Why It's Time to Say Goodbye to the Tesla Model X

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called that just like that hold it strong ready all right it is time for us to say goodbye to our Tesla Model X that we've had about a year and a half we got it March 2022 and it's now August of 2023 and carvana is coming tomorrow to pick it up and sell it and we're going to sell it to them and so we're just going to talk to you about what we're going to miss the reasons we're glad it's going away um and kind of what we're doing next so let's start with you because this was your car you drove it way more than me this is my wife Stephanie I'm Chris and um why don't we start with the things that you're going to miss about it that you really liked that she's going to get a model y spoiler alert and what you're going to miss going from an X to a y I'm going to miss the yolk um I'm gonna miss that's going to be a controversial one well I don't like your yolk yeah right but I do like this one and I'm gonna miss stockless it just I've gotten so lazy because I mean everything is right there yeah so you like the capacitor buttons yes okay and the elk yeah a lot of people don't like those which that's fine I don't care I know well whatever I don't know um so that's pretty interesting so from like a driving perspective those are the main things you're going to miss what about like other features of the car um I'm going to miss I'll say that screen no keep going um oh yeah the driver display yeah it's nice to have like the power and everything right there in front of me in the directions right there in front of me without having to constantly look over at the center screen so I notice when I drive your car it's kind of like it takes me a second to be like oh yeah to check my speed I have to look over this way right I really enjoy this driver display too mostly because it makes the main display bigger because there's less information on the main display so on the 3 and Y all your info was here taking up like a fourth of your screen almost whereas on the X all that is off to the side and you get this huge Center screen to do all your other stuff so not only is the screen and the X bigger there's more real estate on on the bigger screen so yeah I agree with that so in terms of driving those are all the driving Parts what about like acceleration do you hear about that because the Y will be a bit slower I I don't care about that I notice the difference but I mean I need it yeah okay um so anything better than a gas car as well yeah that I mean I'm happy with electric in general sure yeah um so then yeah driving wise like anything else like from being in the driver's seat so smooth and the suspension is amazing but I've heard that the new y gonna be nice too the difference in your car to this one like yeah I noticed just on the dirt road yours is definitely a little like bumpier but it's not something I would pay 50 Grand more for yeah double double the price of the vehicle yeah that's like kind of the biggest thing here I'm gonna miss the space in general just there's so much space in this car um I'm I have a love-hate relationship with Falcon Wing doors um I like them in the rain when I'm putting the kids in the car seats because they give you a little shield and it's just nice like having all of that headspace and being able to like get the kids in and out of the car and for them to easily climb in and out there's just a lot of room with them I'm gonna miss being able to control them from my phone yeah just being like okay kids doors are open get in the car and also not ever worrying that when they open the doors they're gonna hit the car next to us that's going to be that's going to be tough yeah yeah you'll have to deal with that yeah okay so Falcon Wing doors yep I agree with that all right what else can you think of for your positives about the x that you're gonna miss moving to a y I mean it's a great car I mean yeah so nothing else specifically no it's just it's the nicest car that I've ever had ever driven Yeah by far nicest car I I probably will ever know um it's been it's been wonderful driving it yeah so for me positives um that I'm gonna miss about the X I do love the Falcon Wing doors I really do uh they're great for the kids they give you so much room when you're getting in and out of the car trying to put stuff in or whatever the amount of space is great to be able to throw stuff back there we always keep the third row I mean they're up right now just for the the thing tomorrow but we always keep the third row down unless someone's using it and so there's so much room back there and then uh like in between the two captains captains chairs in the middle we would put like on a road trip so we'd put our cooler there and it was just a good spot to have a cooler you know it's a plugged in cooler so it keeps all your food cold like the whole trip so that was really nice I will miss the driver's display I do like the capacitive buttons but going back to the stock I don't miss them that much but sometimes when I go back to my why I'll like reach for them like initially instead of the stock but I do like those drivers display like I said and the car is so comfortable and there's so much like Headroom and everything not in the Y it has plenty of Headroom as well and and but the x is a little bit more so I'll miss those things and just kind of the luxury of the whole thing you know it's a super expensive car and I've said many times it's not worth double A why value-wise but like if money is No Object then this is definitely the car I would pick over model y just because of those bells and whistles automatic doors are so nice when I'm in here and I can control the doors from the screen that's usually how I do it I open the doors and then I get out and get the kids you know so the doors are already open or like if I have a someone of somebody walking up to the car I'll like click the button on the screen open the door for them that you know that kind of stuff is really cool so again not worth