Why Giratina is Misunderstood

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Halloween episode Giratina is one of my favorite Pokemon but people think he's a meanie the sage of a Pokemon I want to tell you his side of the story to show you who the bad guy really is but first who's Giratina Giratina is a ruler of the Distortion World along with Palkia Dialga and Giratina he is a part of the creation Trio these brothers were created by Arceus to keep balance within the Pokey Universe Giratina can control and travel through the other dimensions of the Poke world besides his brother's territory Italia Palkia a ruler of space he can control Travel Bend and men's face at it on well who's Diego the elegant and the ruler of time you can control travel speed up and slow down time at his own way who's Arceus according to Pokemon Legends Arceus is known as Z who has rumored to have shaped the Pokey world with his 1000 arms takes out with a grain of salt as a pokedex says this is Miss slash Legends but Arcus is a known Trader of a creation Trio and Lake Guardians although Arceus seems to be more of the god of the Poke Universe he's more like the Titans from Greek mythology and the creation Trio are more similar to the Greek gods the brothers palvilla Dialga and Giratina rule their Dimensions like a bunch of all men grumpy probably a little overprotective and Arceus the inconspicuously unevolved Creator is like the dad who went out to get milk and everything back back in the day they were worshiped and feared by ancient Sinnoh people despite their erratic and violent nature one day Giratina was banished to the Distortion World by his Pop's Arceus for being violent and angry so either Giratina did some messed up things or our kids were feeling Moody that day because all of them were known for being violent and angry giratina's personality in the anime yes I'm including the anime because you can see more personality in the Pokemon take the job seriously he's not a pushover but has a gentle side towards Pokemon sense of poke world and the Distortion world are combined Giratina has pretty much became the protector of Both Worlds the biggest thing that made me think Giratina was not a bad guy was near the end of Giratina and Sky Warriors Zero the villain of this movie captures Giratina in a ship that scan its powers in order to control the Distortion world so Ash and the crew destroy the ship and save your Tina but he is very weak and he's healing immediately so Shaman and all the forest Pokemon decide to use and move aromatherapy to heal your Tina if Giratina is a sphere deity why were the Pokemon of the forest decide to help him there's more zero comes back and makes a portal to the Distortion world to destroy the forest and Village by creating a novel language as the protector of the Distortion World Giratina goes after zero to stop and before he does too much damage now Giratina isn't perfect he can tear a rift in reality which can cause space-time distortions and creates Alpha Pokemon which are Pokemon on steroids this also affects the Nobles the Guardians of the land causing them to lose control and reflect havoc oh didn't see you there Pokemon Legends Arceus he provokes his brother to go blizzard but as someone who had siblings I can say that's the only fun part of having siblings okay besides companionship never mind happy so that's why I find it kind of silly why Arceus banished into your team because Arceus acts the same if not worse in guaranteed in Arceus a Jewel of Life Arceus Gates is one guy Damien the Jewel of Life to help him rebuild his village after a meteor destroyed it but Damien betrayed Arceus he wanted to keep the jewel for himself so he attacked him with a large army Arceus in his rage decided to kill him and vowed to get revenge on all Humanity when he returns this means he's gonna destroy the world that's a little much just for one guy who betrayed you in my opinion it's a little weird since you just banished Giratina for being violent and angry so why would Arc is banished here too I think he sucked Giratina was getting too powerful Giratina can't control and travel through the other dimensions besides time and space and keep balance between the Poke world and Distortion world yet is said Giratina has equal strengths to his brothers hmm remember that in Arceus the Jewel of Life while Ash and the crew go back in time to fix what happened in the past Dialga Palkia and Giratina fought off Arceus to stop him from destroying the world in the end Archie has defeated the brothers and as he was about to destroy the world Ash returned and saved the day that must mean that Arceus is stronger than the trio right what if I told you they're only using a fraction of the power when Freddie Arceus Palkia Dialga and gertina were in their altar forms their weakest forms but in their origin forms could they beat Arceus let's look more into the creation Trio's origin form s palkia's origin form is its true form its strongest form Palkia in this origin form resembles Arceus as a strategy to gain some of our kids's power I don't know if that actually works so take that with a grain of salt palkia's ability to control and travel through space and other dimensions allows him to create alternate dimensions and Destroy space itself this could mean like outer space or just military space or self I don't know Pokemon's not clear about that Palkia can also create his own Universe with or without Dialga he basically has a power of a god even in his altar form because around that time Pokemon had only given Palkia one form imagine what could he do in his origin form if he can destroy space itself then could he destroy everything ever anyways on to Dialga Dialga can control and travel with her time he can also evolve and be evolve Pokemon human and plants does this mean he can de-evolve the Poke world not only can he create and Destroy time itself when Dialga was first born time began and will keep flowing as long as his heart keeps beating finally Diago can create a universe with or self-helpia and he's not even in his origin form what powers do these Pokemon have that we don't even know of if halcure and Dialga in their weakest form can treat a universe foreign now that's a lot to unpack so let's take it a little slow with Giratina Giratina can control every Dimension besides time and space I have no idea what that means but I'm gonna assume there's a lot of stuff he can also turn himself into Shadow and travel through the Distortion world at its own way now there's not a lot known about what gear Tana exactly does in the Distortion world besides just making sure everything is in order but how powerful is guillotine in origin form Giratina can transform into his origin form by holding the gracious orb slash core or if he gets enough power it doesn't say how much or what kind of power Giratina needs but if he gets enough he could be potentially equal to Arceus himself this is crazy because this makes so much more sense on why Arceus banished Giratina he's scared it is said that Giratina has a big gradual Arceus for Vanishing him our kid has tried to destroy the world and has hindered the Poke World more than he has helped leaving it up to Palkia Dialga and especially Guillotine but if Dialga Palkia and Giratina all have equal power than Dialga Palkia and Giratina in their origin forms are equally as powerful as Arceus himself so in classic Greek mythology fashion the brothers could take down the Titan Arceus could they overthrow Arceus and be the gods of the Poke world now will this affect the entire poke Universe maybe I don't know because Arceus has been on do not disturb for a while the creation Trio could easily do our kids's job the only thing they couldn't do would be to create another creation Trio because only our kids can do that side tangent who creates a new Arceus with a trainer campus [Music] but that's a topic for another time with the combined power of the creation Trio they could easily overthrow Arceus in classic Greek fashion and roll over the Pokey world together in peace okay besides when they fight but that's besides the point Giratina is one of the Protectors of this world I hope people can see him the way I do and that's why I think Giratina have misunderstood I don't think you know how long I've been waiting to make this video probably since I started YouTube I want to make this video like my second or third video I was like why do people hate Giratina so much or like his story I mean not not how it looks but I really hope you enjoy this video I've been working on this video for a month bye thank you for watching my video I was really silly um
Channel: Eli?
Views: 19,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli?, @Eli_IsThatYou, Pokemon, Pokemon essay, Pokémon Giratina, Pokémon, Why Giratina is Misunderstood, pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Anime, Pokemon giratina and the sky warriors, Pokemon Acreus and the Jewel of Life, Pokémon the Rise of Darkia, Palkia, Dialga, Arceus, Pokemon anime giratina, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, Pokemon Shining Pearl, Pokémon video essay, Pokémon lore, Lore, Theory, Pokédex
Id: yeuvMziQ-8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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