Why Gojo vs Makima Is WAY Closer Than You Think

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this video was proudly brought to you by web novel watch until the very end to find out more as most of you know one of death battle's most recent episodes was focused on Gojo from jiujitsu Kaizen versus makima from chainsaw man a very interesting matchup quite debated upon by fans of both series and a matchup involving two characters that I genuinely really like from two of my favorite New Gen Series in Shen Jump magazine major side note if you've never watched or read them you're missing out big time and I highly recommend that you give them a chance before jumping into this video I want to preface that I generally don't actually have many issues with this video compared to a lot of their older works like say Goku versus Superman MAA versus Eisen or even Naruto versus Ichigo the production quality was fun they chose good music and they did a pretty decent job at representing both characters for a more of a Normy audience you could say before my own video on makima from chainsaw man and this death battle there hadn't really been a a decent power scale video done for marima so my biggest fear going into this video was would they portray the character correctly I knew going into the video that they naturally get M with scaling wrong and give Gojo the win but giving Gojo the win isn't the problem with the video in the defense of the research team for death battle which not many people know this they usually post far more in-depth breakdowns of the matchups on their website than they condense some of the more key notes into a script form for whiz and Boomstick to verbalize but at the end of the day who's really reading these threads the only thing that matters is what's physically in the video trying to get the average Dragon Ball Z fan to read subtitles is hard enough as it is let alone huge research threads like these as a company that Prides its name on being the be all end all of these fictional BS of fisticuffs they don't exactly live up to the name and I had some very particular issues with their video which I'll explain in this video while also telling you how this fight can go in both ways it's surprisingly quite a debatable subject if you know both sides well so getting into the battle I noticed that in the actual video itself they contradicted their own scaling and had some very odd reasons for why marimo lost the fight you see I don't mind Gojo winning but the way people downplay makima or misrepresent her character always surprises me I realize chainsawman is a pretty unique Series in its goofy elements darker storytelling and extremely odd characters but the power aspect of the series is incredibly easy to follow it's one of the more linear Series in shown and Jump magazine in Death Battle video they constantly referred to makima as being faster based on the gun devil scaling while also referencing Gojo as being able to teleport and being relative to sakuna who dodged a arguable faster than light attack from final form kosimo a feat like this wouldn't be inconsistent in jiujitsu Kaizen either because he was just battling Gojo who throughout the series is constantly referred to as being instantaneous thanks to his Limitless technique and if you compare Gojo and sakuna to most characters in jiujitsu kaisen they're consistently shown to Blitz basically every character except themselves the only people that can keep up with them are pretty much each other and to add to this even further it's seemingly the case that Gojo can teleport passively without even thinking about it and sakuna can still react to him even then makima on the other hand hasn't showcased anything like this chainsaw man's biggest downside in versus battles is that their series is to be honest quite slow with most of the characters being regular humans or just superhuman with very overpowered abilities that they wield through their devil contracts Devils themselves show lots of feeds but most of the sentient humans once again aren't really that impressive unless you consider people like kishibe and chanzi to be you know the normal level of speed for the verse which isn't the case let's be real in both chainsaw man and jitu Kaizen only the high tier characters display irregular speed in comparison to the other cast members guns were actually seen as a legitimate threat at the side of Chainsaw man and on the other hand Maki a character from jiujitsu Kaizen was able to tag a character moving at multiple Mark speed and and this was considered crazy for the verse at that time this feat was then later Recon by the author with them agreeing that it was a silly decision to do this as it makes no narrative consistency to imply such a slow feet is impressive my personal belief is that the author used the word Muk because it sounds cool when describing how far something is the conversation basically went you went from infinite to Muk are you okay to all of you thinking that I agree with you it basically goes like this Gojo can teleport f a character relativistic to the speed of light if not just blatantly light speed and is once again referred to as having instantaneous teleportation capabilities multiple times sometimes and potentially even infinite if you want to go with statements like the one that you can see on the screen makima is relative to characters that are having trouble with handguns and can react to the gun devil moving at around roughly Mark 500 or so which is still many many times slower than Gojo's more casual Feats in battles against even low tier curses even Gojo's ability to perceive such fast movements itself shows he has a far faster perception of battle than she would if you were to compare their brains to computers he would legitimately have a 490 and she would have a PC that's still running Windows 95 that's not even an exaggeration when it comes to power Gojo is almost the perfect counter for makima on paper Mima can respawn in combat roughly 120 million times or so Gojo infinitely replenishes his power he could realistically on-shot her over and over and over with the very very very very very slight chance he accidentally kills himself by doing so as they are both technically citizens of Japan and mikm his contract with the Prime Minister of Japan states that if she is to take damage that is life-threatening this damage is automatically reflected onto a random Japanese