double the price of a vehicle but I do like that stuff and I'll miss it also for positives I'm gonna miss the cooled seats in this car I absolutely love them I know you don't even use them but I use them I've used them a few times but even when it's like 40 degrees out I still use them they feel so good and he leaves them on so the next move they're always full blast when I use them the next morning it's still they stay on because I want I would use them then too no it's just like automatically they come on so it's like a chilly morning and then I'm loading the kids in the car and the seats are just like blasting cold so then when I get in and I sit down my butt freezes and I have to turn it off and yeah I'm I'm not gonna miss that no yeah exactly I am going to miss hitting the brake and the door shutting oh yes that is it's just it sounds silly if you're not used to it but once you get used to it it's so nice like I get in the car I just hit the brake pedal and then I just swipe the screen and boom like I don't even have to swipe the screen you can just hit the break again and then it'll be like you're ready to drive and just start driving like it's it's crazy yeah because it does the auto shifting to it picks forward and reverse it's correct you know maybe 80 of the time so sometimes you gotta fix it but yeah most of the time it's so seamless I mean they really did think out this design really well I mean everything is so seamless and that's a nice car but what you said about the luxury of it and how that's why you would want it I'm almost like the opposite because I don't know I like roll up to Target and I'm in this model X and you know I'm like oh there's all these people walking by but I gotta open the doors to get the kids so then let's move on to the negatives let's these are the bad things about the model X then no that's perfect segue that we're happy this we're we're kind of glad to dump it honestly because of these things so go ahead and go first I I agree with this one totally that's my love hate relationship with the Falcon main doors they're so flashy they draw a lot of attention and I'm not attention seeking person and I I don't know like I feel like if certain people see who know me like see me in this car they make certain judgments then about me and I don't know think I'm like a snooty rich person but I'm not and yeah I mean well and when we were on our road trip to Florida I remember specifically one of the stops we made it was like not the nicest area and I honestly hated opening the Falcon Wing doors because there were just a lot of people around and you know nothing happened end but it's like this is not the place I want to be drawing attention I'm like with my wife and two little daughters and I just was like let's go really fast because I like want to get out of here and everybody looks when you open them and I I agree I hate that aspect of them you hear like especially if there are kids around it's guaranteed you're going to hear look at the doors mom like it's almost every time people are around I mean it's like 90 of the time somebody says something so which you know sometimes it's fun and leads to a conversation I would say most people are Vidya I don't I don't like drawing attention to myself that's all so it'll be nice just be like in a humble model why yeah exactly I know that's still like a really nice car don't get us wrong um but just to the naked eye right it just looks like a car yeah all right so what else what other things are you gonna uh be glad to get get rid of that are like a burden or you don't like this is weird but at just the stage that our kids are at when they get in the car there's too much space for them because I'm like get in your seat let's go and they're like doing like a dance back there they're like in the middle playing with each other they're pushing all the buttons back there on the screen yeah that's been getting annoying they're they climb through the back because we keep those back seats down and they climb back there and like there's just like too much room for them and I'm like get in your car seat you know um so it will be nice in the Y for them just have that bench and oh no room for you and if you try to stand up you're gonna bump your head and you're squished and just get in the seat and they're really at the perfect age for this transition because they just are like whoa we're getting a new car they don't care that it's smaller they don't care about the Falcon Wing doors and how cool they look whereas like if they were like seven or eight they'd probably be like these are sweet and um so they're not going to notice the change as much which is good for them but it's going to be a lot smaller back there but they're going to be more contained right for sure yeah that's been getting annoying the screen I've noticed when I put them in especially our older daughter she always is well no both of them both of them are doing it that's because the younger one yeah exactly so they go and they push everything and they mess up the climate and I'm like just we're trying to go like get in your seat so that would be very nice to not have all those bells and whistles back there because they don't need them and yes they like to there's I mean I can walk back there it's so tall and there's so much room I can like hunch it over walk around back there it's crazy and literally like play and dance like yeah and spin in circles back there when I'm trying to go somewhere all right what else that's it oh okay well here's mine because I got a couple car payment number one it's super expensive and I might talk about this later I mean I know people are super interested um in maybe I'm gonna do a video about the carvana experience maybe I'll talk about it then or in the model Y video I don't know but if you want to know about the finance part um let me know in the comments and we'll do that in the future but the car payment for the Y is going to be less than half of what it is for the X um so cyber truck money yeah exactly so we we're