Backpacking the Foothills Trail - 5 Days 77 Miles!

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it is so great to see everyone everybody that's passing us this way they're saying hey there's trail magic down there four nights 77 miles america's dancing down the trail it's gonna be a good one [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody what's going on i'm frozen and welcome to outdoor adventures we are in south carolina right now and we are doing a through hike of the 77 mile foothill trail guess what i have with me though good morning america good morning frozen that's been a long time without this guy all right i drove down to his house and spent the night and we're actually going to meet up with also resin and daddy rd and a dude we met going southbound on joe murray road in maine named fresh lakes so it is incredibly busy here at table rock state park we're literally parked on the side of the road because there's no parking so we're gonna meet up on top of the highest point today which is sassafras gonna do 12 miles five day trip let's do it gonna have some fun whoa [Music] just making our way up it is gorgeous here this little slide unfortunately it's illegal state park rules to slide down these beautiful slides but completely look at look at this all the way up so far so we'll be meeting up with uh rd and fresh legs a little later here probably on the top of sassafras you got your mountainsmith zerk 40 on this trip murica yeah i'll tell you what trail absolutely gorgeous quarter mile maybe a mile and a half in somewhere around there holy cow i'm loving it how good does it feel to be on a long trail again man how about physically on this one i'm rocking the light af curve 35. actually i have a gear video out you can use as a companion video to this trip if you'd like to see exactly what i brought on this trail i'll link it right up there in the top right on the cards oh i'm looking forward to this looking forward to this for a long time four nights 77 miles america's dancing down the trail it's gonna be a good one cool dude this is awesome it's gonna be a good trip so uh wait which way is the thrill that way we'll figure it out [Applause] oh man it's gonna be a good trip it's pretty darn nice hey that's pretty neat still climbing up three and a half miles in getting some views straight up so far not really there's actually switchbacks been pretty good yeah so switchbacks have been here pretty decent yeah um yeah i think right pretty sure oh that seems like it would be it um yeah that's what we saw coming in oh yeah okay so sassafras is higher than that then yeah great oh yeah holy cow day one foothills that's nice of them to do that so you don't slip and die all right it's not that treacherous but maybe in the spring that wasn't too slippery but i could totally see it yeah [Music] there's resin daddy and fresh legs heading up sassafras still all day long man it is so good to see everybody again a little reunion wish everybody could have came from the tramley but we're all over the place right now so uh let's talk about the uh weather weather for this trip we got a low night tonight at 44 and then the rest of the nights are gonna be in the 50s during the day the 60s mid to low 60s this can be perfect weather that's going to be awesome so we are almost on top of sassafras it is the highest point in south carolina and the foothills at least the foothills for sure and we're going to catch a sunset while we eat dinner up there all right made it up to sassafras about six o'clock gonna catch the sunset here and eat some hiker trash food what has everybody got i got north side north side cold soaked ramen baby stroganoff ranch oh flaming hot cheetos mac and cheese perfect guys perfect and then we heard our campsites all booked up so uh we don't know where we're staying but look at that look at that guys that's that's amazing wow okay okay sunset on sassafras all right now we gotta get to camp three miles to camp man i am so glad we got that great sunset on top of sassafras so we're gonna go about two miles to three miles and then start looking for a campsite uh we got told that chimney top has quite a few people there so probably gonna either bypass that or come just short of it i believe what rd was saying is we can camp anywhere on the foothills trail with certain restrictions like in state parks and stuff like that but after we get past this little section or actually good i believe hope we're not breaking any rules but on the flip side that we don't want to wake anybody up either it's gonna be quite after dark by the time we get there but we'll see what's going on good morning everybody good morning good morning everybody after we came down from sassafrass we ended up going past our campsite at chimney top gap something campsite saw some headlamps down there didn't want to disturb anyone but ended up finding this about two miles later so we're uh into our 21 20.2 mile day already but uh pretty cold night last night um i think it got down to probably low 40s or something and then i had to actually shut the doors on the plex mid this morning at about 5 30 when a couple early morning hikers came up with their dog and kind of woke me up but uh