citizen then she completely regenerates her body regardless of how intense the injury is which once again to keep note of in jutu kaisen go would be considered a Japanese citizen even without the potential of Gojo dying to this it would still be a pain killing her this many times individually killing marima around 120 million times would take a ridiculous amount of time to do two which may give her opportunities to do something or concoct a plan if Gojo killed her once per second considering the time it would take for her to respawn it could theoretically take 1,388 days to kill her but by doing so he'd also be murdering all of Japan however keep in mind that's only if we said once per second which he could definitely do far faster though the time it would take for her to fully regenerate would be the only thing slowing this down for this battle we could just say that he's bloodlusted and doesn't care about the repercussions though if in character he would be bothered by this as displayed during the subway section of this shabuya incident where Joo baited him into fighting weirdly because Kaku and the others theorized that there would actually be a limit to how ruthless Gojo could actually be with all of the innocent people being killed around him domain expansion immeasurable void sat go is All or Nothing a domain expansion of 0.2 seconds the time was just an intuitive guess Gojo conjectured that a non sorcerer could withstand 0.2 seconds inside the domain without suffering lasting After Effects although this is just a rough estimate the amount of information that flooded the brains of non Sorcerers including those transfigured was about half a Year's worth everyone was left standing unconscious in the aftermath the humans at b5f who survived would be rehabilitated and able to rejoined Society 2 months later simply speaking this level of immeasurable void could allow these special grade cursors to awaken at any moment taking into consideration a Counterattack the targets would be narrowed down to transfigured humans approximately 1,000 transfigured humans who were release within b5f of the fukuto shin line would be annihilated in 99 seconds after the deactivation of the domain by the hands of the strongest jiujitsu sorcerer alive this plan by Kaku actually worked so well that Gojo restricted his domain all the way that it only stayed open for 0.2 seconds showing that although Gojo is normally quite a ruthless character he does deep down actually feel bad about potentially killing a lot of people or being the reason as to why a lot of people are going to die if you believe Gojo has existence erer capabilities he could get rid of makima with a singular attack like denji was able to by erasing her from existence also if you consider marima more of a spiritual entity as a devil rather than human there'd be far more of an argument for this to work in his favor though a rather odd detail about the quote existence AA in jiujitsu kaisen and Chainsaw man is that when existence ARA is initially described in chainsaw man it is at such a level that when a person is existence erased by the complet a chainsaw man they can't even be remembered but Mar mcken by people which is a little odd if you look at jiujitsu kaizen's case toi was able to come back and joogo could remember Hanami their existence wasn't actually erased in that same sense like I just described it's also quite arguable that marima wasn't even erased from existence but she instead conceded to chainsaw man and didn't bother to respawn because to be consumed by chainsaw man was essentially her ultimate fetish this would explain why kishibe and other characters can remember marima even though beforehand once again when chainsaw man is to eat people they're completely erased from existence to the point where they can't even be remembered by people anymore the concept is just gone I know that denji was technically the one that ate her so it's different but to her she recognized denji scent as chainsaw man so she wouldn't have known that that was the case in general her whole defeat is pretty funky but it's obvious that she wasn't defeated in the same way though it also makes you wonder how long does it actually take for her to heal because denji was under a time constraint to you know hurry up and eat her it's all pretty funky that part of the story but it's whatever in general it's pretty gross how she went out the story but yeah she I just want to put something further into perspective so existence erasa by the completed chainsaw man is so intense that people couldn't even remember stuff like nuclear warfare or even the Nazis so just keep that in mind though she wouldn't be erased in all aspects like the example I just gave Hollow could rid her physical existence thus winning it for Gojo also if she does take that long to actually respawn Gojo could easily just eviscerate the portions of her body which he can see with Hollow purple so it would be pretty easy for him to get the job done that way when it comes to M hacks between these two a major point which wasn't even considered at all is that maimo was able to make the cosmic devil give up without even doing a single thing the cosmic devil can hit a person's brain with what's essentially a zip bomb of infinite information which includes everything to ever happen in existence you [ __ ] your pants back in grade four she knows about that once affected by the power of the cosmic devil it leaves a person's brain ruined with them only being capable of repeating the word Halloween if she uses this on Gojo Gojo could likely survive it because his brain can infinitely process things on a multitude of layers though a similar argument could be made for marimer because she clearly surpasses the cosmic Devil's infinite knowledge and this might allow her to survive infinite void which is also stated to affect cursors differently this may apply to and she is genetically a devil not a human she's also portrayed as a Divine entity throughout basically every single piece of art in chainsaw man even the outros of the anime do this interestingly too there's actually no reason why she wouldn't be able to heal from this brain damage from Gojo's infinite void because throughout the series multiple times she's been shown having her brains literally blown the [ __ ] out and the contract with the Prime Minister of Japan states that anything that is considered fatal which brain