‘Time running OUT for Prince Harry & Meghan Markle!’ | Palace Confidential

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could Prince William use this one move to cut Prince Harry out for good why was Royal ascort unexpectedly emotional for the Royals and what is behind the r between Catherine and Megan fans over jam and dog biscuits it really has been a busy week for the royal family hello and welcome to Palace confidential I'm Joe Elvin and back this week to talk about the big Royal stories is the daily mail's Royal editor Rebecca English the mail on Sunday's Royal correspond Natasha Livingston and diary editor Richard Eden welcome to you all now before we get into it a question for you our viewers are you a subscribe yet if not what are you waiting for please do click that subscribe button it costs nothing and it guarantees you will see each new episode of the show and you will not regret it also if you enjoy it please do share this show with friends family someone on the street the dog everyone anyone who you think might enjoy it this really does make a difference to us so thanks very much now moving on it's it's not always what Rebecca says it's sometimes what she doesn't say and last week she was ahead of the pack in predicting the return of Katherine to trooping the color a first public appearance in months Rebecca this was a pretty well-kept secret and how did it unfill well as I said to you last week there was just something I couldn't quite put my finger on it I suspected it was going to happen but you know she is going through cancer treatment and you know she won't know how she feels from one day to the next but I I if I if I if I'd been a betting person I think I would have put money on it um but yes I mean I I didn't NE expect there' be a big announcement and then on on Friday about quarter 3 I got a message saying could you be on a conference call at 4:00 and I thought aha I know what this is about um and it was and and we were read out the message that they intended to um release the public to her we were told about this wonderful new picture of her um and you know they were ing look this is not a return to work and that was something they were very very keen to stress it's not a full-time return to work but is a signal she now feels slightly well enough to maybe dip her toes in a little bit over the coming months you called it oh thank well it's my job isn't it SC English over here uh Natasha you were there uh tell us what was the atmosphere like and what do you think having Katherine there meant to the crowd do you think it made a palpable difference yeah I mean there had been biblical rain just before they came out on the balcony so the fact that so many people were still there and so excited because they knew that the Princess of Wales was going to be there and come out with all three kids I mean people were still so excited and the group that I was with there were loads of Scouts and kind of young children and I mean people were jumping up and down you know they were waving and it was people were just ecstatic and I was you know chilled to the bone from this rain and yet the atmosphere was still yeah so celebratory did you detect any kind of emotion on Catherine's face did did did she feel her Smile by her smile is so wide that even from where I was standing it just was glowing honestly it's incredible so yeah she just looked delighted they looked like a really happy family it was generally just really nice to see Richard it was reported wasn't it that Katherine's return to the public eye was such a significant moment that the palace was Duty bound to tell the Prime Minister and our opposition parties yes that really does make it sound serious doesn't it but there's a reason for that is we're in the middle of a general election campaign and um viewers might remember that royal family have had to cancel various engagements because they can't do anything that might overshadow election coverage or also that might look um favorable to one party or another so in this case you can imagine Katherine's you know reappearance for the first time in public since Christmas Day last year um was a huge event that did dominate the newspapers it was um dominated the front page on Saturday as well as Sunday um so that did kind of blow away the political coverage so um I the Prime Minister had to be warned about that and he let the opposition party leaders know as well fascinating but I think they took the view that look trooping the color you know is a celebration it's part of our national life so um I think all the political leaders were happy for trooping the color to go ahead and the fact that um Katherine was part of that delighted all of them I think they shared in um the the Public's joy that to have her back with us absolutely Rebecca she also released a statement what what can you tell us about that what what were the sort of key points that she wanted to make I thought there was a really kind of moving and kind of painfully honest statement um she made a point of saying messages that she William have received over recent weeks and months have met an enormous lot to them and that has got helped them get through some some really tough times as a family she wanted people to know that she is making good progress and she but she was also really C and said you know this has not been easy and like anyone who's undergoing cancer treatment will know is you have good days and and you have bad days and on the the bad days you want to curl up in a ball and lie in bed but on the good days you want to seize life and um