Why Is Red Dead Redemption A Masterpiece?!

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't change you couldn't shoot a fart out of your own ass we don't make deals with Activision yeah you do you are the Bounty Hunter your country loves to make trouble in mind perhaps you'll come to hunt me huh you always did have a high opinion of yourself John [Music] this is America where a lying cheating degenerate can prosper what will you do now Mr Marston now I'm gonna take my time and go after him less kind way there's gonna be a long ass review I don't know any other kind respite along sabotage cannot be conventionally civilized maybe you live in a different America than we cut you up piece by piece civilization is a truly beautiful thing Mr Marston well looks like we're about to settle the score so it seems I'm so happy to announce that this video is sponsored by me or should I say a smaller sexier version of me that's right the act man U2's vinyl figure is here available for pre-order using the link in the description and pink comment go to their website and you can get a nice look at this awesome little dude they really got my physique down and they ship them out worldwide make sure you place your order quick because once they sell out they will never be available again and having one of these next to your computer console is guaranteed to remove all skill based matchmaking from your multiplayer matches but not really so go down there and pre-order it before we sell out and Now for Something Completely Different howdy Partners this is the acting cow poke here and today we're saddling up taking a trip back to a simpler time an age often romanticized in the great U.S survey the wild west the American frontier and the country's great expansion across the continent we're going back to when Blockbuster titles didn't just live up to the hype but exceeded it there's something you need to know fella I ain't the biggest fan of Rockstar Games I know I like use and cheat codes going on mass killing sprees not finishing the main story and then calling it a day what a fool I've been Red Dead Redemption is often placed amongst the greatest games of all time but does it still deserve to be I suppose we'll find out but the soundtrack alone might be enough to get the job done [Music] many of you have incessantly asked me to review this game some of these requests go back uh what is that 150 weeks I'm sorry I didn't listen sooner but now's the time to ask the big questions were you all full of crap I don't have any Nostalgia for Red Dead perhaps some of you are blinded by it paralyzed dumbstruck and maybe the game isn't as great as you remember or perhaps Rockstar sold 24 million copies of this game for very good reasons there's got to be some explanation for why it became one of the best-selling games ever made is Red Dead still fundamentally sound or have 12 years of good memories caused us to forget its flaws is Red Dead Redemption worthy of being called a masterpiece well let's saddle up and catch us some cattle wrestlers find that scum Bill Williamson and Gallop our way straight into this drop well I for one am grateful Mrs Bush that they are finally bringing civilization to this Savage land I could not agree with you more my dear the conversations heard in the opening train ride seem innocuous you know besides the Casual racism but you're not supposed to notice that these people are setting the tone in establishing the main themes for the rest of the game I mean this fine last will walk by and you won't even know who she is yet redneck is set in 1911 amidst the backdrop of the Mexican Revolution the final years of the Wild West Red Dead explores the relationships between Mexican and American Outlaws and it has the balls to portray what we consider today to be horrific outdated ideas if I'm honest openness to rational discussion is nothing sort of reassuring Red Dead is just it's such a deep game it explores the role of family and friends in our lives and the role of government dare I say it might even be political the silence isn't the answer maybe you live in a different America than we this is also three years before World War one that's one of the big themes civilization it's coming for the West the days of brigands Outlaws chaos and Rebellion will soon be over Justice and the law are coming along with the men wielding it automatic weapons big cities automobiles explosives railroads democracy a state-controlled society neither corrupt Governors nor innocent bystanders or hardened Outlaws can escape any of these things much as they try this backdrop to the wild west setting gave Rockstar a unique opportunity to explore more modern elements during a time that's not often focused in this type of media God knows we have enough generic wild Western stories thank you John Wayne but what separates Red Dead Redemption from being one because nothing else does what Red Dead does no other game has such an expansive believable take on the open world of the wild west and since Red Dead came out no one has to try I mean besides the prequel sequel the only other title I can think of that's even remotely similar is Fallout New Vegas coincidentally both Rockstar and obsidian traveled the country to do research on the places they'd eventually create in engine is it any coincidence that both games are masterpieces in terms of open world it feels like there's 500 World War II shooters for every one set in the wild west I don't