Why do I hike | Award Winning Documentary 2020 (English)

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[Music] [Music] i am a hiking veteran i have pushed myself across thousands of miles looking for answers that only make sense to me from mexico to canada on a trail 2 650 miles long i discovered the secrets of self-respect and personal ability on the croatian long-distance trail however i paved the way for other hikers who would only arrive after me all the while uncovering secrets of my own abyss the careers of long-distance hikers are not long-lived on my last hike i needed to discover the final answer whatever answers i found one question remained uncertain why why do i hike [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nature is perfect in every single way and it's amazing to be able to be out here and be a part of this ecosystem that's just absolutely uninterrupted at all earth our home the place of our history a tiny point in time which ticks towards one's own demise it is slow enough to allow the birth of the most beautiful thing in the universe life that life is nature we have grown estranged from it both collectively and individually the chasm we created through convenience is now the missing link the cog that disappeared from the mechanism of fulfillment and serenity [Music] last days especially between twin lakes and monarch pass they shaped my life they changed my values i am really happy you know i work two months alone this is one of the most beautiful parts of my life [Music] it's the closest you'll get to heaven if you know if as you will or god or or the spirit that you can on earth [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] with every new time i venture into the wilderness i feel as if i'm returning to the place i belong it is fundamental not just for my own good but for the good of my environment that i discover myself that i see myself as nature i am nature and can only find myself as part of it okay i found here a place to to think without stressing out because you have so much time here [Music] time blessing or curse it marches on relentlessly and continuously reminds us that we are not forever that we are not eternal like a pendulum it swings above our heads [Music] life nowadays seems to take away the blessings of time leaving only its dark side [Music] yes [Music] life should be slow it should be giving us time there's something precious life in the wilderness provides exactly that slowness focus on what matters transcendence here time is a partner whispering not to be afraid of impermanence you get time to really think about life times time that you don't really have like at home because you have so much things on your mind but out here you have just like the whole day just views and silence and nature animals everything but nothing else that clutters the mind seize the day because a day can last a second blow by like a whirlwind or it can become a whole eternity my time my choice i choose eternity [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so do you hear that man is not man without other people warmth togetherness wonderful lives and stories in the wild people respect each other more they listen more they love each other more in the wilderness achieves purity his most sincere self with people like that i feel purpose and kinship again i belong to a community and finally don't feel the need to escape it that is big um everyone out here has kind of made the same sacrifices to be out here and are on the same wavelength and um yeah i guess just the people out here really like restore my faith in humanity [Music] nice people great people it's been a incredible experience as far as the kindness that people have shown us that's a big big surprise i mean people have been unbelievable [Music] hey [Music] boys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you meet some of the best people out here i think i love trail people and i feel like more i feel like there are more my people than most of the other people i know if that makes sense it's the best community i've ever been involved in in my whole life you bump into people who are like-minded and individuals who share the same passions and same goals as myself just [Music] charm [Music] [Music] we are saturated with consumer goods we live in excess yet we choke on dissatisfaction at the same time we have everything and subsequently don't see the essence the wilderness gave me satisfaction over a sip of water the smell and taste of food the joy of a warm shower or a place to rest my wary legs i can even rejoice at a can of sugared water [Music] sugar i've been waiting for this three days awesome we have forgotten about the little big things for me hiking has always been super therapeutic uh you have hours upon hours of just uninterrupted thinking processes as you're hiking and just in the silence i was dealing with some mental health stuff and trying to figure out how to handle some depression um and i feel a lot more myself out here than i do pretty much everywhere else and i came back out to get re-centered kind of in the off season i i do struggle with depression a little bit and every day that i'm out here i really feel alive even a bad day hiking is probably one of the best days of your life [Music] [Music] that type of well-being we can also call gratitude from which we have been inoculated by the over-indulgences of modern living gratitude changes me heals me makes my mind healthier the gloom weight depression and oversaturation of everything implanted into my mind the wilderness heals with its austerity [Music] good morning that is why i need it and why i bring with me the bare minimum to [Music] so [Music] i crave an experience that will connect me to a piece of inhabitable matter in the lifeless vacuum of eternal blackness cosmically negligible and practically unbelievable life is a gift in which i need to inject enhancers the flavors colors and smells of my origins because i am the universe in that atom of humanity an assemblage of molecules uniting the chaos of the big bang and the order of life conscious weak and powerful at the same time completely split but perfectly unique i am the author of a piece of eternity that eternity is my life and i will make every effort to carve out of it the best possible monument [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] do walking through the mountains above a town that i have never seen before sleeping in a house with no real rafters and a zipper on the door the morning air is freezing but the scenery is making my blood boil though every day i'm closer to the end my heart is never going home [Music] like living on the sun and walking over ridges crossing rivers where the mighty merced runs i've walked so many miles and i'm tired but don't let this be done and though it's been forever i feel the trail of life has finally begun so take me back to all places where the living's always free where the wanderers and artists and the lost dogs used to be where the days go by so fast but take [Music] it's enough to be alive and no one's wrong but you can't stay [Music] [Music] alright [Music] durango
Channel: Nikola Horvat - Tesla
Views: 33,827
Rating: 4.9346404 out of 5
Keywords: colorado trial, thru hiking, nikola horvat tesla, hiking documentary, colorado hiking, hiking in colorado, why do i hike, independent production, hiking, long distance hike
Id: F-0i2l3sqno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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