Should you use Flutter for Web Apps?

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hey guys how are ya steph here i got a question from somebody let me read it do you think the flutter web framework is a good idea to use to create my next web app i know it's good for mobile however i am curious about the website of things when it comes to flutter thank you in advance interesting question so flutter is a framework that google put out it's a cross-platform framework put out by google initially as far as i understand for mobile development so basically you write your flutter code i think it is with dart let me just reference this to be sure yes you use the dart programming language and using dart you'll be able to create web mobile apps android and ios with one codebase that's the big advantage one code base supports across platforms now flutter now allows you to create web apps it may have allowed you from the inception and forget now but so you can create your flutter app will work on mac os no excuse me it'll work on ios work on android it will work on the web browser and apparently um they are google is as of 2022 i'm recording this in july if they haven't already apparently they're bringing it over so we'll work on windows and mac os natively that's pretty cool because you write once and then this application will work on all kinds of different platforms all the major ones this is nothing new in terms of a nerd's dream the nerd dream of java was right once run everywhere so that was the java promise it didn't work so well didn't work so well i've used it in the past uh you know i remember we used to have the the original java gui library it was awt that's like that went nowhere and then we had something called um applets uh that was for browser apps anyway i'll stop so this idea of cross platform right ones run everywhere is really one of the holy grails of software development so apparently flutter does a pretty good job with it in terms of mobile devices android and ios devices and apparently now you can do web with it i can see i can see how that would be pretty pretty easily done or pretty achievable rather and they're going for again mac os and windows so he's asking me should i build it in a flutter well depends on what your end goal is with your application if you're looking to build an app that needs to be cross-platform then yes i would definitely look at either a flutter or maybe react native depending on the needs of your project every framework and library that you work with out there every language every technology really has its pros and cons and you have to figure out whether or not flutter will make sense given needs of your particular project for you it might be fantastic for somebody else it may not be so good i don't know that's number one so we have to see whether or not first question i've asked myself do i need to create a cross web app initially do i need to have an app that will work on ios and android and in the web browser right off the bat you know remember responsive websites they can handle most user needs in terms of your web apps right like studio web my sas we have a responsive implementation so we don't haven't never bothered to create a mobile application for it would the mobile application be slightly better perhaps but it wasn't really worth it and sometimes using native web technologies pwa is using progressive web apps pda pwas might be a a better solution for you which is just using html5 css3 javascript that will work i remember reading an article where starbucks said that when they moved from native mobile a native mobile app what they had and they just went to pwa progressive web app which is usually just using webtech their uh usage went up 50 one thing i have to mention is that i don't know about you guys but i'm i'm not keen on installing everybody's native app on my phone i much rather most of the time use their web app because i'm not installing anything so i think a lot of people have that mindset and the success of starbucks pwa would suggest that anyway when it comes to flutter yes you know don't learn something just for the sake of learning it unless unless you have a personal interest that's burning and b you may have a project or a job at hand that requires or may require that technology so many technologies out there are what i would categorize categorize as need to nerd technologies meaning you learn them when you need to use them so for your particular web app do you need it to be cross-platform do you need native light capability then then i would look at flutter but also compared to react uh in terms of learning flutter for job purposes first thing you do is you look at the job opportunities for flutter how many people are actually using it i'm reading this article i just read this article just so that um i had you know up-to-date uh reference so flutter was created in 2018 i liked it when i looked at it in 2018 i thought it was a pretty good tech so apparently since then 375 000 applications are available in the market built on flutters 375 000 applications were built with flutter why because it's fast productive and flexible this is true it's easy to onboard it's easy to learn it uses the dart programming language from what i recall back when i looked at flutter i found that the the the the implementation i found the flutter technology to be uh well designed easy to get work with remember all these technologies they're all there to save us time in the end for the most part so that's a crucial thing so when i jump into flutter right away no again depends on your project depends on job opportunities again don't jump into technologies unless there's a need for it the only thing you really need to learn is the foundations the fundamentals because once you have those those fundamentals the key fundamentals of development event everything else becomes pretty easy so i teach the web stack plus python and so the fundamentals in my world of course it's universal across all languages is fundamentals of programming best coding practices refactoring then you get into design patterns understanding the web and the internet the request response model how servers work all this kind of stuff when it makes sense to go client-side when it makes sense to go server-side which which you're coding in the logic how to structure and architect apps how to rent projects how to manage people and clients you notice all these things talking about a small only a small part of it is actually coding it's all related to coding but it's not just about learning the language so yeah just because you saw this video another video to tell you how great flutter is maybe dabble with it maybe do hello world but don't invest a lot of time unless you actually see a real world need for it all right i hope that helps i'm steph uncle steph some people call me check out my mentoring boot camp and if you want to learn how to code you want to learn how to get a job as a developer you want to become a freelancer or even start a code based business perhaps you're going to build a sas i'll be able to help you out with that check it out [Music] you
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 36,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: B2lvaxsWGuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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