Why Elsa IS A Bad Character

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when it comes to Disney franchises we always take a look at the most successful ones like frozen but when you consider that success and take in other films into context during the time or even before the time of Frozen you realize that Frozen isn't that great of a franchise at all a messy one at Best it's one that's neither good nor bad but when that Curry screwed up everything during the last minutes of their production and it really shows on re-watch the ones I've come to understand over the years where I too fell into the stupid trap of loving the film much like the world which I hardly understand anymore never grasping the reason why these films made over a billion dollars when other films that Disney had released were far better experiences and deserve to be reached worldwide to those numbers and of course it's one I've already covered before on this channel where the main problems that make this franchise a mess is its underdeveloped characters which I wanted to really start to focus on now with of course the biggest one being Elsa the girl based upon the titular Snow Queen from the original Hans Christensen Anderson tale it's where you do realize that Elsa is a bad character overall not terrible but not actually a good one either of course this is in the sense of the fact that she was actually the original villain of the film and you can actually apply that to being a bad character in that way and of course the writing as well because honestly there are various elements to her character that are relatable to degrees that aren't bad either to what they wanted to do but what I learned from my previous two Frozen videos is that they seriously screwed up her character for the worse rather than the better that's disappointing because when the film came out I literally fell in love with her which I hate to admit but happened because of those various elements of relatability especially but of course eventually grew out of it when I saw the faults of the movie a lineup that affected her character negatively which is mainly due to one major reason the writing but more specifically in this case it's the writing of her parents which are my least favorite characters in the entire film and the reason Elsa is not develop well in any way to many people because the fact that Still Remains is that Elsa was the original intended villain of the story and you can actually see that in the final product to some degree where it was clear that Hans was shifted in that role in the last second because the changes made to her one that made her character more of a sympathetic misunderstood one because of songs like Let It Go and Elsa's character has been praised for being that way for having a glimpse into what it is like to battle mental illness while delivering powerful messages of acceptance empowerment and hope where they even stayed in this section here that the real antagonist is Elsa herself as she battles with their own inner demons explaining that the real villain is from within rather than out physically where because of those reasons for me it really drags her development as a character down in both of the movies a bad character in the sense of being designed as a bad character and then growing from that to become good so while I do say that she is relatable and likable to certain degrees I'll also show throughout this video of how there's just various moments that actually really drag that point down the major points of her character are good but wasn't given enough time with the changes that they were facing that completely 180 did everything about the story adding more in such a short amount of time probably in production and of course in run time because you realize how the first movie makes it clear that Anna is the main hero and Hans is a shitty twist villain with Kristoff just attacking along for the adventure where he does doesn't really add much to the story in any way where lastly you of course have Elsa right there doing her own thing being the antithesis of Anna in every way where most of it isn't actually shown on screen not shown very well because of the pacing and what they wanted to do to involve with what I just said too many characters and so little time and this is where we have to start back at the beginning with ground zero being her parents because what we know of Anna and Elsa as young children is the fact that they'd like to play and like to embrace her powers for what she can do all good times until the accident comes and she's not cold to forcing them to act as fast as possible if they want to save him and then of course we see later on that grand pebby comes in to start her entire pathetic Journey off by erasing any memories of magic for her to save her and instill the fear that Elsa would have to live without being able to control her powers or the public perception that influences her parents to act fast to protect her and the way they do that is completely shutting herself out and the kingdom from the world I mean I understand the point about Elsa but I don't understand why Arendelle has to be closed off as suggested by the Duke until Elsa's corn Nation how everything they do as parents are so minimal on screen and makes it feel so unnecessary and so stupid and concept because in both Frozen one and Frozen 2 they are actually painted in a positive light rather than a negative one like most do with their decisions that affect Elsa for the worse rather than the better they make Elsa into a bad character doing things that only bad parents do and like I said earlier this fear She carries that she becomes traumatized by to make supposedly irrational and terrible decisions when talking to Anna after her coronation and revealing her powers is actually good to establish what she went through but it's all ruined by this positive image that the parents actually have agnar says that until she can control her powers most of her contact with the world has to be eliminated to protect him out of safety but of course over the course of 15 years we have shown that she hasn't been able to do that in any way where it doesn't