Why is Project HAARP so controversial?

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That was amazing. I expected to hatewatch a garbage conspiracy video but instead it was just a totally fantastic explanation of why the conspiracies are bullshit and what HAARP is actually for (posting this in case someone checks the comments before watching).

Thanks for posting!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/horacetheclown 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
when it comes to controversial science projects the high frequency active auroral research program or harp is right up there with the moon landings and chemtrails on the conspiracy hit list but once you get past the wilder theories and claims the basis of a science and its aims is no less intriguing so just what is HAARP and why is it so controversial [Music] [Applause] [Music] some of the many reasons why harp attracts so much attention comes from the claims of scientifically uninformed theorists that say can control the weather set of earthquakes hurricanes floods bring down missiles and planes disrupt worldwide communications and influence people with minds and moods if that were true then it would be one of if not the most powerful pieces of technology on the planet and hidden behind government and military secrecy yet HAARP is unclassified though it was funded and jointly managed by the US Air Force US Navy and DARPA but due to budget cuts in 2014 the ownership of the site and all the equipment was transferred to the University of Alaska Fairbanks who now also run it so what is the purpose of HAARP well it's basic remit is to study the ionosphere it's interaction with space weather and how it affects radio communications here on earth as well as the generation of VLF as very low frequency and e.l.f extremely low frequency radio waves which can travel around the world and penetrate deep under the sea for communications with submarines and into the ground to reveal underground structures HAARP deals with some complex science and how it operates is equally complex but the basic principle is to try and replicate how the Sun affects the upper atmosphere to create the ionosphere and how it then goes on to affect it but to do this in a controlled repeatable way and of course on a much much smaller scale now in order to understand HAARP we need to know a little about the ionosphere this is a constantly changing area of the Earth's upper atmosphere that reaches for about 60 kilometers to a thousand kilometers in altitude where it's thin enough so that the sun's ultraviolet and x-rays can reach it but thick enough so that it can absorb these rays and ionize the gases there it's also well above the area called the troposphere where we live ionization is the process where high-energy radiation strips away an electron from a neutral atom or molecule and creates a negatively charged electron and a positively charged ion as an atom with a missing electron this process creates a shell of these charged particles around the earth which we call the ionosphere this stripping of the electrons also releases energy in a form of heat and light this light is called air glow and is similar to how V auroral lights are formed in the polar regions but it also makes for night sky everywhere glow very slightly and you can see this on a dark clear night with a sensitive camera and sometimes by eye normally in the dense atmosphere near the surface of the earth the negative electrons and positive ions would recombine very quickly but because the gas in the upper atmosphere is much less dense that particles are much farther apart and remain separated for much longer with all these free electrons floating around the high atmosphere becomes conductive starting at around 60 kilometers peaking intensity at 300 kilometers and in by the time it gets to 1,000 kilometers it's dropped almost to nothing where the atmosphere becomes too thin and then the vacuum of space takes over in fact the ionosphere separates into three layers called the de and F layer with D being at the lowest altitude rising up to effort the highest altitude because these layers are conductive they interact with electromagnetic waves like radio broadcasts from the surface depending upon their frequency some radio waves will be absorbed some will bounce off the electron layer and be reflected and some will pass right through with little resistance as these layers are created by the sun's energy they can change dramatically from day to night summer to winter and in fact the lowest D layer only exists in the daytime and completely disappears at night they are also affected by high solar activity and solar flares and thus affect radio transmissions similarly HAARP uses up to 3.6 megawatts of high frequency radio signals in a 2 to 10 megahertz range to excite and heat the gas molecules small area V ionosphere directly above a facility it does this with the main instrument the IR I of a ionospheric research instrument this is the heater it's a phased array radio transmitter with a hundred and eighty antenna in a grid covering about a hundred thousand square meters or about 24 acres this array works like one large transmitter but it can electronically steer the beam over about a thirty degree angle by the time the signal has reached the ionosphere it spread out to a size of between sixty to a hundred kilometers across depending upon its frequency and configuration by rapidly steering the beam around this small patch of sky it can modulate the heating process to create signals like VLF and EMF waves among the many misconceptions about HAARP probably the biggest is its power output as this is seen as undeniable proof that he is capable of doing all the wild things claimed of it it's stated maximum power is three point six megawatts but this is often mistaken for another much larger figure it's ERP output and that can be up to five point eight gigawatts so why are there two wildly different figures for the same facility well harps