Why I picked the Galaxy instead of Carrack

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what's up everyone so today I wanted to touch base on why I chose the Galaxy over the Carrick even though as much as I love the Carrick it ended up being the base building part of it that kind of made me go that direction and we just kind of touch base between the two and kind of give some overviews of it just my opinions take them for with your grain of salt let me know what you think later on but as far as the two ships there are some simulators there's quite a bit of differences between them of course the Carrick is mainly for expiration Expeditions long range capability of course it has the multi-functional the advance scanning equipment which isn't in game the drones which isn't in game and the will'll have modularity we just don't know what it is yet as far as the Galaxy um it's going to be a lot of heavy transport it'll have medical it'll have the refinery and of course the what's been said as base building is part of it whenever it showed that at the citizen con as well but of course we don't have that module or anything that we can do anything with we just currently have the three known and then kind of the unknown one as well but even though there are some simar there's still a lot of difference between them like I said as far as the car mainly exploration and Expedition um it's going to have some amazing exploration capabilities when that does come into play very long distance missions on it uh let me switch over here and go up here to the carck and of course you can see he got huge fu fuel tanks everything like that on it it it'll go for quite a while now it does not have the capability of the Odyssey where it of course mine quantanium and basically refine itself its own quantanium Fuel and everything but it still has a very large fuel tank on it compared to the Galaxy which I don't think we have that information yet we don't um so we don't know how that's going to go I do believe if I remember correctly they did not say that it'll be able to kind of Pi up and refine its own quantanium and there's of course not a way to it that we can see here at all so that's one of the main other things with it the Carrick will definitely be able to stay out quite a bit longer it wasn't won't have any major things there but we do know that even though it won't be able to refine its own fuel if you pair it with something like a prospect or a all the Galaxy will be able to refine that as far as how much room it's got technically if you use the cargo modules you're going to have a lot more room than the Carrick as far as cargo the module I believe is 52 yeah 512 plus the 64 that it'll have in the back of it well not as much as a catar of course the uh C2 it does go more than what the Carrick itself actually holds going in a little bit more of a comparison ship to ship here they're very similar in size the Carrick is a little bit longer a little bit wider and a little bit taller um price-wise we don't know what it's going to be in game for the Galaxy the cars 26 million if it stays where it is now of course with the comy updates that's a very good possibility that it may be going up we don't know that yet real money right off hand of course currently the car sits at $600 um I think it's 650 without being war bond versus the Galaxy at not quite half but almost at $380 now that does not include any of the modules that you can get with it as well so crew and everything by this it does state that one crew can run the Galaxy I honestly don't really see how that's possible myself but I mean I've rent the car with one person for a while not so much as using the overall systems everything of it just being out running around and vers kind of as a daily driver still do since I've of course upgraded to the Galaxy I still have the car as a laner so hey it it works that way um systems of course very similar in all their systems we don't know all the details of the galaxies yet um the main differences are the power plants and the shields uh Power Plant on the Carrick is one size three power plant on the Galaxy is two uh size 3es Shields Carri has more two size three Shields versus the Galaxy's one size three Shield um and get down to the weapons the other main thing here on it the Carrick does have one extra man turret on it or well one extra turret uh being three man one remote the Galaxy does only have three turrets doesn't State here if they man or remote if I remember correctly I do think that they're all going to be remote because I don't think there's a way to get to them as far as man but the Galaxy does have missiles on it as well well now granted the Galaxy is not a combat ship at all I would never try to take it into combat it's more of get around kind of hey mini base for a little while get out hang out with some friends go do some cargo running in it things like that now one thing I do also know is that the with the hangers the car hanger is of course extra extra small should be the same with the Galaxy one question I do have though is of course the carrot closes over it everything goes in no big deal it's put up the galaxy has the hanger coming in from the back I don't know if that actually will have and let me see if I can find the picture here see there of course the Galaxy does have the hanger at the back there now I've not personally seen if that closes off or if that stays open and there's like a a force field type thing on it I hope it closes because that would not be that good if it didn't have some sort of security on it because if you're out somewhere someone might just randomly roll up and fly in with their little ship and of course that's your ship that they're in essence taking over in a way so that is a little bit worrisome there I don't don't know and I've not seen anything personally on it hopefully that will come into play on it um comparatively like I said it it's more of a car iname everything on it is there it's already working it works well um it is missing some features which I mean there's a lot of ships that are currently missing features on it but it to me I just like the styling of the Galaxy better after seeing it and of course with the base building part coming in at some point I definitely think that it's going to lean more toward how I like to play personally uh comparatively character does have better endurance and of course has a huge cargo base unless you add in the Galaxy's cargo module which I do plan to do medical on it of course the Carrick has a tier 2 medbed right off the bat already there don't have to do anything special it's there Galaxy you do have to switch out a module for it but when you switch it out you do have the two or the three tier three two tier two and the one uh tier one medical bed so it definitely opens up a lot more options there for it as well as far as combat like I said I'm not going to take the Galaxy into combat that is probably one of the dumbest things I could do with it it's just not there for that Carrick at the same time is not the best at combat it does have a lot of Defense to it but it's not the best in combat it basically just falls down to your own personal opinion me I had the car I liked it dropping down to the Galaxy on it did allow me to kind of adjust and redo some things with that I am going to get the cargo module with it possibly the other two modules I don't know they're yet which of course that zeros out what I would have saved with the Carrick but I don't have to really go with a Refinery module that's one that I'm up in the air on I don't PR see myself doing it cargo modules are defining possibly might get the medical module I do have the metac that I'm waiting on to come in as well so that's unlikely that I'll get it but but it's always a possibility there as well so kind of going back to just what I'm looking for myself character love it can't wait to see what the modules and everything do in it but I really think I'm going to like the Galaxy better overall have more fun with it and it kind of fits with my game play a little bit more I'm definitely leaning toward doing a few different things that aren't necessarily going every day with what the Carrick would do I don't really plan on doing as much exploring as I originally thought I would so I think Galaxy makes a better option but leave what you want to say down in the comments let me know what you think if any of it makes any sense if it doesn't make sense and we'll see you next time have a good one
Channel: Cauds Place
Views: 1,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen ships, star citizen gameplay, star citizen game, star citizen update, anvil carrack, anvil carrack review, rsi galaxy, rsi galaxy vs carrack, rsi galaxy base building, galaxy vs carrack, carrack, carrack star citizen, galaxy, rsi galaxy review, galaxy star citizen
Id: fkA1Hss39Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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