look like either of them actually help them out at all despite being so caring for her how they do absolutely nothing but shape the image where some people think Elsa suffers from abuse and Trauma which doesn't make sense because the sequence is so minimal where they wanted to focus on the song of Do You Want To Build A Snowman with honest bubbly attitude to protect them it's just too fast for Anna cannot understand this when she grows up because she still kept positive memories of her where all of a sudden Elsa and her parents are now fixated on trying to protect her and shut her out with no real explanation to this at all they do not attempt to show at any point to explain why Elsa is this way from her own parents because of that time constraint where Elsa was already supposed to be the major villain of the entire story it's just something I don't understand how you can connect to that point when it's not actually shown very well in the sequence of events yes she has those traits that are extremely relatable to many but I really don't like the way it's set up with the world's worst loving Royal parents that were ever on screen I really hate these two because in Frozen 2 we learned that the spirits rewarded Elsa with powers because of what her mother did to save her father meaning that they did something to bridge their two words together for the better rather than what their grandfather did for the worst in secret and in turn while she grows up and while they allowed them to be free at the beginning and have Elsa and Anna play together when she does actually manage is to control her powers Pappy's Revelation actually makes them 180 to actually shut them out and shows that they are actually no help at all making things for the worst I hate them because they don't have time to show us these points of what they're actually doing to protect her and Skip actually over it's something that shows how Disney just loves to rush to the end point which made her cell very well as a brand without actual character and world to actually go along with it it's like the opposite dumbed down situation of the emotional abuse and gaslighting Mother Gothel did to Rapunzel where Tango this is a fairy tale that just does everything Frozen couldn't by actually setting up more character for both of them that we actually see influence over the years where we know whether gothal raised Rapunzel for her own benefit to use as a tool rather than an actual child influencing Rapunzel's characters to think positively of this way and actually be secretly abused while frozen over here had loving parents who were just praised by all just helping Elsa the best they could in the worst possible way with so little time to explain and nothing actually negative being brought up about what they did at all nothing about their actions are actually mentioned at doll at any point after this point yes abuse can come in many forms even if the intentions are good but it still lackluster and delivery and understanding to the audience compared to Tangled and those very two instances the twos for them at the coronation were there but they just half-assed everything once they removed them from the pitcher with no consequences to it it's not going to be discussed at all at the end of the film and even in the second film because if they want to show that they were the heroes of their people those Minor Details come a long way when talking about the writing and how it affects the film's quality bringing us to the present where we see the culmination of this in the coronation First Time in Forever showing the contrast between two sides where I think it was the strongest point of the movie from the good hero to the bad villain but sadly it was all ruined by the intro of Hans at the pitcher and what you're reminded of on re-watch of the film that its end point as the real villain of this story just made no sense whatsoever and ruined the flow of Elsa's character that was set up so well in the sequence with Anna how they both connect and break off in the coronation sequence because of that trauma that she experiences and it is a neat reflection to separate the good and badge but the bad thing about this from a development standpoint is how you think of Hans and their parents from the situation of the movie how Elsa's overall development is now shattered to a negative view of irrationality because of who else is filling up the screen for their very role because from a certain standpoint where you don't relate to Elsa you can sort of feel like she's not choosing the best options at all where there are easier ways to solve it without reacting so coldly to Anna and revealing her own powers but the truth about this is how Elsa was actually brought up a certain way that makes her react like this which is understandable from that perspective but wasn't just communicated well enough with anyone because of the short pathetic opening sequence and of course the actual facts about the characters it is just so clear that they were so focused on fleshing out on his development where we spend time with her and Hans who relates and connects to her very well which of course is to the point of knowing her own experiences while alienating Elsa's at a first glance we see that she is supposed to be the bad character to Anna's Viewpoint in that definition of being not understanding and also one that is bad because most can hardly understand what her character is actually going through with all of her actions unless you do relate to her yes she has the right ideas with drilling Anna into not diving into marrying a man she met on the first date but from a regular story standpoint and general audience perspective as some perceive it just feels rushed that makes no sense whatsoever where the rewatch of certain characters designed to be a certain way drags it down to the bottom rather than lifts it to the top how Hans is trying to teach on a lesson about what love of Kakashi comes but they just screwed it up by turning him into a comical villain when that wasn't actually his personality at all and affecting the real perception of where the story should be focused on because it is truly clear