know I guess Cowboys and video games go together bad as well as mustard and orange juice I don't even know what that means partner Red Dead Redemption isn't just a great Cowboy game it's unequivocally the best Cowboy game thing it's too late to talk about things give it up already your Fellers are dead copper read and you're next Red Dead also is very mature with its themes it doesn't romanticize the past like so many western films do m M we're all shooting people don't really seem like we're so very different the difference is why Mr Master the ideals we hold there can never be revolution without blood until people forget what they're shooting for and just enjoy killing for its own sake you Americans forget too quickly that is the problem it wasn't for your Revolution you would still be making tea for the English it doesn't gloss over the horrible living conditions and Cutthroat nature of life it doesn't pretend that racism didn't exist it was a good a country once now people are eating each other and it's all the fault of the Jewish British Catholic homosexual Elite and their ideas yes thanks for reminding me about the Jews Herbert you know throughout the game we aren't exactly living the rooting tootin-shooten life of a do-good cowboy you know I dreamed of documenting the last days of the old west the romance the honor the nobility but it turns out it's just people killing each other it always works professor in the old west ain't quite dead yet Rockstar likes to come up with fake locations set in real places uh but geographically I think the game takes place somewhere around here near the Mexican border new Austin is the name the last reprieve for our protagonist the unbreakable John Marston Family Man criminal Outlaw Bounty Hunter he's been called many things and through his eyes we explore the world of Red Dead you'll get to heard cows and shoot briggins y'all Rob trains hunt down thieves you can live the life of an honorable cowboy and spare your enemies or become a merciless Gunslinger what do you mean my tabs two dollars I kill you Red Dead allows you to fulfill every cowboy fantasy you could have wanna walk into a saloon and get shit-faced drunk and pass out you bet want to lasso a thief and drag his ass back to the story he stole from you can wanna cheat and poker and get into a gunfight because of it does a bear crap in the woods well let's get one thing straight partner I will not tolerate any smack talk against a World building in Red Dead they shoot you for that in Texas partner I'd say the only thing that has aged as well visually as Red Dead Redemption is Keanu Reeves riding underneath the blazing sun or watching the red glow of the sunset or seeing the night sky light up with stars rafting down a river as groups of men and horses ride downhill their gunfire Illuminating the night its cinematic Gameplay at its finest and can you believe all it took to create such an incredible World in video game form was a thousand employees working for five years with periods of endless crunch so bad that spouses of employees emailed Rockstar asking them to stop that all it took was a hundred million dollar budget in a team of insanely talented people yes Red Dead was such a massive video game so widely anticipated and utterly successful that it established a monopoly on the entire wild west genre because any Western game that came out after Red Dead would be compared to it and would be inferior but what's actually so great about this game am I just wobbling my jaw well the opening sequence doesn't explain a whole lot there's a load of people getting off a boat one of them is Mr Marston accompanied by two people we won't see again for a long time and we get a slice of life as Jon walks through the modern town of Blackwater and takes the train down to the rugged unpaved streets of armadillo the men don't talk they know why they're here but the player doesn't not yet foreign star Has god-given Talent when it comes to writing protagonists and John Marston is no exception I could write a whole [ __ ] paper on how awesome this guy is I don't care who a man is what he does or where he's from if he treats me right I'll do the same it's that simple for you isn't it for one John never says anything stupid in fact he's got some of the best one-liners in the world you always got to play a Dutch you always was a traitor bastard orphan and you always was a dumb inbred hit you couldn't shoot a fart out of your own ass John Marston is a man running from his past while at the same time attempting to salvage it his family was kidnapped by government agents they forced John's cooperation in tracking down killing or capturing his former gang members Bill Williamson Dutch vanderland and Javier Escuela the bulk of the story is this wild Banta Chase but there's tons of characters subplots and mini quests along the way John is forced to do things and help people he'd rather just shoot because of what matters to him now he's given up his life as an outlaw and now they're pulling him back in Mr Marston is also a man of immense wisdom I just know there are two theories to arguing with women and neither one works holy [ __ ] this man doesn't miss John is an anti-hero with a flat character Arc meaning he basically is the same person from start to finish all the bad [ __ ] in his life already happened off screen so the player is expected to learn and understand his past without it being shown to them this is harder than it sounds