ourselves but then we become part of it because it's an expression of our innermost self now the innermost self that we think we are to project itself that performs that entertains that produces that makes a lot of noise but that quiet that's called mama Daka that little silent subtle voice inside you and everybody knows what that is in the way it's extremely purified to be able to touch that innocent place within us that place that was that jaded by vanity or ego or hurt by others very pure place you know it could be the Rosebud of mr. Kane and in the classic in the classic film that some considered the greatest film of all time whether it is or not that I'll leave up to you Citizen Kane but the rosebud the reflection the memory of the pure snow of the pure innocence of childhood in a way something that we always see we're all seeking with all our ambitious pursuits to touch that pure place sometimes we have that when that experience then you realize everything I've been doing was to have that reconnect to that place and then bridge it into that outer world so have sizzle but the sizzle should be a real sizzle reflecting the stake not the other way around that the sizzle and the outer expression should be an expression of that inner secret place so secrets good secrets ours what we're looking for the negative secrets of things that we the ugly side of our lives the dark side the people that were ashamed of different discussion it's not free here that's not the secret sometime but I'm talking about secrets that purify you that's sanctify you and make you feel uplifted that are empowering not demoralizing and that's the secret of Kabbalah the Kabbalistic secret this is a study of the secrets through the ability to receive the ability to be suspended oneself and to allow these deeper truths to come into today the study of Kabbalah is through the study of Hasidic thought I've dedicated my entire life to translate these ideas to make them accessible many programs that talk about this every Sunday night I have a thing called my life as its applied that takes these teachings and applies them to real-life situations whether it's dealing with our own inner struggles family issues other other challenges that we may have and of course we have this Wednesday night class and we have a thing that goes out now we're through twice a week old soul workout these are like short emails and short videos that you can use as tools life skills to be able to work out yourself to exercise it so please take advantage of all these offerings they're free most of them some of them lead you to places that yes may cost something but it's well worth it you could check it out all that meaningful live.com it's an honor to be able to be that type of conduit to be that type of link in the chain to pass on what I received so then you can pass on what you receive and we overcome in that sense Cibola the cobbling recipient recipients that are carrying on the chain from one generation to the next trying to preserve the integrity and reveal these deeply innermost secrets that make us tick the powers that make us tick so please stay in touch you can email must share like follow using all the all the technologies where our facebook as you can see live and as well as youtube instagram and all the other social media some of them I don't even know how to pronounce but we're trying to use all the channels to get this message out please share it please pass it on give us your feedback any suggestions any critique we are all well we welcome at all then an honor a pleasure we're here every Wednesday night next Wednesday the class will not be live and local it will be only broadcast online but there will be a class every Wednesday but it just will not be live and local we will return two weeks live and local and continue this journey and everyone be blessed and may your secrets shine forth your unique light illuminating and warming your environment and the world around you everyone be blessed thank you so much
Channel: Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
Views: 149,722
Rating: 4.76723 out of 5
Keywords: rabbi simon jacobson, kabbalah, chassidus, esoteric, mysticism, secrets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 20sec (3680 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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