what the hero and villain of the story is in these two sisters where she runs off in fear and causes everything to be Frozen like this is where I agreed she does feel like she is abandoning everyone without a single thought but also understand it's coming from the fear angle to protect everyone because of how people see her as a monster in some way like I can feel that that was the intention but also find it wasn't actually convincing enough to actually sell that to everyone because of the facts I just met with Hans because we all know the story is mainly focused on Anna and her experiences with other people like Hans and Kristoff and the people around her in her life we constantly see in her lands where because of that lens we aren't able to connect with Elsa as well as a character with the way they actually made her yet again showing that the intention of being the villain is there but unfortunately removed because of what Let It Go brought being Frozen's most infamous song that was played everywhere and won't let it go is good at those values of trying to free yourself from the fears its overall badge in practice with how little is actually given because you see again at face value at this moment Elsa has actually abandoned her people and froze her entire Kingdom in that process without a single thought not caring here or afterwards for what is happening while letting go is playing out it's a moment that clearly works better for her being bad as a villain because of how she's building this Castle or Fortress being away from Arendelle being happy and free of what she wants to do to create and that she Wills not caring about what is actually happening but they chose the anger of fear controlling her Destiny instead which isn't a bad thing to do but still not good enough for on the other elements of the film are actually playing out nothing the song is showing feels rewarded for anyone because it's just there and it really feels awful and a few minutes ago she was fearful of everyone around her but still also going in the intentions of keeping everyone safe a lot happening in just a few minutes where she doesn't actually think about the consequences so despite thinking this is a moment where she tries to release her fears while feeling like she has protected her people which she actually hasn't the movie just doesn't make you feel that because of how it wasn't explained constantly thinking about what the others are actually thinking and suffering at this point this is where I also would like to bring up a major criticism to how these animated films actually play out being usually an hour and 30 minutes in length were although it's not actually a bad thing considering it does take time for a lot of animated films to end story to work out but it's just that there's nothing really wrong for having a longer story instead that would actually explain and flesh out the world much better for either of the two films because we have entered a new age where three hour films are becoming a new Norm in the realm of live action we've seen this an end game despite me disliking the film in avatar The Way of water and most recently in Oppenheimer that has opened to great success longer movies prove they have something to offer as much as shorter ones in any regard where even across the spider-verse has become the longest animated American film at over 2 hours and 20 minutes and that's only a part 1 to the story a fantastic movie that flows fast and really had a lot to say about the World building events as you go along like every character is developed well where in the case of Frozen it feels like the opposite where everything is under developed instead and undercooked with the characters like Elsa taking Center State like if they really did have more time then you can actually justify everything that has happened here and before where we actually wouldn't be having this conversation at all but of course considering Disney choosing this path to make the most profit during their schedules then we actually really have to talk about this and the problems that actually appear how not trying to develop her more from her previous villain role that is still intact within songs like letico and her attitude really just make things planted and boring for an entire character because you do have to start thinking about what exactly she was planning or thinking after she's been finish building this ice castle it's not shown at all until we meet her again with Anna happy to see her sister back like it's not brought up once in her mind until the song comes back where she does realize that she throws Arendelle from receiving this information from her sister stuck in this headspace that she can be free from hurting herself and anyone like her sister this is where the movie should be elongated to actually have those scenes and context to show us more of what is going through where when you don't actually do that then you're actually bringing up more questions about Elsa when we decide to spend times with others like Olaf talking about summer or Hans being in charge while not remotely showing any hints at all of being a villain of the story where Elsa is just shown here and that's it little hints here and there but not actually diving fully in to actually explain anything or if you remove haunts completely or just in the villain role where the kids didn't actually work at all towards the end then you still can have Elsa to be that way to be more sympathetic and dealing with mental illness which they clearly wanted to go afterwards because the entire story in every draft they went through was built upon making her the villain each time but just becoming more conflicted instead when they shove some of the concepts really turning the entire story on its head becoming a complete pile of trash because when we see Anna go throughout our entire Journey we see her begin to understand her sister a little bit more knowing what she's actually going through being bottled up for so many years and determined throughout her own character to fix it as you could see through that development of her not knowing at the beginning to actually knowing and actually