Why Invading Link’s Nightmare is Stranger Than You Think (Zelda)

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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time starts  with a foreshadowing nightmare as the game   unfolds. But what if we messed with that  nightmare? Could we confront Ganondorf?   Or get lost in a nightmare-ish world. Honestly  I’ve always been fascinated by this super long   intro to the game, so I hope you enjoy  my weird adventures trying to ruin it. I love breaking games, and it’s through the  support of sponsors like Established Titles   that allow me to keep doing just that. And  with Established titles, you can refer to   me as Lord SwankyBox - destroyer of games.  Established Titles is a fun and novel way   to preserve the natural woodlands of Scotland  alongside helping plant trees elsewhere in the   world. A title pack from Established Titles  allows you to buy as little as one square   foot of dedicated land on a private estate  in Eddleston, Scotland. By Scottish custom,   land owners are referred to as Lords and Ladys.  So you get an official certificate that features   a unique plot number, and you can see the  exact spot your land is at. You could even   use this certificate to change your title to  Lord or Lady on credit cards, plane tickets,   etc. Established Titles is partnered with the  global charities One Tree Planted and Trees for   the Future, so each order plants a tree in an  effort to support global reforestation. A title   pack makes for a fun last minute novelty gift, and  they even have couples packs with sections of land   right next to each other. So if you’re ready to  pick up a fun gift and help plant some trees,   go to EstablishedTitles.com/SwankyBox to get an  additional 10% off your package during their huge   sale. The first 200 peeps to do so will also be  right next to my SwankyBox plot. Once again a   big thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring  this video and supporting me as a creator! Auto: Now all legendary adventurers need a hero, and  we have to name our hero, so we're going to give   them the most heroic name ever! Let's see here…  how about… Lunk? Introducing Lunk the Bizarro   version of Link! And with that we start the game.  So as a heads up, I'm playing on a save file that   I've been tinkering with a little bit. I've been  hopping around and actually went back to the title   screen to start this game, so um that may play a  role in things? And I mentioned this specifically   because for some reason, the top part of Link's  house is sort of glitched out? As you can see   there's this horizontal strip that we can see the  level collision through. This collision map is   normally obscured, but for some reason it's not  right now? What I'm gonna do is start waking up   Link at different intervals. So we're going to  rewind time for a second, and the second we see   texts on screen I'm going to wake Link up. Now if  we wake Link up at this moment, the screen stays   completely dark. We can move around as Lin,k but  we we can't see anything. So enabling a different   view - a collision view - allows us to see the  world around us through the darkness. And I always   found it neat (but also odd) how Ocarina of  Time does their interiors. Like this house is   basically like one big image wrapped around, and  yet they use a collision map to isolate certain   areas that Link should not be able to walk to.  But the detail level is so low that we normally   can't see anything, but in this collision view  we can see what the house actually looks like,   in terms of the 3D space it actually occupies.  So you can see all these different objects and   these collision boxes that you normally cannot  see, and it's kind of neat seeing it this way! So rewinding time again and putting Link back to  sleep, we're now going to wake him up as soon as   he appears on camera. And doing so actually puts  a Link at the center of the room. Now there's   like this table area that the camera always sort  of like shows out from. Normally you cannot get   to this area, but Link spawns here and we're  able to jump off it. And of course changing   our perspective is a little weird here, but we can  walk around and explore of the house in this early   morning hour, and then we can also leave the house  and Saria comes running up to us as if nothing had   changed. Now, this is all well and good, but  the reason we're here is specifically for this   nightmare. Because as the story progresses, Link  has a nightmare that he's shivering about that   is basically him seeing the future! And within  this nightmare he's standing outside of Hyrule   castle and Zelda and Impa come racing out with  Ganondorf following them. And of course normally   Ganondorf attacks Link at this moment, but Link  sort of just freaks out and then he wakes up. But this dream world was always kind of neat  to me because like it's the “future” but it's   playing in real-time, at the start of the game.  