10 Incredible Houses You Won’t Believe Exist

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they say home is where you make it whether it's a simple Hut by the beach a floating home on the ocean or even a treehouse home can be anything that you want it to be it is that one place where you come to rest and unwind after a stressful day it's a place that you can share with your loved ones or escape from the crowds when you need to while some of us have pretty traditional houses some people out there have gotten very creative at making their homes and came up with ideas that are out of this world today we're gonna be looking at ten of those incredible houses you won't believe exist a little bit of everything when it comes to living spaces big and small wide and narrow above cliffs and even under water and one stay tuned all the way to the end and don't miss my number one pick in the house and I'm 100 percent sure you didn't know it exists so let's begin shall we number 10 the house on the rock when we think of houses surrounded by water we either think of boats or island living well the first unique house of this list is in the middle of the water but it's standing on a rock you can find it on the Drina River in Serbia it got people's attention after being mentioned in big publications such as the Daily Mail in National Geographic if you think that having a house on top of a rock is impressive enough wait until you hear the story behind it it all happened back in 1968 when a group of friends tired of swimming against the current of the Drina River decided to get some rests on top of the rock they immediately got bothered by the rough surface of the rock and went back to the shore to bring back some boards on which they could lay on right after that they decided to put the boards vertically and use them as cover and just like that this group of boys came up with the idea for a house on top of a rock the house is now one of Serbia's most treasured places it's a great spot to connect with nature enjoying the river and the forest around number 9 the carrot house I told you we have some narrow houses on this list ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to carrot house the narrowest house in the world this space was created by Jacobs eseni a Polish architect who claims as the world's narrowest house with only 122 centimeters long its widest point and don't let the looks fool you this house is narrow but this attribute is what makes it so space efficient and interesting according to shows any all the furniture had to be perfectly customized and pushed to fit into this space it's designed for one single inhabit and for someone who likes to work and stay at home more specifically in this house is designed for traveling writers who need their own space I guess that makes sense one flight of stairs takes you into the study room and bathroom and a ladder leads you up to the bedroom when I was gonna write her need honestly it's definitely narrow but the architect definitely made it quite cozy and inviting what a thought you could fit a house into such a small space well the house was intended to stay up for just two years it's already a Warsaw icon and a landmark on the tourist map for visitors of this Polish city number 8 The Hobbit house alright there are quite a number of Hobbit inspired homes and hotels around the world after all the j.r.r tolkien saga I really made an impact on society and I only makes sense to bring these spaces to life The Hobbit house I have on this list is the one in Wales because it's warm eco friendly and most impressively it only took four months the help of family and friends and lessons $6,000 for the owner to make it you can find this home on a hill a bit secluded from the distractions of modern day living Simon Dale the owner of this house and his family made a home on this place to lead a more sustainable lifestyle the framing of the house is made of oak fittings at the Dale family gathered the walls and the foundations are made out of mud and stone and also the houses insulation system is made out of straw bales at the family put on the walls floor and roof maybe I get these guys to make a house for me they make it sound so easy cool I mean who wouldn't like to live in a place that straight out of a movie the house is powered by solar panels and the running water comes from a nearby spring you know the Dale family really took sustainability to a whole nother lovely here number seven the Glass House how would you feel if instead of walls you Joe said windows all around your room that you'd have some privacy concerns though let's be honest you would benefit a lot from that natural light coming through for a designer in Tokyo this crazy idea turned into a reality when he built the Glass House also known as house and a as its name applies this house is fully surrounded by glass instead of walls in a tree house like structure there's a bit of climbing to do when it comes to accessing the rooms instead of going through doors you go up and down the ladders to get to where you want to be this three floor building definitely sounds like the adult and modern version of a treehouse if you walk by this neighborhood there's no way you're going to miss it I know Japanese houses are quite different in general when you compare them to other houses around the world but this house definitely stands out number six falling water sometimes when you go hiking you come across places where you'd really like to set up a camp and stay for a while sometimes your obsession with that space becomes so big that you start wondering what it would be like to make a home in that spot something like this happened in Bear Run Pennsylvania were an architect build a house into an existing active waterfall perhaps you're a big concerned or even angry to know that someone broke into such a pristine place to make a home but don't get upset just yet this house actually stands in harmony with its natural surroundings at the point where it's now considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site it was built by architect Frank Lloyd Wright under the ownership of the Kauffman family prior to this house the space is an abandoned summer camp where the Kaufman's would spend their holidays they contacted right to give the place a new look after seeing the bad condition of the camp now this house hides in the forest and if you look closely you might even think it's part of nature itself the routes in the area served as a foundation and the house was coated in