keeping her entire personality intact stuff we've actually come to like for our protagonist because it was fleshed out well but the same cannot be truly said about Elsa because it's actually not there it's there at the minimum but we aren't getting that contrast cause we gotta see what Hans is actually up to with his dubious non-dubious plans and reminding us that the Duke was actually supposed to be the makeup villain that actually also went to nowhere and recognizing that Kristoff also exists in this film to be that other love interest that Anna has to realize and Olaf being happy and just therefore at all just so many ideas in a short amount of time and because of those reasons what I really would have wanted from this is actually to see more of Elsa's side to explain that have to dive in a little more with what we saw in the coronation remove a lot of the Hans characters enough to actually explain her more because we started out the coronation where we saw both of them meet up and then split up because of these facts where both of them actually have to realize what love actually brings in their own way to raise the sins of the past and acknowledge the mistakes their parents actually brought onto them how I actually want to see more acknowledgment on Disney's part of their own actions instead of whatever we got in Frozen 2 that actually skips that part completely forgetting about what happened at this point in the story with their muddled relationship that actually split them between hero and villain happening because of them how like everything else they just didn't have time and it really shows because like I said before this is where they meet up again and understand a little bit more about each other but then of course shout out at the end because Elsa still cannot control her powers unaware of the consequences she brought that brings her fears back and Strikes her sister yet again one that forces her to leave because she knows it would only harm her Mark considering what she had done not knowing how to control it at all and like before with what I said with everything else I understand what she's actually going through but this movie just constantly moves so fast where it makes you hate her for actually doing this for removing Anna through marshmallow without knowing what she actually did again that would actually freeze her own sister forever because we know what already happens when she hit her sister when she was knocked out where she could be possibly lost forever if it weren't for the removal of her magical memories and now we actually have to see the same where she thinks leaving her again would actually be the best course of action which it isn't without any regard for what she knows and where she actually did hit her I mean yes Kristoff does take her back to the Trolls but actually that didn't work either or once again we see nothing on her side ever thinking about what she'd done except for this one three second scene of her fear getting to her like she's not actually thinking about anything and growing from those consequences that are being brought up she's doing things that a villain would do that would be more Justified if her character was more evil rather than the sympathetic one because that actually requires more time to actually understand rather than how we got one person that is this way until they change that at the end because the next time we see her again is where where everyone goes to capture her and the weasel boys actually tried to kill her this is where she Dives to try to actually kill them for what they're actually doing where at first he acts out of Defense not wanting to harm anybody until they actually actively harm her and that's actually a nice thing to show also to see her character who doesn't actually want to go through this but also just set up very poorly to the events because if we weren't actually shown that and instead shown that Hans is not supposed to be the bad guy at all where he tries his best to bring Elsa back to reality where of course she gets knocked up by the chandelier because Han saved her and changed her up again to bring her back so she can realize what she did and because of that it really feels forced instead to bring her to this point instead of gradually showing her journey as much as Anna's to realize this point it's not a moment that's earned because she hasn't primarily been able to be involved in the story despite being the most famous character of the entire film and the one based upon the original Snow Queen how we see that she can't control this and she doesn't know how to stop the winter where her best course of action is still to let her go to stay away from everything to have her sister and people to be safe which still doesn't actually solve anything as well it just causes so many issues with the pacing of the movie that does really make it hard for you to follow and makes it seem like she's performing the most irrationally stupid decisions ever where no one who has dealt with the issues that Elsa has had could ever actually connect with that at all it makes it so stupid to actually perform I'm not saying that they really can't if you actually take the time to understand her character from the perspective we already talked about which actually do make her characters stand out for the better a lot more but just how we don't get the time to actually explore these issues because it's more geared to one side of the story rather than all and when they attempt to do all they only explain it it's short burst and it actually makes more confusion towards the entire story the one where you have to bring Hans back into view be destroying everything about this because of the role he plays as a stupid ass twist villain that makes no sense whatsoever because his attitude when he reveals this to Anna really comes off as comically stupid and ruins anything that was built up to this point other than Elsa was right at the beginning not marrying this unknown Prince how the focus of everything we've learned actually shifted because it plays into the central antagonist role of the film it affects Elsa for the worse in this way because she was designed