So what if we were to interrupt this nightmare?   Well doing so is actually kind of creepy! So when  you interrupt this nightmare, the things in front   of you sort of disappear - Link is left alone on  this map, and Zelda, Impa, Ganondorf - all those   people are gone. And the world is so dark and  ominous and empty! So as I'm running across Hyrule   Field trying to see what this world contains,  every little action and every sound effect   that I make echoes across this empty landscape…  and that sort of aids in the creepy factor! The world is dark, and it's perpetually raining  around our character. Lunk has unfortunately   become a very very soggy boy. And as I made my  way around to the front of Lon Lon Ranch and   just really took in the Castle from far away,  it was kind of haunting… so of course I want   to explore this, so I try heading into Long Long  Ranch and the game crashes. Apparently there's not   a correct warp set up there, and the same thing  happens if we try to go into Hyrule Castle Town   after the bridge comes down. Entering this map, or  attempting to, will crash the game. And something   else that's kind of neat is that depending on when  we actually interrupt this nightmare, that will   determine how bright the map is! So if we do this  during a time when the game is dark, of course   the game stays dark. The world is pitch black,  and if we enable a collision viewer you can see   that it looks like Link stepped into the Twilight  realm from Twilight Princess. As if exploring your   nightmare wasn't Creepypasta material enough, we  have this now “new” abstract world that looks very   very strange. Like I said earlier stopping this  cutscene kind of just unloads everything - none of   the actors (the characters) persist after this is  unloaded. That's kind of a bummer because I really   wanted to take a look at these things frozen in  time, or stuck in their idle animations, but we're   going to take a look a different way! So we're  basically going to freeze the cutscene and take a   look at the different components as it progresses.  So we have Link in front of the drawbridge before   it comes down, and then we get like this flash  of Impa and Zelda in the back? And they normally   run by a Link but this is what they look like up  close. As they run by Link eventually they get off   screen, and then Link reacts and Ganondorf appears  behind him. And Ganondorf indeed just appears   behind him! If we go to take a look at Ganondorf  at this moment it's actually kind of neat because   it reveals something else - all the sky boxes  in Ocarina of Time are actually squares, but we   have a smaller rain box around the character that  constantly has the weather playing around them.   This is why when I was running around the field  the rain was always following me! But if we move   the camera out of this we'll notice us that the  rain isn't actually playing everywhere - it's just   around us. Now the world we're in is a cutscene  map, and when these cutscenes are called upon   it does load in a lot of different objects, and  all these objects are independent of one another.   So if we want to we can just remove Ganondorf's  horse, and then he's just sort of floating there   all weird! Unfortunately though, Ganondorf is much  more powerful when he's floating off his horse,   so as we try to exit the nightmare out of fear,  as the nightmare is actually ending we get the   inversion of what we saw before - the screen  gets brighter during this transition - so as   we exit this and we turn on the collision viewer  as the world is bathed in light, well everything   becomes gray, white, and dull blues! And this  makes the world feel a lot different as well. And while I was running around this bizarre  grayish world, I decided to run to Kakariko   Village because I actually did not try that warp  yet. My hunch was that going up the staircase   was going to crash the game, but I was wrong!  