Why Is The Wall Damp & How Did He Fix It?

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[Music] a few months ago you may recall we did a video we'd build a Sam Ward looking at a damp problem in a house now we're back again because Sam's got yet another dent problem it seems that once you get known for treating them the world boots up after your door so let's have a look at this one because he's a little bit mystified so I've been called to this job today by surveyor it was really squidgy back there so what we're going to do is going to hack out up to about here some waterproof buttons in the render and then re-skim it and reattach the skirting board because this is solid we're just going to put a few fault lines in using a drill just an SDS drill and we're going to put a series of drawer lines down here down here so when we start chipping it gives the plaster a room to move and break away [Music] so this is what we've just chipped off at the very bottom and this is bonding code where this bonding was touching the floor we're gonna keep our new waterproof render you know say an inch off the this Blood right down here we're going to go all the way up a nice render coat we're gonna scratch in right up to here top coat it with a bit of multi finish and then blend it into this [Music] I like to use a comb chisel for jobs like this because we've got to be quite delicate when it comes to this plaster down here this is brickwork so on this side this will be block work and the render all bonding or whatever Plastering material they've used tends to stick really good to this this is not an angle bead like this so let's bed it into the render when the first coat is on and then there's a little margin just so the the multi finish can finish up to it [Music] the block [Music] you get quite a sharp edge so what I tend to do is just use this comb chisel just to break out in a random pattern hello Sam hello Roger how are you yeah good mate right so what have you got this lady has had some doors taken out and a conservatory fitted yeah not more than 26 years old this hasn't been cut out these were original doors these were doors yeah oh okay so and then she had a conservatory yeah and a flat roof put on yeah we had a slight damp patch it was filled up with sort of bonding coat yeah yeah soft okay so it was touching the little sponge yeah we've got a water bottle up there the Overflow is useless we might be getting water tracking through the brickwork so it doesn't explain that side though but the ground level is really high there it might be getting a bit of bridging across so it's coming in quite a long way but I guess in actual fact if you think about it we've got thermal plasterboard here so the dent won't show through on that here we've got a cavity wall they've run the oak floor through from one room to another straight over the top of the cavity if any bodies have any building work done just photograph everything because you've got a record then along yeah we go oh we can see what they've done there this is fine maybe that if that water butt is causing problems with flooding there is it coming along the cavity that is a good point and being whipped up The Damp on this side was absolutely minimal it was the slightest one so what your plan now is to render this yeah with a sticker one inside it that's the exact gear we're using a waterproofer that's an integral waterproofer for those who don't know that's right um and all it does it it thought it's got silicates in that yeah block the capillaries and form a barrier we'll assuming all this is done with thermal ball here I would say so so there's no sharks or connotation there that's all beautifully warm but I'd just like to know what the humidity levels are in this house because she's got double glazed Windows everywhere any any trickle vents on it no no they're just blinds in terrible binds so I haven't actually got a humidity sensor with me or anything to measure the humidity here but I just sort of asked the lady if we put a glass into the freezer for us and just look at it in this room look at the moisture that's coming off that glass straight away that's condensation and that's the air in the room so I think our humidity is quite high in this house maybe you should get dehumidifier or maybe just open a window or two you know so I'm not saying that's a problem here but I think it's like we need to eliminate all these things every time after you've done that if it comes back it's condensation and you can just start talking about getting some extractor fans or something so the building's not old so we've got a damp proof course have we where is it it's right here that's where the struck lives it's a funny thing to do that really isn't it they put a damper of course in then they do a really nice weather strap with a point in over the top of it which is basically bridging it this lady has had someone previously come around and say you're a bit High here we'll dig out a bit and put some drains but they haven't dug it out enough so it's another potential area maybe we could remove some of this soil yeah and get some gravel down there just to get down a bit because I think it's a great idea but when it rains heavily and as it has rained heavily you can see all this down here I bet it's just running into that corner and just sitting there right so this is a solid floor they put in here isn't it beam and block back there so that's all right I think that's all okay this contraption here which feeds water back it siphons when it this fills up yeah it's supposed to drain I know and it's not working it's actually leaking no I can feel it leaking now so we can do do away with it we're gonna re-jig this and do it properly that's damp down there though isn't it plenty of damp down there but it's this water Buck it's it's the guttering yeah you know people Overlook that so where's the damp proof cortis huh we're here look yeah so it's not bridging in there if there's water getting in there and it's traveling between the walls along in that bit of cavity there conceivably could end up then so what about the gutters in the guttering system's all working well and there is a funny little bit there isn't there where that gutter if you look at it where they've joined this Gutter and that gutter they're two different gutters it's always worth looking at gutters ground levels everything it's always the first thing I go to yeah the gutters you know every edge of gut is cleaned out yeah yeah then if they've got water butts they're notoriously prone to leaking people don't empty them they go with all the good intentions and don't use the water this this house so these houses are actually built very low in the ground aren't they very low when you look at it that's a step up here we've got massive great area there Big Field there all the water you can imagine on a really rainy day is all coming down here and I would have liked seen