MoFi 4500 4G LTE Internet Live Q&A

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hello YouTube this is Jason Seeley and welcome to sealy training if you've been a subscriber of this channel over the past any time over the past three years you'll know that you've heard my voice well this is the man behind the voice for the very first time so today I wanted to talk a little bit about the mo fie 4500 router which can be used for internet access remotely or at home using your cell service and out of all the videos I've done for the last three years this one seems to get the most questions so I want to share with you a little bit of background about how I chose the mo fire router and I'm actually using it right now this is live streaming over cell service and hopefully the quality is good and you guys can hear me okay but I want to walk through a little bit about the mo 5 router why it works the way it does and why it is a good choice for this kind of solution as opposed to other types of routers so I see there's a few people joining in right now glad to see you guys here I want to jump in just a quick background I've been an IT for about 30 years and a lot of the companies I've worked at I have managed the cell services for those companies and I've used you know Sprint AT&T t-mobile Verizon all the different carriers and I've gotten used to learning which ones work for different features and for my use I have chosen to go with t-mobile and AT&T for remote access through the mo Phi and basically with the mo fire router you can configure it to use your cell service to provide internet access to all the devices that you have in your house or in your RV or wherever you're located I am right now broadcasting live from an RV parked out in the middle no we're in South Dakota and everything that you see is streaming over cell phone service through the mo Phi so why the mo Phi let me talk a little bit about that first and then I'm gonna have some QA available a little bit later and I'm hearing that volume is a little low so let me pull my microphone down that way it'll show up in the video here but hopefully that'll be a little bit better quality for you does that sound better 1 2 3 testing well hopefully that'll work so with the mo 540 500 one of the things that you can do is you can take a SIM card from your cell phone and that can be any of the major carriers and even some minor ones as well good sounds like the quality's better now and the key with the mo 540 500 as opposed to other routers is it provides a setting called the TTL and the reason why that matters and I'll try not to get too technical here but I want to explain a little bit of the background when you're streaming data on your cell phone there is a TTL setting on all the IP packets and going back three four or five years ago a lot of the cell carriers started providing streaming data for free through their cell phones and it doesn't count against the data that you use as part of your data caps so the key with the TTL setting they look at that TTL to determine what the the time the live setting is to know whether it's coming from a cell phone or whether it's coming from some other device and if it's coming from a cell phone then they don't charge you additional for that data and they don't throttle that data so with the mo Phi it has an option and I'm gonna show you what the the mo file looks like here so that's the mofo right there and you can spare Lee see it from here but down at the bottom there's a little slot where you can put your SIM card and inside of the settings for the MoEF I got some toys here let's see where that's at there is a setting option right here called the ISP TTL time to live and by default it's set to Linux 265 you can change that to these other settings but out of the box it's gonna be at 65 and that's what you want it to be so with the with the TTL set to 65 the way that the TTL setting works is when you connect a device to the MOFA and you communicate through your cell service it starts out at TTL 65 when it gets to the modem the router it goes to 64 and then each device that it connects to as it's communicating over the Internet drops one until it either finds its target or it goes down to zero and then it throws the packet away so when that happens the cell carriers look at the TTL and if they see 64 then they know that you're streaming data and they don't throttle it they assume that you're using Netflix or Hulu or YouTube or some other app on your cell phone and they give you free rein to full access to that data so if you don't have a true unlimited cell phone plan when you hit those data limits the speed throttles down so slow that you can't stream anything but with the Mophie and with this special TTL setting you can actually go past that data limit and stream as much as you want to so let me talk a little bit about some of the things that I've had some questions about regarding Moe fire router and then I'll open it up for you guys to ask some questions and share with whatever information you want so the first thing to talk about is in the TTL menu in the menu of the mo file you'll see this internal modem option on the menu and you're looking at the sim 4 model I actually provided links in the description below the video to the sim 7 and the sim for the sim 7 I would recommend that's the one that you get if you're going to look at using this solution but this is the sim 4 and the menus are very similar so inside there there's this internal modem option and within that you have some tabs here general setting provider selector advanced setting miscellaneous when you go into the provider selector you can choose between AT&T t-mobile you know generic is t-mobile or the other carriers but here is this access point APN and that's something that you need to also set to your carrier and let me show you what the menu options look like I've pre saved these some bringing them up so here's the ones that come up in the mo Phi by default you have Sprint AT&T t-mobile Verizon Cricket USL you're a bunch of different ones to choose from here and you can see with AT&T and Sprint and t-mobile there's multiple ones and that's really based on the age of the device that you have if you have the newer phones you want to pick the top one or a teen teen you want to pick broadband and once you set that that defaults the Mophie to communicate to your SIM card using that carrier and that access point now if your carrier is not in the list the mo Phi can still work with those SIM cards but you might have to create a custom access point which is right here and you have to look up you can do a search on Google to find out what the access point is you'll see something like you know visible dot you know a a dress like that and when you fill that in as the custom APN that should make those SIM cards work those are the two key things to make sure your provider selector and make sure you that your your general settings here you have the APN and the access point if it's custom set right next to that you also want to make sure that your internal modem your IMEI number and your phone number and all this information is coming up and showing properly if you don't have those visible then you may need to select this reset or reset the phone number or do this carrier net max max fix up that will usually correct this so you see this information the other critical thing I want to tell you is you don't want to try this in the mo Phi unless you already have your sim card activated and tested in a phone before you use in