Why I Quit Playing New Games

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hey guys in case you didn't know video games are [ __ ] now Ubisoft is finally making an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan and instead of making the protagonist you know a Japanese guy they made him a gay black man this would be like Assassin's Creed Origins coming out and Ubisoft announced that the main character was a white guy named Brad from Cincinnati do you guys even remember the last time you were excited about a game it's been a while I remember in 2009 being so freaking stoked to play Modern Warfare 2 with my buddies that I left work early to play it and the single player was awesome and the multiplayer was awesome and developers back then were giving us exactly what we wanted well boys those days are over what I am hoping for in the future is more developers embracing the edgy offensive soul that video games have always had until Indie developers start doing that I'm just going to be over here playing my old games because older games were better older games were funny older games were more creative and older games had hot women in them modern games have become cringy seminars on diversity they're full of microtransactions cosmetics and pay to win [ __ ] and they're not funny at all take for example the Saints Row reboot Last of Us 2 Spider-Man 2 Suicide Squad all of these games are packed with politics and microtransactions but the real issue is that they're just bad games and I get that I'm not the target audience for these games anymore but I'm not going to buy them either so what shall we do dudes and it's quite simple let's play old games old games were better old games were actually creative older games delved into new ideas and pushed the envelope of gaming with each new release older games were just focused on being a good game rather than getting you to buy microtransactions and to people saying that playing Indie Games is another solution to this problem yes absolutely I've just personally found that I prefer older AAA games to new indie games but I definitely love Indie Games as well so I want to do two things in this video first I want to try to explain why I think older games are better then I want to highlight some games that I think are hidden gyms from 2000 to 2020 that still hold up in incredibly well that I think you could play today oh by the way I'm Andy pants and please give me a subscribe okay so why are older games better number one older games are more original they were much more experimental creative and interesting this is pretty much true of any beloved game prior to 2020 you can go back to the Super Nintendo and PS1 era and just see an incredible amount of creativity only with the rise of microtransactions and people putting politics in games did games become so safe Bland and uncreated I mean look at a game like teo's deception this game came out on the PS1 and the point of the game was for you to literally trap and kill people in your house it's super a super dark premise and there's no way this game could come out today Point number two older games are way harder older games used to require some serious testicular fortitude in order to beat them I was reminded by this recently when I tried to play Gears of War I on Hardcore difficulty this 2006 game still has some of the best AI I've ever played in a game and is murderous difficult to this day number three old games were edgy had hot women in them and weren't concerned about offending people go play The Duke Nukem games if you want to see what I'm talking about or Saints Row 1 2 and three or GTA 1 through 4 who decided that every woman in games now needs to be ugly and every man needs to be attractive why would you even put ugly women in games who is that for the funny thing is I've heard women say the same thing too do you think women want to play as ugly women of course not video games are meant to be an escape but because of modern gaming and the infestation of politics and games women in games have to be ugly now sorry but again guess what boys we can just play old games so for the rest of this video I'm going to quickly go through a list I have created of older games from the years 2000 to 2020 that are still very easy to pick up and play today and are still incredibly good and don't have a super outdated control style okay here we go 2009 prototype you can pick up cars and air conditioning units and throw them at helicopters in this game what more do you need to know Spider-Man 2018 copied most of the mechanics from this groundbreaking game 2001 max pain this is probably the oldest game on my list it is the father of bullet time in video games and it holds up incredibly well you might have forgotten how hard Max pan one is but The Addictive gameplay and the Amazing Story we will carry you through to the end of this masterpiece Singularity this game was developed in 2010 by by Raven software a company who would go on to work on a bunch of the Call of Duty games the best way to describe it imagine a Call of Duty game but you have time manipulation Powers 2010 Deadly Premonition I was forced to play this game because of a podcast and it is the single weirdest but also one of the most unintentionally hilarious games I have ever played it's very very janky if you want to play something that is just absolutely Bonkers play this game 2010 Allan Wake I did not like Allan woke too at all and thought the game was super boring the Aesthetics and tone of the first Allen weight game will always be the king for me check it out 2011 LA Noir uh this game is probably my number two favorite Rockstar game of all time behind GTA 5 it's the only game I've ever played where you actually get to do detective work and the game lets you throw the wrong person in jail the facial capture in the game was like 10 years ahead of its time super underrated game 2009 Saints Row 2 of all the Saints Row games I feel like Saints Row two is the best all the characters are at the top of their form the activities are fun and best of all the game is super offensive and edgy there's missions where you pick up and deliver prostitutes you kill homeless people the entire game is hilarious and great 2011 Arkham City I played this for the first time in 2020 and I remember thinking somebody needs to put this game inside of a vault because it literally represents the best that video games have ever been the game is very hard and it's not an easy beat them up game where you can blaze through it really quick it requires tons of strategy and planning and I think is the very best game from the Arkham Trilogy 2015 Mad Max this game was terribly underrated and ignored in its day but is lowkey a fantastic action game I would say the primary mechanic that makes the game so fun is your ability to yank stuff down with the grappling hook attached to your car this was truly a unique mechanic that I've seen in no other game and it's super fun 2009 Bionic Commando you can't get this game on Console anymore but it's available in the steam store unlike the sidescrolling Bionic Commando reboots that came to the uh Xbox arcade this game was a full AAA 3D game that is critically slept on I love this game and I wish Capcom had made a sequel and it was way ahead of its time for 2009 2011 home front what I love about homefront is this game commits to an idea much better