Why I Do NOT Use Flutter for Mobile App Development

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hi friend why i'm not using flutter is one of the most asked questions so let's answer it at once what is better react native or flutter actually you should kind of uh decide and understand why why do you really need and do you really need cross platform at the work i'm wearing two hats i am freelancing i'm i'm working as consultant for other companies and i'm building my own apps and for both of them i'm choosing kind of do not use flutters and there are i don't know five reasons maybe why let me show you to you one tweet check out this tweet from notion so notion how i use an android app and they rewrite it basically updated uh it is using native parts and basically they see two times speed improvement for ios three time speed improvement for android basically they redesigned it using native components native apps are just faster that is kind of nice my second point is native apps looks better and yeah i built one test project using flutter application i post it on my youtube in short and i got a lot of kind of positive feedback on that video because yeah that interface looks nice i just followed one tutorial but still you can make much nicer kind of interfaces using native tools one more kind of con you are on the mercy of third party services as soon as apple and android release new features new sdks or new hardware with new sensors you are not able to use them until your choosing provider will implement that if you are kind of starting to build application you have to take a look on list of all the functionality that you like to have and compare with your library is it does it support it or not basically cross-platform development that always is compromise because if you like the best experience the best possible look for the app the fastest kind of possible app then you go native and why companies are doing that so for example if you're in company you have javascript developers and you need to build mobile app then probably react native path is not so bad because in-house developers are already familiar with the product or business problem that company is solving if you will bring in a new team new ios team new android team firstly you need to hire source developers it is not so easy to find experienced developers nowadays secondly you kind of have to manage them and yeah maybe maybe you as company you would like to choose the problem of dependency management library all that problem better than human problems so just compromise for sure but you can save on development resources and maybe time and yeah of course there could be in the market some tiny startups where developers do android and ios application and maybe some web development and maybe even manage some servers i personally don't like to work on for startup like that yeah if you are founder of that startup the totally different story if you are building that project for yourself but if you are working for company like that no thank you i bet i would like to work for company which can afford separate ios and android development teams for personal ups also you kind of have to understand why do you really need and do you really need that cross-platform kind of development cross-platform application i'm often asked here on twitch streams basically but why are you leaving money on table android phones are more popular and yeah they add all those arguments so i don't have any android app in the store now but i was working with customers which had android and ios app and usually io subs bringing most of the money ios users are kind of more willing to pay for apps that's the fact and if you are building of course if you are building a business on running apps ads ads in your apps or collecting user data basically if you are facebook yeah sure you need android and ios up if you are not if you are kind of building business on selling your product selling your apps maybe ios market is enough and you don't have all that headache of supporting android and yeah it kind of feels that yeah you can use flutter and then you get android app for free windows up for free marcos for free even web app i hear you yeah you kind of get it for free but that is not true you have to support and maintain all those platforms and i have i don't know zero willing to support up on linux zone and so on i'm using ios devices i'm living in apple ecosystem and i know how good apple apps for apple ecosystem should look i don't even know how good android apps should look i used android but many years ago so you can't just copy paste design from ios to android you need to make it unique because different platforms have different design uix and ui paradigms so they are working differently if your goal is kind of to work as a freelancer and you are looking forward to work on those online job platforms like up fork freelancer whatever fiver and you are looking to do projects for small companies which are looking to create some quick small mvp to test businesses there and they need ios and android app then i will choose flutter as cross platform development tool and i will go with that because yeah for those projects you are basically doing that project and dropping it getting money and moving away moving to the next one for that type of project flutter will be kind of good choice and you know that project will live for a year maybe maybe less maybe more but after that anyways it will die or it will be rewritten into the native kind of solution and it will die i think by because of business reasons i have potential one cross-platform kind of development project in mind maybe i will make an app and then i will do some youtube videos about that and so on so on my opinion about react native is used for some time to bootstrap an app if upgrade structures which denied you by learning and rewriting up exactly i agree with you yeah and definitely if it is your first coding language definitely go native do not start by learning flutter it's not great today uh totally yeah the reason why react native was developed was to solve the cost and management of two native apps for startups if you care about absolute best experience from start have enough cost and resources go with native yes code for real you are totally right of course probably there are plenty of positive experiences but airbnb it was 2018 maybe a lot of things are changed but basically they try to use react native and they found that there for them it is cheaper and better to support native development and all of that stuff yeah and they basically sunsetting react native and that was kind of interesting success story on the beginning if you followed that and not so successful at the end i don't know currency but of course there are plenty companies with different experiences and so on and i'm just saying that it is not kind of clear answer here it depends as golden dog or software said it depends can be worse than hammering yeah almost anything can be worse than hammering right yes kowalski you're right there is that key mmm multi-platform approach when you use kotlin for business logic but you still use kind of still but you're still developing a native user interface using swift ui and kotlin for user interface for each platform but mine kind of core business logic is kotlin that's not really cross-platform as most of those who speak about cross-platform understand because you still use still develop kind of diff split user interfaces you
Channel: Aivars Meijers
Views: 176,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why I do NOT Use Flutter, mobile app development, app development, flutter app development, react native, App development for beginners, should i use flutter, Flutter, React Native, iOS, ios development, ios developer salary, ios developer day in the life, ios developer mode, ios development 2022, mobile development
Id: N0rSpuHp7B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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