earthy tones to make it blend with the foliage of trees around the design of the house respected the already existing trees in an effort to show respect to nature today you can schedule a tour of the house so you should definitely add it to your list of places to see if you ever want to make your way to Pennsylvania number five in the airplane house apparently airplanes are not only good for flying across the ocean but they also make for great living spaces but an airplane reached the end of its flying days it was brought to Costa Rica and was turned into a two-bedroom home with amazing ocean fusion the lush tropical rainforest after all you can only expect to have a lot of windows by transforming the cabin of a Boeing into your bedroom if you look inside this home bruce campbell is the owner of this house will tell you it's still work-in-progress bruce says jet liners can and should be transformed into wonderful homes he spends six months on his Costa Rican home while the other six months he spends them in Japan where he all supplies to transform another aircraft into another house well best of luck to you Bruce it'd be really cool to see more airplane houses around the globe number four the Clocktower house next on this list a house inside a clock tower in one of the most iconic cities in the United States Brooklyn New York this 650 square metre penthouse is one of the most expensive houses ever sold in the whole Brooklyn borough in New York it was first listed at 25 million dollars back in 2010 when it was put in the market the price slowly did come down it was finally sold at fifteen million dollars through the clock you can get a unique view of Manhattan Brooklyn and Queens making it a very iconic spot for anyone who loves the Big Apple I guess the owner of the house is never late to appointments but you can't be late when you live inside a clock am i right number three the flintstones house and once again another house inspired by things you watch on the screen the flintstones house I guess some of you are a bit too young to know about this show but back in the old days there was a cartoon and even some movies called The Flintstones if followed the adventures of this peculiar family living in the Stone Age we hadn't watched it you should check it out the show was quite a phenomenon to the point that some fans out there decided to build a house similar to the one the Flintstones had you can find this residence in Hillsboro California and it was even declared a public nuisance and was such a unique look there's no way you'll miss it if you ever drive by it there are even some statues of dinosaurs outside paying homage to the Stone Age setting in which the Flintstones lived in early 2019 some neighbors gathered and asked the dinosaurs to be removed they believed those houses and fitting with the rest of the fancy houses in the neighborhood and well these people just have no taste that however these hoity-toity neighbors won't have an easy fight Florence Fang the owner of this place will do whatever it takes to keep this house up with Dinosaurs included maybe it's on the neighbors embrace this gem and learn to say you have a dev adieu and I feel a little just by saying that phrase now it's time for the day's best Pig the picture I have today gives us the illusion of underwater living after all water can be very calming and inspiring and humans could never get enough of it so why not living in them alright I went in search for some of the most amazing houses that are connected to water and I came across the floating seahorse number 2 a floating seahorse the falling seahorse is a floating home off the coast of Dubai it's inside a group of manmade islands called Europe that are part of a bigger group called the world each of these islands are smaller versions of countries from around the globe the floating seahorse is part of Great Britain anyone living in it can enjoy waking up to the sound of calming waves and get lost on ocean views that will take anyone's breath away at the lower part it will feel like you're actually living underwater and even have some tea while looking at a very exotic marine environment who needs a garden or something like that when you can have a coral reef since the floating seahorse has proven to be a success in the market there are more floating houses being made I guess if I really took it one step further when it comes to the concept of houses this technology will surely come in handy at the end of the world includes massive flooding I saved the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that takes 45 seconds if you can leave a like and subscribe within the next five seconds you'll get ten years of amazing luck just try it it really worked number one the egg house I told you I'd show you house if you wouldn't believe exists and here's one that's really going to blow up your mind the egg house in Beijing China this odd piece of architecture was a man's response to China's rising real-estate prices when this man couldn't find an affordable home he went out on the sidewalk and made his egg shaped home I mean what I'll see any for survival when you have a bed and a roof over you and probably eight shaped as well he even has lights and books probably based on eggs the most impressive thing that it only cost him nine hundred and sixty four dollars to make it is powered by solar energy that's actually a pretty good steal right there this story really shows us that we can make a home wherever we want as long as we're committed to it and we don't violate property values and for you what is the most impressive house on this list would you want to live on any of them let us know in the comment section down below as our video for the day everybody and I will see you all next time later everybody [Music]
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 5,004,344
Rating: 4.6114831 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, 10 Incredible Houses You Won’t Believe Exist, houses, wont, believe, exist, homes, stuctures, buildings, unbelievable, house, incredible, unusual, actually, architecture, building, home, apartment, top, world, in the world, unique, lists, list, most, creative, flintstones, narrow, the hobbit house, small house, structure, plane, beautiful, art, giant, mushroom house, fairy tale, tree house, glass house, tourist, travel, bizarre, strange, most amazing houses you wont believe actually exist
Id: aVmq8ecMmBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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