the mo 5 you just go buy a SIM card from a carrier and plug it right into the mo Phi you're not going to get it to work right out of the box so be careful with that and it looks like I didn't show you the screen here so this is the access point APN this is where the custom APN is that's the TTL setting here's your phone options with your phone number in your SIM ID and here's the reset on the modules so having said all that I'd like to open it up with some questions so feel free to go ahead and post a question and I'll try to do my best to answer it anyone at all and I will comment here that John yes I look a little different from my profile and part of that is because of this right here but hopefully it's good anyone have any specific questions you guys haven't challenges at all getting your SIM cards to work in the mo fie has anybody had success with it let me know it's one question here can you flash the mo Phi with Rooter router firmware aka golden orb the mo Phi does allow you to flash the firmware I'm not 100% sure about that specific firmware but it is I believe o w/e a 26 compatible modem router and it does take those firmware options so hopefully you can flash it with that and that's actually available in the system menu on the mo Phi where you can do that flash let's see here got one from David Babb signal strength how can we improve it and what is good so the the one thing I'll mention let me go back to my screen shot here and let's take a look at the band scanner so one of the first things I suggest you do when you plug in your SIM card and start using the mo Phi setting things up once you have your phone number and you have other things active you can do this band scanner and it will go out and search with your cell sim all of the available bands that you have access to and it'll tell you whether they're available or not and it'll give you this coverage now I don't rely on that too much I generally will go through and test them but you'll notice right here it says locks released so after it does the scan it finds the different channels 2 4 5 12 and 30 or whatever other ones are available in your area and then it will release those locks and when you come back to the band scanner area let's go back to the band lock you'll see that it sets the current ban to the one that it determines is the best option and then you can lock the modem to that same band or you can choose to lock it to one of the other bands I usually whenever I go to a location and I'm sitting in an RV right now I travel a lot and I do this stuff remotely so I need internet access when I get to a location I'll go ahead and do this band scan and I'll determine first off whether my t-mobile or whether my AT&T has better connectivity and I can even look on my phone to see if it's got coverage first and then I take that SIM chip plug it in I setup the provider I set up the the APN and then once that's ready to go I do a band scan and I'll let it detect one and I'll set it to that and I'll do a speed test and you can do that from where it will scan and tell you what the speed of your router is running you know communicating with the internet and at that point if it's good enough typically if I'm at five megabit per second or higher download speed then that's good enough to do most things I can stream TV I can do all kinds of stuff and I said it at that and I leave it unless I see any kind of communication problem so that that tends to work really well now if you are in an area where you have very low coverage even on your phone then one of the best options you can do is you can add a an antenna to the mo Phi router and let me go back to my picture of the mo Phi so when you see the mo Phi there's these wider paddles those are the ultra wide 4G LTE and this is the the the larger antennas that pick up the cell signal the smaller antennas are your Wi-Fi to make your hotspot available to other devices as Wi-Fi in your house or your RV so the key is you can unplug one of these or both and you can plug in a cable and run it to one of the antennas and I have a couple listed the proxy cast is one that's the one I use and then there's a yogi but there's a variety of different antennas available that all work for these types of connections and it's essentially a cell phone booster antenna some of you if you have an RV you probably have seen the weboost well the weboost is similar it's it's got its own hardware but that antenna can also be used to plug into the mo Phi so this mo Phi provides the same thing that that weboost does and it boosts that cell signal so if you're getting low communication connection speeds and you know it's enough that things work but it's not enough that you need more speed try one of those antennas to improve the signal and that will at least in my case I see double if not triple the speed when I flip my antenna up and I have one on the top of my RV that I use all the time so hopefully that's the best option there for making that work I see Wayne Wayne Edmondson welcome he asked does the mo if I take nano-sim or so I you know what I forget the exact name let me bring up a window here ah that may answer that question ok so this is the mo Phi on Amazon and you can see right here it's $300 if you scroll down there is this add-on SIM card adapter adapter sorry and it is a nano micro 2 standard 401 conversion kit so I usually recommend getting that it's only $5 and the the sim that you normally have in your phone I think that's the micro but you can put it into one of these to make it a larger size and it's the it's the standard I believe is the name of it but that is a larger sized one that goes to the mo 5 so you got to make sure you have that adapter right here that it the SIM card from your phone fits into and then that slides into the mo 5 so I recommend getting that along with the mo 5 if you're going to look at doing this route okay what else we have for questions here and to to Ty's comment I do believe that the newer MO Phi's come with that adapter if that's true it looks like a couple other people have mentioned that as well so I think that's true you don't necessarily need to buy that $5 Anton what's nice about that add-on though that I don't think the mo Phi comes with is there's a little pin holder that you can use to push into your phone and iPads and other devices to pop the SIM card out which is kind of handy to have so okay you can hear me I was just checking my uh sound like you couldn't hear me but you can now all right um let's see another question here what is the cheapest carrier Wayne again for a single line service that will work with a mo Phi so this one's been a very common question because obviously on my video that I posted it says the twenty dollar a month plan will work now people have called me a liar they said this is a scam it's not I actually have an AT&T SIM and I have a t-mobile SIM and both of those cost me $20 a month and I use more than a hundred and fifty gigabytes of data every month on both of those chips and I just swap them out as I need to it does work they are available however I had t-mobile already on an existing cell plan so I added a line that's why it was $20 if you go with a single line plan with t-mobile you're probably gonna be in the 60 $70 range and I think you might be able to get that down to 50 55 if you use the auto pay and you know paperless billing options that they offer you so you're not going to get it down to 20 with AT&T though I actually went to a store it took me three stores to find it because somebody told me this