Why I went with Simionics G1000

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hi guys um i told a bunch of you that i would go ahead and um post a little video on the semionyx that i'm setting up i'm building uh basically a 172 panel here 172 182 panel it's not done yet but it's up and running as far as it's flyable i just don't have the switch panels that i want in there yet but i can kind of show you the semionics and some of the stuff i like about it and some it has a few quarks one of the things about the semionics is it runs on ipads each one of these has an ipad for its screen that uses its own processor and then they connect wirelessly to the computer and one of the things i found and it's actually in the instructions is you need to get them fired up before you start the simulator and i think the reason is that way they grab the appropriate port uh wireless port that they want if they don't get that port then they get kind of finicky so um they're set up if you if you touch these two buttons uh nose up and nose down that will fire up the ipad in each one and then we'll let them come up and the bezels talk to the ipads by bluetooth the ipads talk to the computer via wi-fi this is kind of interesting setup so this is just the home screen coming up okay and now i'm going to boot up there's a pfd app so i'm going to boot the pfd app on this one and we're going to boot the mfd on this one and you'll see it says waiting for connection bezel connected bezel connected and then it's going to be pfd and mfd connected so they're going to talk to each other now the two connected to the mfd connected to the pfd if you start them this way they seem to start perfect every time okay so now that we've got both uh ipads up and running the g1000 is up and running now what i'm going to do is i'm going to start my computer and it'll grab the correct port right off the bat so we'll go ahead and fire up that computer and um give it a sec here to get going usually comes up pretty good so monitors firing up and we'll get x-plane started so i'm gonna come over here and get x-plane running and that glare that you're seeing in the camera on the screen i don't really see that the camera is picking that up but anyways we'll just start a new flight and i usually right now i'm doing a lot of experimentation with the semionics i'm going to show you why i chose to go this route instead of real sim gear i actually have um most of the real sim gear components right there for another sim that i'm setting up that we'll talk about later but here let's go ahead and we'll just put this at okay s and a john wayne and we'll pick a spot there somewhere down here on the ramp right there and confirm and we'll start that flight so it's going to load up that software i'm running orbix um so it does seem to take a while sometimes to load that southern california software or the scenery but it does a nice job so i'm real happy so far with the semionics and as soon as i get this going i'm going to show you a couple reasons why i chose to go this route as opposed to the real sim gear i'm real happy with the real sim gear units i have a 435 30 650 750. there's a specific reason i didn't go with the real sim gear g1000 and i'll tell you that in a sec okay so we're back now and the audio should be coming now through i'm running a flight uh sounds fsx duel there so i can use the actual aircraft headset and that's the thing is i fly for real um and um the goal of the simulator is to train uh some other pilots to make the transition from round dial um aircraft to glass to flying a g1000 type aircraft and so i was looking for as accurate of representation of a g1000 as as we can get so um one thing that the semionics does not do is it does not throw up a splat a garmin splash screen when you first initialize it like the um the other uh real sim gear units if you run them with reality xp software um they'll do that they look just like a garment they throw up the garmin splash screen and and do all that so you don't get that with the semionics however the semionics this is running a different g1000 software than what you're seeing up there on the panel that's the x-plane elevens uh g-1000 this is all semiotics all of the semionics or i'm sorry all the g1000 rendering here is done within the ipad using the ipad's app it's just pulling information from the simulator to the apps so that does a couple things um one the app is different than the uh x-plane 11 g1000 and it i would say it has more resolution and when i say that i don't mean screen resolution i mean that it goes deeper into the functions of the g1000 if you're going to get seriously into those functions the other thing that it does um is all of this up here has to be rendered by my computer for the when you put the g1000 up there and that hammers the screen rate uh the screen refresh rate or frames per second um and actually we should put that up here so let me get up here to uh view i think it is let's see i'll have to find that to put it back up i forget where the heck that is might be on yeah here we go so let's put the frame rate we'll show um there we go done and so right now if you look at that um that's running about 40 frames per second right now and that's with the g1000 being rendered and that's only one screen so let's go ahead and fire it up the rest this is a temporary setup here that i have right here just to allow me to get everything set up so um now the g1000 and both sides has come alive that the mfd and the pfd has gone out of provisionary mode and the engine gauges have jumped across um and yeah it's showing um about 40 frames per second is what it's rendering at right now now if i just take that out and just look ahead um even in just this still it picked up four it's like 43 44 but that'll be quite a bit more there's a bigger jump once we're airborne so i'm going to go back to where i can show you this um if there's a lot of