Why 'Everything is Figureoutable' | Marie Forleo

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hi how you guys doing how you feeling today yes yes good my name is Marie I am so excited to be here with you today so I have a question to start us off if I told you that there was one single phrase that could not only help you reach your dreams but could also help you transform or transcend any obstacle you faced who would be interested in that anyone yes okay a few people that's all I need this is good okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna talk about that phrase and we're gonna talk about how it works and I promise you it's so simple and you will be able to use it now where you are in terms of high school but also throughout the rest of your life so let's talk about where this little phrase came from and to do that we got to go back to my childhood and even before that so I want to tell you about my mom she is this incredible firecracker of a woman she is about 5-3 she looks like June Cleaver she has the tenacity of a bulldog and she curses like a truck driver she grew up in the projects of Newark New Jersey - two alcoholic parents and she learned by necessity how to stretch a dollar bill around the block like five times and my mom made a promise to herself she said somehow someway she was gonna find a way to a better life one of my fondest memories growing up as a kid in New Jersey was sitting around the kitchen table with my mom cutting out coupons because she loved to teach us all the different ways that we could save money as a family that was really important to us and she also taught me about the fact that big companies and brands would send you cool free things like recipe books and cooking utensils if you saved up what we're known as proofs of purchased you guys know what those things are yes so one of my mom's most prized possessions in the world was this tiny little am/fm radio that she got from Tropicana orange juice for free it was the shape size and color of an orange it had this red and white straw sticking out of the side that was the antenna and my mom's one of those moms who's always busy she's always doing something she's always working on something and I knew as a little girl I could find her somewhere around the yard or somewhere around the house by listening for music blaring out of that tiny little Tropicana orange so one day I'm coming home from school and I hear music playing off in the distance and I get closer to my house and I look up and I see my mom perched precariously on the roof of our two-story house with her little orange next to her butt and I'm like mom what are you doing up there are you okay and she yells down REE I'm fine don't worry about it the roof had a leak I called the roofer he said it would be at least 500 bucks I said screw that I'm doing it myself that's my mom another day I come home from school and I hear this little music blaring from the back of the house so I walked to the back and it turns out my mom's in the bathroom push open the door there's pipes sticking out of the wall there's power tools on the floor there's dust particles in the air it looked like an explosion went off and I was like mom are you okay what's going on what's wrong she's like real mine she's like the bathroom tiles had some cracks in it I didn't want it to get moldy so I'm retiling the entire bathroom now you guys gotta get this is the 1980s this is a pre-internet pre-youtube pre-google world my mom is only high school educated but I never knew what she'd be doing but I knew I'd find her by finding the sound of that little radio so one day I come home from school and it's late you know in the fall when it's dark out and you have that eerie feeling outside I walk up to my house and it's completely dark and it's silent which for an italian-american home that's not a good sign I walk in and I had a pit in my stomach nervous about what I might find where's my mom where's the sound of that little radio all of a sudden I heard some clicks and clacks and I followed that sound and I discovered my mom in the kitchen hunched over the kitchen table which look like an operating room she had a screwdriver electrical tape and then spread out in front of her was like a dozen pieces of a completely dismantled little Tropicana orange radio and I was like mom are you okay that's your favorite thing is everything all right she said all worried it's fine the tuner dial was a little off and the antenna was busted so I'm fixing it and I stood there for a minute watching my mom work her magic like she always did and I finally thought the question to ask the question that I always should have asked which was this hey mom how do you know how to do so many different things that you've never done before but nobody's shown you how to do it and she put down her screwdriver she cocked her head to the side and she looked at me and she said REE what are you talking about it's no big deal nothing in life is that complicated if you roll up your sleeves you get in there and you do it everything is figure out about and I was like whoa that phrase was cool and it washed over me and it planted a seed in my soul that I swear to you has been the most powerful driving force in my life ever since so when I was in high school there were some years that I spent because I got kicked out of my house and I was estranged from my family and it helped me get through that time I also found myself in the midst of a toxic and abusive relationship and that phrase helped me extricate myself from that when I got into college and I'm the first family in my family to go to college it helped me secure these rare work-study positions that I really needed in order to complete school after I got out of school that phrase help me get every job I've ever had from bartending from waiting tables from being on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Finance and Wall Street working in publishing then starting to teach hip-hop and dance and eventually becoming one of the world's first nike elite dance athletes and master trainers to having the audacity to start a business at 23 despite the fact that I had no clue what the hell I was doing that was completely insecure I was piles and piles and debt but I took that idea and I grew it into a global brand that I have today it's what inspired me to get myself out of debt eventually and to take care of my relationships in my health when I was probably about 28 it inspired me to start making videos on my webcam which later evolved into an award-winning online that has tens of millions of viewers in 195 countries and I'm not saying any of this to brag I'm saying this because I am certain in my bones that everything is figure out a ball now you guys might not believe that that's true right now how many people in here little skeptical not really so sure that everything is figure out it will be honest anybody I see at least one good good perfect perfect perfect I love this so let's talk about this this is good so when I was first starting to work on this book I was at to brunch with some friends and one of my friends had a 10 year old son that came to brunch with us and they said Marie what are you working on I said I'm working on a new book what's the title everything is figure out a bowl and the ten-year-old was like no it's not nope absolutely not and I was like oh this is awesome tell me young man tell me what you believe is not figure out about and he said well we human beings we can't grow working human wings out of our back so we could just fly away and I said well that's true but you do know about something called CRISPR right that might be coming down the road and if anyone don't doesn't know what CRISPR is definitely Google it cuz it's amazing I said but the fact is even though we don't have wings we human beings can indeed fly right and he said yes you're right okay