How To Prepare A Sermon For Beginners Using A 3-Point Outline

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it's important to hone your unique preaching voice and to utilize the teaching or preaching gift that god has given you creating a three-point sermon outline is a great way to help you organize your thoughts and to record what you believe god is inspiring you to share delivering more effective messages and devoting time and prayer and preparation is an ongoing practice for every communicator and preacher what's up this is evan from where we help leaders gain confidence and build dependable teams and in this video we're gonna talk about how to prepare a sermon for beginners using a three-point outline delivering a sermon is an incredible exchange that requires grace humility expectation and effective communication while god will certainly empower those he calls to communicate i believe the sacrifice of preparing a message is also a holy experience keep watching because we're going to break down exactly how to create and deliver a three-point sermon that honors god and helps others first we need to talk about why are three-point sermon outlines so helpful and effective many preachers and teachers find three-point sermon outlines effective because they help organize their thoughts reinforce the main topic and help formulate logical transitions throughout the entirety of the message messages that feel disjointed or that are difficult to follow along with are also hard for people to understand people will engage easier with messages that transition seamlessly and follow a logical sequence and the best and most effective messages create common ground to build spiritual ideas truths and practices upon and yes preaching and conviction are spiritual experiences however as communicators we should do all that we can on this side of heaven to prepare the most effective and best messages that we possibly can writing preparing and practicing and outline will help you process analyze and better understand the message that you hope to share we've all been there thinking a message is going to go one way idealizing what's going to happen in our head and it seemingly falls flat oftentimes this can be traced back to the amount of preparation and time we invested into actually internalizing and understanding the message that we had opportunity to deliver people appreciate well-organized messages and can quickly recognize when preparation is lacking so let's talk about how to prepare a sermon and to structure a three-point sermon outline to create the structure for your three points you must first identify a main topic formulate the three supporting points to validate your topic and conclude with a relevant call to action essentially there are three components to delivering a three-point sermon first is the main subject of the sermon second is the three supporting points and third is the call to action through prayerful consideration seek to identify the idea the topic or scripture that you believe god wants you to address as you study and compile notes you can begin to organize your thoughts into three primary sections so let's really get into it here's how to write the three-point sermon the most compelling messages follow the basic structure of the introduction the body and the conclusion while this may seem pretty simple it can be challenging to ensure that each part flows seamlessly together and is interesting enough to keep your audience's attention so to tie these things together think of it this way the introduction shares the main subject of the sermon the body is the three supporting points and the conclusion is the call to action the most crucial part of delivering an effective message and in this case a three-point sermon is to understand each section and how they each should function in other words the introduction is your opportunity to introduce the topic and to grab your audience's attention the body is where you will present your evidence stories and arguments and the conclusion should tie everything together and evoke a response let's look at a basic outline to help you visualize how you can structure your next message related to the topic that we're discussing now the title in this example is how to share sermons that people stop ignoring in the overall topic or subject that i want to present is the value of using a three-point outline now i also want to think through why should people care well because i believe people will engage and respond more to clear organized easy to understand and compelling communication so i would use the introduction to capture engagement and to establish common ground around the idea that delivering more effective messages is essential and for you as you prepare your messages there are several ways that you can hook your audience or congregation into engaging with the message that you believe is so important within your introduction you can use a relevant story ask thought provoking questions illuminate a problem that's relevant to those that are listening or highlight a pain point that is common and that everyone can relate to the goal is to spark an immediate interest and to indicate that what you're about to share can help alleviate the problem provide solutions and offer guidance towards a better outcome so that's what you want to build within the introduction now within the body of your sermon you will use this section to further convey why alleviating and solving this problem is so important and vital for the health and well-being of those that are listening you will use the three points to provide clarity and to help your audience connect in a meaningful way to your message so if i were going to deliver a message about how to share sermons that people stop ignoring i formulated the following three points to help guide the body of that message and the first point that i would share to help guide and create buy-in within the message is that three-point sermon outlines help clarify your thoughts my second message to further drive the importance of this topic is that people pay attention to messages that they can follow and then my third point leading into the conclusion would be that organization can lead to transformation you see you want to use your three main points to validate your subject and to make your message credible and the content of each point can use several types of communication to strengthen and explain the point for example you can use illustrations stories text or references whatever you need to bring the points to life however it is critical the goal of using different types of communication is not to be funny smart or clever the goal is to strengthen and support your point it's all too common for preachers teachers communicators to feel that they need to be funny or seem smart and they will share something that may be humorous or seem clever but is often very disconnected and disjointed from the overall purpose and intent of the message while it may be funny it's almost pointless if you're going to use humor make sure it's authentic and relatable to the theme of your message always remember that each point should coincide with the others to strengthen the overall subject of your message if not if your three points aren't related and cohesive you'll essentially preach three messages within the one and we've all heard talks like this they're difficult to understand hard to follow and less effective and lastly the conclusion or the call to action should unify the entirety of your message and compel people to take action there are several questions that you can ask and pray to consider the best way to end your next sermon asking questions like these can help you further understand the heartbeat of something that god may be wanting to do through your next message what response do you believe is appropriate what next step can someone take to apply the message what is one thing someone can do to foster relevant change these types of questions can help steer your conclusion and provide clarity for the call to action that you'll invite people to take and then invite people to respond and leave the rest to the holy spirit unless god further prompts you prolonging the message is entirely unnecessary writing and delivering a three-point sermon outline can help you and your congregation engage with the message in powerful ways developing the three main points based on the main subject of your sermon and concluding with a clear call to action is an effective method of preaching however remember there are no set rules to preaching and feel free to mix it up and continue practicing and seeking god to help you further hone your unique preaching voice in the gift that he's placed with inside of you so that you can authentically communicate the word of god but if you get stuck use the tips in this video to help ensure that your message is cohesive and helps those listening move towards transformation growth and deeper discipleship for more preaching help be sure to check out the sermon preparation checklist in the link in the description let me know in the comments if this was helpful to you and which tips you believe are most effective don't forget to hit the like button and be sure to subscribe thanks again for watching this is evan from and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Evan Doyle Thinks
Views: 103,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to prepare a sermon for beginners, how to prepare sermons for beginners, how to write a sermon, sermon prep, sermon preparation, how to preach, how to write my first sermon, how to make sermon outline, how to prepare a sermon pdf, short sermon outline, 3 point sermon outlines, 3 point sermon template, example of sermon outline, how to write sermons, sermon template, outline for preaching sermon, how to prepare a sermon, how to preach a sermon, preaching outline example
Id: di2T41BKgwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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