scenery going on it can make the difference between 55 to 60 frames per second and you know down in the in the 30s it's a huge difference if the if the computer does not have to render the g1000 setup so that's one of the things i really like about it um another is um like i said the resolution now when i say resolution i don't mean screen resolution and i'll show you this if i use my mouse and i take the g1000 and let's go to the map page um let's see here nav and let's go map and we'll put the topo on and unfortunately that's not a great topo screen but um the um are we in the same place there let's see ksna yeah and here where are we looking at here let's see if we can zoom this out and get the same kind of representation going uh zoom out would be here let's zoom in don't want that sorry okay so there you can see the resolution to the topo and when you look at the same resolution on the semionics it's much more pixelated uh right here and i believe that my understanding is that's because of the difference in the amount of memory that an ipad has to allocate to those graphics versus the you know the full-on computer can render it up there in a much higher resolution so in that respect you lose a little bit and you mainly only notice that in like the topo map screens or the radar screen something like that where it's looking at a map and it's digitally representing either terrain or radar echoes or something like that you'll see it's a little more pixelated to me that's not a big deal here's let me get rid of this because that's just in the way here's what's a big deal is on the g1000 if you look up here in the x-plane g1000 it says nav pages well in reality the g1000 never says nav pages there there are there are chapters and pages here and so this is the nav chapter actually and it only shows one page there and the little knob should change between the pages the big knob changes between the chapters so if i go here and i tell it i want to change chapters let's see if i can get it to do it and for some reason i can't even get it to do it let's see let's take this for example the flight plan page so in the flight plan page right here it's showing two pages in there and the little knob should change pages right and if i go to a different page which today doesn't even seem like it wants to do why is it doing that to me here there we go i had a cursor on so in the nav pages it's showing one page or naf chapter one page available in the waypoint page it's showing all of i believe one page [Music] yes or was that two pages let's see nope just one page there so you only have one page in the waypoint pages if you go to the nearest you have four pages in there so you have a page for nearest airports you have a page for nearest intersections page for man that glare is right there sorry about that um page for the nearest ndb and um page for nearest vr so you have four pages there and then if i go to another chapter here or another chapter that's it that's what we have available in reality um this is how a real uh g1000 pretty much works is when i bring this up to the chapters you can see i have a chapter and it'll time out if i don't keep turning the knob every couple seconds map waypoint auxiliary flight plan checklist at nearest in the map pages alone i have in the map chapter i have five pages navigation traffic storm scope weather data link and to remedy uh terrain proximity it's all red right now because that has to do with how high you are above the terrain and i'm sitting on the ground so everything's red i can zoom it back out here some but everything's going to stay red so that's just in the map in the waypoint pages you've got airport information intersection information make sure i'm still aiming here um you have ndb vors and user waypoints to me that's a big thing and i'll tell you why in a minute if we go to the auxiliary pages there are none of these on the x-plane these are the pages that allow you to adjust and do functions within the gps and change the way it represents information so there's a trip planning page a utility page with timers there's a gps status page where you can check the status of the gps's there's two gps's working there's a system set up this is an important page you can change what fields are being displayed again for me this is a big deal and i'll explain why later and uh xm information which i don't use for anything but in the real airplane you can have xm set up for both music and satellite and weather information and then the system status it tells you the status none of those pages are represented in the uh x plane 11 uh g1000 okay then we go to flight plan um there are just two pages in the flight plan so there's the active flight plan and stored flight plan pages then we go to checklists all the checklists in the aircraft are for this particular aircraft are in here so there's emergency procedures there's um that come up first and then you can also do normal procedures you can just scroll down normal before takeoff take off and route landing you know if you want to do your normal or say you're before takeoff you just hit enter then you scroll down and you can just start banging through them as you check everything off again that's uh true to the regular aircraft in a real g1000 it's not represented in the x-plane g-1000 um and then the nearest page so here on the nearest page it will give you nearest airports nearest intersections nearest ndbs nearest vors whoops i jumped one nearest user waypoints the nearest frequencies which is interesting say you're not really sure what center frequency to hit center on and what's you know for the area you're in you can actually pull it up right here and nearest airspace so all of that stuff that's when i say the resolution is much better on the on the semionix g1000 than it is on the x-plane g-1000 that just does not go in depth to the level that the semionix does your engine pages are there