than Call of Duty uh Homefront asked the question what if America was invaded by a foreign army and we had to literally fight them off Call of Duty never fully commits to an idea like this but Homefront does an incredible job of it 2002 Manhunt amazing series of older games that stars your character in a game show where you have to kill people amazing games 2017 prey probably the greatest immersive Sim of all time I talk about this game on my channel constantly play it 2008 Battlefield Bad Company uh the star of this game is really the dialogue the story and the friendship of the game's four main characters even when you're standing around they'll have really funny dialogue uh the destructible environments in the game are cool but the campaign plays like a pretty standard Battlefield 8 Hour campaign so it's definitely the characters and the dialogue that make this game really stand out and it sequel as well 2008 Far Cry 2 Far Cry 2 and 3 are are both incredible games for completely different reasons Far Cry 2 was Hardcore it's difficult and it's uncompromising uh people wrote their Master's thesises about this game uh Far Cry 3 is lighter and funner and would be the template every later Far Far Cry game would copy that being said I still think Far Cry 3 was better than any of the Far Cry games that would come after it um so if you want a more modern experience play Far Cry 3 if you want to play The Artsy game that people have written dissertations on play Far Cry 2 2007 Crackdown I talk about this game a ton on my channel it's a near perfect game it was an XBox exclusive it's still an XBox exclusive uh it's one of my favorite games of all time perfect gameplay and it holds up really well uh Crackdown 2 and three are not good 2018 Kingdom Come Deliverance this game is set in a medieval World it has a great story and a ton of characters but it is also one of the weirdest and most oddly realistic games you will ever play um just play it it's absolutely wild 2007 crisis what makes crisis so unique to this day is that while your suit has powers you can only use those powers for one ability at a time armor running or jumping um Call of Duty creates this predictable pattern of shoot hide shoot hide crisis is interesting because it creates new gameplay patterns because of your character's unique abilities uh the game was groundbreaking for its time and it's still super interesting to play I don't recommend crisis 2 or three because they really copied Call of Duty crisis 1 is is the real stuff 2009 Red Faction gorilla I would shove the first two Red Faction games on this list in favor of Red Faction gorilla it is the game that truly elevated this series to the status of an art form the star of this game is definitely the destruction no other game has allowed you to dest destroy buildings and structures in such a believable way as this game and the whole game is it's an open world game and it's incredibly fun 2011 Portal 2 Portal 1 and two were so good and so influential that they created a genre the firstperson puzzle game games like the Turing test tallos principal super Lial were all directly inspired by portal between Portal 1 and Portal 2 I would definitely recommend the second one because it has more of a story higher production value and it's just overall a better game 2006 Ghost Recon advanced Warf fighter if you love the feeling of walking behind a tank while you give that tank orders of targets to blow up play this game it's completely different than Ghost Recon wildlands but was one of the funnest games in the series going back to it it definitely feels a little bit archaic but once you get the handle for the controls I think it's really fun 2015 just caused three I actually had never played a just cause game up until a few years ago and having played them all now I can say jc3 is definitely the best just cause one has really bad controls Just Cause 2 feels a little bit awkward at times just cause 4 was way too complicated Just Cause 3 I think is the best of all of the games because it feels incredible to play and the gameplay is much more simple and straightforward blow up the red stuff 2014 shadow of Mordor I don't ever play or like medieval games so it should tell you something that I got hooked on Shadow of Mordor this game was so good that Warner Brothers trademark the Nemesis system because of it um basically imagine if every time you lost to a boss in a game that boss leveled up and became more powerful and imagine how angry that would make you that basically sums this game up 2010 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit I don't ever play racing games but this is one of the funnest uh racing games I've played 2011 DSX Human Revolution this game is longer and there's more to do in it than 2016's mankind divided it's an immersive Sim in a cyberpunk setting with tons of cool spy stuff and hacking what more do you want 2009 the sabator the sabator is a criminally underrated game where you play as this race car driver back in the 1940s trying to fight against the Nazis it's one of the funnest open world games and action games that I've played in a really long time 2006 Dead Rising one the thing that impressed me about the original Dead Rising one to this day is just how unique and weird the game playay is um literally everything becomes a weapon and all those weapons work differently then couple that with this game being insanely hard and it stands out from the crowd of other zombie games this game is so unique and weird that it really has to be played to be understood for example a beach umbrella is better at taking out gie zombies than a gun who knew 2016 Titanfall 2 Titanfall 2 is that rare game that had one of the greatest single player campaigns of all time combined with one of the greatest multiplayer modes of all time I wish I could still play multiplayer uh but every time I get on it's basically only the sweats that are left and I get destroyed 2008 and 2010 Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas if you're tired of the Ubisoft formula where you do 100 repetitive objectives on a map The Fallout games are the cure for that almost every every objective you do in this Wild open world game is unique and weird and interesting uh the open worlds of both New Vegas and Fallout 3 are still talked about constantly by fans To This Day 2010 Dead Space 2 this game to me will always be the king of the jump scare it is the best survival hor game I have ever played in my life and it holds up perfectly today I'm sorry I'm not a huge Resident Evil fan but I love Dead Space all right guys there's a hundred other games I could talk about but hopefully this gets something to get you started like dude I know games suck now that that's the problem and people keep saying oh play indie games and yeah I like indie games but sometimes you want I prefer AAA games from the 2000s rather than the new indie games that are coming out today but that's just me so I'm going to get out of here bye
Channel: AndyPants Gaming
Views: 11,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro games, old games, assassins creed, saints row, saints row reboot, shadow of mordor, gta, crackdown, gta 5, gta 6, open world games, xbox, xbox 360 games, playstation 2 games, playstation games
Id: fzg1z6sw_qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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