you know make the most of your time with your family and children um and and she said she's having to learn to be patient as well that you know there is a lot of uncertainty around this treatment and um she was having to learn to to Pace herself uh I think in that she was making the point again saying look I am going to be at trooping I do hope to do a couple more events over the summer but she was basically saying to the public please bear with me yeah no promises uh Richard we also got a new portrait what can you tell us about that well just like Rebecca says about the statement that it was so honest um I felt also an incredibly moving portrait this is a it was a photograph taken by Matt Porteus and he loves nature and he took a wonderful portrait of Katherine with a three three children in in a tree um last year yes and again a tree featured heavily in this portrait which um was a weeping willow um Katherine of course was um a student of history of art so she knows all about the symbolism of weeping willows there's references to to grief you know the fact the pose is her sort of looking upwards very wistfully um I think it was showing sort of what an important part that nature and being at winds is playing in her um recovery but also I think it shows that yes she's not out of the woods there's a reference to the tree and the water and she's going through a hard time so it was Laden with with symbolism I would say it was very reflective I thought um you know she say she might say looking wistfully up at the well also remember every photograph we ever see of Catherine she's usually looking direct at the camera after you know with a beautiful smile um and in this case she wasn't and it's so very I would say it's the probably the most symbolic picture we've ever had of Catherine interesting now Natasha there's obviously there's lots more we could say about Katherine and trooping but let's move on to one of the other big events of recent days Royal Ascot uh you you were there would tell us for those who don't know what it is explain what it is and why it's so huge for we Brits yeah Rebecca and I were there yesterday thank goodness it was sunny um but yeah it's it's a week in June at the um famous Ascot race course and um it's a week that they always put on where um the royal family attends and there so there's obviously the normal horse racing that you'd get but crucially there's a royal procession and it's just really quite fabulous they um the Royals come they're in carriages hor drawn carriages and they sort of go around and there's all the spectators and people kind of take their top hats off in respect for the royal family um and I mean in my opinion Royal escort is also all about the hats people normally wear fabulous hats and fascinators and yeah it's just a great event a and Richard the king and queen have used this year's event in quite a touching way haven't they yes so this the Royal procession as um Natasha mentions is is really important because what happens is um king and queen entertain guests and friends at Windsor Castle and then they have the carriage procession down and it's a great honor and it shows kind of who's up Who's down with the the king and queen no it doesn't show Who's down does it no I think if you're not there and there there's a lot of importance put on this in Social Circles and the ones I like that particularly point in this year was um lady Gabriella Kingston was um in a carriage this was on the first day as well and I think everyone accepted that was the king and queen showing their love for her after the tragic death of her husband earlier this year Thomas Kingston so that was very significant and there was another one as well in on day two where there was um Lady Sarah KZ um who's one of the um they used to be called ladies in waiting but they have a new title now don't they Queen's companions Queen's companions um and she her husband died um a couple of months ago um so chips kzk um king and queen attended his memorial service and she was had pride of place in the roal procession this week as well so yeah so they've really used it as a chance to um kind of show friends and and family how much they value them is it awful of me to say I really do still miss I I've been to Ascot a few times Royal Ascot and I used to love guessing what color the queen would come down in Queen Elizabeth because she was always she was always very good at being that human highlighter in like daylow orange or pink well you could yes you could and one year there was a lot of very suspicious betting do you remember and they had to kind of cancel it because there was a sudden Rush on a particular color oh really yeah with a lake Queen yeah there was a feeling that someone might have heard from somebody within the household what she was wearing that day it was big every day it was a big big thing I love the fun facts we uncover on Royal on Palace confidential from Time toy do you remember last week we'll be talking about that later now Rebecca you were also at Royal Ascot this week did you have a good time how you feeling today I thanks Joe slightly green around the girl to private conversations Jo I was just asking to the stay in the green room um and I did win the princely sum of £420 so see if You' been able to see straigh you might have been more intelligent BS I don't know what you mean Joe um and and as as Natasha said there is it's so quintessentially British you go in and everybody makes everybody makes such an effort the hats are fabulous the you know you can see the men love being in their rented morning suits