It actually took me to Kakariko Village - the   normal map - so that upon exiting the village  it took me back to the normal Hyrule Field! We   exit one Nightmare and immediately enter  another as Kaepora Gaebora begins talking   to us. I honestly don't know which one's  worse - a perpetual world of darkness,   or a never-ending conversation with this cursed  owl! So of course Lunk, our pristine hero,   does what any hero would do: they banished  themself back to the world of darkness. And back in this nightmare we decided to delete  both Zelda and their horse? So Impa just kind of   comes strolling out the castle doing like this  power squat? Her burly form is so powerful that   she just floats out of the castle and flies  off into the field! And equally as terrifying   is if Ganondorf's horse is the only thing that  shows up. If we remove Ganondorf from the scene,   well this is a really evil horse staring Link  down! But honestly during this whole thing I   really want to just confront Ganondorf here in  the past - I mean why not defeat Ganondorf here,   right now, in this nightmare and stop all the  events from happening in Ocarina of Time?! This was easier said than done… I was thinking  this would be not too difficult to have happen?   But I was definitely wrong, because I spent  a lot of time trying to get Gandorf's fight   to appear on this map. I mean imagine how cool  it would be if above this drawbridge Ganondorf   just started floating around like his fight  in the castle?! And what I didn't realize,   at least from what I believe, is that it was  actually the map itself that was preventing   Ganondorf from appearing and fighting me. So I  started experimenting - I forced myself to load   into Lon Lon Ranch without it crashing, and then  I try the same setup there. And, lo-and-behold,   it actually works! I think there's something wrong  with Hyrule Field? I mean it's a massive map, but   for some reason these things don't work there, and  maybe it's just the cutscene map I'm not entirely   sure. But here we are, we stroll into Lon Lon  Ranch, and we see Ganondorf. And I have to say,   have you ever just strolled into Lon Lon Ranch and  Gandorf is hosting an outside piano concert? Yeah   me neither… until today! But the juxtaposition of  Ganondorf playing this piano and talking to us and   laughing at us um while there's cows mooing in  the background… it uh definitely hits different!   And what's kind of funny is I was trying to  actually break out this cutscene as well,   so that when Ganondorf blasts us with  dark energy, well Lunk, our pristine hero,   is nowhere to be found. But then we realize that  this piano area is an illusion, and Lunk was super   pumped to fight Ganondorf! And uh he he dies in  one hit… Poor Lunk didn't even stand a chance! So I'm trying this again, and I have invincibility  on because I don't want Lunk to die. What I   realize is that child Link's hitbox for a sword is  a little bit too low to always hit the magic back.   Sometimes it doesn't even connect with the magic,  and we just get hits anyways. So the solution to   this is to Z-Target so that we always use vertical  slashes when knocking the magic back. But even   if we successfully volley the magic back and  forth and hit Ganondorf, well we run to another   problem - we can't use light arrows as a child.  And of course we need light arrows to advance this   fight! Even if we force the game to equip light  arrows with child Link, when he goes to use them   it will just pull out the slingshot and shoot  normal pellets. And the slingshot pellets don't   really do anything to Ganondorf - he sort of just  shrugs them off with his cape. But we can shoot   them really really fast, and we can perpetually  hold them in place, and if we have infinite ammo   on… well Ganondorf is never going to move again!  I also found it interesting that Ganondorf always   pulls his cape up to defend any time you shoot  a pellet - even if it's at the ground, or behind   you. I guess I always thought it was only if  you're aiming at him, but that does not appear to   be the case. So all hope of defeating Ganondorf  within this nightmare was unfortunately lost. But you know, nightmares tend to get worse as they  go on, and so do this one! The timeline began to   repeat and warp in on itself, and suddenly more  Ganondorfs appeared! Watching tons of Ganondorfs   play the piano at the same time is like a weird  fever dream? The dudes got like spider hands   with like 30 fingers as he slams the keys. At  this point I can't even tell what's going on   anymore - there's like overlapping cut scenes like  Ganondorf’s telling me to give him the Triforce,   while also blasting me with dark magic,  and one of the Ganondorfs is knocking out   Piano Man on the keys, and there is just too  much going on to understand what is actually   happening. But suddenly everything comes to  a head, and I see three Ganondorfs in the sky   throwing energy at me. And so I run underneath  them not thinking, and all of them start to   ground pound the field beneath them, and um…  because of all their combined Glory the game   just crashes. And so Link awakens for this  nightmare, and he's back within his house. But we're not done yet - I have a little bit more  to show you. So after this nightmare takes place,   Navi appears in front of the great Deku Tree.  