Why Do People Hate DLSS 3 Frame Generation?

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and videos the LSS 3 or frame generation why do people hate it I'm not sure if you've seen the comments on Twitter or YouTube a lot of people don't seem to have warmed up to the idea of frame generation uh fake frames frame insertion frame interpolation whatever they want to call it I'm not going to be arguing the the facts uh sure it is definitely uh fake frames being inserted into the game to make the frame rate a little bit higher and that comes at that cost of input latency but is it really so bad today we'll be having a look at five games where I test the frame generation on and off we'll even have a blind test in the middle and then we'll do a little bit of a deeper dive when it comes to cyberpunk all right let's get right into it alright so the first game we are going to have a look at is dying light on the left you'll see we'll have no frame generation and on the right frame generation is enabled these uh settings or these videos have been recorded at 1440p on the highest the ray tracing preset that we could find or that we could configure I should say and this is with the frame generation and dlss super resolution say to Quality as you can see we're getting around 30 to 40 percent uh higher frame rate with frame generation on and uh pretty impressive gains when it comes to the one percent and the 0.1 percent low numbers now I'm putting them side by side so you can see for yourself if you can spot any differences right the next up we've got the Witcher 3 now this game struggles to hit 60 frames per second on an RTX 470 TI when Ray tracing is enabled even the LSS quality doesn't really help you can see in this video we're getting 60 frames per second on the left but we're getting 100 frames per second on the right with frame generation and able now once again side by side views see if you can spot the differences I know that the gameplay is a little bit quick and obviously the screen is cutting off but if during normal gameplay you you really can't Spot the Difference then I'm really not sure why you would not enable it if you've got the option to now this is going to be a blind test with the cyberpunk bolt-in Benchmark I'm not going to be telling you which one is which but one has got the frame generation enabled and the other does not both the settings are exactly the same jealous is quality 1440p on the RT Ultra preset with the psycho lighting and I'm just going to keep quiet let's see if you can spot the difference [Music] big ones [Music] [Music] keep right and here you can see that uh both games actually use the same settings so one just had frame generation enabled and uh the one on the left is the one with frame generation obviously and uh actually our minimum frames per second on the left was actually our average frames per second on the right so frame generation definitely helped us here quite a lot alright so now we're going to be doing a little bit of a deeper dive into uh the others is to super resolution and dlss3 frame Generation Now there seems to be quite a bit of confusion out there some people believe that DLS is 2 or super resolution does not actually reduce input latency right so if you have a look at the top right hand corner there I hope you can see it this time oh it's probably the third time I'm recording this but you can see that we've got an FPS counter there and average PC latency now I'm not sure how to make that more visible but uh hopefully you can see that our average PC latency sitting around 55 60 milliseconds at the moment and our frame rate is sitting in the mid 30s right this is on the RT Ultra preset with the psycho Ray tracing enabled I'm just going to open up MSR after Bernier as well so you can see what's happening just don't mind the GPU temperature some things are not 100 right there I think if there's my case is a bit restricted but uh I'll fix that anyway so you can see that that uh at 1440p no dlsas no frames generation no nothing we're getting around 35 frames per second which is obviously not ideal I think that this is a 390 type of performance card right it's quite expensive and you'd expect a bit more but I just wanted to show you that the system latency actually does go down now if you aren't sure what the PC latency or system latency in this regard means that's basically the time it takes for your mouse click to register on screen right so if I click or move my mouse that's the time it takes before that image is actually presented on the screen all right so we're setting at 60 milliseconds that's just the enable the LSA super resolution yeah no frame generation I'm just going to go down to Quality we should get around 60 frames per second I hope and let's just reset our numbers here and uh let's just give it some time and there you can see our average PC latency reduced from around 55 60 milliseconds to 42 milliseconds right so your input latency does definitely reduce or decrease uh when you enable dlss super resolution now that's uh definitely understandable that's how it should work because your frame rate goes higher and therefore the time it takes for your PC to render the frame and display it on screen is reduced and that equals a reduction in input latency now frame generation Works a bit differently in frame generation inserts fake frames so even though the frame rate goes higher you do not see that decrease in system latency right I'm just going to uh we're getting around 60 frames per second as you can see I'm just going to enable frame generation we're having around 40 milliseconds of input latency or PC latency whatever they call it let's just enable frame generation and you'll see that super solution goes to Auto and quicker blood goes back to Auto again so that's just the force quality and let's just reset our numbers