it's great well Sophie and Edward were among those celebrating and we know that they're very popular with our viewers well I've written a big piece on Sophie and Edward in the mail this week and if you haven't seen it's worth having a look on our on our website because they're celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this week silver wedding anniversary I remember actually when I joined the mail 25 years ago it was one of the first jobs I was given to cover was their wedding as as a general news repor not knowing not knowing what I was going to go you don't look old enough to have been doing it for that long oh Joe you say we right things well we will be putting a link for that article because I you know I've spoken to a lot of friends of about what makes them so great as a couple and what makes it work and they really are a team um there's a lovely speech that Sophie gave about her husband when he turned 60 early on this year and she said you know he's he's been the best husband and the best father and I still quite fancy him when I see him in a uniform um and I did an interview with Edward which we spoke about earlier on this year exclusive one to mark his 60th as well and he really came alive when he spoke about his wife and I I could tell that he didn't underestimate or underappreciate what she'd taken on when she married him at a time when his brother brothers and sister all their marriages had just failed in the last few years before that and and you know it was it was great and I think what was great going back to your original question about Ascot is that they decided to spend their wedding anniversary there on Wednesday with a load of mates so it was a big event for them but they celebrated it in typically understated style they weren't in the the landal they were just there with their friends having a great time a in incredible now Richard speaking of Sophie you've um had a fun with a bit of Mischief this week haven't you in your column what's the funny story well this we've often talked about how um what's they call it sort of Royal recycling where usually the Royal women might wear the same outfit once or twice or in Princess Anne's case often um many times years yeah you know they've been pioneers of this is very environmentally conscious well now it looks like they might even be sharing outfits because um princess beatric um yesterday was wearing a dress by one of your compatriots an Australian designer whose Name Escapes Me Now z z that's it princess beatric wore lovely floral dress by Zimmerman um and the pre at the order of the G ceremony on Monday um very similar dress had been worn by sophy The Duchess of Edinburgh that's a good spot rich I'm not sure um if she had said you know what I love your dress can I wear it on Wednesday or not or maybe she has her own version I'm sure well it's interesting cuz in my old Life as a a magazine editor and dealing with celebrities a lot not royalty you would be in so much trouble at a photo shoot if you show presented a celebrity address and the publist would say Angelina Jolie wore that last week she got with us so it's like so it's interesting that they would they'd be relaxed about that well I think um Rebeca ought to find out is there a royal wardrobe that they can all sort of dip into and share the same dresses and can we all have access that please abely and it is all about recycling Now isn't it and rearing your clothes in fact before we go off the subject of Raska I was going to I was telling you guys earlier on met loads of people when I was there on Wednesday who watched Palace confidential so I wanted to say they came up and said how much they love the programs several ladies from America so I just want to say thank you very much and keep watching wow that's so great to hear and now it is actually time to hear some of your comments we do love getting them many of you were pleased last week with our princess an of the show and that's coming up a little bit later for any new viewers Don't Panic Henry writes I love Princess Anne dedicated to her family the monchy ligh houses and horses that's quite a combo I could not agree more after our discussion about the prospect of the sussexes at trooping the color Moren ball had this to say I don't want to see the sussexes at trooping we just don't need them thank you for that Moren finally dim wit it's quite a name has weighed in on the debate around whether David Beckham should become a sir David Beckham deserves a Knighthood for having more respect for the late Queen than her own grandson ouch that one's got to hurt good Lord let's bring my panel back now and hours before Katherine appeared again for the first time in six months a friend of Megan and Harry posted a picture of Megan's new jam and dog biscuits oh dear Richard the daily beats published an article saying it could be an astonishing coincidence that timing and and actually quoting a friend of Catherine's as saying you just have to ask yourself who would set out to ruin a cancer sufferer's day it is absolutely pathetic gosh those are strong words they really are aren't they I should say that The Daily Beast um subsequently published another article saying um that Megan hadn't intended that the timing wasn't intentional at all um but I I think there was a third party wasn't it was a friend of her it wasn't her that but I think let's explain what what's happened here is that um Megan has sent some gifts in this case it was to their good friend Prince Harry's best mate now Nacho feras the um Polo player and he posted something on social media with