you can go to the system page you can do [Music] lean and lean assist just like you can in the real aircraft i mean all of these functions work now some of them work in the x-plane but but not all of them so so far i've delved into this pretty far and i'm pretty happy there's a couple of glitches that i found that are just slightly different and it's once you're really delving into the depths of like flying an ifr flight plan and setting up vnav profiles or something like that there's a couple small glitches that it has and what another thing that i really like about this unit is you can email the fella that designed this his name is chen lee um i email him directly and he responds and sometimes i thought there was a glitch and it turns out it was something i was doing wrong and he enlightened me which was awesome and um by the same token i found a glitch or two and he's totally um willing to say hey yeah you know what that's something that needs to be addressed in the next update so i like that um so the the only other thing i'm going to show you here i'm going to get it flying there was somebody asking questions about synthetic vision and what is synthetic vision and what does it have so that the real garments uh the later versions have synthetic vision in them um the uh g1000 and x-plane does not so let me get it flying here i'll be right back and i'll show you what the synthetic vision is all about okay so let me see if i'm good enough to actually keep it airborne without crashing it without using the autopilot and at the same time explain the synthetic vision and i don't know if i'm good enough for this so the synthetic vision um let me turn it off here okay so i'm gonna show you the standard this is the standard g1000 and so your horizon is just represented broad above blue on i mean blue above and brown below um and that works for your horizon so as i'm banking and and pitching you know that's given me uh the representation of the horizon and what it's doing um what the synthetic vision does and i i'm at john wayne airport so right now i'm facing west this is uh in the southern california area and i'm right at the coast so the um ocean is out there so it's completely flat out there anyway so i'm going to turn around and face back towards the east here towards the mountains and you can see the g1000 doing its thing let me throttle back here a little bit and please i'm not trying to fly accurately i'm just trying to demonstrate this thing so if you're seeing me do stuff that you're like oh you'd never do that you're right i'm just doing uh just kind of playing around here to show you what's going on with this so let me get her trimmed up a little bit here and there's the airport right there that i came out of so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come over here and i'm going to line up and fly down the runway but i'm going to turn synthetic vision on so i go to pfd and then synthetic vision i turn it on and synthetic terrain and what's going to happen is all of a sudden now you see the terrain in the mountains you see the mountains out here hopefully with the contrast you can see them and you can actually see the terrain up there ahead of me and it will color the terrain if i'm below a thousand feet above it it'll become yellow and if i'm below 100 feet above it it'll become red if you put that on um as i turn back towards the airport here it actually will paint the runway right on if we fly down the runway let me see if i've gone far enough to do this yet i'm flying one-handed here doo doo so if i knows down here and we just take it diving run at this runway there's the runway right there so you can see the synthetic vision even knows where the airports are whether or not you're over the runway so if you're coming in ifr you can really um get some orientation going well before you break out of the clouds you know there's the runway right there just off the left and you see it on the screen and that's synthetically generated just out of the unit understanding the gps position in space and referencing that to a database so let's climb back up here now and uh what i'm gonna do i'll show you one other thing that the synthetic division does that's kind of interesting let me get it leveled off and we'll get rid of those flaps that's causing us a headache there so um the other thing synthetic vision will do is it kind of gives you a highway in the sky so if i set my pre-select altitude to i want to go to let's say 3 500 feet so this is the altitude pre-select i'm going to tell it i want to go to 3 500 feet and i'm going to put it in altitude mode now it's not an autopilot mode but it just knows that 3500 is the altitude i want to go to and then i'm going to tell it that i want to go direct and we'll put um like havasu in here which is my home base so that's k [Music] and jump over h and we jump over i i enter and enter so now i've got a gps bearing to lake havasu i've told it i want to go to 3500 feet i'm going to roll out on that approximate bearing okay we'll trim out here we're climbing up there kind of crazy fast because i'm just messing around but if i tell it if i go back here to the pfd soft button and then i bring up synthetic vision um i can get it to do if i put on the horizon number one it puts the headings out on the horizon and if i go to nav mode and auto pilot and we'll go flight level change whoops nose up nose up nose up start climbing here we should see some boxes come in there like a highway in the sky and that's called the pathway so that's right here if i hit pathway do you see the boxes up here we're going to climb up to those boxes those magenta boxes that's where we should be for the route that i told it we want to fly and it's just like a highway in the sky so let's take it up there and we'll flight level change up a little higher here let's go to 74. so as we're climbing up you can see the mfd is doing its thing and those