was available and I hunted it down and I found it and some of the other subscribers that I've talked to have been able to find this as well and I asked them for an iPad unlimited data plan and they provided me at one store that it was the third store I talked to the other two said I don't have anything like that but the third store I went to which was in California did provide me with a $20 a month iPad plan as a new customer I didn't have any AT&T cell service before that and I added that plan for $20 a month and it's been working now for over a year other people have told me they've called around to a number of stores and haven't been able to find that plan what I heard from a technical person that works at AT&T is yes they do have that plan a lot of the workers don't know the plan exists or think that it's not technically something that they can release and my understanding is that's not true it is available and if you badger them they might give in and give it to you or go to another store until you can find one that will give it to you that's probably the cheapest thing that I've seen they get you that $20 rate now I have seen some other people use some other carriers like visible or you know some of the other MVP Nell whatever the name of that is the add-on plans they're kind of subsidiaries of the major carriers and they've been able to get those for you know $35 and add them in and get them to work so that's an option as well okay let's see so here's a david had mentioned here how about SCIM is installed but in the MOFA settings it says no sim is installed and that's the sim seven so question for you David does it work even though it says it's not installed or is it just not working not giving you internet access at all generally what I tell people to do is to come to this screen if I can bring it up here okay and I mentioned this earlier but you may not have caught it these options right here press to reset the ciara module press to reset the phone number and SEM ID those generally will reset the the detection of the SIM card and you may have to reboot might even have to reboot a couple of times before it all kind of comes back and wait a minute after reboots and then you'll hopefully see those numbers but some people there's been a couple people that told me that it works even despite the fact that they don't have that number showing up so you're saying it does work on your message here it's interesting I'm not exactly sure why it wouldn't show it but I have seen that before where mine when I Bri boot it it doesn't show for a few minutes and things are working and then I look at it later and it's actually showing up so it's unusual I don't know why it's doing that one thing you might want to check to just to confirm in the system menu on the mo Phi there is a firmware update option and you may want to make sure that it's on the latest version it's kind of a little tricky you can you can click and download the file or you can actually do a live update but try to get it to the latest version because they do fix things and sometimes they fix those bugs and ty mentions here that you can get visible for $25 with Part II pay which runs on Verizon towers I've actually heard from a couple people they've been able to get visible and they've gotten it working so the challenge I will mention if I I've spread this all over my comments on all of my other videos but a lot of people don't look at this Verizon you got to be really careful number of people have been able to get it to work just fine and there's been a number of people that have had trouble getting to work they can't even get it to detect or I even had somebody today that posted they put the Verizon sim in from their cell phone that was working fine and once they put it in the MOU fight of ice it deactivated it blocked it and they had to call and they reactivated it and then they did it again it blocked it and they called and they ended up having to send them a new SIM so Verizon has some settings in there where they match the device and when they see it in a different device like the MOU fie sometimes it gets blocked I don't know if that's true for visible but there's been a couple of people that have had it working just fine and that's a pretty good price 25 bucks so good deal good suggestion ty and I don't know what this means tremendous respect but thank you let's see Wayne mentions to your website and visible Wireless says $40 a month so yeah I think what he's referring to is when you share you can refer to somebody else and you get a discount so that can bring the price down to $25 if you have gotten a couple other people to sign up don't know how many of that is if that's just one sign up or if it's more than one that Oh party is a group of four people that's how you get the party price gotcha so if you got some friends and you can get them on visible you can get that down to $25 apiece but you gotta have for now I will say if you're talking for phone lines generally you'll find that t-mobile's got the best prices and I will tell you t-mobile has some blazing fast speeds with the MOFA I've been real impressed with it however with t-mobile I have found that there's certain locations where I can't get team able to work and AT&T does work so it's hit or miss having mentioned earlier that I've managed cell phones for some corporate offices at a few different places over the years I can tell you from experience that Verizon is going to have the best coverage across the country generally they're also the most expensive and they nickel and dime you everywhere they can especially if you use international data but t-mobile's getting much better and now with this merger with Sprint and I think even with 5g they're probably gonna bump ahead of the other ones eventually but that's a ways out so an 18 TS always kind of been in the middle middle for pricing middle for coverage but they they seem to be better in some places where I have no t-mobile access however I will say ATT and my experience has been the worst support the worst customer service of all of them so let's see here's one from beau so hard to set up Chinese No Name router settings yeah and I will say this there's been some comments about Koo Phi K you wfi which is almost identical to the mo Phi it's basically a clone and it's only like a hundred and forty dollars on Amazon there's been people ask me about it well I've asked them to send me one to test it and unfortunately they are too cheap to send it to me but hey if you're out there and you want me to refer to your device let me know I will gladly test it somebody else did test it and gave me some feedback and they said the one challenge with that device is it's a little more complex to set up things in the menu than the mo Phi and if your technical you can get it figured out but it's not as easy and the TTL setting is more of a manual option and that's the key to going past your data limits if you don't have that TTL you can use it as a shared sim but you're going to get throttled as soon as you hit the data limits that reminds me of one thing too when I mention with the with the different carriers so you've probably seen or maybe you have a recently AT&T has up their data limits to a hundred gig on their unlimited plans so even if you get there kind of basic entry-level data plan they'll give you a hundred gig of streaming data and all of that doesn't really matter so much because the TTL setting will go past that limit for you but in general 18 T is up to a hundred that used to be 20 - some of the