to be with the antagonist effect and not this one that nobody realized at all including Hans and quite possibly most of the people who actually worked on the film this is where you realize that most of the problems the film has that mutes Elsa's entire character is because we got to focus on the twist element to have a villain how they knew that the film needed to actually have a villain to oppose the hero because that's what most Disney stories do to be successful and realizing how removing that trait in Elsa scrambled them to put it into somebody else and putting that in his character stopped any further auger development for Elsa and made those previous problems actually stand out more not making sense and Justified why people do not like her character because you are now misdirecting people to another point that isn't important to the story at all because this is the moment where Anna starts to freeze to death and also tries to escape before being lied to by Hans that she's already gone to finally realize the consequence of her actions that she tried to stop but failed and also showed that the ideas are still scattered because of how she runs from her problems and nothing really added on to explain that it's only at the final moment where she sees Anna that she actually does fully start to realize this rather than the gradual process that we saw through Anna's own arc and just spurts this with Elsa finally learning that love heals and the problem has finally saw and the only way you can justify this once again like I said a thousand times before is if Elsa is the primary villain in that role either evil or sympathetic in that case that the final film presents because instead in Disney's opinion let's just shove everything to release a film that faced numerous delays and story issues because money is just more important to the story to Modern Disney rather than what Walt Disney said before to make money to make actual stories instead and that's why to some the moments where she actually does connect to everyone hardly feels earned it is earned and what they actually try to attempt to do but not effective enough to convince you otherwise that she was rewarded with this moment despite what little actually happened to shill all in all Frozen is a good film that has good intentions but just missed it all up at the Finish Line especially the most important character being Elsa to make characters like Hans deliver their she was meant to be to that degree instead in this instance she is a bad character because she's supposed to be the bad character but also a badly written one that had no real time to develop her on her own in her new arc and everything else because of the way her parents were delivered and the writing overall and then of course this brings us to Frozen 2 where things were probably looking for the better with the focus of her being the main hero but like the last film and what I've already said before it just really fell apart so quick and so fast affecting her for the worse once again I mean she isn't terrible in this either and in some cases actually a little bit better than Frozen but still everything about the film wasn't developed well enough and rust because of how little time they actually have to figure out the story and regress everything back to the problem that Frozen had to a higher degree that made no sense whatsoever because a lot of the main plot is kept relatively hidden from us we're constantly trying to find out what the movie is about from beginning to end focusing once again on Elsa and Anna's parents and forgetting everything bad they actually did from the first film because we need to set up a new story about the mysteries of magic and the natives that live in Arendelle it's something that really made no sense when putting the context of everything we learned from the first film and only done to find a way to put Elsa on top instead and actually forward the story to add more to her character which I do appreciate with what they're trying to do but yet again couldn't find the time to actually deliver that well the movie is the same length as the first but its problems truly stick out a lot more in that regard no cohesiveness whatsoever or explanation to certain events the beginning establishes that Elsa is hearing a voice calling to her at the beginning after the title screen happens and once again after with the into the unknown The Call to Adventure and being the first part of the hero's journey but the problem with this hero's journey and with Elsa is how none of us actually know what this entails it does make sense at the start to get to the point with the call that the hero is supposed to go on their Adventure but it constantly is kept this way until she reached out to Holland which really doesn't make any sense and you can see that I actually brought up in the documentary where they were almost going to cut show yourself from the film how they actually didn't know who the voice calling Elsa actually was less than a year before the film came out a very strict timeline to figure out the story which had nowhere to actually really go or say anything about at all we like else that just don't know what the voice entails and why is actually making her ignore her sister at times her constant need to figure this out and shutting Anna once again just makes everything about it so stupid I get why some would actually say that she still suffers from the effects of trauma to conceal her whole life but at this point with the resolution we've already been delivered in the first film there is no reason for her to leave Anna behind at some points of the story when they were going to do things together from now on you can try to split them up in different circumstances and I get why she still wants to protect her sister but I really don't like the writing that Elsa has to constantly shut her sister out once again when we already understand that that has already been established at this point in the last film and the misguided plot points of this very story there are just so many ideas around her once again like Frozen that just don't add up and make it more confusing in such a short