boxes are coming down now as we climb up to them and we should be fairly centered on them once that it gets us on track and we'll end up flying through those boxes and they will go all the way to the destination or or whatever the route is that you set up in the flight plan so you can actually see how it's doing that so while it's doing that i'll tell you the other thing that i like is at the top of the mfd while we're climbing up to those boxes you have some indications here bearing track crosstrack and estimated time and route in the real g1000 those are all able to be changed um i happen to fly for civil air patrol we do search and rescue and when we do search and rescue one of the methods that we use requires us to change those values to what we want them to read and so that's where being able to come down here and go to the auxiliary pages so i go to auxiliary page i go to auxiliary page number four and then uh here you see all these fields i can just hit the cursor so i have a blinking cursor now and i'm going to take that cursor and i'm going to move it to field one when i move it to field one i can now use the small knob and i can put whatever value i want and they're all these different values so if i want field one to be bearing i'll leave it there field two to be track field three to be cross track and let's say i want this field for instead to be estimated time and route i want it to be distance so what i'll do is i'll just roll that to distance enter and that just change these values up here uh the other thing i can do is i can change the cdi so the chorus deviation indicator the the width of uh the resolution of it or the width of it when it's full deflection right now is in auto and it's set to two miles but what we do is we'll take that and we'll change that let me get back up there we'll change that to a third of a mile and we'll take it out of auto and that makes it that much more accurate and it it's now locked in that's not a default setting that's a that's a custom setting that i'm putting in there you can also come over here and change your utc time if you need to to change your clock time you can put airspace alerts either on or off all these things are functional in this representation of the g1000 that are not in x plane and and they work so now when i go back to my map page i have those values i went up here and also um i've locked in uh the width of the of the needle now you notice we're climbing up i told it i wanted to go to 3 500 feet i went to a flight level change on the on the gps for 76 knots which is about best rate and sure enough it's taking me right up and now we're going right through the center trying to get it to where the glare is on there but you should see that it's flying us right through the center of those boxes so that's the pathway that synthetic vision gives you and it's a real easy just visual reference am i on track where i want to go some people love it some people hate it so there it is capturing the altitude it just did the altitude capture now it's going to level off and i've just been real happy with it it just seems that uh so far there's a few little things like i said there is a glitch in the v now there's a thing called v-nav profile if you're really into g1000 it will do the v-nav profile in other words it'll automatically start descents at the appropriate time for each waypoint as you do step downs however it won't re-arm itself after the first one to do the next one you have to manually re-arm that's something um i've had some discussions with uh chan about and it sounds like he'll probably work on that on one of the next updates it's no big deal you just have to manually rearm it and know that it's not doing that another one is i use this with um pilot edge looks like i better climb up or we're going to have an issue up here so let's do that so we'll do uh we'll take that altitude pre-select up to 5500 so we'll just go to 5500 and we'll do flight level change and we'll put the speed back down to we'll just do an 85 knot climb there and you notice the boxes the pathway immediately moved above us and now we're climbing back up to it so that's the synthetic vision and you can see that mountain right here as this mountain so it's pretty pretty uh incredible the other thing that we've identified is i use pilot edge because it makes much more realistic training um very much more realistic training i love pilot edge uh the volume knob they didn't bother to hook the volume knobs here to the actual volume control on the simulator in explain 11. so i have to use the mouse to set the volume which is not a big deal except for because pilot edge is so realistic a lot of times you have both comms going you might have one com listening to a wasp one com listening to nav and you want to take that one or the other and bump the volume up or down so you know you would normally just select whichever one you want or actually you would go here you would select whichever one you want and then adjust your volume and it does show the volume as adjusting if you look when i turn that it shows that i'm adjusting the percent of volume but it's not actually doing it so to adjust the volume i have to go back to this screen um you know i'll bounce from from here i'll put that screen back up and i have to go here and actually turn the volume knob for the radio volume but i think he's going to be able to hook that up and now would be a good time to look at frame rate so with the g1000 being rendered on the screen we're down to 40 looks like in the low 40s is where it's bouncing around right there if i kill the g1000 on the screen it just went to 60 frames per second so it makes it 20 frames per second difference if you can just fly with the semionics doing the rendering on its own um which works great and you know i just put the outside view out there now if i need to look around or whatever i've got the hat switch set up and i'll just