older plans are 20 - still the t-mobile plans been 50 I'm expecting that to go up soon and the Verizon typically those are 22 and they all say unlimited plans but in reality that means we'll give you as much data as you can use but we're gonna make it super slow once it hits those data limits and it's almost useless you can't stream TV or do any of those kind of things with that speed so you have to get a solution that's going to give you beyond the data limits and if you're one of the lucky ones that have one of the grandfathered untrue unlimited plans you don't have to worry about that but for the rest of us that didn't get in on that deal early on you're you're gonna have to come up with something like this MOFA solution with the TTL setting to bypass that problem see Josie now I want to get a mo 5 version 740 mobile and ensure that it will work fine well I recommend now doing the sim 7 the sim 4 is the one that I'm still using the only problem with the sim 4 is it doesn't have the new 66 and 71 bands and with t-mobile especially the 71 band is way faster so I've noticed one thing that's kind of interesting you can do is you can go into your phone and you can actually see the band that it's using and often times I'll see 71 and I like how great I don't have 71 because my sim 4 so I am going to upgrade to the sim 7 I'm giving it a little bit of time mine current ones working fine but I would go the sim 7 today for t-mobile and Verizon and AT&T which they say AT&T is not certified but it does work it's going to get certified later the year I don't think that means much technically it's gonna work anyway the only thing you need the sim for for is the is sprint and you know Sprint's getting merged into t-mobile so that won't matter in a little while anyway let's see let's see so here's a comment from Michael Diaz or Michelle yeah will the mo 5 work outside of the US Canada and Mexico International GSM networks thinking on getting one for a friend in South Africa so I've had this question a few times I don't really have an exact answer for you the only thing I would say is there are several international features in the mo Phi and if you go to mo Phi Network comm they'll tell you some of the data about the different countries now that the trick is that means that you can get it to work and in even t-mobile is GSM so you know a lot of other countries have the same technology it's GSM and as long as you've got a sim and it plugs into the mo Phi and you can set that a p.m. setting that APN setting that we talked about earlier which I'll show you again that's this access point right here as long as you can set that to one of your carriers in a foreign country then it is going to work now having said that I have not had anybody confirm to me that any of the other countries are working to go past the throttle data limits with streaming data yet I've gotten any feedback I haven't got a negative feedback saying it doesn't work so I'm curious to find out if people want to answer that for me that would be great okay let's see double check a couple other things here yes Wayne AT&T is very bad a little story for you I when I initially set up a TNT before I got the $20 a month plan I bought one of the prepaid $35 plans online because I had read other people used that and those have since been blocked in a lot of places so I've had a lot of feedback from people that the prepaid plans don't work anymore but at the time I was trying to set it up and I registered it and got a sim and tried to plug it in and it wouldn't work and I got an error on the website when I set it up well there was no way to deactivate it from the website and I couldn't log in because it didn't provide me a login or a phone number and I ended up spinning I bet five or six hours trying to call AT&T and try to get ahold of somebody to find my plan and figure out why it's not working and I couldn't get ahold of anybody and every time I called into the main line they transfer me to another number that ended up hanging up on me repeatedly for five hours so I finally was able to go into a local AT&T store they couldn't find my account either and I got charged for the service but 30 days later unknown to me randomly they credited me that payment that I made and I never had an active cell account with them that way as weird so I went and got the $20 a month plan and it worked great okay comment here from Joe have had a mo fight with t-mobile US for over five years and never ever had a problem good that goes back a ways that's well before I even knew the MOFA existed so glad that's working for you and are you able to go past the data limit the data cap with the TTL setting at 65 let me know if let's see I think this question was asked already but I will respond again anyway to install the mo 5 firmware to other similar routers the the firmware is actually based on the w ii i think it's 826 is the number and that is a standard out there that works on multiple ones you'll find the qu Phi K you wfi the mo Phi some other non name brands that are all compatible the same firmware obviously that's highly technical even me as a network engineer previous life it's pretty complicated and so I applaud anyone that can get those to work which is why I recommend the MOFA even though it's more expensive because it's much easier to set up out of the box than it is to go in and try to do all that firmware stuff but you can do it and you can save some money if you want to go that route no doubt and Joe said yes so good you've had that by passing the data limits I will mention I have had one person out of all the subscriber comments that I've had for the past year I've had one person say that their their service got disabled and it was AT&T and they were using about 500 gig of data a month and they got blocked and we're told that it was because of overuse so there is a risk that you can get blocked if you are really using a lot of data I've gone a year with 150 every month sometimes 200 on multiple you know t-mobile and AT&T and I have not had any problems with my SIM card or the mo Phi or communication ever so let's see one more question here from ty if you add a line for $20 how much data used would be pushing the limits to use okay I'm just kind of what I mentioned I don't think you're going to have any problem if you use two three four hundred gig a month but when you get to that 500 gig I think that's the trigger where they start to to put it you know potentially block you now I've read the Terms and Conditions and I'm gonna back up a little bit streaming data is provided by the carriers with unlimited services on purpose so if you remember back a few years binge on with t-mobile they came out with the service where they kind of partnered with Netflix and different apps and they provided unlimited streaming through the phone and the reason why they did that's because it's a small resolution display device and they figured well we're gonna offer these apps people can watch stuff and they can stream well when they did that they started looking at that TTL to determine whether communications coming from your phone and what when it is they basically stream that data forever and you can use as much as one so even if you're on a hotspot plan with a t-mobile in the past and you know a lot of more like 2 gig or 10 Giga month and you hit that 10 gig your streaming was still run at full speed you didn't have throttling and the reason why is because they provided that streaming data with unlimited services and the only way they knew whether you were