and this kind of setup quite often leads to shitty riding in forced Exposition you were my brother Javier Escuela remember all those times we did things together gosh darn it you and I are just so different now remember our our shared history normally a story written this way would include something like flashbacks to avoid said shitty writing you know like Game of Thrones conveniently giving one character the power of omnipresence so they can just straight up look into the past but somehow Rockstar made this story work without flashbacks that should tell you how good the writing is that we don't need to see John's backstory with his gang or his family in order to believe it and understand it one of the major questions and themes Red Dead poses the player is on forget giveness can a man truly atone for the sins of his past people don't forget nothing gets forgiven at first we the audience aren't exactly sure how to feel about John we hear Tales of his various misdeeds but at the same time we exert control over some of his choices and John's not very forthcoming with his reasons for being in new Austin he doesn't like sharing his feelings you ain't very talkative are you nope I'm just chewing the dog method how I am I don't mean nothing by it trust me there's things you better off not knowing I like that he doesn't just show up and the first thing he says to everybody is I'm looking for my family and kid I have to rescue them he's not a [ __ ] that's not his style John Marston is a former Outlaw forced to be a vigilante so he can become a family man and when John meets with Jake at the start of the game one of the first things Jake says is hey you gonna be here long you should get yourself some poontang if so boy howdy and John replies I'm a married man I'm afraid right off the bat we see John as honorable with his wife committed to her and initially I thought Rockstar was gonna let you you know perform the reproductive act with women and prostitutes as a gameplay mechanic but John Marston ain't that kind of man this one time I saved a prostitute and she was like I'll give you a quickie later and John said sorry Miss I'm a married man it's such a small detail but it says a lot about how much he loves Abigail so you get to feel that before you actually meet her near the start of the game Jon confronts Bill Williamson at Fort Mercer come for you Bill Williamson bill bill bill bill bill bill now I haven't played a single second of Red Dead Redemption 2. I know right I'm ashamed to be subscribed to myself sometimes it seems like Red Dead Redemption 1 was specifically written to set up a prequel we'll check back on this statement in eight years once I get around to reviewing it but that's the thing you can easily imagine and feel the history between John Dutch Javier and Bill you know Javier does this thing where he says brother a hundred times he's like very clearly trying to be like hey John remember all those good times and Dutch is like the crazy father figure that's gone out of control and bills like his older brother arrival to him you implore me I got a plan John come on but other forward I I Applause you won just a little bit more impressive next time hey [ __ ] you oh Pork yeah John is shot and left for dead ironically it's not his first rodeo with this sort of thing but by the grace of the buffalo the man is saved by the voluptuous Bonnie McFarlane a fierce but fair woman of the West the cost is 15 dollars I'm sorry madam should have left me there to die Jesus John I could sell a wolf pail for 15 bucks they have some self-esteem but this part serves as a tutorial as you learn how to ride horses herd cattle and get acquainted with the game's base mechanics in Rockstar Games I think most can agree that gameplay is considered secondary to Story characters dialogue and the world now let's talk game design while the GTA series often allowed you to use outrageous and wacky cheat codes that broke immersion and let you spawn in jet packs Red Dead doesn't have that it makes the game much more immersive But ultimately a bit less fun ain't no tomfoolery in these lands giddy up everything from the combat to horseback riding character animations the motion capturing cutscenes the entire game was designed to be as immersive as possible and to make the world feel real it does unfortunately this dedication to realism comes at the cost of more Dynamic and fun gameplay I've been sucking the proverbial [ __ ] of this game up until this point let me tell you what I don't like about it well the first thing you need to do if you boot up Red Dead Redemption is set to aiming to expert mode okay if you play on the standard set settings the game plays itself and it's a total joke there's also no difficulty modifiers in this game which I find really odd you know having a night and day transition is cool in the open world you know what's not cool is having constant downtime waiting for Missions to be available this isn't a problem games like Oblivion and Skyrim because you can always just run the clock if you want to wait four hours or whatever in Red Dead you instead have to Camp outside of town or purchase property and sleep there you cannot save from pausing the game and you can't choose how much time you pass when you fall asleep so this can lead to frustrating situations for example I head out to this Mission and the game says your family isn't here come back later so I go back home head to bed wake up run to the