Why does Princess Charlene of Monaco always appear unhappy?

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Centuries ago, ancestors of the Grimaldi  family bullied a young girl. In vengeance,   she transformed into a witch and cast a  terrifying curse upon their entire lineage,   decreeing that the descendants of the Grimaldi  family would forever be denied the blessings of   marriage. This Grimaldi family is none other than  the present-day royal family of Monaco. Though   this obscure legend should have been lost to the  passage of time, it resurfaced repeatedly due to   the sudden death of the former Princess of Monaco,  Grace Kelly, at the age of 52. As Grace's son,   the current Prince of Monaco, Albert  II, entered matrimony at the age of 53,   those who remembered this legend couldn't help but  worry for his bride, Charlene. Can she break this   millennium-old curse with her happiness? On July 1, 2011, celebrities gathered in   front of the Monaco Palace, shining with  starlight, as hundreds of guests witnessed   an unknown South African swimming champion  become the Princess of Monaco. The bride,   Charlene, like the previous Princess of Monaco,  Grace Kelly, possessed unparalleled beauty and a   successful career. She had represented the South  African swimming team at the Sydney Olympics,   achieving a commendable fifth place. Being 20  years younger than Prince Albert, she instantly   became the princess of the Principality of  Monaco upon marriage. Prince Albert, a super-rich   magnate, spared no expense on her, and the royal  duties were minimal. With the arrival of adorable   twins after marriage, Charlene's life should  theoretically have been smooth sailing. However,   over a decade has passed, and Charlene, often  adorned with expensive jewelry and haute couture,   seems to be losing her smile, with happiness  seemingly drifting farther away from her.   Various media outlets collectively view her  marriage pessimistically. Many even say that   Charlene is the Monaco version of Princess Diana.  So, what exactly happened? Today, we will dissect   several aspects of why Charlene is not happy. Many people describe Charlene as a cold and   aloof beauty. She possesses a sculpted  face and rarely displays a smile. However,   this seems to be more than just a matter of  facial expression management; Charlene also   interacts relatively little with those around  her. The Monaco royal family is quite extensive,   often attending events as a group, yet we rarely  see Charlene particularly close to anyone.   When Charlene first arrived in Monaco, the media  criticized her inability to speak French. Despite   being in a relationship with the Prince of  Monaco for at least five years, at the time   of marriage, she still couldn't communicate in  French. Given that the language environment in   Monaco is French, it's unrealistic to expect those  around her to communicate with her in English.   Social barriers due to language are therefore not  surprising. Additionally, Charlene is introverted   and not at all the outgoing type. She seems  reluctant to participate in various activities   of the European royal families. The mingling  and swirling of the fame and fortune scene is   a world she feels unable to step into, having  grown up in Africa. After marriage, the Prince   of Monaco brought Charlene's brother's family  to live in Monaco, creating a comfortable small   circle for her. However, she still seems to miss  her friends in South Africa a lot. In a January   2020 interview, Charlene mentioned that she had  a tough 2019 because two very close friends from   South Africa passed away within 10 days of each  other, and she couldn't be there to accompany them   in their final moments. She also revealed that  she constantly misses South Africa so much that   she often feels sad and can't smile. For someone  who dislikes socializing, living in a foreign land   can indeed present significant challenges in life. In early 2021, Charlene returned to her hometown   in South Africa. Shortly after her return, news  of her illness spread. Following a nasal cavity   surgery earlier in the year, she contracted  a severe ear, nose, and throat infection,   rendering her unable to fly. Consequently,  Charlene remained in South Africa for over   half a year. During this time, she missed the  tenth anniversary of her marriage to the Prince   of Monaco, as well as the birthdays of her  two children. Many official engagements she   was supposed to attend also had to be canceled. In  mid-year, Charlene herself shared several photos,   revealing a drastic weight loss compared to  before. In South Africa, Charlene underwent   multiple surgeries, and according to her friends,  the illness nearly took her life. At the end of   November, Charlene finally returned to Monaco.  While she appeared to be in good spirits upon   disembarking, she had not fully recovered. She was  seamlessly arranged to receive further treatment   in Switzerland and remained out of the public  eye for several more months. During this period,   Prince Albert repeatedly debunked rumors, stating  that Charlene did not have a terminal illness, nor   was it a mental health issue or cosmetic surgery;  she was simply ill. When Charlene reappeared in   public, she appeared to have regained some  weight, but her face often seemed tired,   and her features were no longer as refined as  before. According to media reports, as of today,   she has not moved back to Monaco from Switzerland. Before marrying, Prince Albert was known as a   playboy. Although there is currently no evidence  of any infidelity after marriage, the emotional   baggage left behind from his past relationships  is enough to trouble Charlene for a lifetime. In   2005 and 2006, two women each brought forward a  child, a daughter, and a son, claiming them to   be Prince Albert's offspring. Albert promptly  acknowledged both children. The eldest daughter,   Jazmin, was invited to reside in Monaco after the  acknowledgment and enjoyed a life akin to that   of a princess. Charlene inevitably would have  occasional encounters with her. The other child,   Alexandre, was born to Albert and a flight  attendant named Nicole, who is outspoken and   fond of revealing details to the media. She once  shamelessly claimed to be more loved by the people   of Monaco than the actual princess. Whenever  Albert visited Alexandre, any photos taken would   promptly be shared online by Nicole. One can  only imagine Charlene's feelings upon seeing   them. Nowadays, Nicole encourages her son to  seek his future in Monaco and frequently makes   high-profile appearances herself. In July of last  year, she even attended the same ball as Charlene,   wearing a striking red dress. Apart from these  two children, there was also a Brazilian woman   in 2020 who attempted to claim her child to be  Albert's, but this time Albert did not acknowledge   paternity. Shortly after this Brazilian woman's  appearance, Charlene shocked everyone by   shaving half of her head. This punk-style haircut  seemed to further confirm her marital unhappiness,   leading some to even question her mental state. Considering the various reasons mentioned above,   it's not difficult to understand why Charlene  often carries a sense of melancholy. Last August,   her Instagram account was deactivated, seemingly  closing off her only means of communication with   the outside world. Perhaps the past few years  have been filled with many unfortunate events,   but life cannot be perfect. The aura of a  princess brings not only privileges but also   constraints and responsibilities. Regardless  of how Charlene's story ultimately unfolds,   let's hope she doesn't become  another Princess Diana.
Channel: Royal Fashion and History
Views: 144,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: royal history, royal fashion, Princess Charlene of Monaco, Prince Albert II, monaco, royal family
Id: LH05fWRNKx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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