browsing a some website on your phone or whether you were running streaming data from Netflix is they looked at the TTL your phone and they determined that hey it's like 64 so we set the mo Phi to 65 so that everything that communicates through it drops down to 64 and it looks the same to them so they assume this is data streaming from your cell phone and they give you unlimited access and it goes way past the throttling so that's how that works Theo Jove vid was a hoax I don't think I've seen that one but there was a I think I know the one you're talking about where he had some weird plug in thing that was supposed to give you unlimited data and it was fake Theo Jo actually is he had a bunch of parity type stuff but he's gone legitimate for the last few years and he does quite well by the way yeah so let's see yeah I tell you answer that question you ever try the LTE fix for building ammo fyke alone about $200 for that no and the reason why is because the hundred dollars I would save between the 200 and the $300 for the Moe Phi it's not worth my time got better things to do let's see here yeah made an antenna out of plastic cups so I want to mention I am currently traveling around in an RV full time I actually left my IT Director position a year ago and I am traveling around the country and while I'm doing that I'm doing these videos I have a whole bunch of things on IT related videos office you know Word Excel PowerPoint that kind of stuff and I've dove into this mofo router as well because it's a solution that I needed to find and use for my own internet access so I've been putting these videos out and using the mo for wireless internet in all the different locations I'm going to and in the past year I've traveled to ten different states and right now like I mentioned earlier I am on the edge of a lake in southwest corner of South Dakota and I was in Colorado and Utah and Arizona weeks ago and all those locations I've been able to find communication speeds as high as 70 80 even a hundred megabit in some spots and what I found just so you know the speed you need for different features if I'm at about 3 megabit or higher I can do everything I want to do so I can stream TV I can watch Netflix I can run my computer and access the internet and browse different sites I can play videos on YouTube I can run all that I have a security system it's not 24/7 live but it records motion it loads that to the cloud that all works all of that functions from my RV remotely in all those locations anywhere I get 3 plus megabit per second speed and most the places I go to I get 6 to 8 10 right now today I'm getting 20 to stream this video and I've been as high as 36 here in the last couple of days in this same spot so it goes up and down so cool let's see oh you like my oh I clicked the wrong one Wayne hi hi again you you like my PowerPoint vids better well I try to do all the same quality stuff on all my videos the best one performance-wise has been my excel videos but powerpoints close behind that so but thank you very much appreciate that and if you haven't checked it out please subscribe to my channel and take a look at the videos if you go to forward slash Seeley training take a look at the videos that I have available I do cover basically everything tech related in terms of Education all the office apps Skype and you know Windows 10 and then I get into stuff like this some things around the MOFA internet access also cell phone iphone type things and other suggested things that people come up with so I'm gonna keep cranking out those videos and I hope you guys continue to watch let's see Josie I've tried a bunch of wireless modems for 6 plus years now and I can definitely vouch for Moe 5 being the best well that's good to know I tried several of them myself I don't remember all the names but I I tried the hotspots that you had that you got from the different carriers like Verizon and t-mobile where they gave you a like a my fight of ice and tried those with a shared hotspot course your limited Dayna lemon on that I tried the Nighthawk router found out that it worked the night ha LTE and it's cheaper but it didn't have the TTL option and sure you can come up with ways to configure the TTL manually with some of these devices but again you know to save a hundred bucks I'd rather have it in the menu where you can just choose an option that reminds me of one thing for Verizon let me go back to my screen here the TTL setting here let me bring up the other TTL so in the list there is Linux 265 which is the default that's the one that you want but there's been a couple people that have used Verizon that did get Verizon to work with the MOFA even though some people can't but in order for them to bypass the data limit they actually changed this to Linux 64 and that seemed to work for them so if the Linux 65 doesn't work try the 64 for Verizon all the other ones from everybody I've heard from the 65 default is the one that seems to work well ok see what else we got here any other question Wayne thanks a bunch again best day ever when new vids drop it's the best day for me too cuz I get excited you know when I work on my videos it's kind of frustrating when you're right in the midst of the video and I know I've got you know 15 more tips to go and it's gonna take me hours and hours and hours to put these videos together but I get real excited when I can post a video because I know that all my work is done now I can show it and hopefully help people for the things that they want to see and appreciate Wayne you've been very nice with your comments and all the videos when they've coming out and appreciate all that let's see here John what would you say is the best UK ISP don't know I am the US guy so I can't really tell you maybe somebody else can comment on that haven't been there enough to know but I do know that most international locations use GSM technology in terms of the cell carrier if that's what you're asking about and those are the ones that you're gonna want to use both in the US and elsewhere whereas somebody like Verizon uses a different technology and that's why they charge you a lot of money for international data usage because they have to pay somebody else on their network in order to communicate back to theirs so that's the difference let's see see if I missed any other questions up above so I'm not trying to sell you anything so yeah I know that the MOFA is not cheap and I know that it's not something a lot of people can buy and it's unfortunate I really was hoping that I could find the CUFI for like a hundred and forty dollars you know less than half the price and we have a simple way to make that work and I could walk you through it and someday they may send me one and I'll test it out but I'm not gonna I don't think I'm gonna go ahead and buy one and then play with it when I know from a couple of my subscribers it's a little more complicated cuz that's not something that most of my subscribers would be interested in seeing how to do because this complexity of trying to configure it you got to have like an IT background and get real comfortable with that stuff it's it's pretty complicated so hopefully something new will come out now it's probably a good time I could mention this I don't know how long it is but I've seen some rumors that Mophie is going to come out with a 5500 router and the five meaning 5g my understanding from the comments is that it's going to be multiple models so it's not just gonna be one 5500 there's gonna be a 5500 5g and they'll probably I don't know