Drydock: Perseus Class Gunship | Star Citizen 4K

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the perseus-class gunship is an upcoming sub-capital ship in Star Citizen a beefy combat platform the concept is pretty neat take a multi-crew ship strap some armor to it and then bolt on a couple of big gun turrets for good measure what you're left with is something that in theory should be a big threat to medium to large ships and even something for Capital ships to take notice of I'm farrister and welcome to the dry dock a new series which will delve deeper into the ships of Star Citizen this video will explore the background behind the Perseus both in and out of game then take a look at some of the attributes and statistics of the ship before considering how that might all translate into gameplay there are timestamps in the video description although if you're a fan of the Perseus you might prefer to watch this one all the way through and whilst this channel usually focuses on what's currently in game necessarily this video will navigate the treacherous space that is speculation territory whilst every effort has been made to approach this video accurately sometimes information is sparse and much is subject to change as time goes along so please treat the content with a pinch of salt and not as a definitive promise as to what will happen all of that said let's dive into the background of the Perseus the Perseus was first unveiled at The Intergalactic Aerospace Expo in November 2020 to sit in the 100 meter ship range but contrasting to the Hammerhead and Polaris by providing Firepower in the form of large caliber gun turrets the Perseus is designed and manufactured by Robert Space Industries so that RSI triangular style is highly visible there's been very little information following the initial flurry of information so it remains to be seen how long the ship will remain in development although it seems that the Polaris May well be a precursor in the development timeline in game law the Perseus is a complete modern refresh of an old design the original Perseus gunship was first developed in 2528 making it well over 400 years old at this point the old design was immediately thrown into Frontline use for example at the incident at Red Ridge in 2529 and across the Perry line after first contact with the Xi'an in 2530. production of that Perseus finished in 2863 but remained in service with the uee Navy during operation Mandrake at the Battle of Oberon Admiral Bishop is said to have personally witnessed an aging Perseus holding its own against the Vandal forces resulting in a request to modernize the Perseus with a view to putting it back into production again this redesigned version arrived in 2950 including for civilian use through the militia mobilization initiative in what has quickly become a Mainstay for this section of these videos Paul over at the Astro historian has a fantastic lore Video available for those who are interested in finding out more about the Art of War and specifically the history of the Perseus class on launch in 2020 the Perseus was offered for sale for 675 or 600 of new money and this price has persisted since the Perseus has only subsequently been offered for sale to coincide with specific events the stated purpose for the Perseus is as a gunship supposedly relatively well armored and defended and equipped with Weaponry to deal with medium to large size targets the design inspiration seems to have been to consider the old Ironclad ships that bridge the gap between the age of sale and the birth of the battleship dreadnought the RSI website does list the Perseus as a frigate although that seems a little misleading it seems more likely that the Perseus will arrive almost as a sister ship to the Hammerhead and at a similar size too whereas the hammer head is supposed to excel at destroying smaller Fighters the Perseus would be bigger Firepower for bigger targets including Hammerhead sized enemies accordingly the primary design purpose seems to be as a screen to Aid in Fleet defense based on current information the Perseus would have a total length of around 100 meters a total width or beam of around 50 meters and a total height or depth of 21 meters given these sizes are very neatly rounded it's quite possible that the dimensions are going to change a little for context a hammerhead is about 120 meters long so that sort of size seems to be where the Perseus is likely to end up the mass of the Perseus is yet to be determined by way of components the Perseus is expected to house a medium radar as well as two medium-sized computers power is expected to be provided by two large power plants with cooling provided by two large coolers defensively the Perseus would carry two large Shield generators and all of those components would be on a par with a hammerhead the Perseus specifications list two fuel intakes with size yet to be determined two large hydrogen fuel tanks and a large Quantum fuel tank both a Quantum Drive and jump drive are also set to be large size in terms of propulsion the technical overview lists two main thrusters and two veto thrusters with 12 fixed maneuvering thrusters located around the ship providing rotation and translation support the primary Armament of the Perseus is set to be two size seven manned turrets each armed with two size seven weapons that's four size seven weapons equivalent to the Firepower of four Airy starfighters all focused on a