those a couple of bricks higher in the ground it is unusual that the ground levels are high in relation to where the house is we never walk around in the pouring rain and see where the water's going and what it's I think that's important but you can see all the green on the slabs yeah you know that's evident that it's it's not draining properly it's always about managing their expectations you can't say I'm going to do this it's going to guarantee that it's going to cure it you've got to say look I'll do my best here and uh see where we go we're going to put on a scratch coat on the little reveals we chipped off just going to mix up a four and one mortar so this is soft sand castle cement and we're going to put some this is Seeker Bond or secret one it's called it's a waterproofer usually you would put a liter of this into 10 liters of water and that'll give you about six square meters of uh wool you could do but we've only got a tiny amount so we're just going to put about two capsule full like that so all right foreign and what this stuff does it feels all the capillaries of the the mortar and forms a watertight barrier water foreign plasticizer in this is all we need you could do this with a wick but we've got such a small amount to do we're just going to do with the trout today and it sticks to the trowel that's a good sign it's going to let that sit for a little while we're not going to put any chemical on this we're just going to give it a little brush water it's all it needs you might be tempted to put PVA on for XBR it's not necessary this little doubting of water will just help the water stick on there and what we're hoping to achieve is to bring the water up to this level here just at the back of that angle bead put a gauging trout and put a blob on Cut the section off then we can use that to catch anything on the wall slide it up on a little job so you can get in all the little areas with these rounded travels hanging out this little trial at it for 20 years it's almost as old as me what we don't want to do when they put the soft bond in they'd put it right down onto the floor and we want to keep it off of the floor and a bit will cut that back and let that set up a bit and then we can roll that off we'll use the plaster as hell just to rule that off [Music] foreign before is about three millimeters over here so that feed is there that's where we want to finish If This Were a bigger wall I'd have a couple of little screws just so they just knit through the surface and then when you do a figure of eight light leave like a little score now just give the the multi finish key to set one I won't be able to get in there with this I will we'll use a little screw or something just to give it a little key so it's important just to run the water brush over all your edges traditionally in like a render outside you would have like a a cone that you'd rake through and that put some quite deep scratches in but we mustn't do that so we can just use a nail or a screw just wiggle some lines in there it'll just help it can't be too deep because it'll come through in the plaster the scratch coats are on on both sides and as you can see here we've just blended it in to the existing level and what that means is when we come to plaster we're going to let it go off for a couple of days now over the weekend come back on Monday and then we can put some screwing across that join there and then plaster up to this level here and then that blend in and you won't get the crack along there together we're going to um put some plaster on these walls that we rendered the other day the most important thing is that we start with absolutely clean water because if you have dirty water it can affect the setting time got a nice smooth paste to put it on the wall there we go it's when you know once you've knocked off all the edges and you're given it a good whisk up it's important to clean your whisk cut so put it in a bucket of water foreign just clean up all the edges make sure you get get it all off like that we'll plonk it onto the hawk and we'll just smudge it in a bit and then we'll scrape it off the more that'll do that'll give us a base so that next when we pop that on that stick on there nicely so one of the most important things is picking it up off your hook so if you're right-handed like me you just cut it in lay onto the wall and roll it up and push it in this side [Applause] you've got to fill it all right up [Applause] it's all about putting it where you want it on your Trail as well always run up your beads they are guides they need to keep these edges clean but always use the end of your Trail if you try to clean it like that and you put a Nick in there the Trail's ruined so we always do it at the end like that right so I've just swapped for a bigger Trail we this is like a rule so we're going to go into quite a steep angle and it's just going to cut it off like that on on the hook and we'll just I'm not gonna go [Music] when you blend it into the wall it's always a good idea just just wetting that edge like that and clean this up this has only got to be very thin ches foreign over the edge like that we've got both sides on so we just have a good clean up and clean out the pocket so we're doing a bit of flashing it's so important in between coats clean your tools and have a cup of tea all right a little blob of this on this bit of plastic and then we've got a bit to play with we need any fillers so we're just going to give this a first Trail up so I'm just going to wet the brush here around that edge along there like that we're gonna revert to the bigger trowel nice and flat too much pressure [Music] foreign right so we've got to uh give this its final trowel up and then we're going to let it dry we'll put a Mist coat of paint on it which is a thinned out coat but that's really important to put that on first and then we'll get this decorated and then we'll refit the skirting boards and get these um corked in and painted in and then we're all done [Music] we've just put a Fresh coat of paint over this new plaster with a job like this it almost takes longer to clean up and sheet up and it does do the actual job but now we've done this I'm confident we're walking down outside and putting the waterproofer in the render this has cured the problem in here [Music]
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 101,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wicking, damp wick, penetrating damp, damp proof course, damp proofing internal walls, damp plaster, how to cure condensation, curing damp, penetrating damp on interior walls, penetrating damp how to fix, penetrating damp external wall, penetrating damp signs, penetrating damp vs condensation, peter ward, treating damp walls, treating damp on internal walls, treating damp plasterboard
Id: oQjKqttxjcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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