an image of his very sweet dog with some dog biscuits and also raspberry jam that's come from Megan's new brand American Riviera Orchard um and that's what had been posted but the pro this is the problem of their sort of marketing strategy so Megan's um done these um publicity stunts essentially where she sent out good and encouraged um friends and influencers to to post about them but you never know when they're going to do it do you or what they're going to say so it's completely out of your control so yes you get great publicity when these people say I've got my latest Jam but it's very embarrassing if it's just before um you know Katherine's reappearance at trooping it can look very pointed well you could specify as journalists we are all given information and sometimes told you can't release this until this this date I mean so whatever the truth is Rebecca it does look a bit clumsy doesn't it it but it is Clumsy I mean look you know you can't expect them to have known that announcement was coming out um because as we've discussed a lot on the program people don't tell them things because they don't trust them so I don't think they would have known but I think it just again shows why Queen Elizabeth was so very very wise in saying you can't have a halfin half out job you know if you're going to do what you're going to do go off and do it outside of the royal family and that's the thing isn't it Natasha there's a there's marketing for influences and then the way the royal family does things and they're so desperate aren't they yeah I mean for example as we've discussed on the program the king recently with the king's Foundation has celebrity ambassadors like David Beckham but then that's organized by a whole team and then yeah there are pretty strict parameters about how that works and what that work involves kind of on behalf of the Charities and normally when the Roy family do work with celebrities it is for that charity um and this kind of thing which is yeah basically what influencers do you know a brand sends off clothes to someone and then they post them wearing it we all kind of see that a lot online but then as Richard mentioned you don't know what they're going to say it's a much more informal strategy that can backfire on you I have to say this whole thing is very odd CU think about it what is it it's all meant to drum up publicity for Megan's new brand but the brand hasn't actually been launched yet you can't go on a website and buy any of her Goods also I noticed the jam um had like a a number on it as well so it's like the the inference is that there's not much being produced so I think this one was one out of two as well which suggest there's only two jars of jam that have been produced yeah and I was told that the strawberry jam they sold was made with strawberries from from their Garden so I don't quite understand how that relates I think it is genuinely just a publicity stunt for the brand to get people talking about it but yeah is there ever going to be a scenario in which they could say to the Palace we've got this product coming out have you got anything that it might be treading toes on or is that just not going to happen they don't have those conversations now I mean they really don't I mean sometimes their kind of fandom tries to say well you know the King when he was Prince Prince of Wales Prince Charles had his had his kind of you know High Grove range and his Dutchy Organics range but again it goes back to the point you saying everything they do is doesn't go the money doesn't go into their personal Pockets it it's for charity so it's a a very different setup um but no there I mean there as far as I'm aware I'm pretty sure I'm right on this the lines of communication between Montesito and Buckingham Palace non-existent indeed now Richard you've written a fascinating newsletter about your conversation with a friend of Prince William this week yes I mean this um relates to last satday trooping the color obviously it was wonderful to see Catherine back on the balcony um but um the viewers might have noticed just how empty that balcony looked you know you think back just a few years and it used to be packed with all the extended royal family um but that policy was changed by Queen Elizabeth because of Harry and Megan you know it was too awkward not to invite them um onto the balcony but but then to invite kind of minor members of the family so they had this new policy of just the working Royals up there um what I was told was that unfortunately from my point of view because I don't really agree with it but Prince William plans to stick with his father's view of this slim down monarchy and what this means in effect is that there won't be any new working Royals right so you know um Sophie The Duchess of Edinburgh is the the youngest working Royal other than William and Katherine and she's 60 next year and the others are even older The Duchess of Gloucester it's her birthday today you know happy birthday she's 78 or we've got the Duke of Kent who was on the balcony is um I think it's 88 you know so um that they're um of an age and there won't be any new ones he won't be asking his cousins um you know beatric eany or lady Louise Windsor to be full-time working Royals so that it's it's very significant and changes the whole nature of our monarchy well they're going to be spread rather thinly then aren't they and Rebecca you could say that even if William wanted to carry on with this policy once that monarchy is slimmed down if they decide that they need to fatten it up again that's a that's a hard sell to