damage would be included in that order gets healed and someone gets injured as a result of the contract however when it comes to a battle of hacks I would lean towards Gojo but another point to make is that makima could actually avoid his domain expansion by using the future devil to give her a battle Intel that she will use in the fight and thus she could substitute herself with one of her many puppets she could also send Gojo to Hell meaning he would have to fight a lot of weird devils in there which all have insanely hacked abilities themselves keep in mind Dojo isn't immune to cealing as he was placed into the prison realm though speed would be an issue could she actually lend the blow to sedim to hell that's a whole another debate unlike Aki makima can actually Force the future devil to let her use its power to a larger extent whether it's through her control devil powers or through the feeding of gun devil parts and we've seen that the future devil isn't limited to just seconds it can tell you about events days to months ahead anyone Mima has killed she can resurrect in combat and wield their Devils she even did this to characters that she herself didn't even kill when it comes to her very non- explained devil Powers she appears to have Force type Powers which aren't actually physical projectiles this allowed her to shoot chainsaw men into space from afar now it's either a couple of things so it's possibly like an air pressure Shin Reni style attack or it is a space manipulating projectile invisible attack which doesn't take any time to land normally the chainsaw man should be able to Blitz her but he wasn't able to avoid these blows so I'm going to assume that it just instantly applies to the thing that it's aimed at if you look at what makima was doing to the katana Devil's goons she wasn't even shooting them she was just making them explode from across the planet from the inside out these very same Powers allowed her to harm the darkness devil a being wielding the very concept of black or Darkness itself and was stated superior to the gun devil on a few different layers of power which had the capability to blow away entire cities from across the planet and keep in mind she can summon the the city destroying being in combat to assist her against Gojo while also not only amplifying it with her own power but if there's humans around that are scared the power of the gun devil is going to become even more impressive could makim just simply make Gojo explode from the inside that depends entirely on if you think the attack could bypass infinity or not with her actual main power which I mentioned before the control devil she can control those who she deems sort of below her if she's like yeah they're trash she just by default can control them the reason this might actually work on Gojo is because she had a direct psychological bias towards the chainsaw man which even denji exploited later on she might perceive Gojo as a super impressive individual in battle and then this just won't work or because he's a stranger she may just genuinely control him we haven't seen Gojo really deal with psychological stuff like this before and he wouldn't be aware that he's being controlled AR's memories were completely replaced by makima without him realizing you might say what about Kishi and chanzi she most definitely just like playing with them as it was just blatantly showcased that chanzi had genuinely no chance against her in combat she literally surrenders to her if Kish at any point in the story was a legitimate threat to marima he would have been a much more pivotal person in the battle against her if every character is controlled the storytelling would be you know pretty boring it's kind of like when people say why don't characters always blow up stuff in the series if they're considered planetary and it's kind of because if everything is hyper literal and every single attack blows up an area or every character is controlled by marima nothing's really happening in the story is there statements can be made without them needed to be physically showcased again if every character is controlled the story would be kind of boring wouldn't it with maka's large plethora of different devil contracts and things that she can bring into combat she should be able to buff her devil contracts with pieces of the gun devil that she has while also amplifying those with fear or using her control devil to amplify them by force again she can also summon the gun devil in combat which she scales far above although she has a large arsenal of varied hacks and overpowered Devils stuff like Ari's curse devil wouldn't really be effective in a battle like this Gojo's Infinity barrier would pretty much just say yeah go away and her only chance would be to somehow M hack Gojo or explode him from the inside then she could go over to him with angel's power and pretty much just age him to death in an instant if you go by death battles logic her being able to harm Gojo with bang mean she could have just blown his head off from the very start but I find the incredibly hard to argue as her powers are far too vague and we don't really know if it's instant a projectile or how it even works hopefully we get a Data Book for chainsaw man sometime I don't even know if that would be a thing but again her powers are pretty all over the place if the attack travels no if the attack appears instantly on the thing that it's aimed at yes the main thing that I want to emphasize with this video is not that I think makima wins I just think that when she's brought up in versus Battle she gets represented in such a way that it really feels like people don't pay attention to the character she has tons of overpowered and genuinely busted hacks that could potentially work on Gojo if she had the speed to get them off Gojo sadly without a doubt absolutely does speed Blitz her and if his domain expansion works on her just like it normally would on Sorcerers in jutu kaisen or curses etc for you chainsaw man fans that aren't super knowledgeable on Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen imagine it's like this Yu-Gi-Oh card that gets activated where it surrounds You In This Very dark area but there is an attack that's going to go off and no matter what it is a guaranteed hit to land if you're in his domain but also Imagine on top of that that the second you're enclosed into the domain everything slows down to