output is three point six megawatts but in the broadcast industry there is another figure called ERP or effective radiated power and here is where people get confused between actual power and ERP because they don't understand what ERP represents but one thing is for sure you can't put in three point six megawatts and get out five point eight gigawatts as some claim it's just physically impossible in fact you can't get out a single micro watt more than you put in if you did then a you've just solved all the world's energy needs by creating a machine that makes more energy than it uses and B you've just broke the law of physics and in particular the law of conservation of energy HAARP has to focus it's three point six megawatts on to a small area of sky hundreds of kilometers above use it's antenna array like a torch focuses its light into a tight beam that 5.8 gigawatt erp is a fictional figure used by engineers in the broadcast industry to indicate how powerful the transmitter would have to be if there was no focusing and the whole sky was covered to the same power intensity at the target distance which in this case is the small patch of sky 300 kilometers above HAARP that ERP figure can change dramatically from tens of megawatts to gigawatts depending upon how efficient the antenna is deemed to be at focusing the radio transmissions the tighter more focused the beam the higher the ERP figure will be the more spread out the lower the ERP figure will be but at the end of the day the most HAARP can transmit is 3.6 megawatts with the inefficiencies in the system the divergence of the beam and the absorption of the atmosphere by the time it gets to the ionosphere it's down to 36 millions of 36 thousands of a watt per square meter of sky in the target zone the amount of energy from a Sun falling on the same square meter of sky by comparison is 1367 watts about 37,000 times more energy than HAARP as one scientist put it it's like trying to heat the Yukon River with a domestic immersion heater but in case you think I'm just making it all up consider this if that 5.8 gigawatts was real where does the power come from 5.8 gigawatts of electricity is far more than the whole of Alaska generates and is enough to supply 4.6 million US households assuming each house is using an average of one point two six kilowatts as stated by the US Energy Information Administration that's equivalent of New York Los Angeles and Las Vegas combined the biggest non hydroelectric power station in the u.s. is a Palo Verde nuclear plant in Arizona 3.9 gigawatts that would still be short by nearly 2 gigawatts so where is the massive power station near HAARP and the transmission infrastructure required to supply this fictional 5.8 gigawatts it doesn't exist in fact parks power actually comes from five two point five megawatt diesel generators on the site so if the power output is one of the biggest misconceptions about HAARP the other comes from its history and in particular a patent filed by the physicist Bernhard J Eastland to find out why you have to go back to an area of Alaska before HAARP was constructed and to the oil and gas company Atlantic Richfield also known as Arco and Byrd Eastland Arco had the rights to huge natural gas fields in Alaska's North Slope region but they were far from their main customers and the cost of liquefying and transporting the gas was prohibitive what they needed was a customer that will be nearby Bernard Eastlund was an mit-trained physicist who worked at the US Atomic Energy Commission during the 1960s and 70s he specialized in plasma physics and co-developed a fusion torch a method of using high temperature plasma of a nuclear fusion reactor to convert waste materials into reusable elements in the 1980's Eastland was working for Arco and became the president of Arcos production technologies international company in Houston he suggested that Arco could use for natural gas reserves to power a huge antenna complex to focus high-energy radio beams into the ionosphere this would heat up the gas atoms to create artificial plasma layers in the ionosphere but in a way which could be controlled moved and shaped by equipment on the ground Alaska would be in a good position because the Earth's magnetic field lines go up almost vertically in that area each antenna would create a circularly polarized radio beam that would spin the particles around the magnetic field lines at the resonant frequency of the ions in the same way that a cyclotron works to accelerate particles this would heat up the plasma and allow it to move along the magnetic field lines to higher altitudes eastland was granted a US patent number for 686 605 for the invention title method and apparatus for altering a region in the Earth's atmosphere ionosphere and/or magnetosphere on August the 11th 1987 now while theis hland filed the patent he did so whilst working for Arco and as such are co-owned the patent some time afterwards Eastland disassociated himself from it and Arco and set up his own research company Eastlands patent makes some very interesting if not technical reading and some extraordinary claims some of the claims include that it could disrupt communications both around the earth but also to and from satellites missiles and air and sea craft by randomly modulating areas of the ionosphere which are relied upon to propagate radio signals around the earth thus effectively scramble the signals now back in the late 1950s and early 60s the US and Soviets exploded nuclear weapons in the magnetosphere high above the earth we also have a video on that if you want to see it this created large amounts of charged particles which were found to travel along the magnetic field lines in a spiral motion and bounce back and forth between the mirror points of their ends at very high speed this created a lot of radio noise that could blind radar systems and was thought at the time could cause the electronics of nuclear missiles to file one of patent claims was that a plasma layer could be