Why Do So Many People Hate Andrew Tate?

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I find it so weird when people do this pocket watching thing and they're always trying to stoke this resentment of like oh this person's earning that much I'm like I genuinely don't care how much money anyone is earning right if poverty is a problem income inequality like okay I mean I guess if it gets to a super extreme level then it can cause some uh destability but it's just it's resentment it's jealousy it's envy and I think it's weird to say you don't care about something and then you see someone else who has it or is doing well in that level and you want to make these nasty comments at them that's very weird to me yeah they hate themselves and they hate the world and they're nasty better people and then they try and hide behind virtues to attack others they try and pretend that that person having a car is not jealousy on their part it's because they care so much about the starving kids who that money could go to some kid every time you've seen that show on Twitter oh you bought that car but you could have donated to Cherry how much do you know donate to charity when's the last time you did anything good for anyone besides sitting around throwing around fake virtue that you've weaponized to be hateful that's all there are other hateful people do you know the one where I re where this was a few years ago but I remember Jeff Bezos donated I want to say a hundred million dollars yeah I ever got mad it wasn't enough oh this is only X percent right they go and fight look up his net worth and then they do the calculation and they're like that's only you know zero point x percent of it I'm like bro it's a hundred million dollars to homeless people how much you I'm like I'm sure you you guys are walking past homeless people all day you're not you're not giving them any money you're not even speaking to them you're stepping over them and so on this guy's donate 100 million who cares if he has billions more that's 100 I was just like you know what these people are you you know but you know it's a pro you can't satisfy these people and you're right they'll step over homeless person all day long and they won't give one percent of their net worth away well it's actually scary though once you kind of get to a certain level of wealth you get these charity things all the time people come to me and say why don't you give to Jerry I want to give cherry and I don't I don't advertise my charitable donations because I don't think I don't want to buy virtue because that's what I think it is if you give a bunch of money away and then you tell everyone about it you're just buying you're just buy I feel like you're you're paying to be liked as opposed to giving to charity so I don't really mention it but what I have to start noticing is it's hard to give to charity because most Charities are [ __ ] scam so like if I just like I've built an orphanage in Romania and I have my own charity that rescues Street dogs and then I do a lot of Charity personally like if I know somebody and they have a problem I will I'll give them money I had a friend who star I was sick I gave them money or I have a friend who need something I'll give him money but people go why don't you give money to Cherry it would it would really bother me to get five million dollars to some cherry some organization and less than one percent that end up helping anybody and that's the truth about most Charities so people go give money to Sharia say now most chair is just ngos and covers and scams I'm not fun and some some Chief Executives Lambo the guy you see on the lambo on the street who you're mad at runs a charity like these people don't even understand how the world Works they didn't understand the world so it's not even that easy to just give money away like they pretend it is but uh these people don't care about Humanity these people are anti-human these people just care about trying to feel better about themselves and there's a reason why they say misery loves company and when you truly hateful and you hate yourself because you've absorbed The Matrix programming and like I said you're always gonna be unhappy because of that then the number one way you can feel better in fact probably the only way you can feel better besides snapping out of the snapping out of the dream is to attack other people and make them feel bad they're I I know I'll say this now and everyone's going to say it's arrogant but it's true the reason the hate storm around me is so fervent and the reason it got so to such fever pitch is not because of the things I say it's because I am as tall and strong and funny and sexy and humble and charismatic and Rich As [ __ ] that's why they looked at me and go he has everything but now's my chance it's like trying to get the school bully even though even though I've bullied no one is trying to get the cool kid in school he's the cool guy look he has all this money and he's he's tall and he's got his fun life and he's got his jet and he's got and he's smart there's nothing I can attack this guy with he takes every box but now we're ganging up on him the rats are ganging up on the tiger we can get a bite in now's the chance if I was if I was any less [ __ ] successful or objectively objectively if God hadn't given me so many of his favorite attributes if I didn't have everything every man could dream of they wouldn't have attacked me like they did the reason they did is because there's people out there who have none of the things I have and they just said and they were just angry they're angry it's nothing to do with what I say if anyone actually listens to what I say and doesn't let their ego get in the way they'll understand that it's a massively positive message you're right the way I word things could offend some but those people who are too offended to take positive from it are lost cause anyway good we are lost cause goodbye but the people most people who listen to myself can understand it but yeah that's what it truly happens these people are just hateful people they're full of hate they're the least tolerant most hateful people on the planet yeah what I like to say is with people even people who take an issue with you or some other people is I say look you can eat the meat and spit out the bones right so if if you're like you know what that 30 20 that 20 that 10 I don't like I don't agree I find that part objectionable I'm like you can still gain value from the part you like there's eight billion people on this planet no two of us agree on absolutely everything but if you see someone having success in any Dimension you can 100 learn from that person it doesn't matter if it's if it's physical if it's knowledge if it's finances whatever you don't need to like them you don't need to think that they're you you you can learn from people you don't even like and perhaps in the process you might find that oh actually I I do kind of like this guy and you know they're he's not as bad as what I thought he was or whatever and I think something that's um that I've noticed in this time and I'd like to get your perspective on this it's something I've been thinking about is we seem to be living in a time where people are harsher the court of public opinion is harsher and more judgmental of words and tone than of actions yeah I agree because we're living in a world which has just become soft and it's all about feelings right it's it's absolutely not really crazy because this is what happens when you have a society that's devoid and attracted from reality the fact that I was considered the number one threat to Society for some reason and I had to be punished for that not the pedophiles not the rapists not the murderers not the kidnappers no me not the drugs cartels no the man who says that women can't park cars he is the number one Public Enemy right and it's because we've lived in a world where people are detached from reality if you live in a if you're if you're realistic then you're not going to give a [ __ ] about having someone with a different opinion to you there's a reason why when I go to countries which are not as economically successful as the West nobody has a problem with me they're like yeah I like what you say I discrew some things but you know I also I have to I need to feed my family so cool they don't have time to be offended like these people do these people are absolutely massively coddled they're spoiled and they think that by just attacking people like me that somehow they're going to feel better about themselves what they don't understand the great irony of it is is the reason we all know the age-old saying strong men create good times good times great weak men blah blah but it's true the people they are these people out there who are living such a spoiled coddled existence that they have the time to research everything I've ever said find the 15 seconds out of the four years of podcasts I've done that really truly offend them then cut it up then make a Twitter account dedicated to spreading that as far as possible the only reason they can live in a society is so software they even have time to do that garbage is because of men like me so they're attacking the creators of their own [ __ ] cradle it's it's truly crazy because it's men like me of drive and determination and purpose who stood up and didn't upset the slave programming at the time that built countries like America in the UK that built these countries so they're attacking me not understanding they're destroying they're biting the hand that feeds them because when men like me give up on you and we all disappear and you're left with only people like yourselves you just eat yourself and fall apart and you get destroyed so it's kind of like full circle God has a plan all the people who hate me are gonna end up paying for it because they need me they need men like me
Channel: Zuby
Views: 18,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zuby, real talk with zuby, zuby podcast, andrew tate, andrew tate reaction
Id: embCaganAjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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