3 Signs God is Shifting You (Suddenly and Supernaturally) | Melody Alisa

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that's the beautiful part about God things can be  restored like that things can be undone like that   you can get to a position that again by the  world standards would take you five years and   three degrees to be in and God can do it like  that God can open doors that no man can shut hello everyone welcome back or welcome to  my channel my name is Melody and I make   Faith-based content here on YouTube I post  new videos every single Monday so if that   is something you're interested in definitely be  sure and subscribe I would love to have you join   the family so in today's video we're going to be  talking about three signs that God is Shifting   you supernaturally whether you've been walking  with the Lord for five minutes or walking with   the Lord for five years or 50 years at some point  or another you're going to go through a moment or   even moment of God shifting you of God shifting  you to put you into position to do the thing or   be more of the person that he's created you to be  now when it comes to these shifting Seasons yes   shifting is exciting but oftentimes shift can  imply change and change is not always the most   comfortable so we can have this tendency to try to  fight against what God is doing in these shifting   Seasons simply because it is not comfortable  but that's the opposite of what we want to do   we really want to lean into these moments and  I think the best way that we can lean into what   God is doing in these shifting times is knowing  that we are going through a shift now there are   so many people in the Bible who have gone through  shifts after an encounter with Jesus the first   person that I always think of when it comes to  just being One Way encountering Jesus and then   leaving that encounter a completely different way  is a Samaritan woman at the well she literally met   Jesus at this well she had a Divine appointment  that she didn't even know about with Jesus at this   well and she came in as a woman with a reputation  she had been married five times she was outcast   in her society and she left this Encounter With  Jesus and became the first documented evangelist   in the Bible she ran into her Samaritan City  and told every everyone that she wanted to tell   them about a man who told her everything about  herself and it's through her evangelism that so   many Samaritans came to know Christ now we cannot  talk about supernatural shifts that people have   gone through in the Bible without talking about  Paul who used to be called Saul Saul went from   someone who was passionate okay he was on fire  for killing Christians but after an encounter   with Jesus on the road to Damascus to literally  go find some Christians to kill Jesus turned his   entire life around Paul would go on to be one of  the greatest men in the faith and he also would   go on to author almost all of the New Testament  Galatians Ephesians Romans Colossians literally   all of our favorite New Testament texts comes  from Paul who previously was song So as you   can see there's something that is absolutely  beautiful when we lean into what God is doing   in these shifts it's gonna be easy to fight it  but the beautiful thing that happens when we   lean in and we say yes to God we say yes to his  plan for our life and ultimately we're stepping   into our calling so in today's video we're going  to be focusing on a specific text coming out of   Acts Which documents this encounter that Paul  previously known as saw had with Jesus again on   the road to Damascus we're going to be seeing  what he experienced right after this Encounter   With Jesus and we're going to be pulling from  here this signs that we too can look for in our   lives when God is Shifting us supernaturally the  more aware we are of what to expect the more we're   able to lean in and get into position now before  we hop into it I want to go ahead and pause here   and thank the sponsor of today's video faithful  counseling so you guys already know over here   we are huge proponents of Jesus plus therapy as  we're going through the different shifts in our   life I know for myself it has been so nice to  have a licensed mental health professional who   also shares my same Faith values to process these  shifts with that is why I love faithful counseling   because they make it so easy for you to get paired  up with a licensed mental health professional who   also shares your same Christian values I'm gonna  have a link down in the description box for you to   check them out I definitely encourage you guys if  you are on the fence I always like to say this let   this be your Sciences they even offer financial  aid so thank you again to faithful counseling for   sponsoring this portion of the video now with all  that being said let's go ahead and hop into these   three signs now first things first the text  that all of our signs today are going to be   coming from is Acts chapter 9 verses 1 through 19.  