created and used to trap some of the plasma particles which will then oscillate between the new layer and the mirror points on the magnetic field lines to create interference that could have a similar effect to the nuclear tests but without having to detonate a nuclear device in space other uses include heating large areas of the ionosphere to move them to much higher altitudes to create unexpected and unplanned drag forces on missiles and satellites and cause him to become unser in their travel also weather modification by affecting the upper atmospheric wind patterns by stacking of different shape plumes of particles to create a lens effect and in concentrating solar energy over an area or altering the course of a jet stream to move adverse weather like hurricanes or denying rain to drought prone areas it was also claimed to be able to make a wave reflector in the sky to steer e.l.f signals to a depth of a kilometer or more the reflections would then be picked up by a satellite and after processing could reveal hidden structures a bit like a cat scan of the earth another reason to use e.l.f waves is that the frequency of brain waves in humans lays in the 3 to 12 Hertz range very similar to that of e.l.f signals it was suggested that directing such a frequency at an enemy might have a detrimental effect on their mood and ability to operate but it wasn't all destructive Easterlin suggested that it could be used to modify the molecular makeup of the upper atmosphere increasing the levels of ozone to fill the ozone hole and to break up various chemical entities such as carbon dioxide carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides even though the claims in the patent seemed extraordinary and were probably somewhat over the top Arco still passed the idea of the ionospheric heater and it's possible uses to Simon Remo who had led the development of microwave and missile technology and was instrumental in the creation of the ICBMs he passed it to the defense department who then gave it to the Pentagon's advanced research arm DARPA the big planes may well have raised a few eyebrows in the military and his electronic being steering and reflection technology would have been of great interest to him but the overall size of the proposed project would have been massive for Eastlands patent to create the effects it claimed were possible it would call for a site with a maximum output of a hundred gigawatts of true power not the fictional ERP figure at some twenty seven thousand seven hundred times more powerful harpes 3.6 megawatts if Eastlands design used the same 20 kilowatt antennas and layout dimensions as a harp it would need five million antennas which would take up an area measuring 51 kilometers by 51 kilometers dig enough to cover the city of Houston in Texas this is why Eastland and Arco suggested that the power should come from the huge natural gas reserves of Alaska's North Slope it would have been a massive cash cow to Arco to supply the gas to put this 100 gigawatt requirement in context it's 9% of the United States total electrical power capacity of 1,100 gigawatts the biggest gas fired power stations in the world are in Russia and can generate 5.5 gigawatts of power each Eastlands array would need 18 of these working at full power to supply the 100 gigawatts Eastlands idea was just too grandiose that the scientist saw the opportunity to build a much smaller facility that would allow him to test ideas and gain a much greater understanding of the ionosphere so with the help of the Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens 10 million dollars of funding was provided and paid to Arco to build a prototype heart research facility at a site of a US Air Force over-the-horizon radar which had been canceled before completion at Gakona Alaska because of the location of HAARP it would be able to tap into the auroral electrojet an electric current that circulates in the polar regions of the ionosphere by modulating the auroral electrojet with an e LF wave it would act like an incredibly long virtual antenna high in the sky to transmit these VLF and e.l.f signals something that the US Navy were particularly interested in so now we can see where we get this conflation of ideas between the HAARP research facility and Eastlands original patent but the two are not the same HAARP operates sporadically throughout the year for short periods of time and does not use microwaves that energize via atmospheric gases as some people think so it's not like a giant microwave oven it's operating frequency of two to ten megahertz 'is 2000 times lower than the 2.4 5 gigahertz used in a microwave oven and you know when harpy's working because you can hear its characteristic tones in the shortwave band up to many thousands of kilometers away 1/2 is not the only site like this there are other smaller ones in Russia and Norway but HAARP is the most powerful and has been able to create controlled effects in the ionosphere such as faint air glow e.l.f and VLF signals it's detected previously unknown ionospheric effects which have advanced our understanding of the ionosphere greatly and some say that it's proof of concept that Eastlands ideas could work so what are your views on HAARP should we do this sort of research consider its origins or leave well alone let me know in the comments so thanks for watching and don't forget to check out some of our other videos if you get time and please subscribe thumbs up and share
Channel: Curious Droid
Views: 1,681,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haarp weather control, extreme weather, high frequency active auroral research program (location), haarp, haarp power, haarp aurora borealis, darpa, us navy, elf wave, vlf wave, elf frequency, dr bernard eastlund, arco, ionosphere, ionospheric heater, ionospheric heaters how haarp really works, paul shillito, curious droid, ionisa
Id: 5WdLV3YRMvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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