mission and come back between 11 and 6 p.m alrighty then so I return home go back to bed wake up run to the mission and come back between 11 and 6 pm okay this better be it this better be the last time so I run home go back to bed wake up run to the mission and your family member isn't here come back later but he's right there you [ __ ] he's right there he just fell asleep doesn't happen all the time in Red Dead Redemption but it's a total pain in the ass when it does it's literally just a waste of time sometimes you just sit in front of a building waiting for the mission to be available because you can't wait it out yourself or you know like those missions where you're walking with a dog for five minutes as he does nothing and no dialogue is spoken until he sniffs the right thing or like if you die battling in one of the fourths you get teleported back to the last City you were at can't you just put me back outside the fort and save me some time no however it should still be seen as a compliment that these are some of the biggest issues of Red Dead Redemption it just waste your time occasionally like every Rockstar game however one of the big issues I have with gameplay is the control this is one of the best selling games of all time and for some hat flipping reason it was never ported to PC why is that you can't adjust or change any of the controls or clunky aiming on Console you see all of my problems with how to gain controls and aiming could be fixed if it had a PC Port why does the aiming feel so [ __ ] up at times I blame the Mexicans no no it's it's not the Mexicans they didn't they didn't do that it's like the aim acceleration is out of whack it starts off slow and gets lightning quick your Crosshair often just whips past your target you wish you could up the sensitivity or something but no you just have to deal with it yes the game is hyper realistic and still looks phenomenal to this day but it comes at the cost of feeling clunky now don't take this as me saying it ain't fun to shoot folk boy how do you sure is especially with Dead Eye John Marston has been granted the superpower of slowing down time and placing accurate shots before unleashing a deadly volley of bullets across all in his path it's a pretty awesome power to have and makes for some very epic moments a lot of Red Dead redemptions animations were best in the industry in 2010 but how have they aged overall [ __ ] Pokemon game that sold 10 million copies in three days can't even animate people's legs properly that was 12 years after red dead man but like I said the realism comes at a cost sometimes the act of climbing up a cliff becomes a chore when Jon just slips all over the place you have to be precise with where you're standing before you jump otherwise it doesn't trigger the climbing animation and sometimes you're walking on a slight incline and John starts veering off in a random Direction I didn't tell you to go that way another problem I have is that every weapon has the same reticle now in games like Halo different reticles make the weapons feel different for example shotguns usually have a big old Circle because it's a shotgun but not in Red Dead it makes a lot of the weapons feel too similar a lot of times it feels like you're just playing a game with with one or two weapons and uh that concludes my list of major complaints with the game because when you play Red Dead Redemption you don't think oh man this really feels like it came out 12 years ago no what you feel is holy [ __ ] this really came out 12 years ago [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] the ragdoll physics are about as real as they possibly get I swear to God every time you shoot somebody they react in a completely different way whatever technology they use for this is god tier it makes shooting things that much more satisfying when you watch them limp away or see a man get flung off his horse and dragged along the road and it's not just humans the ragdolls for carriages horses and it never looks fake or video gamey foreign [Music] did you see that dive that was like that was like Olympic Athlete level type dive holy God I love lassoing people so much fun just dragging their ass across the sand and watching them flop around come on in mister I brought your wife back come on we're almost there come on that's a good dog good dog and aside from incredible physics Red Dead Redemption absolutely slaps in the style Department the visuals sound effects music that red and black tint that makes everything stand out the noises that play when you pause the game all of it is so iconic and Vivid when the music picks up and the shootouts started happening you forget any problems with aiming God damn does it feel like you're playing through the climax of the greatest Western film [Music] but no movie is complete without an occasional sassy one-liner and our boy John packs him on his chest like a [ __ ] bandolier this man would have thrived in Modern Warfare 2 lobbies even the insults are ripped from the early 1900s with his 20th century euphemisms don't worry we'll find your kids good orphanage you look like The Offspring of a goat that [ __ ] a sheep and you know the the trash talk changes based on where you are like for instance at the end of the game when you're fighting people John says stuff that's relevant to the context of that fight or when you're fighting in Mexico sometimes the Banditos shout out things like Viva La revolucion in-game trash talk