Why Dubai Built An Underwater Floating Train

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there's no place on earth quite like Dubai the hub of futuristic architecture and revolutionary technology and a playground for creating the tallest most luxurious skyscrapers that we've ever seen the old trauma durn metropolis already has an endless list of world-renowned landmarks but there's a group of exceedingly impressive projects currently in production a trip to Dubai is like stepping into the future and we're about to show you exactly why it's not nicknamed the City of Gold for no reason aside from literally being able to withdraw bricks of gold from ATMs Dubai is where the wealthiest cities on earth and they sure know how to put their money to good use soaring above the cloud line is the undisputed icon of the city the world's tallest skyscraper the Burj Khalifa with 163 floors ascending a startling 828 meters or two thousand seven hundred and sixteen feet this colossal structure is easily the tallest building ever made it's held that title since opening on January 9th 2010 that's not its only claim to fame though it also has the elevator with the longest travel distance the most stories of any building the highest occupied floor in the world and the highest outdoor observation deck take a look at it next to the Shanghai Tower which at 2,073 feet is the second tallest building standing today the Empire State Building which comes in at 1550 four feet and the London Eye at 443 feet side by side it's easy to understand how this mammoth of a project cost the city of Dubai a whopping 1.5 billion dollars just because the Burj Khalifa is the current tallest building that doesn't mean that it will be forever in fact Saudi Arabia has already got a mega project of its own ready to overtake it soon to eclipse the Burj Khalifa is the jeta tower which is due to open in 2020 and will scrape the sky at exactly one kilometer above the ground that's three thousand two hundred and eighty feet Dubai saw what saudi arabia had in store and not wanting to fall the second place put together plans have yet another mega structure that would trump it with a projected cost of around three point sixty seven billion AED close to a billion US dollars the dubai creek tower will soon break all kinds of records how tall are we talking exactly well that's yet to be too closed at the moment the development company Emaar properties is keeping the exact height of the tower under wraps that said it's estimated to reach around 1300 meters while styled after an Arabic minaret and resembling a blossoming lily flower construction on the eccentric monolith began back in October of 2016 and is scheduled to be finished at some stage in 2020 opening to the public in 2021 it's touted to have up to 10 viewing platforms some of which will rotate along with luxury residences offices restaurants and sky gardens inspired by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon the builders aren't just slapping it in the middle of downtown though they're actually creating an entirely new neighborhood called Dubai Creek harbor of which the tower will be the illustrious centerpiece the area is promoted to being able to accommodate close to four hundred and seventy thousand people when finished have you ever thought that skyscrapers are just a tad too boring too repetitive well the futuristic minds of Dubai have one heck of a mega project in store to change that get ready because in 2020 we will see the world's first 80 storey 420 meter tall dynamic tower in other words it's a fully rotating skyscraper and when all is said and done it's set to cost just over 1.2 billion US dollars construction hasn't been easy though it's been a long journey for the dynamic Tower Hotel also known as the da Vinci tower with planning starting way back in 2008 the highlight of this new aged building is the rotating floors which take about 90 minutes to complete a 360 degree circle you'll need between 4 million and 40 million dollars to buy a floor or an apartment when they go to sale depending on how high in the building they sit best of all residents will be able to control the rotation speed and direction of their individual luxury apartment so if you want to catch the sunrise just rotate your apartment 90 degrees to the left or feel like making your acrophobic guests dizzy just turn the speed up to max aside from this never-before-seen feature the tower will be the world's first prefabricated skyscraper in other words every individual rotating piece or every floor can be built in a factory and then shipped to the construction site to be attached to the central cylinder this means that construction can be up to 30% quicker than regular skyscrapers could this be the future of architecture and construction in case you haven't noticed Dubai clearly has a love for any and all things futuristic that's why they've gone ahead and developed another amazing mega project the so called Museum of the future with the projected cost of 499 million AED or about 109 million USD the innovative Dubai landmark will be one of the most expensive of its kind ever made on the outside it will resemble the shape of an eye which is supposed to relate to ideas of perception and knowledge on the inside it will show off the most impressive feats of human creativity and technology with more robots on hand than we'd ever need the museum will showcase three main themes one the relationship between robots and humans to how robots and AI can improve human capabilities and three how AI will affect how humans make decisions in the future like many other of the spectacular projects mentioned today the Museum of the future is scheduled to be completed in time for the do by 2020 Expo in October cities