Why Every Cook should have Creamy Buffalo Sauce in their fridge

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[Applause] this creamy buffalo sauce deserves a spot in every home cook's kitchen because of its unique qualities that allow you to use it in three different ways to cook with it and it's one of those rare occasions where the lower calorie version at least in my opinion tastes better than the full fat kind let's break it down this buffalo sauce can be used as a marinade a dipping sauce and a dressing but before we get to the techniques we've got to make the sauce so as talked about in my buffalo chicken video a basic buffalo sauce is just a to one ratio of hot sauce to butter that is melted and then mixed together to make it creamy we substitute half a port of the butter with half a part of non-fat plain yogurt now this can also be made with mayo but i actually prefer the taste from the yogurt and it's significantly lower calorie at just 28 calories per 15 grams or about a tablespoon compared to 52 calories for the mayo version to make it first place 60 grams or a half stick of butter in a pan to melt once the butter has started to bubble add 120 grams of hot sauce now frank's is the classic one used for buffalo sauce but i turned to some cholula this time around basically use whatever vinegar based hot sauce that you want you want to mix the sauce to form an emulsion between the two while it's bubbling and then pull the pan off the heat you should be able to see a path left behind when you move the spatula through the sauce and just let it cool for a couple minutes before adding the yogurt or can kind of get a weird grainy texture from heating up the yogurt once cooled add the yogurt and stir it to combine [Music] now this tastes fine right here but for some flavor power add some fresh ground black pepper a sprinkle of garlic powder some lemon zest and a pinch of msg so the msg gives umami but in addition it mellows out the spiciness of the sauce perfectly once mixed together give it a taste and adjust any other seasonings as you see fit then let's bottle that up and this will store in the fridge for at least two weeks if not longer and here is where the fun starts three meals in less than 15 minutes utilizing the sauce let's start with the dip this one is pretty self-explanatory just use the sauce as a dip for an already cooked product maybe some chicken some french fries or like today a crispy grilled chicken sandwich first remove the bone from a skin on chicken thigh and then sprinkle it with salt on both sides before tossing it in the fridge for at least one hour or up to overnight and during this time the salt will work into the meat and the skin will dry out a bit giving us a perfect sear a couple hours later take the chicken out and place it skin side down on a hot cast iron pan and we're just going to let the skin crisp and as it does the fat will also render out so there's no need to add any extra oil to cook both sides once beautifully golden crisp and cooked to about 165 degrees fahrenheit for chicken thighs let's give it a dip place the chicken straight down in the creamy buffalo sauce and just coat it on both sides and this is just mouth-watering looking at this again now to assemble the sandwich place some shredded lettuce down on a brioche bun add some pickled onions sliced tomato and the buffalo chicken piece over the top maybe add another squirt of the sauce and we are eating now this sandwich absolutely hits i've made it twice more since filming this video with the dip technique done let's head to the marinade so for the marinade portion we'll be using the sauce before cooking the chicken since it's just butter yogurt and hot sauce it will stick well to the chicken for cooking in a pan so to start place two salted boneless skinless chicken thighs into a bowl and add about 15 grams or a tablespoon of the sauce mixing it to coat the exterior once coated place the chicken on the hot cast iron and sear it on both sides until it's done and see how we get some nice browning just by using the buffalo sauce this is pretty similar to using yogurt in some indian dish preparations like tikka masala once cooked pull the chicken off the heat and set it aside to rest for a few minutes now while that's resting grate some cheddar cheese or the quesadilla cheese of your choice thinly slice some lettuce and a red onion which will be used for a bit of freshness trust me on this one lastly get out a quality flour tortilla and chop the chicken into cubes place the flour tortilla on the cast iron and sprinkle the cheese all over and then place the chicken on one half of it allowing the tortilla to slightly crisp and the cheese to melt once melted add the lettuce the sliced onion and another squirt of the sauce over the top and then just fold the tortilla over and toast for another 30 to 60 seconds on both sides before slicing and enjoying by waiting until the end to add the fresh vegetables they hold their structure and provide freshness and this thing is just a delicious quesadilla to make at home our last technique is to use the sauce as a salad dressing this sauce is perfect for adhering to greens and what better way to use it than for a chopped salad with a bunch of goodies in there for this one i chopped and added tuscan kale to a bowl before giving it a massage with salt to that i tossed in some strained chickpeas or that marinated chicken we did just a minute ago would be great here too then i followed that with salted cherry tomatoes red pepper chunks some cubed cheddar cheese sliced red onion and some oven crisp tortilla strips over the top lastly hit it with a squirt of the sauce and toss with your hands to disperse everything evenly that sauce will coat the exterior and give you that flavor pop you were looking for now you can load this up into a bowl and just absolutely devour it this is another one of those salads that i just absolutely crush so send me some pictures on instagram to see how you guys use this buffalo sauce all the meals i made today were just kind of things i just thought about up on the fly to be honest and all of them turned out very delicious pretty much just using this sauce so hopefully you guys have enjoyed the video if you have drop me a like and subscribe i'll catch you all on the next one peace y'all
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 1,187,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ethan Chlebowski, creamy buffalo sauce, buffalo sauce, buffalo chicken sandwich, buffalo chicken, buffalo wings, hot sauce, youtube cooking series, how to make, buffalo sauce recipe, chopped salad, quick meals, buffalo chicken quesadilla, buffalo chicken recipe, buffalo chicken salad
Id: p-K8GDiTjqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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