what about this one we can't bring my dog back from the dead the one that died like two years ago that I missed so much and in my head I'm thinking well that's some pet sematary is ray there but the truth is scientists are working on cryogenics and people have been cloning their dogs for a few years now and he was like you know what you're right so conversations like that really inspired me to take a look at this from a scientific perspective okay just because something hasn't been figured out up till now is not scientific proof that it isn't figure out about just that it hasn't been figured out yet what's an example 100 years ago we would have thought that human beings walking on the moon sounded crazy actually you would have thought someone would be a lunatic if they said that idea that's actually where the word come from lunatic yet in 1969 we figured out how to do that so I wanted to create a set of rules around this idea and this is really important this is what will allow you to use the concept in the philosophy for its intended purpose which is to help you activate the power you already have inside to create positive change in your life and in the lives around you so you guys ready for the three rules yes okay good rule number one all problems and all dreams are figure out of all cool rule number two if a problem isn't figure out a bowl it's not a problem it's a fact of life death gravity certain laws of nature tracking with me good rule number three and this is the big one you may not care enough to solve a particular problem or reach a particular dream and guess what that's okay go find something you do care deeply about and return back to rule number one you know when I was writing the book I loved inspiring quotes because they make me think on a deeper level and I found this quote by a British quantum theorists who wrote a book called the beginning of infinity it's a mind bender I recommend it on audio because reading it is like nyquil it puts you to sleep but he has this great quote and it goes like this everything that is not forbidden by the laws of nature is achievable given the right knowledge so you don't have to take my word for this or a quantum theorists word what I would ask of you is to simply try it before you deny it try it before you deny it I've been talking about this idea for years and I've never met one human being who hasn't used this phrase to find more power more creativity and more ingenuity in themselves when the book was about to come out I had a friend of mine call me who had known for like 15 years and he was congratulating me on the book cause it's a big deal and he said but I gotta tell you Murray I don't buy it I don't buy it are you telling me that really painful stuff like trauma or like addiction like a life altering or a life ending diagnosis how can you be saying that that is figure out a bull and I told him I can and I have a story to prove it and here's what I shared so the first time that I was talking about this idea outside of my own students and in my own business was actually on Oprah Winfrey's supersoul sessions so this is a big event that she has and it's kind of like TED Talks and I went there and I gave a talk about everything is figure out a bull and they took that talk and they sent it out into the world through her podcast so I started getting these emails and these letters from people who I had never met before who just heard that talk and this phrase changed their life one of these letters was one of a woman named Jen here's what Jen said to me she said Marie thank you so much for that talk it was really inspiring my mom has been trying to teach me the same idea my whole life and in fact I sat down with her and we both watched her talk together but then something happened everything changed my beautiful mom who's like my best friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and suddenly nothing seemed figure out of all but Jen said you know what I took a step back and I looked more deeply at it and this is what I discovered I could figure out how to get nursing care for my mom who lives in a rural area I could figure out how to find foods that my mom could actually tolerate and then this was the big one for Jen I could figure out how to get medical equipment so my beautiful mom could spend her last days and in fact her last five weeks on this planet exactly where she wanted to be which was in her own home so Jen said thank you so much for sharing the simple idea that made a huge difference to a family on the other side of the world Jen was from New Zealand so in the book which you're going to get today there are dozens and dozens of more stories of people that are facing some of the most challenging circumstances of their life heart-wrenching circumstances who have used this little phrase to support them in finding courage and in finding creativity especially when they need it most so for you here today what we want to do is just share this phrase everything is figure out able that's all you got to do is keep using it and I've done the research on this from a neuroscience perspective if you keep using this phrase over and over it will change your brain in a really positive way here's how it will train you to think more creatively it will train you to think more optimistically especially in the face of setbacks which every single human on this earth faces raise your hands anyone ever have challenges in school yes right anyone ever have challenges at home yes right I promise you you have such a well of creativity and sorry for cursing power in you right now and this little phrase awakens it I'm sorry that's Jersey Marie coming out she gets passionate sometimes this phrase will help you any time you find yourself backed into a corner anytime you find yourself down on the luck on I don't know if I can do this I don't know if I can find a way through I don't know if I can find that strength or that energy or what I need to lift myself up and I'm telling you right now yes you can now you might be thinking to yourself well Marie this might be nice for you but I don't look like what you look like we don't come from different places we're not cut from the same cloth here's what I would say to this I don't know the details of your history or your hardship but here's what I do know about you I know that your power is immense I know that your potential is limitless I know that you're worthy that you're capable and that you can achieve the dreams in your heart and I know we share a little bit of the same DNA because we're both students and seekers so I'm excited for you guys to get your hands on this book today I'm excited for us to have these conversations I'm excited for your questions because you guys are the future and I'm sure you know this both individually and collectively we are facing some big challenges that humanity has never faced before from gender and equality to racism to pollution to a million other things that are forcing us to take a real good look at how we're living our lives and how we're going to lead into the future you guys have the solution you guys are who's going to make the big changes and what's going to allow that to happen is if you have that unshakeable belief in yourself that not only are you worthy but you will figure it out [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Penguin Books UK
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Keywords: Penguin Books UK books, marie forleo, marie forleo everything is figureoutable, everything is figureoutable, marie forleo presentation, marie forleo live, marie forleo talk, marie forleo presenting, inspiring presentation, marie forleo life advice, penguin live, penguin talks, marie forleo how to
Id: zDBM4KRvl1s
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Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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