And I'll be honest, I never knew this, but in   this scene Link is actually up above the Deku Tree  on the perimeter of the map. He's like standing   up to the right in this upper part of the Forest  that is normally inaccessible. And if we interrupt   the scene, we can actually explore this area! So  there's not really a ton up here, it just encloses   the map down below, but if we were to follow it  to the edge where the loading zone is, and then   jump down below and skip the loading zone, well  Kokiri Forest (the town area) is unloaded! The   trigger for this is in the hallway between the  Deku Tree and the village. And we missed that so   it never happened! So if we start the scene over,  and we let Navi begin to fly to Link's house,   well if we interrupt the scene at that point, the  great Deku Tree area will be unloaded, and Link   is just floating in the sky! There is a low-poly  version of the Deku Tree that you can normally   see in the background, that is over here and  looking at it from this angle is kind of funny! But I want to try something different -  I wanted to try to see what happened if   we made Link an adult on this map. And doing  so is a bit tricky, but we can get to work,   and when Navi begins flying around, well the only  person in the village is Mido. Unfortunately Mido   is stuck between two timeline lines - as adult  Link is experiencing his child timeline’s cut   scene that starts the game. And now I try to  get adult Link to appear in the other instances,   like I want adult Link to wake up on the  bed, or I want an adult Link to encounter   Ganondorf in the nightmare. Maybe there's  someone out there who can actually do it,   but I was not able to, so unfortunately  that was a bust. But I would have loved   to see adult Link shivering in the bed and just  being too big for the bed he was sleeping on. But as a final bonus before we end this video,  we want to take control of Link on the title   screen. And doing so can lead to a wrong warp that  actually takes us to the Deku Tree when we advance   the telescreen menu. And on this title screen  area I got rid of the logo on the start button,   and I was trying to mess around with Link on  Epona as well. For example: giving Link access   to a shield while on Epona so he could defend  himself from well… nothing in this scenario,   but using a shield on Epona would have been really  cool! Or even taking your sword out on Epona! And   that's the thing, if we mess with the game, but  you can't swing your sword. Now a lot of this   stuff is very similar to doing the swordless  Link glitch. I used to do that all the time as   a kid - I would have Beast Ganon knock the Master  Sword out of my hand, and I'd pause and save the   game while the Master Sword was unequipped, and  then when you loaded the game and when an Epona,   you could use all sorts of weapons. This is the  same method I used to try to touch the moon in   Ocarina of Time many years ago! While latching out  to an object with hook shot while on top of Epona,   and then getting off Epona, you can move all  around hook shot then. But in this instance,   things are a bit weird - I'm using bombs on top  of Epona while running around ,and thankfully it   doesn't hurt me and knock me off the horse, but I  also can just do a roll off of Epona. Instead of   getting off Epona normally, I just roll off her  and by doing, so I'm controlling both Epona and   Link. And this is kind of funny because I can now  get back on Epona from anywhere on the map, and   Link will just sort of crawl out of the earth like  a zombie? He just like warps beneath the horse and   just rises out of the ground trying to get on top  of Epona. And if we rotate Epona at this point,   um Link will try to get on the horse backwards  before ultimately correcting his orientation. So yeah, there's a lot of funny results when  you mess with the game on the title screen and   during the intro cutscene! As always I hope  you guys enjoyed Lunk's Bizarre Adventure,   subscribe right now if you did, and I will  see all of you in my next video. Cheers!
Channel: SwankyBox
Views: 70,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, ocarina of time, zelda ocarina of time, zelda breath of the wild, zelda theory, zelda mystery, oot, ocarina of time 3d, oot theory, oot mystery, zelda rumors, ocarina of time cut content, zelda backrooms, zelda liminal, zelda liminal space, ocarina of time liminal space, zelda creepypasta, zelda out of bounds, zelda boundary break, zelda sequence break, zelda hacking, the legend of zelda, ocarina of time into, link's nightmare, legend of zelda, oot opening
Id: kz5tb49bIKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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