foreign when it comes to system latency right it's not the the end of the world this is not an online multiplayer competitive shooter the mouse movement still feels uh pretty good even though it increased by about 15 millisecond I mean it's definitely not going to make you a much worse player well it definitely does not affect my gameplay but that's just because I'm a pretty bad player as it is but as you can see we are now getting around 90 frames per second I'm recording this specific video using OBS because otherwise my performance overlaid in the top right hand corner does not show so there is about a 10 performance scene right so I'm just going to drive around a little bit this is now with the LSS and uh frame generation enabled and I just want you to see if you can spot any artifacting anything out of the ordinary I certainly can't I actually have two Pixel People to see differences between the frame generation on and off so to some of you you might be a little bit more eagle-eyed you might notice these differences I'm not sure but I'm going to be playing around this is uh how you should be doing it right during gameplay not the freeze frame pixel peep set the playback to 10 percent so you can spot these anomalies uh more easily it's a really during gameplay it's very very difficult to see that there aren't any differences right so you can actually see that our hard elements are pretty accurate as well moving around you can see my quest Market there and previously before the last patch those Quest markers would actually disappear behind buildings but you can see that it is pretty consistent now there are still some games where the hard elements are affected when you enable dlss frame generation Spider-Man used to be like that I'm not entirely sure if that's fixed I couldn't really pick it up lightly but I don't flat simulator still has some issues with hard elements especially if you are in the cockpit view alright so this was just me driving around a bit you can see that we're getting around 100 frames per second this is on the RT Ultra preset with cycle lighting I usually you get a little bit more frames so it's just the OBS is uh taking up some system resources yeah I just actually wanted to give you some full screen gameplay so you can see for yourself alright that's going to be it for cyberpunk let's move on to the next one all right next up we have a Spider-Man remastered for PC uh obviously we have a 12 700k CPU in here and you can see even at uh these settings so this is once again the ray tracing Ultra preset everything set to its highest quality 1440p uh we are CPU Bound in certain scenarios but frame generation actually helps us quite a lot as well as we are getting more or less double up frame rate now uh without frame generation we're getting around 80 frames per second average and that goes up to around 150 frames per second with Prime generation enabled now Spider-Man actually had some issues with its hard elements I couldn't really capture it in this video but the hardware unboxed actually did a very good video on that capturing all those issues but let's move on to Hogwarts Legacy now this one I'm pretty sure you guys are tired of seeing this exact same Benchmark run but with Ray tracing enabled in this game we are getting around a 16 eight frames per second right now this is not a full gameplay I mean this just gives you an idea but moving in and out of the castle in this ground here you can see that the frame rate actually does drop below 60 frames per second as well whereas on the right with frame generation enabled we are well basically maintaining 100 frames per second it does dip every now and again you can see that the frame generation actually helps a bit with the stuttering as well as our one percent low numbers are a little bit higher with frame generation enabled all right so I'm going to finish this video off with uh Hitman 3. once again we are running everything at its highest possible settings at 1440p array tracing is set to ultra everything I said to ultra I'm trying to replicate this run as best as I can I chose this exact scene because of Ray Trace Reflections there's quite a lot of gloss and reflective surfaces here so this gives us a pretty good idea so even though we didn't really double our frame rate we gained around between 40 and 45 percent by enabling frame generation and once again the visual quality seems to be pretty much the same between uh frame generation enabled and disabled so my personal opinion is if you do have access to the technology definitely use frame generation unless you are playing a multiplayer online competitive Shooters there's no real support for dlss3 just yet in those titles so though that shouldn't be an issue anyway so just use the frame generation you won't regret it it's a great tick I'm not an Nvidia Shield I don't get paid for any of these videos this is just my opinion based on my experience all right thank you guys for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it if you did hit that like button hit the Subscribe button and as always we hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Mostly Positive Reviews
Views: 70,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nvidia DLSS 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Dying Light, Hogwarts Legacy, Hitman 3, The Witcher 3, AI upscaling, gaming performance, graphics comparison, gaming technology, frame generation, dlss 3.0, dlss 2.0, dlss frame generation, rtx on, rtx off, spider-man remastered, Nvidia, GeForce, RTX, RTX 4070, RTX 4070 Ti, RTX 4070 Ti Frame Generation, AI Frame Generation, fake frames, frame insertion, frame interpolation, higher FPS cyberpunk, higher fps games, reduce stuttering games
Id: iFpx7uuAS40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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