Polaris Coming early 2024 in Star Citizen...

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[Music] hello citizens it is Baron So today we're going to be discussing the Polaris and I know you're thinking well you discussed the Polaris a lot yeah I completely and 100% agree but we're going to go through how this is actually going through quite a fast process of conceptualizing ation um white boxing gray boxing as we know that the ship has pretty much gone into its gray box phase and you know it's taken a little while so 7 years ago was when this ship was more or less an more or less announced and they released a video on 11th of October 2016 a lot of you have seen this it's called the RSI Polaris UE militia mobilization initiative you didn't really get to see the pois much except in like sort of a 360 view um sort of video and you know the uee militia and whatnot and their fleets but other than that we didn't really get to see it too much obviously since it was a concepted ship and it didn't really have much work done to it as a lot of concepted ships don't so why now are we starting to see this ship is it because there's more demand for it is what is the the point of this and let me just touch on that this was announced the like the rec concept of the interior and a little bit of the exterior was announced just a few weeks after the 600 I so they released a video on the 2nd December 2022 announcing and showing us the visualization of the Polaris um internal concept and I think a lot of people got a lot out of this but obviously a lot of people didn't see this video a lot of people still ask questions and to see that a ship and you know a year is a long time but in the grand scheme of the universe and just everything it's really not that long but when you're waiting for something it can go by quite slow and you know you're quite anticipative of it coming um but to say the least that you know they've really gotten on top of this ship they're really trying to get this ship out to us and I can see why they're doing it you know there has been pushes for um older ships that have been concepted and sort of filling in that backlog where they have addressed that at citizen con 2953 let us know what you all think about this um and your opinion just like how you feel about this I feel great that they're actually starting to do some work on it and I think they're getting this into the game because you know eventually Squadron will release we will have an Idris and I think we're going to need something to counter the Idris so at the possibilities of this ship releasing earlier than the Idris is quite high I would say you know and since it is in graybox phase and it is a sort of a military based vessel could we see this ship in fact come into the game around possibly Invictus it seems to me that they could be pushing a little bit to get to that point so that they can come in bring the game uh bring the ship out during this um ship event and I think that would really push the ship and push Sals for people who haven't got one yet who have seen the ship in its in action in its glory and feel like they want to get it so like I said at the end of 2023 the Polaris had you know passed its white Box review and then it actually progress into its graybox phase where all the surface surface modeling and animations will be completed now I may have got the modularity part um sort of mixed up but the emphasis on the modularity for the interior was to improve reuse and scalability so what that would indeed mean that they can use the interior uh rooms textures anything from this ship and as they have stated use it on ships like the pereus the orine um and so forth and the reason for that is that you know they want these ships to feel like they come from the same manufacturer obviously there will be things internally different The Styling will be a little different but it will eventually all be the way same way in like the grand scheme of things and that's a good thing I guess you know they're sort of working SE like segregating manufacturers getting one done and then they'll get the other one done and the the Polaris is going to be one of those flagships and you know I've done a video in the past for ships where you know will it survive the hype and I think this will indeed survive the hype and the use of this ship that people are going to use it for will be incredible to see I hope that in some time in the very near near future that we'll have some form of use for the brig and actually being able to apprehend uh Bounty targets and eventually be able to put them in there and I hope that is rather you know sooner rather than later um it's something that we've just really idolized it's a ship that we've all wanted to see that we've all wanted and everyone wants to get these massive big ships in their fleets because they want to have this some form of power and I you know I completely get it because I've got them as well but there is you know it's it's a different topic that is a completely different topic so the Polaris would it get to the point where it can release on Invictus 2954 possibly not possibly maybe it could be earlier a bit later but it feels like they could be aiming for that date to release it and eventually get it to people to be able to purchase in game so what use would this have in the verse let us know in the comments because without having having something like pyro and other systems having such a small um system like Stanton will there be too many of them in one spot will people just sort of uh fluctuate with the use of this ship will they use it for combat will they use it for cargo running will they use it as protection will they use it on the Idris Mission like the eart mission uh the critical threats what is the prioritized use going to be until we get another system um like pyro or NYX eventually you know and that it gets me thinking I always talk about this because it's something that you know the ships that we have now and the ships that we're going to get very very soon always have more use than what people would make out to be and I'm not going to say that you know This ship's not going to have some form of use within stand because obviously it is it's going to have a lot of like combatant use it's going to have a lot of support use it could also be used as a cargo Runner as such and also being able to carry ground vehicles um a fighter it's just so many people are going to use this for so many different things but it's going to be so cool when they actually release this and people are going to be flying this ship around let us know are you hyped for this ship what do you feel like how do you feel Like This ship's going to be a good idea do you feel like it's going to be in a good spot when they bring it out I know they're can take their time with it and what they've shown Us in the past at citizen con and um other videos that they've released it's looked really good and I hope that you know in the near very near future once they actually start doing some road map updates that we actually see the progress and eventuality of where this ship May finish or may where it may actually um hit its development phase or you know where it ends in what quarter of the year and I feel like that may be around June July maybe a little bit earlier but it feels like that would be a good spot to put this ship it would boost sales it would hype the crap out of the community eventually I hope it doesn't go through some form of a um a nerfing phase because you know I'm going to be honest here people who don't have these ships and people who won't get these ships are going to complain about it being op there's just so many adventitious parts to this ship that a lot of people don't have a lot of people can't get and I can completely understand where they're coming from but at the same time people have paid for this ship people have waited for this ship for so long and I think that they're going to keep it in a good place for when it actually comes out I hope you guys are hyped for this because I'm absolutely hyped for this I make so many videos on the Polaris people love it I love discussing the topic of this ship and basic RSI ships I can't wait to see the Perseus get put into the verse as well like I just love the look of that little spe like Arrow spearhead look on it it just gives such a good feeling and I think these ships are going to play a major role when it comes to combating uh something like Xeno threat and um the just other events that they're going to bring to us you know and I think that these will play a major part within pyro as well hopefully we get physicalized armor quite soon because that would also be a massive massive Plus for this ship and across the board that would just be amazing but we'll just have to see where this goes I'm honestly quite hyped for this to come out I'm just sitting back waiting to see what they say about it but from what we've heard in their reports it seems like it's going to be good progress they're actually going to focus on this ship to get it out the door to get it like down to the tea to look like as amazing as they can and honestly it's good to see that they got some sort of Team focus on ships like this now and actually address that backlog because honestly I really want something out of the naus I want something I want to hear something about the Nautilus in 2024 I hope that you know they get through RSI and they you know they make a schedule and a plan and sort of give us an idea of where we could be in the next 2 years or year or so when it comes to other ships like that but you know we're dragging on I hope you enjoy this let us know what you think about this down in the comments because it's a very interesting topic I love this ship and I can't wait for it to come out if you enjoyed this leave a like comment subscribe if you didn't leave a dislike and we'll see you in the verse peace
Channel: LawlessBaron
Views: 13,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen polaris, star citizen polaris rework, star citizen ships, star citizen leaks, star citizen polaris vs idris, star citizen, star citizen capital ships, star citizen ships 2024, star citizen rsi ships, star citizen rsi perseus, star citizen ship buyers guide, star citizen ship deep dive, star citizen polaris deep dive, star citizen buyers guide polaris, star citizen 3.23, star citizen invictus 2024, star citizen invictus 2954, star citizen gameplay
Id: l9PH3B8hQoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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