look down and see what i need to see um or look outside or whatever and then when i'm done with that i'll snap back to the front with no no d1000 so um let's see what else that's pretty much it i mean this isn't like a tutorial on how to use it it's more like a review of um answering the question of why did i elect to go this way um i plan to do the full switch panels and the uh backup instruments uh those are you know we're waiting for all that stuff to come but you know in the meantime we've got it up and running and uh getting used to the semionic system working out um you know finding any nuances that are different so that we can make sure to advise guys and you'll see on the here's the other thing the synthetic vision is doing you'll see now it's coloring the terrain so it sees that we're less than 100 feet and it's putting a red right there on that terrain so we're you know we're actually below that stuff over there and it's starting to color below a thousand feet so you'll see it starts to color the terrain as you come up to it if you're within certain heights of it so kind of an interesting deal one thing that it does do that i'm not a big fan of but i understand why again i believe this has to do with memory um are we gonna sneak this out here let's see we're climbing slowly let me increase the climb right here a little bit um so i think we're good we're just gonna slide by here um on the um with the search and rescue stuff that i do we do a lot of work with the mfd and we have a person flying the right seat they're called the observer they're setting up search patterns and they're doing switching screens and stuff a lot on the mfd and we do zoom in and zoom out quite a bit and the one thing that it does do that the real g1000 does not do is you get a black screen for just a second while it re-renders if you change the range so if i grab the range knob and i turn it i get momentary black screen while it redraws you know so you know i can zoom way in or zoom way out and it'll be black for a second while it re-renders that so um that's you know i'm not a huge fan of that but really overall that's like a super minor thing um it doesn't really cause many problems it's just something different than what you would see in the in the real deal looks like uh yeah we're just gonna make it over the top of these mountains here and it just gave the thousand foot to go call out and uh probably i need to do some lean in here yeah losing some rpm and give her some throttle and things would work a little better so um anyways that's kind of my i don't know if you call it a review but kind of some of the reasons i decided to go this route i'm really excited about it it seems to be working really well um i've done a lot of hours of just sitting here playing with it comparing it to what i know about the real unit and um figuring out how to use it to train you know these other pilots that we want to transition over to glass from round dial and you'll see now we're coming up we're within a thousand feet of our altitude and here come the boxes are dropping down so it's going to fly this right up into those magenta boxes and remember right back on track so for the for the fella that was asking what exactly is the synthetic vision it's a combination of a number of things number one the terrain is on there you can see there's a lake over here there's the lake represented over there there's another lake up ahead it's not just a flat deal it actually shows a topographical terrain out there you can put the pathway on there if you want or you can take it off you just go to pfd and if you don't want the pathway you hit synthetic vision you can take that off and leave the rest of the synthetic vision if you don't want now right now on the horizon bar it actually is showing the heading zero six zero zero nine zero if you don't want that you can take that off with the horizon heading soft key right there it also shows airport signs so it's dropping a little pin with the sign on any airport within view so here's an airport right here that's within view if you don't like that you can take that off and if you don't like the synthetic terrain at all you can just take that off and it's going to re-render it as just a standard g1000 without any synthetic vision just brown and blue so that's it that was a long-winded thing um if you like this video or you want to see more stuff like that as we continue to build the simulator up let me know like i said it planned to go with a full set of switch panels to mimic the g1000 we're running a yoko yoke these are verneo throttles for right now i'm using a desktop aviator flap switch may or may not stay with that i've got rudolph rudder pedals down there flight love this flight sounds dual fsx it allows me to have two headsets going which is excellent for training and actually i will split put a splitter in this one so the instructor can have an additional headset i'll blow the motor up here so the instructor can have an additional headset going and my pc was built by the guys at x-force and it's been running great so um you can see the frame rates on that thing even this is orbix uh southern cali uh true what they call it two nav southern california i think or something like that um it's some pretty uh sweet uh graphical representation i mean it's it's like photorealistic in a lot of places and you know it's still popping i don't know almost 60 frames per second 40 i think it's a 44 inch samsung monitor and uh and that's the scoop so hope you enjoyed that and um if you did thumbs up subscribe i'll be putting some more stuff up as we build this thing up and uh any suggestions or comments anybody have just leave them down below thanks a lot have a great day
Channel: SimProficient
Views: 19,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KQrvxbY-db0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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