the point where your brain can't even process information so you've got that and then the sh hit attack it's pretty much a GG so if he does that to her and uses Hollow purple she just gets eviscerated Gojo just has far more consistent speed scaling can spam his sh hit domain expansion which should one tap her every time scales to characters like sakuna who just blatantly has far superior stats than anyone in chainsaw man thus far I could be wrong on that in case a new chapter comes out and says some insane [ __ ] and once again he could probably end the battle with a single Holo purple even if makima and Gojo for whatever reason were relative in hand-to-hand combat because makima surprisingly has some pretty decent martial arts if he uses a black flash against her while he's punching her the destructive power of this strike is equal to a normal hit but then to the power of 2.5 so imagine at any point those two are Swap and blows then out of nowhere he lands a Francis Inu shot to the head and she's like what the hell oh wait no she doesn't even say that cuz her head gets blown the [ __ ] off and along with that too because of the way that the contract with the Prime Minister of Japan is described when it comes to applying illnesses or reflecting damage onto a random citizen if that actually happens to Gojo it doesn't really state that it's just an instantaneous death so he could just use reverse curse technique to heal that wound if he was to be harmed which means that he would just naturally survive and she would heal so there's not even a guarantee that he would die if he was to spam kill her and kill every citizen of Japan while bloodlusted mak's only hope is that she has some stupid scaling to the darkness devil which if that thing was in jjk as a curse would be insanely powerful because of how inherently scary the dark is to all living things or if you want to take it even further it's on some you know crazy itchy Bay from Bleach kind of sh which even me trying to describe how op that is would be too confusing for this video I feel like mim's only chance is that Gojo fries his own brain from opening the domain too many times and he can't kill her then she goes up to him and ages him with the angel Devil's powers or she uses bang and somehow one Taps him but there's too much situational arguments to be made for marimo whereas with Gojo it's just blatantly he's going to speed Blitz and one tap so that's pretty much how the fight goes Gojo wins but makima if you throw her into some other anime verses and use the correct argumentation she's quite [ __ ] powerful finally I want to answer the question that many fans have been asking where can I Read Manga or novels as most of you who watch me are huge fans of series like bleach Naruto and many other shown and jump related series well this place has plenty of novels related to your favorite Manga and Anime along with original made works from diard fans over on web novel they have various kinds of stories from your typical battle type series to Fantasy and Adventure there are also various famous Comics basically everything you need when it comes to fiction the most exciting thing is that you can read any story any time anywhere and for free over on web novel some examples off the Dome bleach can't Fe your own world bleach Spirits are forever with you plenty of jiujitsu kaisen related stories hell chainsaw man fanfiction over there if you're interested in that stuff there's also three specific stories that I myself recommend and those are Advent of arch Mage link was the top Arch Mage in the entire server he had just defeated the strongest boss the lord of the deep no Zama with his party however instead of going back to town he was transported to a secret location with pixelated CG it sort of felt like a vacuum within it came a glorious and commanding voice that calls himself the God of Light the Second Story reincarnated with the strongest system Darkness cannot drive out Darkness only light can do that the goddess of Amalia said as she held William in her loving Embrace hate cannot dve about hate only love can do that in order to help his little brothers and sisters at the orphanage and save the person he loves William decided to make the ultimate sacrifice and the last series the strongest system Yours Truly shall have all if you bow down to me arriving in this brand new world linfan found himself in possession of a system which allows him to level up indefinitely unbounded by the limitations of this world upon learning a powerful technique of monkey Stills peaches linfan realizes he's poised to literally become the strongest person in this entire world but of course how boring would that be unless the whole world gets to know about his great name Shameless righteous smart linfan will let no one or balls stand in his way of Glory if you are perhaps wanting to get into a new series web novel is the place for you to read the remaining chapters of the novels I actually listed if you're interested in reading them all you need to do is register on the web novel app and everything is super easy to find even more convenient actually you can simply click the link in the description of this video or in the pin comment search for quote system in the app and acquire coins to unlock chapters so don't hesitate any longer and sign up for webnovel.com below and what you can see on the screen I'm super proud to have them a part of this video I'd appreciate it a lot if you go check out their stuff below as without them this video wouldn't be possible and we wouldn't get to see the definitive answer on who wins out of the two I guess you could say strongest sort of cool mentors of the recent new genen Shonen series but yeah once again check them out below thanks for watching
Channel: Clyde
Views: 56,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why Gojo vs Makima Is WAY Closer Than You Think, makima, gojo, chainsaw man, jujutsu kaisen, denji vs makima, gojo vs sukuna, sukuna vs gojo, sukuna full fight, gojo full fight, jujutsu kaisen season 2, jujutsu kaisen season 3, chainsaw man season 2, chainsaw man new anime, death battle, makima vs gojo death battle, jjk, chainsaw man new chapter, chainsaw man video, jujutsu kaisen video, jjk video, jujutsu kaisen new chapter, gojo comes back, gojo vs sukuna new chapter, shonen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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