so I definitely encourage you guys to pause here   and read through the text entirely just so you  have the full context as we dive into specific   verses now with all of that being said let's go  ahead and talk about sign number one the first   sign that God is Shifting you supernaturally is if  you are being confronted with tough questions now   before we dive fully into this sign I want to  just go ahead and start here with the text the   verse I'm going to have you guys look at is Acts  chapter 9 verse three I'm gonna go ahead and pop   it up on the screen so we can read it together and  it says as he was a approaching he is Paul saw was   approaching Damascus on his mission a light from  Heaven suddenly Shone down around him he fell to   the ground and heard a voice saying to him saw saw  why are you persecuting me now the person that is   asking Paul slash saw this question is Jesus and  as we are walking through our own Supernatural   ships we also are going to be confronted with  tough questions like this Paul was confronted   with exactly what he was doing Paul Paul why are  you persecuting me and for us this might look like   the Lord really convicting us and saying hey why  are you hopping from relationship to relationship   what are you looking for that you're not going to  meet for or you might even have trusted friends   around you saying sis why are you dating this  person is this truly God's best for you or says   why are you pursuing this job position is it the  status that comes with it or is it truly what you   feel like God has placed in your heart for you to  do it's when we come come across these confronting   questions that cause us to pause take a little bit  of inventory do a little bit of a heart check and   it kind of gets us into that position to be open  and willing to listen for the next thing that   God has for us now these confronting questions  definitely won't just happen one time we're going   to go through series of confronting questions like  this because this is part of that sanctification   and refining process now when God is doing that  Supernatural shift we can absolutely be on the   lookout for these but just know throughout our  walk with the Lord this will definitely happen   time and time again this is a part of the process  and honestly one of the benefits of walking with   the Lord he is always doing a good work in our  heart he is always trying to work things together   for our good and he is always wanting to shift  us and mold us to be more christ-like so this is   going to be the very first sign that we can look  out for when God is Shifting us supernaturally   now let's go ahead and hop into number two so  sign number two on our list today the second   sign that God shifting you supernaturally is if  you are experiencing isolation or separation from   things that are familiar now oftentimes when we're  experiencing this isolation or separation it is   going to come with some uncomfortable feelings  we're going to be feeling uneasy we're going   to be feeling outside of our comfort zone because  the things that we're formally familiar no longer   are close to us or the things that we would go to  to find Comfort no longer are giving us the same   comfort that they once did now this is all a part  of the process because we can't keep going back to   the same places when God is trying to shift us  so when things just aren't hitting the same we   can't go to this one person or this one place to  get comfort that is God doing us a favor putting   us in position to really be redirected towards  the path that he has for us and away from the   things that are no longer in alignment with the  person that he is calling us to be now for Paul   this happened drastically and this happened in  a really big way so let's go ahead and look at   verses seven through nine so Acts chapter 9 verses  seven through nine let me go ahead and pop them up   on the screen and we can see what happened to Paul  immediately after this Encounter With Jesus where   he was like Paul Paul why are you persecuting me  and let's just pick up from there so the verse is   the men with saw stood speechless for they had  heard the sound of someone's voice but saw no   one saw picked himself up off the ground but when  he opened his eyes he was blind so his companions   led him by the hand to Damascus he remained there  blind for three days and did not eat or drink so   this is huge sis Paul was literally made blind the  comfort of his sight was taken away from him and   the people that he was traveling with did not stay  with him the text didn't indicate that they stayed   with him once they got to the city so he was alone  isolated from the people that he was traveling   with he no longer had the comfort of his sight and  on top of that he was fasting he wasn't eating or   drinking so as you can see here he was truly  separated from all the Creature Comforts truly   separated from all familiarity and this this is  where he drew closer to God it's in moments like   this that you really have to sit with yourself and  think about all the things that you've done and   I'm sure Paul was going through his mind thinking  about all the actions that he's taken all the   people that he has hurt and really feeling that  Godly sorrow Godly sorrow changes our heart Godly   Sorrows what allows us to really be transformed  from the inside out and so this is the process   that Paul was going through here in these verses  and this is also likely what we will experience   when God is Shifting us we have to wake up to some  of the sin in our lives we have to wake up to some   of the things that we're doing that truly are in  alignment with God's best for us and God's calling   on our lives and it's in these moments where we  don't fight it because obviously it had to be   uncomfortable you can't see you're not eating  all your friends are gone you're not drinking   anything there's nothing comfortable about it  but the beauty that comes out on the other side   which we're gonna get to in this text it is so  incredibly worth it so it's with this particular   sign that you might start to notice that your  relation ships your connections the things that   you're passionate about they start to change and  that is all part of God's beautiful plan and his   process so that is going to be sign number two so  sign number three on our list today the third and   final sign that God is Shifting you supernaturally  is confirmation God will send someone or something   to confirm what he has revealed to you now I want  to go ahead and first dive into the verses here   that show who was sent to Paul to confirm what the  Lord was speaking to him on the road to Damascus   so we're going to open up with Acts chapter 9 or  verses 17 through 