Why Grape Ice Cream Is Impossible to Make

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well let's see there's no grape ice cream it's always 9 41 on iphone screens a man ate an airplane people in this world do strange things no surprise there just check this out there's no grape ice cream because grapes are 81 percent water so when you freeze them you just get ice besides most people don't fancy great flavor for ice cream chickens and ostriches are genetically closer to the tyrannosaurus rex than modern big reptiles like alligators or crocodiles bubble wrap was originally invented as a wallpaper later when the product wasn't successful they started using it as a packing material nintendo is more than 130 years old it was founded in 1889. back then the company sold playing cards later it was even involved in a ramen noodle business philly set is the first and so far only cat sent to outer space she took off in 1963 and came back safely meow since ethiopia uses a different starting point for their calendar calculations it's seven years behind most of the world or sometimes even eight depending on which month it is pilots of boeing 787s won't blink an eye if one of the engines stops mid fly well yeah they might blink this plane can safely operate on just one engine for six and a half hours if there's no wall between the kitchen and dining or living room in your home you're more likely to eat more than people who have those walls the world's deepest mailbox is in tsusami bay japan it's 32 feet under water you need to wear a diving suit to pick up and drop off a letter faulty kitkats that don't make it to the stores are turned into a fine paste and become a filling for other kitkat bars can we say kitty candy cannibalism on this channel no okay ryan young hotel in north korea is the tallest empty building it's 1082 feet tall exactly no need to guess one of the astronauts on apollo 17 the spaceship that landed on the moon was allergic to the moon dust the time on iphone's ipads or mac screens is set to 941 on any billboard commercial or print ad it's about time when your dog's feet smell like corn chips it's called frito feet but don't worry it's just a yeasty odor coming from bacteria that naturally live on a dog spas back in the 1870s one belgian city decided to use cats as mail carriers they trained 37 furballs but later gave up the idea because the cats were too slow they were also too curious and opened the letters nah that's not right google got its name after the word google which is the math term for a number one followed by 100 zeros it refers to the search engine's capacity to give an unthinkable amount of information dna is fireproof scientists coded different materials with diluted dna and they didn't burn hey don't look now but 60 tons of dust from meteorites comets and other solar bodies fall to earth every day oceans store a massive amount of gold worth more than 771 trillion dollars but it's not on the ocean floor the gold is diluted in the water itself the longest mountain range on earth isn't the andes but the mid oceanic ridge is almost forty 000 miles long and most of it's underwater your body produces around a quart of saliva each day and without it all the food in the world would be tasteless for you the first flight on a hot air balloon happened in 1783 and its passengers were a duck a rooster and a sheep the sheep apparently didn't like the ride all he could say was humbug the ancient city pompeii had fast food restaurants where citizens could get food from a menu written on a fresco icebergs are not only white and blue they can be deep green as well because ice gets mixed with tiny iron iron-rich rock particles of a reddish hue when you mix blue and red colors only green is left while in space astronauts can grow two inches taller it happens because the spine relaxes and expands without the earth's gravity but when they return their height slowly returns to normal hey if you tried a new variety of apple every day it would take you over 20 years to taste each of the more than 7 500 times watch out it's illegal to build sand castles on the beaches of araclea italy back in the 70s a french man ate a whole plane cessna 150 piece by piece which took him two years he managed to pull it off because his digestive system was incredibly strong potatoes can absorb and reflect a wi-fi signal that's why they were used by aviation companies to test wi-fi on planes so could they call that wi-fly peridolia is the illusion of seeing human or animal features in inanimate objects like when a particular cloud totally looks like a giraffe to you horseshoe crabs have 10 eyes scattered all over their body some of them are near their mouth others are on the top of their shell and a few down their tail look out it's illegal to sell photos of the eiffel tower taken at night because the evening light show is under copyright law back in the day americans used dried corn cobs instead of toilet paper in the 1800s ketchup was sold as medicine helping with stomach ailments it was even produced in a pill form the aquatic animal sea cucumber spews out its internal organs to protect itself and it stays alive after that because the organs grow back eventually probably where the phrase spill your guts came from just guessing here winter in the canadian town of fermont is very cold and lasts for around seven months that's why public places like schools cafes shops etc are inside a series of interconnected structures such design helps residents stay inside arachoboutrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth there's an activity called extreme ironing it involves ironing shirts in unconventional places like in a canoe floating on a rough mountain river or on a road during a race how clever modern school buses often have a white roof because this color helps keep it cooler on a hot day plus white top buses are much easier to spot from afar by other drivers silent karaoke is a special microphone with a cone to place over your mouth it muffles most of the sounds when you sing if you're too shy kind of defeats the purpose watching scary movies burns around 113 calories it's caused by the release of the hormone adrenaline that draws energy from your body when the water recedes quickly and unexpectedly from a beach exposing the ocean floor it's a sign of a tsunami wait where you going the blue part of an eraser is for a pencil not a pen but it's supposed to be used for writing on thicker paper as a bonus it erases smudges from the pink eraser rubbing your fingers on a stainless steel like a kitchen sink will help you get rid of garlic smell on the skin after cooking the food not your skin giraffes have black tongs scientists think this color prevents them from getting sun burnt when they eat olympus mons the highest mountain in the solar system is on mars its peak is 15 miles which is almost three times higher than everest in 2017 adidas sold one million shoes made of ocean plastic it takes 11 plastic bottles to make one pair beavers have transparent eyelids so they can swim underwater with closed eyes lightning can heat the air as it passes through to a sizzling 50 000 degrees fahrenheit as five times hotter than the sun fleas can jump up to 100 times their body length the flea olympic team is preparing for the upcoming games green bank in west virginia has become a cell free zone because wireless signals could interfere with the work of the world's largest steerable radio telescope your fingers bend and stretch about 25 million times during your whole life wow that's hard to grasp the shortest commercial flight in the world lasts just 57 seconds it covers the distance of only 1.7 miles between two scottish islands westray and papa west tray the day after tomorrow is called overmorrow just in case it ever comes up in conversation actually it hasn't but it's good to be prepared 180 000 rooftop bees survived the notre dame 2019 fire their hives were built there in 2013 to increase the bee population just their luck strato launch is the biggest plane in the world its wingspan is 385 feet more than a football field antarctica is actually a desert because it doesn't get much rain or snow and when they do fall they quickly turn into ice even though france is smaller than the u.s or russia it has more time zones 12. that's because there are islands all over the world that belong to the country [Music] ninety percent of serotonin a hormone that makes us feel good is produced in our guts strawberry isn't a berry but avocado is ooh mix them up and we could have a straw avocado finally there's this when dolphins sleep one hemisphere of their brain stays active while the other one rests that's why they sleep with one eye open on alert for predators and until next time i'll keep an eye out for you ow just kidding
Views: 844,018
Rating: 4.8902717 out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, interesting facts, facts about the planet, facts about the earth, facts about nature, amazing facts, facts of life, bright side facts, facts about animals, cool facts about space, cool facts bright side, interesting facts about the ocean, interesting facts compilation, interesting facts general knowledge, human body facts, weird animals, grape ice cream, bubble wrap, ancient cities, Eiffel Tower, Antarctica, North Korea
Id: 1-ZIEXaQcEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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