is immersive in the same way that Battlefield soldiers or battlefronts clones shouting things out added to the overall immersion of the game just like the music [ __ ] carries Red Dead Redemption have you seen the list of tracks there's like 300 of them I mean granted some are just slight variations of another but this is that's a long list of badass music to make for one game leave it to two guys named Bill and Woody to make the greatest Western soundtrack ever made Red Dead isn't just an action-packed Shoot Em Up though there's some somber tracks as well the kind of music that makes you reflect on your own past and the things you ain't proud of and how do you carry that burden are you proud of the man you are you still dreaming of the man you want to be as for me I don't even know anymore boy that got deep sure realism can make this feel less like a video game but at the same time there's nothing that plays like this or feels like it or has a style like it it's iconic it's classic it's legendary Unforgettable [Music] [Applause] [Music] on a technical level the game is mostly Flawless glitches and bugs are extremely rare one time a horse just kind of stroked out what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] get off what you weren't even biting me during one of the final cut scenes um a bloody Jack Marston from a previous Mission stayed in the cutscene what is that is that the [ __ ] is that where John's family leaves the farm and uh kind of changed the tone of that scene a bit don't worry about me let's get him out of here Uncle please oh my God they killed him but there's a lot of cool details in Red Dead Redemption that I don't think get enough praise like every time you finish a mission John is doing something different instead of just like the mission's over here you have control there's a little 15 second blip of cinematography a horse carriage rides off and it pans to John or he's leaning against a power line smoking a cigarette Rockstar utilized motion capture for everything the horse's character movements facial expressions and animations motion capture is a painstaking process but it is sure to stand the test of time in the same way Resident Evil 4 and LA Noire do these games still look fantastic there's not one scene in Red Dead That's animated as poorly as any in Mass Effect Andromeda you know something as simple as a moving wagon is given immaculate detail a shovel on the side of it has physics and moves the wheels have suspension it's insane how far Rockstar went to include these minuscule details another thing that's great is the dialogue and boy howdy there's a ton of it you know gentlemen this man here oh he married a [ __ ] but something interesting happened to me on my travels I was riding with Reyes and having a conversation when I fell in the water like a dumbass upon going back through that same area the conversation was different it's almost like the game has multiple recordings of dialogue for some or all of these horseback scenes in game which is insane imagine writing and recording three separate conversations that for most players will only hear one of those another neat thing is buying newspapers which have authentic ads and articles that detail the outdated beliefs of the time like that tobacco fights tuberculosis smoke up in the workplace buddy often these newspapers report news of John's exploits and like saving Bonnie McFarlane or killing a man in a duel and unlike Halo infinite Red Dead Redemption is able to provide a variety of biomes despite its restrictive setting you'll stroll through the sophisticated town of Blackwater the slightly snowy mountain tops you'll Gallop across the Prairie and planes of nothing but desert and death you'll see vultures and cougars wild dogs Eagles rabbits there's a sense of scale and the world feels even more alive with random NPC encounters sometimes a man loses his horse to a thief and you chase him down for a small reward NPCs roam the land and can get attacked by three [ __ ] Bears just like you do or sometimes you walk into town and see a group of Banditos dragging some helpless fool through the streets or some hillbilly butt plug might be threatening his girl with a knife outside the saloon remember when CD project red bragged that cyberpunk had the most believable open world yeah they were still a decade behind Rockstar you know what partner I had my fingers crossed there's still a few things that I dislike about Red Dead visually and thematically the open world of new Austin is just breathtaking but not always breathtaking to play in as an open world game that offers players reasons to explore I felt it quite lacking there's so many buildings you can't go into even ones with open signs on them Red Dead might have a variety of intricate levels and new weapons you can purchase but the gameplay is mostly the same from start to finish but when I play a really long single player game I usually like some kind of RPG mechanics to feel like like I'm getting stronger but at a certain point I stopped doing side missions I I stopped exploring off the beaten path or trying to accomplish challenges because the rewards were never that impactful to my gameplay experience if I did something in Red Dead it was because I wanted to see more story there's lots of fun mini games and activities like throwing Horseshoes and actual poker five finger filet you can even arm wrestle but I didn't spend too much time doing these things because