amount of time rather than a fleshed out longer movie or series to actually explore and because of that is where once again I would like to compare another Disney movie that actually did these points better for its hero and villain we've already explored at this point how to establish Elsa's trauma better without Tangled actually played out where now I actually want to talk about Moana establishing the Call to Adventure for the story much more better as the hero in this case because Moana is in fact one of the greatest Disney heroes ever because unlike Frozen the call is known to the viewer at first glance when baby Moana actually interacts with the ocean I was actually dragging and calling her for the purpose of restoring the heart of te fiti where they actually show it to her and how she constantly wants to be by the sea to explore it much like her ancestors charting the Pacific Ocean at the time where her family and people feel content staying up where they are without bringing up the issues they'll actually need to be solved that is degrading life very slowly the ocean constantly appears to Moana throughout and Grandma tala explains this to her that this is what she must do being chosen by the ocean to restore the heart with Maui who sets off the events of the film in the first place how she pushes through for the good of her people and help Maui realized his own purpose too to help out in the end knowing that the goal is helping everyone for the better where Elsa and Frozen 2 instead it's constantly pushing her sister away to find the voice herself which we actually don't know anything about where nothing else actually makes sense around it with too many characters appearing with little effects on the entire plot and has no reason to actually be there at all it's just how many other Disney stories with their Heroes actually have a clear go in mind where Elsa actually doesn't trying to constantly solve things on her own accord without helping her family in any way regressing so much into what we already resolved at their first ending and giving more time to Elsa as the main hero they pulled back to others like Anna to be more reserved and especially Kristoff which actually made things a lot more worse how they just have other characters for the sake of being there with side plots that make no sense to the story because they recognized that they were there from the beginning like how a lost in the woods and everything Kristoff does to propose to Anna actually makes no sense and only added because they wanted to add something and a song to Kristoff's story because they recognize he's there but of course not making sense because we have to cut back to Elsa and Anna and Olaf finding Clues to the voice and actually trying to actually move the story along showing us the truth of what happened when their parents died when over time they realized because of their mother iduna was not dodra they rewarded Elsa with powers which also made no sense whatsoever because they actually did a poor job of teaching her to control it once again bringing up the parent factor that made things worse because of how they did nothing for her despite the spirits giving her to them with ice powers a moment where they also realized everything they've went through together but still yet again decides to separate them for the safety to find out herself which constantly makes her a bad character instead overall who never learned anything because no time was actually given to this entire story this entire speech that Anna gave actually meant nothing because she cares so much and doesn't want to lose her sister where at times you could probably think happened when she actually crosses the sea but still doesn't care for the sake of it smoothing them up once again because that's what they have to do because she's the one who actually has to do it because she has the powers and is the main hero but forgets about about the entire Arc they went through to separate them through both their perspectives that weren't well done as we have seen where they do it once again to a degree like why can't we have them solve the problem together why can't we have something that actually adds on to the finale of Frozen where they actually had finally grown together and be equal heroes in their own right I mean it's something you could still do while putting the focus on her but sadly wasn't in the cards because Disney yet again did not care and wanted to release something in their greatest Hero at the box office that we have not seen through the billion dollar dominance and that's the sad thing you think about be considering that this is Elsa's best moments true songs like show yourself where we've also already discussed how it was this close from being cut from the film because everything that was still trying to be figured out like I said Elsa isn't as bad as what Frozen did that hardly showed anything to do this time but the circumstances built around her just aren't being justified in a way like how they just settled on eduna being the voice for Elsa listened whole entire time which also doesn't make any sense and really shows how they really didn't know who this voice really was cause this is where for some reason they constantly forget how she did nothing to help her own daughter with her powers in any way and only remember that she saved her father to have some connection with the no Tojo they remembered to have in this entire story to actually have something that bridged the worlds apart and actually trying to do it again with Elsa and Anna as sisters like it does show something but it really doesn't explain everything and they hardly rewarded her with this moment because of those actions like why should she be called to do this and whatever went clearly in the first film actually showed how incapable most were to actually have it the spirits hardly have any communication with Elsa in the scene especially with the audience and it's just shown right there with nothing else to actually back it up like we are supposed to show Elsa is figuring out something but we still don't know what that specifically is and she's not doing a great job showing this to