anyway we're gonna do 19 point something now to bear gap shelter site we're gonna have a great freaking day what a beautiful scene on top of sassafras yesterday though wow so glad we just sat there and did that we were all starting to get pretty chilly up there and there's a whole bunch of people but man that was something to talk about that's uh quite a story up there 20 miles in didn't think i was gonna see that one but i'll take it oh yeah man congrats thanks just another one [Music] all right guys just randomly we got novo nobo sobo and flip flopper skinny kid right when did you finish again awesome when'd you start awesome how'd you get your name yeah right i just wanted you to say it this was what the detour was about all right first falls of the day this is an erosion control area so i'm not going to step down there but the virginia hawkins falls so just introducing people this is fresh legs he's the dude that we met on jim mary road he was going sobo and my dragon poles were absolutely falling apart so tell your side of the story on what happened that day yeah so i was three days into my hike and uh i was just taking a break and ran into fresh ground and these guys and uh my plastic knobs here these are the factory ones that came with it they just shattered like my 40 miles into the trail and uh i couldn't use them basically and uh i was just talking to these guys and like we were having like taco night oh taco night yes [Laughter] and he wasn't oh up my signals no and finally i was like he said something about like just trash and i'm sending him a fresh ground i guess then i was like hey man like if you can spare a couple of those i'll take them yeah and that's these guys same ones the whole way once i finished you know in november so they lasted me 132 days and now the foothills trail and awesome same ones i'm still going on awesome so thanks no problem man anytime i thought this trail was as hard as your sidewalk yeah all right [Music] [Music] just got done having lunch at laurel fork falls so we didn't realize we were doing this today we got like 200 and something steps uphill and 200 something steps downhill or something like that it's called heartbreak ridge oh boy i'm still sore from yesterday the boys are up uh up ahead at this point probably just gonna meet him at camp taking my time doing some stretches uh sassafras pretty much wrecked my glutes yesterday but uh we're all good we'll do it uh it's been just gorgeous today been walking on this uh just back forest service road it's been pretty cool gorgeous not gorgeous state park north carolina i forgot to mention on top of the sassafras mountain there's a monument and if you go up the monument and down the opposing stairs uh you can actually be in two states you want south carolina and south korea and there's a line running down right in the middle of mania i forgot to show that yesterday before it got dark that's pretty neat and i guess this is the well let's see if i butchered this the cassie river so i think we're going to get a really good view of this guy in here so right over there to the trees you can see like chica we're going straight up from that and i read that there's a bench view that i like i'm assuming at the top of this hill but i'll tell you why else is no joke wow well i lied there was no bench up there but there's a whole bunch of steps to get back down i uh fell on my butt and i just started laughing i kicked on a acorn he came right out from under me oh man i wonder if this is heartbreak ridge or whatever probably not it's probably not there yet but one can be hopeful i got about seven miles left for the day a little less than that actually and uh about 2 30 no good should get to camp around six o'clock as well i got my bench it's all i wanted was a bench i'm good now we were all the way up there and jacassi river or lake jacassi or whatever right in front of me through the trees down there anyway i'm gonna take a little stretch break from my glutes since they're totally being destroyed this trip oh man still a gorgeous day out like absolutely beautiful blue skies sun's out perfect temps 60 degrees birds of chirping it's a wonderful day to be alive well i saw these guys getting in so why not whoa that's cool oh still not as cold as connecticut though oh god over there on the other shore that's resident daddy let's see if we can get them he's uh he's splashing his phone at us right now trying to make a signal i think that's what he's trying to do but uh we're gonna go meet him and then hopefully be at camp at six or so he's motioning us for us to go so all right we're going oh my god oh my gosh oh man look at that just seeing herself moving beautiful this is crazy about five o'clock i think we're probably about two and a half miles outside of bear gap campsite so i'll see you when we get right there camp how's everybody feel good it was a lot of miles good day it was that slim was that was perfect it really was all right let's get cancelled probably gonna have to go in the bushes i mean there's there's really no reason you can't go here thorny bushes pokeys i got out and pokies all day come on there was a very blessed young woman who was checking out the other day and me and uh yes