Why I now main Prismatic Shard in Slay the Spire. | Ascension 20 Defect Run | Slay the Spire
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Channel: Jorbs
Views: 28,666
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Keywords: slay the spire, jorbs, slay the spire jorbs, slay the spire run, slay the spire ascension 20, ascension 20, slay the spire act 4, act 4 ascension 20, slay the spire win, slay the spire ascension 20 win, slay the spire act 4 win, slay the spire heart, slay the spire heart win, slay the spire heart ascension 20, slay the spire defect defect, slay the spire defect run, defect ascension 20, slay the spire defect win
Id: ZTa44B84KD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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