Hit an Apple And It'll Taste Sweeter, And 40 Other Random Facts

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you don't need to actually eat garlic to taste it if you rub a clove of garlic on your feet you'll taste it within 15 minutes there's no explanation but it actually works though it might be a placebo effect lemons get juicier if you warm them up in a microwave oven when the fruit is warmed the heat softens the membranes so the juice can flow more freely you might have never heard about the keppel fruit but it has a superpower of making your sweat smell like violets the first vegetable grown in space was a potato nasa grew five small potatoes from tubers if we ever start space traveling we'll probably try some space french fries watermelon's tomatoes and celery are basically water we all know this potatoes though are pretty watery too 80 water technically you can squeeze some potato juice or a smoothie but yeah it's better to roast them the water the potatoes have helped them absorb and reflect wi-fi and radio signals just like humans do oranges aren't necessarily orange if grown in subtropical regions the climate there isn't cold enough to break down the chlorophyll so the fruit peel stays yellow or greenish such oranges usually get treated with ethylene gas to help them turn orange you should drop cranberries to see if they're tasty these berries bounce because of tiny air pockets inside this air lets them bounce and float the higher the berries bounce the better they are many dogs love veggies cauliflower cucumbers mine eats carrots but please don't treat your little friend grapes dogs are completely intolerant to it if you prefer beef over pumpkin seeds you'll deprive yourself of some protein in fact pumpkin seeds and broccoli have more protein per calorie than any meat almonds are often mistaken for a nut a nut should be dry yet almonds have a fruity layer while growing in a tree they look like a peach you open the fruity layer to find the seed to eat your morning coffee is actually stewed fruit coffee beans are a berry pig so it's basically a drink made of berries if an onion was grown in a sulfur pore soil its taste will be sweet and you won't shed a tear while cooking if the soil is rich in sulfur make sure there's a kleenex box for you when cutting an onion rinse the knife with cold water to make your cooking tearless you can also try chilling the onion the cells will react slower and you'll cry less there are two types of baby carrots the first are veggies picked before they reach maturity the second are trimmed adult carrots this is just a marketing trick to convert carrots that have no market value into a product that can be actually sold there are no calorie negative veggies some people claim that eating lettuce kale and celery requires more energy than they give these veggies still have up to 10 calories per stack which is little but the digesting requires about a half a calorie if you ever read a cool fact about the skin of a cucumber being used as an eraser don't fall for it i tried it and it kind of ruined my notebook when you eat a lollipop you actually just swallowed some flavored saliva the world's largest lollipop weighed over seven thousand pounds that would require a lot of saliva okay time for a little riddle what do peanut butter and an engagement ring have in common both contain diamonds scientists learned how to turn peanut butter into diamonds they extracted the oxygen from the carbon dioxide with the remaining carbon they put it under intense pressure it formed diamonds in the end when you buy grated cheese get ready for a surprise if the package says it contains cellulose it means the cheese contains wood pulp and don't worry it's digestible it's added to prevent the cheese from clumping if you grab some wasabi in a supermarket you probably bought mere horseradish true wasabi is quite difficult to make so it's usually replaced with horseradish and some extra flavorings and colorants we're used to ranch dressing being white but in reality producers usually add titanium oxide to make it as white as your sunscreen oh sunscreen producers add some titanium oxide to their products too same with caesar and blue cheese dressings your favorite fruit candies may be shining because they're covered with carnauba wax many fruits especially apples have a thin layer of this wax too not only can it make the candies and fruit appear glossy but it also makes your car shine peaches and nectarine seem different but in fact they're pretty much the same fruit if the fluffiness gene is dominant we get peaches if not we get smooth nectarines apples taste better when they're sliced because they're exposed to oxygen it activates the enzyme called polyphenol oxidase responsible for ripening and visible browning the same thing happens when you hit an apple the oxygen enters the apple through tiny cracks and it starts to ripen are you into white chocolate well it's actually not even close to real chocolate it's basically a mixture of sugar milk vanilla and cocoa butter cocoa butter isn't enough for chocolate it should contain chocolate liqueur or powder limes and lemons are quite different lemons float but limes sink it's all because limes are denser than lemons 200 years ago ketchup was used as a medicine doctors used to believe tomatoes had a lot of medicinal properties and therefore so did ketchup chipotle peppers aren't some special type of pepper they're good old jalapenos dried and smoked jalapeno is chipotle a double stuffed oreo cookie they aren't double stuffed in fact a math teacher weighed 10 regular oreos 10 double stuffed oreos 10 mega stuffed oreos turns out double stuffed oreos are only 1.86 stuffed oreos the only product that never expires even if you don't store it in the fridge is honey it has low ph and lots of sugar that's why organisms that cause spoiling can't live in honey those skittles and m m candies are colored with beetles red food dye is made of carmine which is made with cocinial beetles red lipsticks are made with these beetles too allspice isn't a mix of seasonings as you may think it does smell somewhat like nutmeg cinnamon and cloves but it's actually an independent fruit it's also called jamaican pepper and is picked from the trees just like cherries jam and jelly seem basically the same thing but there's a huge difference between them jam is made of fruit while jelly is made of fruit juice the expiration date on mineral water isn't about the water going bad actually no water can go bad but the bottle can over time it starts leaking some chemicals that aren't quite safe white sugar is no different from brown sugar the only difference is that brown sugar contains molasses molasses is the dark syrupy by-product you get when you extract sugars from beets or canes tonic water can be fluorescent in uv black light it contains quinine which makes it both bitter and glowing the color of plates and cup can affect your food perception a group of volunteers drank hot chocolate out of different colored cups but most people claim the orange cup hot chocolate was the best red plates are cool for those on a diet it looks alarming so you end up eating less crackers are even more hazardous to your teeth and sugar it's not sugar but acid that decays the tooth enamel sticky crackers produce that acid it's a good environment for bacteria they're going to feast between your teeth strawberries and raspberries technically aren't berries these guys have their seeds on the outside a true berry keeps them inside grapes tomatoes cucumbers eggplants even bananas are berries i said bananas were a berry but that's only partly true it's actually a berry that grows on an herb if you want to ripen a banana fast just throw it in a plastic bag with an apple or tomato these two produce ethylene gas which helps ripen other fruit we all know the apples we buy in the supermarket aren't freshly picked before they get to the supermarket they can sleep for 6 to 12 months and stay as good as new watermelons can be boys or girls boys are taller and they have more water inside girls appear shorter and rounder they're also sweeter farm-raised salmon are actually white to make them look like they're wild brethren that are naturally pink because of the abundant shrimp in their diet farm-raised salmons are artificially dyed in fact there's a story floating around for decades about a cannery stuck with a bunch of unsellable white salmon so they turn this handicap around by boldly labeling their product as guaranteed not to turn pink in the can hey maybe that would work with a fake wasabi
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, interesting facts, facts about nature, amazing facts, facts of life, bright side facts, interesting facts compilation, interesting facts general knowledge, food facts that will shock you, food facts you didn't know, facts about food industry, facts about food that will gross you out, facts about food and drink, cool facts about food, facts about coffee, myths and facts about food, funny facts about food, curious facts about food
Id: 3-zPcM3Zwcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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