was the guy that started with me and so we're registered a lot together and he had just uh version if i ask you a really stupid question yeah is sd card like because of sandisk i like that that's a good question i'm not sure about this does it for something else standard definition that's definitely not that because i have a sd card with 4k footage right now so all right so if you guys remember the pasta beef bolognese it had like 40 different instructions two cups of water boiling water in the bag and then 15 minutes cook time it was good got another one why are we whispering so that we don't ruin your weird one is he not in the oh good no actually i can see his yeah [Laughter] no you're good keep changing he's naked but if you come in the shot i am not editing it out my ratings will go through the roof the awesome dude if he just walks over he he did he did win the contest for our picture her best butt oh yeah frozen why do you repackage the meal into a zipline so first of all it comes in like five different bags that's excessive yeah and second of all you know the mountain house meals it comes with one of those giant packets and then five extra bags inside there and then desiccant and i'm just gonna yeah i've got alfredo so it's not like that's the north side that's no i've been asking packet gourmet in every video to go back to their old bags which was one simple plastic bag it was like it wasn't it was the size of a north side though yeah and then they went to this giant round bowl bottom thing i'm sure that's costing them a fortune you know oh well packet gourmet old packaging please genuinely miss most trail food most of the time you know the easy solution to that what who's bringing us home no i'm eating my trail food and i love it oh like at home i'm just saying in real life yeah no i eat turtle food like at home i should but i remember the first night back maybe the second night back on the off the trail chrissy's cooking in north side i remember like crazy cooking she just starts laughing hi everybody i'm gonna settle down for the night eat my pasta beef bolognese and i'll see you guys in the morning right marco good night so good morning everybody good morning frozen good morning everybody good morning darling good morning darling [Laughter] hey y'all hey y'all hey y'all mark here oh god can you mouth plant is 19 miles maybe we're gonna we're gonna get to 12 and then we're gonna figure it out uh but either way it's gonna be another beautiful day 60 degrees another 50 degree nighter last night and um what do we got today we got some waterfalls i'm assuming and white water today all in the white water area it's gonna be great anyway see you on the trail on the trail right before 8 o'clock took about 50 minutes to pack up and eat breakfast and i'm looking for a spot to uh take a cat hole this morning i hope we find one soon oh fall colors are really coming out here wow we met skinny kid yesterday it was before we realized that he actually summited with lucky and talks of all people it's cool just randomly running into him and you know south carolina on the trail going the other way what are the odds of that happening did i mention the foothills trail is really steep by the way make sure you're uh pretty fit to get out here i also think uh going from oconee to table rock so the reverse of what we're doing is probably the easier way to do this but oh well right can't believe there's a halfway sign wow we walked today though hold that bridge dude beautiful all right we saw you we saw you down there oh really yeah i almost wanted to yell down there's no way i hope you didn't catch me dancing because i was jamming when through hikers see something very short point two to see this nice falls we go through the following emotions i'll let rd explain yeah so it's like yeah point two let's do it right let's do it and then you look and it goes uphill so it's dumb stupidest thing in the world but also we're here for the smiles not the miles so right but it's only point two only point two and then what ultimately happens but then it's also point two then it's also point two right so it's point four right how much right but half a mile without pack is like point two yeah but not not to mention the time so by the time we figure this out we could have hiked it and back but instead we're probably just gonna move on right yeah what are we doing no we're probably going to have a pack off dude what are we doing all right first of all he's got his pack off we're doing it all right let's do it good deal wow yeah i think it's gonna be worth it i'd say it'd be totally worth it wow all right swimming here right yeah now okay gotta give a shout out to the maintenance workers on the trail or the volunteers or whoever takes care of this man it has been like smooth sailing for the past few days now a couple trees down here and there but for the most part it's been just absolutely perfect so got 3.3 miles to the whitewater creek or whitewater campsite or something like that um probably stopped for lunch before that's about 11 30. having a good time uh hills are kicking my butt though man i can't say it enough this trail is a bit rougher than i expected it's been more beautiful than i