going to end up with the Cyber truck eventually so we're gonna have two Y's for a while and we're gonna take advantage of the full self-driving transfer that's pretty much for another video but full self driving we'll go to Stephanie's Y and then I will trade my Y for the Cyber truck when it comes out and then hopefully we'll be done traded cars so but about this this vehicle so yeah yeah seriously yeah I never would have expected all these crazy things we've done uh car payment half so that's great service this car as you know I've made videos about it I am not shy about complaining about the service this car needs the first nine months of of ownership we were taking it every other month now the funny thing about that is I very quickly and I think you two forget about it when nothing's wrong so I get annoyed I take it to service and it's never been anything that stopped the car from driving it's always been reliable but you can look at your phone sign uh well I'm just I'm thinking of things that I want to oh yeah good good good um so it's never been anything that's made the car unreliable but like the one of the Falcon Wing doors was squeaky and we took it to service and there were some other things and then they didn't even fix it it was still squeaky then we took it back to service and they fixed it until now you just started squeaking again can you hear this squeaking [Music] so it's like oh my gosh this thing is needed service so much where's my model Y in over two years I think I've had service one time on it you know and all the crazy messages that kept popping they were just there were just so many weird it's always been reliable it's never strangerous or anything but there's just so many weird little service issues but you still have to take it in and they were thinking to replace the tires they cost a fortune exactly yeah right the mobile service wasn't able to fix those things so that's huge tires everything about the car because it's an expensive car is more expensive now it's been under warranty the whole time but we had one of the back tires was destroyed by a nail that's not Tesla's fault it's not the car's fault it just happened and then remember the belt came loose from the inside they said no no he said be when we hit a nail it destroyed the tire basically yeah it wasn't the tire's fault it's it at first it sounded like it was but he said that the nail caused this damage and yeah and then so the other Tire because it's staggered so the front tires are smaller than the rear tires which is its own annoyance and the other back tire was worn enough that they were like you really should get two new ones and I know I could could have not listened to them but I did it was almost a thousand bucks for two tires in the bag which is ridiculous um so about a y you can find much cheaper tires so that's another thing all right so you know to your your negatives yeah the rest that you have this is a negative that I'm happy to be done with is the white seats right yeah you don't like them uh so excited for them but they stress me out because they do get dirty and I haven't been able to find a way to clean them I've tried all the tips and tricks that all the Tesla people have shared with me and the driver's seat like I I have not been able to get some of the right marking like it's just it's not even like dirt it's just like worn yeah so yeah that's pretty rare even right now we're putting our elbows on the center console which is white and I'm like yeah which is what it's for and I'm like I'm gonna like leave you know yeah which is rare because you don't normally hear that from people they have you know people say oh I can clean the white teeth no problem and I think in my why they I can clean them still right no your driver's seat really there's someone oh okay you got a detail that they still couldn't get up I don't remember that all right I'll have to try again because they're I mean I need to clean them right now anyway but uh yes that is something you don't like and even it wasn't even just the fact that she couldn't clean them whatever is wrong with it right now it was also when you could clean it was just you didn't have time because you got two kids and you're busy all the time and so even if it is something just wiping off and it takes a few minutes you just don't have the time to do to do that all the time and like sure black seats get dirty too and you should clean your seats but you can't see it so you don't care as much it's just just like kind of a fact of how it is uh and then while this year you had one more yeah just um we talked about how we love how much space is in this car like it's the perfect road trip car and we have family in Florida you know that's quite a big trip need a lot of things because we have small kids um if we don't have the Cyber truck by the time we take another road trip we have found solutions for that with the Y like getting the the overhead the roof rails and putting storage which you can't even do with X so exactly so that was my Western when we talked about trading in the X like how are we yeah how are we gonna travel right um long distance like that with all the stuff that we need but there are solutions for that all right so let's talk about what's next Stephanie is going to get a model y so we ordered the model y we did this whole trade-in carvana gave us a pretty good deal uh so we I took it we went with that it was like 20 grand more more than 20 grand more than Tesla offered which was crazy uh and we ordered the model X before the price increases so even today even though with the price is going back down we paid less than what this car cost today so as far as the trading goes it's a pretty decent deal and everything but we ordered 70 a Long Range model y I thought about getting a 4680 standard range but it's only like three thousand dollars less and it's like there's no point there's more range in the long range one and we can get acceleration boost now that they have acceleration boost uh with the credits it'll bring that acceleration