19 and we're going to read those   together so I'm going to go ahead and pop them  up on the screen so the text says so anias went   and found Saul he laid his hands on him and said  brother saw the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on   the road has sent me so that you might regain your  sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit instantly   something like scales fell from Saul's eyes and he  regained his sight then he got up and was baptized   afterward he ate some food and regained his  strength so as we can see from the previous   sign God woke saw slash Paul up to his own sin  he showed him all of The Heirs of his ways but   he didn't just leave him in that to sit he brought  someone into his life to confirm what the Lord had   told him hey do better do something different with  your life I have something better for you to do   with your life and this is how you can walk it out  it says here in the text that after anias came to   him that Paul was baptized so we can go ahead and  assume that anayas baptized paw he likely was the   first person that introduced him to a community  of Believers now this I also want to note anias   was incredibly brave for walking up to Saul in  the way that he did Paul Saul had a reputation   for being known as someone again who was killing  Christians so a Christian knowingly walking up to   this man and telling him not only hey yes God  told me to come and tell you this but calling   him brother anias's obedience was taught here  this was Next Level obedience and this is the   type obedience just a little side note that we  all should strive to have now when it comes to   this particular sign anayas was the vessel that  God used to confirm to Paul what he had revealed   to him on the road to Damascus and so we also can  expect to experience things like this whether it's   someone coming into our life to confirm what the  Lord has done to us through a word whether we come   across a sermon that speaks directly to what God  is doing in our heart in that shifting season or   it can be an Instagram post it can be us reading  in the Bible literally God will meet you wherever   you are so whether you are at the mall whether you  find yourself oftentimes at work God will meet you   and get a message to you any way he chooses and  God can do anything so it's really up to us to be   expecting be on the lookout for the unconventional  ways that the Lord is going to confirm what he is   revealing to US during the shift as the shift is  happening we are absolutely going to experience   some type of confirmation now one additional  thing I want to note here when it comes to   the supernatural shift I didn't make this a sign  because I feel like it's kind of all-encompassing   it's just the fact that this shift for Paul  happened fast in the course of three days his life   trajectory was going one way and God literally did  a 180. so often times for us when it comes to the   shift that God wants to do in our lives the shift  to put us in position to be more of that person   that he has created us to be it's going to come  with some type of divine acceleration that is just   how God works so something by man's standard might  take us you know two years to get into this type   of position when God is Shifting us it can take  two days God does not play by the same rules that   we have to play here on Earth God can do anything  so oftentimes when it comes to these three signs   there's also going to be this underlying factor of  just speed of things happening in a sudden Manner   and that's the beautiful part about God things  can be restored like that things can be undone   like that you can get to a position that again  by the world standards would take you five years   and three degrees to be in and God can do it like  that and at the end of the day it's through this   Divine type of acceleration it's through things  happening suddenly that God gets the glory and   that's what he wants all along our hearts and for  our lives to be used for his glory all right sis   that is going to be it for me I hope you enjoyed  today's video if you did please be sure to give   it a thumbs up and now of course it is your turn  so in the comments below I would love to know as   you've gone through your own shifts what is  one thing that you've had to give up like I   mentioned a shift implies change and when it  comes to change we likely are having to give   up something to become more of this person that  God has created us to be so in the comments below   I would love to know what is one thing that you've  had to give up as God has shifted you whether it's   in this particular season or in a previous season  and what is one thing that he has replaced as that   thing was taken from you I feel like sometimes  as we're having to give up something we can lose   sight of the fact that if God ever takes something  from us he only intends to place it with something   better so I feel like these comments are going  to be just full of a testimony of the goodness   of God so definitely take a second drop your  response down below I will make sure to as   well and take a scroll on through as always I love  you guys and I will see you in my next video peace
Channel: Melody Alisa
Views: 211,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: melody alisa, signs god is shifting you, 3 signs god is, god is shifting you into position, signs god is opening a door, how to know god is preparing you, 4 signs god is opening up new doors, signs god is doing a new thing, 4 signs god is opening up a new door, signs your breakthrough is close, signs your breakthrough is near, 3 Signs God is Shifting You (Suddenly and Supernaturally), signs blessings are coming, christian motivation, 4 signs god, god's divine acceleration
Id: -csUZAV9iPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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