the public isn't it it is financially and it's something if he was going to do he might have to even fund out of his own pocket I mean the one thing I would say is I think the reason why monarchy in this country has survived for you know as long as it has you know many many centuries is because it does evolve over the years um and although we saw Queen Elizabeth as a very steadying presence behind the scenes she was constantly you know adapting and changing and I I I wonder if in a decade or so's time the public appetite might have changed again and they might actually just feel happy with that kind of core nuclear family that is William Katherine and their children you know who knows but I I I think I think it would be very difficult for him to kind of go back and start drawing people in again that that said I know we kind of differ on this Richard I was really touched by the scenes we saw at Ascot this week um when you saw William was there on on Wednesday and as guest you had Zara Mike beatric Eugene and there was great pictures of them all in the kind of had it together and Zara with her arms slung around William and you could see such a great bond between them and it would be nice I think maybe even if they weren't full-time working Royals to try and bring that energy and that youthfulness and that clear brilliant relationships they have together maybe to the fall A littleit Kar and M Tile would be great it does seem like a practical solution doesn't it um well it just depends about your sort of concept of the monarchy so Prince William po counts wants a sort of European style like the you know royal family and others where it is just that nuclear family what what do you think going forward Natasha as as the young person on the panel happy to speak on my behalf voice of the youth voice of the youth is about to speak Hush Hush Now voice of the youth what what you know as as we sort of like age out one generation of royalists what is the perception what is the appetite for that royal family in your view amongst younger people I think the princip princess of Wells are very popular as are their children I think everyone can see that they're adorable and I think the fact that they are the future of the monarchy is something that is pretty popular um equally though speaking on the topic of Zara and Mike Tindle Mike Tindle of course was on I'm a celebrity a few years ago which a lot of my friends know and love and watched him on that so he is also very popular because of that but I think you know particularly with the Wales family as the future I think um the biggest problem in my opinion that the royal family have is is is apathy and you can't help but look at the welles's family you know they're just very eye-catching and engaging and people love to follow them on social media which they're really good at boosting so yeah I think I think the prospects are looking okay so your job's safe for now that's good as we move forward now Richard what could all this mean for our friends in Montesito Megan and Harry yes I mean remember that when um Prince Charles then had the plans about the slim down monarchy um Harry was very much part of that we saw that on the the balcony at Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee in 2012 where it was just Harry and his brother with um Camila and and the king um and Queen Elizabeth then yeah and so he was Central to those plans you know Charles thought when Harry had a family they would be carrying out engagements they would be sharing the duties um with William so I think time is running out you know if um Harry wants to come back at any stage he needs to do it um while his father is still King because I really do think that when Prince William is king would he even take the cause from his brother can you imagine I I really can't see him letting Harry come back and have a role again they are irrelevant now they you know they're just not wanted as part of the monarchy oh never say never Richard it's family Never Say Never yeah maybe perhaps who knows maybe there will be some radical change but it's it's hard to see now when all the focus is on Jam we've seen stranger fictions become truth in this family I think let's let's see now but detacher on the subject of William we should mention that we did get a very sweet picture of him albe at the back of his head for Father's Day yes yeah it was a picture of William with the three children um I think it was taken Again by the Princess of Wales um in Norfolk we know that they love to Holiday there um and they were standing on a beach and there was a little message um from the three children which is the first time I think that they've shared a message on social media so yeah it was hardening to see but maybe it would have been nice to see their faces Oh I thought it was really cute I thought it was kind of pointing it was them you know as a I wrote a big piece about about how I thought that picture was Katherine's tribute to her Rock and you know William standing there with his arms firmly around his children drawing them together I thought that was quite symbolic and a sign of you know we are a tight tight family unit and he's celebrating his birthday tomorrow he is yeah he's um 42 Friday um uh I we haven't been told much I was trying to find out whether they might be kind of issuing a photograph to Mark the occasion I think it's 50/50 at the moment because they don't always do it unless it's a really big birthday and obviously they feel that they've put the picture of William out at the weekend but um yeah very happy birthday doing the school