a little closer to what the model X is it won't be as good but it'll be closer and then we're also doing the full self driving transfer so when we ordered the model y that wasn't even a thing that didn't exist and when it got announced and we learned you don't have to trade your car in it was like well let's move full self driving from my old car to this new car that will hopefully have a very long time so that made perfect sense so well full self driving in that car and I can do testing because it's going to be Hardware four so I can do full self-driving testing on Hardware 4 whenever it comes out black interior is great and we picked the seven seat option which I've already checked out the seven seats and everyone that complains like when I announced it online I'm getting 17 they're like oh like a ton of people like it's too small nobody fits back there yeah all those people didn't own it and then a bunch of people responded they said oh we're so happy we got seven seat pretty much everyone I saw one person that that still said it sucks but a ton of people that actually own the seven seat said they love it for the same thing we would use it for the occasional little trip or you need another seat or two I mean that's it and we have two kids they're young they'll have friends we could take all the kids to get ice cream or whatever down the road it's a perfect size for kids they're not gonna be in there for an hour or anything and it'll work really well so we're excited for that uh it'll be really nice we are not excited that it doesn't have ultrasonic sensors uh so like summon and stuff isn't going to work which is really stupid um but people have been sitting saying the vision uh stuff is getting better so um is there anything else about the why you're like excited for over the x or is it pretty much just like no more service that's probably the biggest thing for you easier to park you were complaining about you always complain about parking this car it's the same issue with your car but I think I finally got it down it only took a year um no I'm I'm happy to have a y like I it's still an amazing car like I still feel extremely fortunate to be able to have a model y to be able to have an electric car right in general like that's that's really my dream it's just to never go back to a gas car yeah well that was here's the last thing I'll mention that was kind of the the biggest part of all this like yep we're getting another Tesla we've had all the Teslas and we haven't had an S but we've had a bunch of Teslas and it's like what about something else and we very briefly talked about it like a long time ago um but you know I look around and there's not really like a good option like if you're being really practical there's not a great other option outside of Tesla there are other options and if you want one of those you could choose them but when you really boil it down to the specs the features the price it's hard not to just get a model y a Mach e is way more expensive the new Chevy what are they the Blazer they have the Blazer EV or something way more expensive you probably can't get it right now anyway and less range it's just there's really no other good option like we talked about the rivian r1s you didn't even seem to like it that much and it's still pretty expensive it's cheaper than this car uh but you can't get it they said if you order today you can expect delivery sometime in 2024 like what does that even mean so like that's not an option today so like model y well there's a reason why the model lies the number one selling car right yeah so exactly because because of everything you just said yeah when you boil it all down if you want something else you can get it but you're sacrificing things that you don't the model y so overall we're excited I mean we are very grateful that we had the opportunity to ever drive this car it was always kind of like a dream car and never thought we would ever be able to own it but thanks to you know viewers like you and some other cool things we we owned it for a bit of time and uh now we're gonna trade it we'll get a tax credit for the new y which helps a lot actually that was a big factor in in the decision as well and we'll have lots of Adventures and reviews in the new model Y and comparing it to the old one and all that so if you have any questions leave those down below anything you else you want to finish with are you you all good you said your piece you're ready for the this car to disappear tomorrow yeah I I'll miss it I'm trying not to think about it too much yeah um yeah I'm definitely gonna miss it but overall it's it's a good decision oh it's definitely a good decision I I just just bringing myself back to the thought of to have this car for that year and a half and right you know it's been a good experience overall yeah well yeah and that's what I was saying with the service thing not to like keep going on too much but the service was annoying but whenever it wasn't in service I didn't I didn't think about it I forgot because I like the car so much yeah so but okay if you have any questions leave them down below we'll both answer those for you and you will see me and maybe Stephanie in the next video I'm thrilled and like super humbled to like be in a car like this like to have a car like this it's it's really amazing
Channel: Dirty Tesla
Views: 68,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, model, elon, musk, electric, car, ev, phev, truck, review, autopilot, auto, pilot, self, driving, selfdriving, enhanced, eap, full, fsd, accident, super, charger, supercharger, service, center, dealer, battery, degredation, uber, lyft, rideshare, rural, off, road, offroad, awd, all, wheel, drive, performance, dirty, dirtytesla, regen, regenerative, brake, braking, tech, update, accessories, cyber, cybertruck, pickup, software, sentry, rivian, smart, summon, model y, ai, chat-gpt, chatgpt, chatgpt-4, beta
Id: 2alKR-C5vFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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