if they're gonna break it up by carrier or if they're gonna break it in two different types of 5g I don't know but it sounds like there's multiple models and it sounds like it's coming out this year now the reality of it is especially for my use when I'm out traveling I'm in a lot of remote locations I'm probably not gonna get 5g in most any locations so you still have to have 4G capability and I don't know whether the 5500 would be backward compatible of 4G and use that or if it's only 5g so there's a lot up in the air of things right now so I don't I wouldn't necessarily hold on to waiting for that one because it's probably gonna be more expensive and it's probably only gonna fit a certain niche but if you're in a location where you know you got 5g right down the road that might be worth waiting for and not buy the sim 7 model now I know for myself it's gonna be a while the other thing I will mention is the StarLink Elon Musk's new technology where they're putting satellites thousands of satellites in low orbit is gonna start become available later this year and nobody knows for sure what the numbers are but the estimate is probably in the $80 a month range and that will give you pretty good speed it should be like one gigabit speed or you know something seriously fast and I will definitely look at that if the price is reasonable now you're gonna have to buy their equipment and it's probably gonna be just available to a handful of people later this year but maybe by this time next year maybe it'll start becoming more public access available that sounds like a very very good option for the future as well let's see here one other thing that came to my mind is with the the Mophie some of the kind of the the logic behind it with a TTL that gets real confusing for people and why do you get unlimited internet do I need to buy a plan that's unlimited well the plans that you get are the standard phone plans from the major carriers so you know I know I'm to t-mobile its magenta and you just need the basic entry-level plan all you need is to get a plan that's going to give you data along with your cell service activated in the phone and then take that sim and put it in the mo Phi the TTL will go past the data limits so you don't need to pay extra some of the carriers have add-ons where you can add an additional data 10-gig or you know 50 gig you don't need to pay for that and you don't need to pay for the HD streaming some people think you need to pay to get the extra streaming capability and there might be an extra 10 or 15 $20 a month to get a higher resolution you don't need to do that either the reason why is because the resolutions limited by the device that you're connecting to so if you want to stream HD through your phone sure you might need to pay extra by using that plan on your phone but the MOFA is just sending data and it's not looking at it from a resolution standpoint so it's just streams data and that data goes at full 4G speed whatever the speed you get from your sim so it I can go into Netflix and get 4k and use it off of my MOFA SIM chip and I'm not using anything but the $20 a month basic plan and it doesn't have HD at it won't make any difference you get the same resolution either way so just be aware of that okay there seems to be many sketchy vendors on Amazon there's even a warning on the Mophie Amazon item that says be careful about who you buy this from well the one the link that I have in the description below this video and my other couple of videos from the MOFA they're pointing to the act Moe fight of ice now you can buy from Moe Phi Network directly and it's basically the same price there's like 15 bucks cheaper but then they add $15 on for shipping and/or for the different type of antenna so it ends up being about the same price so you can get it from either location and those are both legit you don't have to worry about it but there are some some clone fakes out there that are cheaper just know that you will pay 300 bucks if you get the real thing but good point there there are some sketchy ones you got to be watching out for and let's see do you think the carriers will ever catch on and close off the TTL trick so get this question a lot as well and I know for the prepaid plans there was a number of people buying prepaid plans off of ebay and other locations and it was 35 bucks a month for a while there was 25 then it went to 35 and generally it was AT&T and just a few months ago to 3 months ago AT&T went through and blocked a bunch of devices that they knew were not their phones so they could tell and you can tell right now when you plug in your SIM card in the mo fie and you go into your account on t-mobile or AT&T or Verizon or wherever it will tell you the device that's connected and it will probably say a Sierra module device it won't say you know an iPhone or an Android device so when you move your sim from your cell phone into the Mophie it can tell that it's in a different device now I personally don't believe they're going to lock this down for the use the way it's being used with the mo Phi anytime soon which is why I have enough confidence and I'm relying completely on the mo Phi as my internet solution provider right now and the reason why I say that is because the industry is very heavily focused on 5g right now and 5g speeds are gonna be so much huger amounts of bandwidth usage that they're they're not in general gonna care too much about the bandwidth that's being used by smaller devices now having said that like I mentioned earlier somebody to use 500 gig every month got blocked and so you have that risk if you're using high volume of data but if your volume is to 300 gig or lower like me I mean I'm using 150 gig and I'm doing everything I want so I don't know how somebody's using 500 gig they got to be doing some wild stuff and I'm watching streaming TV and Netflix and 4k a lot to do that so I just don't see that as being a priority for them and the truth is it's difficult for them to determine other than looking at the device that it's plugged into they can block it based on the device but because they're looking at that TTL they don't really know the data how it's being used and as long as you've got a plan that you're using that's a standard plan I think they're less concerned about that than they are some like eBay purchased prepaid plan where they know that's being used for that purpose it's a very small percentage of people that are using it the way we are with these devices and for the most part the terms and conditions don't say anything about being not allowed to use it in a different device in fact there's legislation that said you can use your sim and a different device what it's focused on is more data usage and that's how they separate people that are abusing the system from people that are just using it because of different technology so good question so my I love tricks to save money I'm very cheap well welcome to the club so my my wife tells me that all the time but I like quality and this is what this sounds like that's why I'm watching this even though I don't need it so you just like watching random videos because it sounds cool good that's funny let's see so somebody asked what antenna do I use so in the link of this video description I put the links to proxy casts and to yagi and I actually have both and here's the key difference the proxy cast is about a hundred and ten dollars 115 and it is an omnidirectional and it's something that works well for me for my RV because I can put it on the roof and I can