the only reward was money and money ain't all that important in Red Dead aside from a few key items I didn't really spend much time buying stuff in stores either it's a real shame because I didn't feel all that incentivized to explore beyond the main game The Stranger missions though those were great but with no crafting system hunting and skinning animals also felt Superfluous at a certain point I'd say there's just as much depth to the people of new Austin as there are the factions in New Vegas you'll meet benign helpful people like Bonnie McFarland you'll run in to Eccentric Merchants like Nigel West Dickens and hardcore scientific racists like Harold McDougall a man who asks John if he wants to do Coke would you like to partake of a syringe of cocaine I've quite enough for two not right this minute no it's always such a remarkable truck some characters may not seem like they serve much to the plot but to the overarching world their roles can't be understated they each represent a slice of life in the barren wastelands Landon Ricketts is an old cowboy Legend whom you meet long after his glory years he serves as an impromptu mentor to John and is a clear inspiration from Clint Eastwood and John Wayne I think you meet a man who spends too much time around corpses named Seth who is just the embodiment of chaotic neutral one of the biggest twists to me was finding out that Abigail John's wife was a former prostitute oh he married a [ __ ] and the rest of John's gang [ __ ] her and John still married her he was that in love if you ever find yourself bored with the classic rock star game design of running to a location for five minutes you'll never get tired of the people in Red Dead unfortunate for me the game is extremely long and has one of the best stories ever written so I can't possibly cover all of it I feel like for me it's impossible to do the game Justice Just as it's impossible for John Marston and his gang to avoid Justice Red Dead gives you quite a bit of freedom in what order you progress through the main story as you can see from this tree but the core arcs of the story are unchanged you'll meet and help a ton of different people along your quest for vengeance Bonnie McFarland is the first she's a fierce yet kind woman Who develops a small crush on her boy I mean damn I'd have a crush on him too if I was a woman you help out around her Ranch repay the debt before getting back on your feet and then the next stop is armadillo where Jon comes across local sheriff Johnson Jade him and his officers in cleaning up crying rescuing Bonnie McFarland from kidnappers give a friend some bizarre people to forge an alliance and storm Fort Mercer including the illustrious Nigel West Dickens a man who peddles snake oil and performs like a WWE wrestler with his speeches of fake medicine that'll make you fly John and the Goon Squad succeed in taking the fort but fail to capture Bill Williamson so it's off to Mexico where Bill and Javier Escuela are hiding John and the drunk Irish man get into a spectacular river rafting gunfight before landing in Mexico as you mount your horse you're greeted with a song that Whispers the arrival of a foreigner stepping into a hostile land step in front of a runaway train just to feel a good part of the game takes place in Mexico and Jon finds himself involved in the Civil War initially he sides with the corrupt government not because of their politics but because they bribe him into helping them Colonel Allende is the leader of the government and we see what a piece of [ __ ] he is he leads the Mexican Army but after doing so much work for him the [ __ ] [ __ ] betrays us how could you luckily Abraham Reyes and his Rebellion save us from death so now we're helping them after a long winding road we eventually capture and imprison and possibly kill Javier Escuela that cabron sure loves to run his mouth later we finally come face to face with Billy been a long time coming old pal two down one to go we return to America and meet those men from the beginning Edgar Ross and his crony these are the two men responsible for kidnapping John's wife and child there's a bit of hostility between the three like you will you don't just walk away from buy a few chickens and make it all disappear you should be dead or riding in a jail cell by now we are giving you a chance of New Life a chance of redemption still you push forward meeting up with mcdougald and getting caught up in a fight with Dutch's men and a group of Native Americans there's a long series of shootouts as we hunt Dutch back to his Hideout it's the end of the line Dutch nowhere left to run and Dutch vanderlin unable to escape goes out on his own terms foreign [Music] folks it's the end of the line John Marston has fulfilled his end of the bargain eliminated his old gang and though he is long overdue for the reward of seeing his son watching him grow up and reuniting with his wife Abigail unfortunately the celebrations are brief but it is quite cathartic to see John finally reunited with his family after so many missions so much build up in dealing with [ __ ] and getting betrayed and [ __ ] Colonel again day the few missions we get to spend with Jack and Abigail and Uncle well they feel special we see John and how he bonds with Jack what kind of man he wants him to be what kind of man he teaches him to be and how he wants Jack to avoid the life he lived the life of an outlaw now we're doing many of the same things we did on