us by her own actions like yeah she sees the damn was no good and her grandfather did bad but it's not explaining anything why she's getting Frozen or how she's able to send the snow message to Anna to figure this out like there's no reason for Anna to think that this is what Elsa element by doing this by this one image that fast because Elsa just saw that and didn't know where Anna was as well everything is just so poorly communicated in this sequence and it just makes their characters worse than they actually seem it's just really bad to show this because they really didn't explain it itself not really showing yourself anything at all to be frank it's a tragedy because they actually had these moments that actually show promise for her like the song and whatnot but just dropped everything else afterwards like we see Elsa doing this stuff but we were not knowing what she's supposed to actually communicate to anyone at all like the sense of urgency that actually has to happen or the actual reason why she's being frozen because the spirits do not talk to us or actually communicate those points very well and it makes no sense why after this hard work that she gets to be freed and being able to stop the incoming flood from destroying Arendelle it was literally designed to have no time to stop at all being an inevitable event from the consequences of their actions but decided to show up because the spirit somehow agreed that she actually should at least that's what Elsa said that wasn't actually shown to us in any way to actually agree that Arendelle could be saved and how Anna is actually rewarded as Queen because of those actions because of what she did like how can you say this when you yourself was shown that Arendelle caused harm to the force and the nothodra Elsa why would the spirits now think because of how Anna actually said it must be destroyed After figuring out after one second that the dam must be destroyed that the kingdom shoots down with Anna as their Queen like there's no reason for her to think this or act this way because it wasn't actually shown to us in any shape or form she is doing things that contradict the intention of the spirits in the first place and it makes everything about the situation pathetic and unwarranted even the fact when she is the fifth Spirit like even then she should know that the intention of being dragged out to this point and actually showing the consequence of the damn and actually what it's mentioned by the characters early on about what happens when the Dam breaks that will actually destroy Arendelle is supposed to satisfy the sins of their own past she was never really rewarded with this moment and being the fifth spirit because she hardly did anything that made sense to their supposed end goes and realizing what happened at the beginning it's doing the Frozen problem of chugging everything along and shooting towards the ending where Elsa can help them to throw drill and be the bridge of the world where Anna can help Arendelle and become Queen a fact that I still hate it because of how rushed everything was like there was not a real moment that explored that because the entire show yourself sequence was so short and had nothing to offer for to understand this and save Arendelle once again it's not a good thing to separate her just like that because you just did it as a new Trope for your previous movies because it actually ruins the build up of their arcs in the first because Elsa is a character designed to be reconnecting with her people after her fears in the beginning we're doing this instead where she stops at the moment where nobody knew what the hell was happening is just so painful to see and watch her explanations are coming from a place of unwarranted nonsense that never was brought up in the story and it makes her character bad in that sense of just being poorly written without being connected to being designed as a bad character to begin with neither film really actually develops her well as a character as we would like and that is just so sad to see with the actual potential that she offered I mean I will say at the least that she constantly visits Arendelle for games and stuff but other than that it seems like everything about her was destroyed in terms of her character as the protector of the forest instead so you see Elsa is just a character that was designed one way at the start to be bad and slowly becoming good as time went on but changed just like that at the last second to be something else and it didn't quite work as well as we can see now I mean the intentions and tools that were there weren't actually bad and actually good but it just really wasn't offered to us well like the rest of Frozen and now Frozen 2 did the same for everyone else including her's character as a hero having those similar intentions to set her off but jumbled it once again where nothing she finally does made any sense in the grand scheme of the franchise a bad character driven down by the necessity of deadlines that still managed to sell quite well because that's all Disney ever thinks to do to dilute her character as the one with ice powers with a story that subverts Disney tropes at the least that actually really worked to great success but now realizing that nothing they actually did for her was actually great for everyone actually get invested in how they just gave no time to actually have her become a good character at all because they actually cared about the end point rather than actual story and because of that Elsa will forever mean to be the most overrated character in Disney history where every decision she makes on a surface level is actually the worst one and will stick through until they try to fix that but besides that she still remains special in my heart for what she did bring positively for those who relate to her mental issues and being a main character who is also the queen and subverting the actual Disney tropes and with that said I'm all done so goodbye
Channel: Aldone
Views: 217,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kY0jbWlXNYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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