travel around I have to go up there and position it every time I go somewhere now I do have an antenna like a PVC that I use to lift it up at a higher elevation and so I flipped that up when I get to a place and but I don't have to like sit there on the roof trying to point it toward the tower to find where it's at and that works really well for me and the nice thing about that is that NDVI which is actually better than the yagi antenna in terms of the boosts of the signal and that is that antenna that proxy cast 10 DB i is higher than the weboost so the weboost is like 5 DB I so that wouldn't works really well for me and what I found is most places I go I don't even need to use the boost antenna I can connect up and I get 5 10 megabit not have any issues but you know if I really want to I'm going to be there for a while and it's convenient I'll jump up there and throw that thing up and I'll get a better connection even though it's permanently linked I'm still getting some boost even when it's not flipped up into position now with a yagi antenna the yagi is a directional antenna so the benefit to that even though it's a lower DB I so it's not quite as much of a boost you can point it directly to the tower so if you're in a fixed location the yagi might be a better solution like on your house or in an apartment or something like that because you can mount it and you can point it toward the tower that you want that you get the best signal from and it will direct that signal directly into the mo Phi the other benefit to the yagi is you can add a second yagi and you can get what's called MIMO which allows you to have multi and multi out communication and it will use the multiple connections to give you the best speed and of course you got to buy two antennas two cables and point both and turn them kind of at a different angle and there's some YouTube videos that talk about that out there so you'll you'll be able to see it let's see here okay Xavier or - hi I have mo 540 500 with t-mobile in the mo Phi I cannot get more than 20 megabits of download and 16 of upload but when I do hotspot with a cellphone I get more than 60 ok so here's what that might be if you have the sim 4 module and not the sim the newer sim 7 you might not have access to the band 66 and 71 and with your phone all the latest phones even older ones going back a couple years we'll use that separate band 71 which is faster for t-mobile so I've found this to be the case for myself because I still have the sim 4 mo Phi and I'll look on my phone and I'll get you know 20 megabits sometimes 30 megabit and then I go on my mo Phi and I'm let 10 and the reason why is because it's running at that faster 71 and my mo Phi doesn't have that so that's one of the reasons why it's good to go with the sim 7 model because that gives you those extra bands and those bands are faster because of the type of frequency that they're at that's usually the case if you see a dramatic difference between the two the other thing it can be and let me bring up my picture one more time let's see here on the mo Phi you have to be real careful you'll see here I am showing the screen yes you'll see here that there's the wide paddle antennas that is what connects to your signal to the tower the smaller ones are the ones that connect to your Wi-Fi internally where you want to share your hotspot to other devices if you have those backwards then it's not going to work right and you're not going to get the full speed you should be getting so double check to make sure you have and it's hard to read here but it says primary 3G 4G LTE antenna that's where the wide ones go because they'll fit on either side and the smaller ones you're going to want to put on there and when you add a antenna you want to take from the primary there's a primary and a secondary you want to put it on the primary first if you're only using one antenna and you want to put it on the secondary if you're using the second antenna two of them so that can make the communication network full speed other than that it's probably just settings within the MOFA so make sure your APN and all that set correctly let me go back to provider selector here see so you'll see on the provider selector tab there's generic which is what you use for t-mobile and then you have 18t Verizon and Sprint and sometimes you know if you have a different carrier you don't necessarily know what to use so generally use generic it will still work if you have the APN right and you have the wrong setting here for the provider it sometimes will still work but you won't get the full speed so double check to make sure those are the correct settings alrighty yeah good point ty I have learned a ton just from reading your mo Phi comments so there's a lot of comments from a lot of subscribers that have plugged in the mo Phi and been testing it and some that have had trouble getting it working and some that have been able to make it successful so very good recommendation go in the comment section below this video or other ones and take a look at the comments and see if other people have mentioned it and you know what asks a question I found that there's been a couple times people have asked questions in the comments I try to answer every question that I see but a lot of the other subscribers don't answer those questions occasionally I get some I know some techie people have been in there bill has helped out with some things I don't see him on here today but so hopefully that somebody else will be able to help you out if I can't myself let's see okay so Roman asks I have a question about using a long range outdoor antenna should I go directly to the mo 540 500 or should I use a signal booster with the mo fie so if you're using an antenna you just plug the antenna into the mo fie the boost is the antenna picking up the signal and the MOFA is all the hardware to receive that signal so you don't need a booster in the middle in fact that might actually cause more of a problem than it solves so for example you know you can get a weaboo switch the weboost is designed for like rvs and stuff like that and it will boost cell signal but you can use that but I'd recommend not trying to go through the weboost and then into the mo fie you just want to plug the antenna directly from the mo Phi with it with a cable and just get the one with the right ends on it and you'll be good to go [Music] let's see ty is it easy to enable IP pass-through so I can use a 5 gigahertz Wi-Fi router let's see that's a good question a little a little more technical I'll have to think about that one a little bit yeah yeah I'll have to have to think about that one so let me see if you post that in the comments section I'll maybe try to get back at that one a little bit later there's a couple things in that question there that I have to think through let's see here mmm okay honey Javier came back and said I'll try a better extra Lynch and I have everything as you explained and I cannot improve the speed so yeah yeah it's interesting that your phone gets double the speed that your mo Phi does I mean the truth is everywhere I've gone I've been able to get almost the identical speed between the two the only exceptions when that that band is the wrong setting and you might play with the bands one of the things I like to do is go in there do the band scanner find all the bands that are available and then I go through them one at a time and I test the speed gotta wait about a minute after the reboot and after it comes back before you test it to make sure it's fully