are known to take Expos very seriously having built some of the most iconic landmarks on earth in preparation for their own the Eiffel Tower in Paris the Space Needle in Seattle and the Atomium and Brussels to name a few next up we've got one of Dubai's most famous long-standing icons the Burj Al Arab better known unofficially as the world's first seven star hotel as one of the city's first mega projects the Burj Al Arab was completed over two decades ago in 1999 despite that however it still remains a symbol of ultimate luxury the unique building sits on it's very own man-made island and is shaped like a sail at the time it cost around 1 billion US dollars to construct largely due to the immense work needed to secure foundations in the sand below if you feel like renting out one of the two hundred and two rooms on offer you'll need to fork out at least two thousand bucks a night and that's just for the cheap rooms chump change right then why not stay in the outrageously lavish royal suite as a room truly fit for a king it'll set you back a whopping 24 grand per night at least you'll get to play on one of the provided 24 carat gold the iPads we've heard of the Hyperloop before right if you haven't it's essentially an ultra-high speed train capable of connecting Dubai and Abu Dhabi in 12 minutes that's close to seven times faster than highway driving fast train a big deal we've seen it before but we hear what Dubai has in store next for transport Dubai to Abu Dhabi is one thing but how about Dubai to India in just two hours the proposed underwater train could connect the City of Gold to Mumbai via Fujairah joining two nations which are close to 2,000 kilometers apart about 1,200 miles in just two hours but how would it all work surely you can't build a tunnel that long according to a video released by the UAE s national advisor Bureau limited the underwater journey would be within a long tube floating just beneath the surface of the Arabian Sea it wouldn't be concreted to the ocean floor it would simply float there suspended and held in place by a network of floating rigs would you be brave enough to book a ticket on a floating underwater train for another out of this world Dubai creation let's take a look at Aladdin city an incredible tourism oriented project due to open in the not-too-distant future the eye-catching development will span 1,500 feet about 450 meters along dubai creek encompassing close to 4,000 acres all told Aladdin City will feature three large towers each inspired by the tales of Aladdin and the Arabian Nights the towers which will be up to 34 storeys high will house offices hotels and rooms for close to 900 cars most importantly they'll resemble giant genie lamps while being connected by stunning golden air-conditioned bridges and walkways so how much does it cost to build something that stands out from a city renowned for standing out about 500 million dollars okay so moving on what's one of the first images that comes into your mind when someone says Dubai seriously let us know down in the comments for the majority of the people it's the captivating man-made islands whether you pictured the world map or the palm tree the artificial sands are iconic the palm tree also known as the palm jumeirah welcomed its first residents in 2007 and was built entirely from sand and rocks trust us the cost of transporting all of that material from coasts and quarries didn't come cheap any guesses all up the city forked out 12 billion dollars and that doesn't even include the 1.5 billion dollar Atlantis hotel resort which has its own water park and underwater aquarium the world map on the other hand has suffered a few setbacks the most pressing of which was the suspending of production in 2009 due to the global financial crisis nowadays unfortunately because of weathering partial sinking and erosion the world islands have lost their well-defined borders look at Central America it's practically non-existent alas Dubai doesn't give up they've pitched a brand new idea for a man-made island the Jumeirah bay island shaped like a seahorse the seahorse sped past the world map in production and is already open to the public housing a yacht club apartment buildings and a 100-room five-star luxury Bulgari hotel if you can't hop in a helicopter and check it out from above then one of the best ways to see the island and everything we've spoken of so far is through the 150 meter tall Dubai frame located in Zabul Park the 62 million u.s. dollar structure is one of the newest additions to the world famous skyline we all know that Dubai is a city with the unique mesh of old and new and the Dubai frame showcases exactly that visitors who appear from one side can see the futuristic metropolis while those who stand on the other can peek out at the older more traditional neighborhoods it's one of Dubai's more subtle mega projects but it's amazing nonetheless where does all this money come from some of its stems from the ultra-rich Dubai royal family why not see how they spend their billions or if you haven't quenched your thirst for new technology check out 15 weird inventions that made people extremely rich that's all for this one thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 10,858,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheRichest, dubai, tallest building, dubai frame, aladdin city, dubai islands, fake islands, 7-star hotel, amazing buildings, Burj Khalifa, Rotating Skyscraper, Museum of the Future, mega projects, dubai buildings, UAE, expensive construction, palm islands, Underwater train, Dubai Creek Tower, most expensive hotel, underwater train, gold, billions, millions
Id: 3ms6IRLUoHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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