expected too though wow no water okay so white water campsite even though there's no white water yeah uh downhill till like mile 31 30ish no maybe maybe 30 31 and a half and then we're gonna just specifically we're just going uphill like like 35 feet a mile nothing nothing like we just did no and then we go uphill a lot so perfect you said do you uh shovel your sidewalk in the winter no way too dangerous have you seen this trail lunch was absolutely delicious even though i've had it like a hundred times before but got buffalo chicken tuna mix it in with uh fettuccine noor pasta side so good and tonight i have packet gourmet strawberry cheesecake and i cannot wait to share that i'm looking forward to the camp tonight and then we have a super easy day tomorrow so right now we're split between a uh campsite that's like eight miles away versus like 10 or 11 miles away not sure we'll play it by here [Applause] [Music] giant waterfall we're gonna try to get too all right 97 steps back down cool it's a good view though very nice i think it's really funny that rd was just going to continue up the steps because the foothills truck goes up there you know what i mean but you have to go down to see the middle view and then go up to see the top view but i uh i sha i shamed murk to come all the way back down here with his pack man who needs a stair climber when he got that mess that was ridiculous but the view was absolutely oh it definitely was especially with the fall colors i mean that was one of the most beautiful waterfalls i've ever seen yeah rd came back down yeah i saw that all right we stopped at the top of the falls and met up with a dude that's doing a yo-yo good luck to you brother that's awesome he's out here for two weeks doing that and then taz he's a local shuttle driver for the foothills trail and i recognized him from a couple people's videos uh but taz says there's somebody waiting for us over in about 4.7 miles and i'll keep it a secret for now but this was uh been planned for a little bit here but uh let you guys contemplate who it could possibly be we're all really excited at the bottom of that just now i keep hitting that holy crap that's gorgeous oh pushing forward about five o'clock little after everybody that's passing us this way they're saying hey there's trail magic down there i can't wait to be honest i don't even care about the trail magic i just want to see the person that's down there again oh man i missed that guy i guess i should explain what that means so trail magic for those that don't know already is an act of kindness uh done by a person for people that are hiking the trail it could be anything from you know food to a banana laying on the side of the trail or you know coke or something like that to you know a hitch into town so everyone this is 18 legend fresh grounds the food y'all stop me you had quite an interesting year huh yeah you know covet knocked me off my normal georgia domain yeah so uh a girl named bob it was she did cyber last year she she contacted me y'all love this she says it was so cold last night i had all my clothes on and i couldn't get warm i was like where are you at she goes watch and i was like hold on a minute hey i got enough money i'm going i'll be i'm on the way and i drove home within five days i was driving out west yeah that's crazy do you have fun on the pct then you know it's different it was a little bit stressful because i drove thousand miles in in two months well and yeah two months i drove ten thousand miles so it was a lot of there's a lot of scouting yeah i i set up on the colorado and i stayed about a week and a half out on colorado wow man i tell you i love that place but i love the at's home yeah for real it is hey they're getting cheeseburgers and french fries y'all yeah brother thank you so much for coming down to see us me and frozen uh we knew i was coming they didn't know we tricked them right and we so fresh ground runs a traveling cafe if you will that feeds travelers hikers bike packers anything you can think of he's like the nicest man you would ever meet and he runs completely on donations 100 of it goes right back to the cafe which is called the leapfrog cafe if you guys are interested i'll leave some links down in the video description for you he enhances a thru hike though for sure i think everyone here can agree on that one all right everybody and just like that it is eight o'clock we're all set up at camp about point one away from where we had uh dinner with uh fresh ground thank you so much dude you are amazing for feeding us um he fed people here pretty much all day anybody that was doing the foothills trail he's just that kind of person like i said you can read more about it in the video description below i'll leave a link to his facebook and you can just just check him out he he's an amazing man and we love the leapfrog cafe but anyway we're gonna wake up get some breakfast here at the same spot fresh grounds will make us like blueberry pancakes and coffee and a whole bunch of other stuff um or eggs or bacon or whatever he's gonna do and then uh we got 15 miles tomorrow because we pound out a hard day today anyway guys i'm going to end it here since you can't see anything anyway