active but find the one that gives you the best speed and then stick with that one and I usually find that it runs the same as my phone now I'll throw this out at you I'm not I don't have it on the screen to show you but there's a little trick that on a cell phone most cell phones I should say it doesn't work with all of them I have a couple videos on this there is a mode that you can go into on your phone and it's kind of helpful because it gives you information so if you dial from the phone number of your cell phone star three zero zero 1 pound 1 2 3 4 5 pound star it's a long one star 3000 one pound one two three four five pound star that takes you into a maintenance mode that most technicians use and in there is an LTE menu and if you look at the serving cell info menu got to give it a minute for it to come up it will tell you the band that your cell phone is using and there may be other ways to get access to this that's the way I know how to do it so if you if you look at that band and you see band 12 or band 71 then match that setting on the mo Phi and you should get the same speed if you're not there's got to be something else going on in the mo file with a setting or maybe you're using the mo Phi antenna inside where it's not I me if you don't have it added antenna and you're kind of enclosed in an area or maybe it's interfering with other communication devices so move it away from anything that might be creating some electromagnetic interference that kind of thing run a cable outside and put an antenna booster that usually will help but you you can match the band to really confirm one way or the other okay so somebody asked how much better is that yagi in terms of megabits per second so I've seen it vary sometimes where it doesn't make any difference and I've seen it double and even triple the speed so it really comes down to what is the communication between you and the tower are you being blocked are you at a distance great enough that it's causing communication problems that's where the antenna comes in and like I mentioned earlier I use the proxy cast which is an omnidirectional actually has higher dpi than the yagi but the yagi works by pointing it directly to the tower you only the only time you're ever going to need an antenna booster is if you don't have a good communication with the tower you can have a really good communication with the tower and like some of the subscribers have mentioned the tower is so maxed out you only get like five megabit no matter what you do and it's because that tower is in an area that's just overloaded and so they reduce the speed for everybody that's connected to it so even though you're half a mile away from the tower you're not getting good speed and I've been in the middle of nowhere I went to Lake Havasu and I was 20 miles out of town up in the hills and there happened to be an antenna that I could see across the river and I was getting 75 megabit middle of nowhere but there was a tower there and I've been to other places where I've had a tower that's more than one or two miles away and I was getting 5 4 3 megabit most the places I've gone to have been able to get decent speed though and I generally will look at places that have good speed so that I'm not out in the middle of nowhere with nothing for internet access while I'm traveling repeat that setting one more time ok let me see if I can bring it up on the screen here let's see what's the best way to do this bring up notepad show the screen so on your cell phone dial r3 0 0 1 pound 1 2 3 4 5 pound star and then hit the dial button and that's a special code that puts you into a test mode on your phone field it's called field test mode and if you look at my videos you'll see a couple of videos to talk about this and it explains the menus are slightly different between Android and iPhone and some phones don't have the full menu options and some have much more detail the other thing you can see when you dial this number is your connection quality so you know how when you're scanning the bands on the MOFA it'll give you the dbi signal tells you the quality you can get that information from your phone as well and generally a - 120 130 is you're gonna lose signal fully and if you get down the leg - 80 - 50 - 60 somewhere in that range you're gonna have the best signal possible so that that tool right there that code is pre handy to be able to check that on your phone use it as a kind of a test device alright I'll give this a couple more minutes just to answer any more of the questions you have and then I think we'll close it out and I hope you guys got some use out of this and I'll plan on doing more live videos again if if there's value in it not necessarily just on the MOFA but on other videos that I do as well so let's see cool hopefully I didn't miss anybody while we're at it again in the description of the video yeah I am cheap like I mentioned earlier but I do this full time now even though I make a lot less than I did when I was an IT director I am doing videos full time and I do make money off of people watching the ads and stuff on my youtube videos and I appreciate when people watch and and watch through the ads that kind of thing also your comments will raise the attention level of my videos your subscriptions and your likes all make a difference so I appreciate all that I really do this primarily because I like helping people I mean that's been my career for thirty years and I just enjoy doing it now I can do it remotely and travel around the country and see some scenery while and while I'm at it and a whole lot less stress than I had a year ago working full-time in an IT position so I appreciate everybody doing that and also in the links in the description below the video I have the sim 7 I have the sim 4 I have the proxy cast and the yagi antenna links I do get an affiliate percentage for purchases when you click through to Amazon it's like 4 percent 3 percent 2 percent depending on the device to you by then change your cost also if you are planning on buying something hey I appreciate it when you click that link because it helps me make a little extra money on the side doing that as well I don't do patreon and I mean I set one up and I don't use that I don't solicit for any other money I'd like to do it just basically by sharing my videos and having people view them so they're getting value for free but it still gives me value as well so appreciate job for a nice compliment there and D and km everybody else thank you very much last chance any other final question comment you want to make I'll throw it up here otherwise we'll call it a day here in a minute thank you very much I think that's gonna do it everybody have a great day and I hope your weekend is wonderful and I hope to see you again soon thank you
Channel: Sele Training
Views: 65,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MoFi 4500 Router, Unlimited Data, Hotspot, Unlimited Data for $20, 4G, WiFi, T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, Rural Internet, Net Buddy, MoFi 4500, Router, Yagi, Wireless Internet, RV Data, Cellular, Wireless Router, Tethered, Streaming, Unthrottled, Mobile Data, Mobile Hotspot, Unlimited Internet, unlimited hotspot, unlimited data plan, netgear nighthawk, rv internet, mobile internet, mobile internet for rv, 4g lte, unlimited data plans comparison, sele training
Id: 0g5SaYFsPAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 20sec (4580 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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