Target the weapons seem to be optimized against similar size targets to the Perseus meaning that medium to large ships that are unable to dodge that fire might need to be worried the Perseus is also set to carry two remote turrets and with two size three weapons defaulting to size 3 ballistic Gatling guns to deal with smaller targets that said the Q a does note that whilst the two turrets help to defend the Perseus it may be somewhat vulnerable to being swarmed by large numbers of Fighters and bombers the Perseus also carries two missile racks armed with size 5 Torpedoes which are the same size launched by the Gladiator this seems to also be tailored towards engaging medium to large targets the total payload across both racks is 20 missiles the crew specifications for the Perseus note both a maximum and minimum crew of six although this might be one of those ships where the requirement is lower to start with the Q a notes that the pilot controls the torpedo Armament the same q a also notes that the remote turrets come equipped with blades so can be automated by default which leaves two manned size 7 turrets which do need to be manned but potentially by NPC crew so between a pilot two turret Gunners and maybe a support player for engineering repairs the true crew requirement might end up being three or four the Perseus is not as large as some of the capital ships and so the amenities are more befitting a ship at this size Point there's a habitation section with a mess hall crew quarters and a Captain's Quarters as well as a docking collar on the lower deck there's a cargo bay with 50 SCU of storage as well as an elevator which can deploy to allow ground vehicles around the size of an Ursa Rover to hop aboard albeit at the cost of sacrificing some of that cargo storage with relatively heavy turrets and supposedly fairly chunky armor on the hull the obvious use case for the Perseus is to specifically Target medium to large size ships caterpillars Hercules Hammerheads all should take note of that big Armament the equivalent to four Aries in the size of the weaponry that lends itself well to patrol use floating around to deal with such targets or potentially for nefarious characters for use in piracy operations although the 50 Su cargo bay might be a limiting factor in that regard whilst the Perseus May well excel at taking on larger ships it's noted in the Q a that smaller Fighters and bombers pose a greater challenge the Dual size 3 turrets are clearly a defensive Factor against such a threat but only insofar as they're able to get on Target and stay on target given the slower speeds of the Perseus that could create a threat of blind spots and the like that might however make the Perseus a great partner for a hammerhead or a small Fighter Squadron with the latter covering the threat of smaller ships leaving the Perseus to clean house on the meteor targets the Q a also notes that the natural role for the Perseus sits in Fleet defense bolstering the Firepower of a combat Fleet whilst benefiting from the fleet amenities such as medical facilities the other obvious use case is for a small group of players who want to have a big impact the relatively modest multi-crew requirement makes the Perseus a fairly big ship that could be crewed by a fairly small crew so for combat enthusiasts that might be an interesting choice and the fleet defense element is likely to be the natural Fleet role for the Perseus remember this is a ship that's much smaller than other Capital ships and without the full Suite of services available aboard the Perseus is built around dishing out damage and doing so against less maneuverable targets for fleets where the Perseus is amongst the bigger craft that will give it more of a tank-like role soaking up some damage into Shields and heavy armor to allow lighter combatants to operate and for Capital fleets that leaves the Perseus in a position to use the relatively large cannons to blast away at enemy screens or even potentially to harass some of the capital ships with the heavy Weaponry aboards to be clear I don't expect a Perseus to be soloing a fully crude capital ship most of which are far too well armed and defended to lose out in such a scenario but in a chaotic battle in which the Perseus is not the focus of enemy fire the Cannons May well be large enough to sneak some damage in below the radar so to speak regardless the Perseus could be a very interesting combat platform when it finally hits the verse especially so because other than turret automation which might follow later much of the combat functionality is already in existence at time of recording but at the risk of going on for too long we'll draw a line under the Perseus here as this is still a new series for the channel your thoughts on either the dry dock format or the Perseus would be very welcome in the comments section if you're not yet subscribed to the channel you might like to do that too so you can get the heads up for new videos on the channel as well as firing size 7 cannons at the like button if you like heavily narrated slideshows talking about Naval Hardware otherwise and as always thank you for watching foreign
Channel: Farrister
Views: 34,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, unreleased, upcoming, concept, perseus, gunship, gunboat, corvette, theory, theorycrafting
Id: M2BsM2ULiyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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