run or whatever he's doing and to my baby sister who is William's birthday twin in Australia can you believe it so you were always destined to do this I know I always remember William's birthday now it's time Fan Fair for the princess and section of the show Rebecca we need a fan fair I keep saying um I want you to take us to Windsor where you saw her this week for a very special occasion the special occasions are just coming thick and fast and actually this is a brilliant week in the Royal calendar for it so the Monday of Royal Ascot week always starts with the order of the garta the most Ancient Order of chivalry in the UK dates back to um Edward III and he was so inspired by the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table that he decided to create his own group of knights why does it have such a kinky name table like why is it called why is it the because they wore garters to hold up their stockings there in a very non that way Joe um uh he really put me off my track now always wanted to ask you're so naughty um so yeah so it's the and and what's very special about it is it's not not a government appointment it's an appointment by The Sovereign for people who've um either serve the crown or done extraordinary public service so you do have a few kind of prime ministers ex Prime min is there but you've got senior members of the royal family you've got this year for the first year Lord Lloyd Weber that kind of celebrated British composer and they have a lovely lunch up at Windsor Castle where the new people are installed um Duke of York was there for that lunch I think as we discussed on the program the other week but is not allowed to process now in public um and then they have a massive procession great big kind of blue velvet mantel and ostrich plumed hats um people cheer them as they go down they have a service at St ge's chapel and they come back up in the landal and what was Anne doing Anne was there looking just utterly Splendid as usual holding her own I also think on an it's worth mentioning how brilliant she was at trooping the color because she was on Horseback with William and Edward and she was given Noble who was the king's horse who was given to him uh by the Canadian uh police and Noble is a a spirited horse I the best of days and was definitely giving an a run for her money and she showed what a brilliant horsewoman she was kind of sitting there arride this horse just kind controlling it basically with one hand yeah and I have to say when the rain started there was also thunder and lightning which obviously really freaks horses out and they were getting a little skittish and but yeah not princess an horse it was no she had it well under yeah no no human or beast messes with that no exactly so she's she's had she's had a good week and actually I should mention we met some more Palace confidential fans that order the G oh you're just bragging now no but who like brilliant the ladies who come over from Belfast and like all I would suggest good Palace confidential pan fans were watching the order of G with a bottle of Rosé on brand very on I thought we weren't supposed to mention wine to you today Rebecca we've made the point before Richard that it's one event that William never looks particularly comfortable in do you think he's just embarrassed by the big plume I I I don't know no do you think he might want to change this order of the gter in the future we really miss Katherine at Monday ceremony because she usually likes to attend and and tease um William about his out with his velvet and his feathers and stuff um yeah you could say it's one of those um events that you know with Williams modernization of the monarchy potentially might might get rid of but I hope not I I hope he he sees the the fun of it I mean it's just wonderful seeing the colors and all the the pageantry and um you know for lots of us that that's what we kind of love about the the royal family obviously there's something slightly absurd about it but that that's but that's kind of great that's part of the fun so if you get rid of all that you may as well get rid of the whole monarchy oh well I can't believe that those words just came out of your mouth Richard Eden well I I think I think safely say they there are certain kind of what we call the Hardy annuals in the Royal calendar they'll keep and I think that would be one of them sorry William you got to keep that plume on well the order of Thea ceremony is always one of the year's best visual treats for Royal watch so we thought we'd put together some of our favorite pictures of the event over the years [Music] oh [Music] well that was so good I recommend going back to watch that one again and again and again I also recommend you to subscribe to the Daily Mail Royals Channel if you don't already it's just time to say thank you to Rebecca Natasha Richard and to you for watching we will see you next week bye-bye
Channel: Daily Mail Royals
Views: 123,878
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Keywords: Prince Harry, daily mail royals, daily mail royal family, royal family, meghan markle prince harry, meghan markle daily mail, royals news, royal family news, prince harry news, harry and meghan, royal expert reaction, king charles coronation, king charles, prince harry, frogmore cottage, king charles iii, palace confidential, meghan markle, meghan, kate middleton, netflix, prince harry netflix, prince harry movie, meghan markle netflix, meghan netflix
Id: Uuj6GKf6YS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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