Bonnie McFarland's Ranch at the start and at this point you're thinking you know John can finally be the husband and father he wanted to be he's earned his Red Dead Redemption and for all the horrible [ __ ] that's happened for all the good people that have died you think at least there's a happy ending the happy ending you haven't been paying attention John come here what's that Uncle here quick take a look at that wait what but unlike most narratives Red Dead has two climaxes Jack tells John he wants to write a book about his father's Journey but the conversation is cut short when Uncle yells out for us bad people are on their way well man looks like things is about to get settled once and for all so it seems get in the house boy protect your mother God damn it no the story's gonna have a happy ending I put too much of my mouth getting back to this Farm you want to wrestle wanna Tango let's [ __ ] go oh [ __ ] it's time for one last shootout they brought a whole Army to take me down and you know why cause that's what it's gonna take just a bunch of women playing Outlaw Uncle tragically Falls defending the farm but his sacrifice buys John the time he needs to help Abigail and Jack escape on horseback [Music] I'm gonna miss you too there's There's No Escape for John is there don't forget nothing gets forgiven so be it no oh Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie where the coyotes win and the wind blows free and when I die I don't bury me for Western Sky on the Lone Prairie ladies and gentlemen John Marston is dead let us never forget him let us forgive him I think this final scene took most people by surprise it happens so suddenly Edgar and John don't even say anything to each other the Army just shows up and they both knew it was gonna happen one part of the game mind [ __ ] me the most in the stranger missions I know you you've been helping some random guide with ethical dilemmas and after doing three or more of those you meet up with him around John's farm he disappears John tries to shoot him nothing happens and you're like what the [ __ ] was that about what did he say this is a fine spot see you around cowboy Oh my God that's where John is buried in conclusion Red Dead Redemption is a generation defining title it's a textbook example of when absolutely everything works and most of my criticisms are just criticisms that apply to all of Rockstar's games but the tale of John Marston Will Stand Tall forever remembered as one of the most heart-tugging tragic stories in all of gaming huh wait the game's still going on oh I'm playing as Jack Marston turns out there's one last piece of business to take care of Edgar Ross Jack tracks down the man who orchestrated his father's death now retired and enjoying the good life he doesn't deserve it Jack filled with a thirst for vengeance approaches the man one last duel and that's it that's the true ending of Red Dead Redemption it's a game that tackles many themes but none more so than the Hopeless struggle the cycle of violence and the inability to escape your past John can't outrun his past and his former friends who betrayed him can outrun theirs neither can The Men Who forced John to track them down neither can John's son escape the cycle of violence his father participated in although the game has redemption in its name our protagonist does not achieve it a lot of the mini quests and subplots end with people dying and it leaves you thinking what was the point what was the point of that cannibal eating people near the Hanging Rock what was the point of me buying this woman from an abusive man just for her to get killed by him anyways like I said this isn't a cheerful Story and there's far too many pointless deaths and suffering father must not die in vain his death must mean something it'll mean that war is brutal and unnecessary and good people die and that's all it will mean after the duel with Edgar Jack looks at his gun and in that moment he realizes he's going down the same life path of his father Jack Marston will inevitably become the very thing his dad died to prevent John Marston died with the hope that his son and wife could live better lives than him and Jack inevitably becomes and Outlaw or does he his fate is mostly left unknown but one thing is certain as I watch the credits roll and reflected on what I had just played I could only describe Red Dead Redemption as one thing a masterpiece foreign thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed the video leave a like if you did and subscribe to the act man for more awesome content and don't forget to order my YouTubes before they go out of stock forever really appreciate you guys supporting the channel oh and one last thing what the hell is this [Music]
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Views: 1,285,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: act man, actman, act, man, the act man, red dead redemption, red dead, rockstar, rockstar games, red dead review, red dead ost, red dead music, john marston, red dead cutscenes, red dead redemption cutscenes, red dead redemption 2, red dead 2, red dead redemption 2 review, Undead Nightmare, Red Dead Undead Nightmare, red dead redemption 2 gameplay, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 4, arthur morgan tribute, red dead redemption 2 online, red dead redemption 1 review
Id: l7U_8_h80F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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