and i'll see you in the morning night everybody good morning get some water going one thing i don't have radius though no dude i'm i'm early how'd you sleep uh i had a broken sleep i woke up oh yeah me too i woke up like for two or three hours and watched two episodes of the last two episodes of humans hiking is tough business especially for us oh gosh yeah thank you all right everybody so i i've stolen frozen's camera and i'm going to be taking over the filming for today uh we got about seven miles to the fish hatchery and i think fresh ground is going to hook us up with some more lunch and then we'll get about another eight after that i believe anyway i'll see you down the trail we um camped really close to the trailhead so we were right next to the road and it's a highway 107 i believe and traffic was all night long big trucks and everything so i think i got a good four hours of sleep i woke up literally every time a car went by though and i remembered i had earplugs and i was fine the rest every night so far and it's not z packs it's every really single wall tent especially made out of dcf man it's there's a lot of condensation throughout the night so whenever it rained in shawnee on my last trip i thought there might be an issue with the uh you know the amount of water coming in from rain i can honestly say that's just just a single wall tent so i had my doors wide open last night but i still got just a ton of condensation and i'm not sure if there's anything really i can do about it [Applause] so this is what you do on a low mileage 15. yeah you just kind of hang out at literally every trailhead about 11 30. i'll be meeting back up with fresh ground around noon for lunch i forget what he's serving us there's a couple options on the table i have not been doing much filming been enjoying spending the time zoning out listening to some tunes it's been a little bit of a green tunnel anyway but when you get to a point of interest get your cameras ready because man it's been quite epic so far i don't know what the rest of the trail is going to hold for us but this is a great trail i would do it the opposite direction so you get the finale on sassafras but i'm loving it it's been really cool to catch up with everybody and just kind of bs about the thru hikes too a little a t reunion honestly been a good time like it was uh basically a lot worse wrapped in a grilled cheese and taken advantage of the awesome sunshine you know it's like 80 degrees it feels like right now everything's been smoked every morning and it hasn't even rained had an awesome time met up with a lot of cool people an at3 hiker came in did it in 2012. there's america down there being a goofball if you can see them and uh just the whole vibe down there was awesome really cool and got to dry everything out even better uh on top of that someone named him dc saw an instagram post that fresh ground did and he brought up a whole bunch of stuff for us too and uh one of those things was a cherry coke so heck yeah thanks dc appreciate it man all right barreling on to camp eight miles all right buddy you ready to get in all right let's do it frozen apparently it doesn't take to be frozen too long this reminds me so much of the superior hiking trail it's not even funny absolutely gorgeous today guys beautiful day pretty hot great food great company what more could you ask for a little rugged but uh there's some people like views some people like mountains right i'm a water guy i love lakes ponds streams anything that has to do with water i'm all about it look at that oh man frozen uh you might not believe this but uh it happened again you know i was just hiking along and well i found a little pot nice it's been about an hour uh we did go way up a hill and came all the way back down but ultimately we're still following the same thing this is this is something else guys seriously wow been stopping so many times to take pictures speaking of which if you're not already follow me on instagram frozen's outdoor adventures go ahead and follow me i'm always posting stuff from the trips some things that don't make in the videos too so man that kind of that will take you oh yeah come on in the water's mine i don't know dude i felt it from before i don't know how you can stand that because i'm a man ah i hate you i am not just between you and me that water was really cold and i was just trying to get frozen to get in it all right guys made it to lick log campsite no one's here how about that [Music] awesome [Music] um [Music] hey rd how's your cold stuff growing good tonight baby nice ramen support team baby all right guys gonna pack it in for the night we've got also about 8 30 right now had dinner and uh we're tired we're going to bed a long trip definitely had an awesome time i will see you in the good morning everybody about six o'clock i'm gonna pack up um take a little bit to gravel road hopefully see fresh ground if not we're gonna stop there and have breakfast and then um we're gonna do the last eight miles or so this thing it's uh one heck of a night last night i was uh absolved i was really good sleep last night good i'm gonna need it for that long drive home anyway good morning america good morning [Music] there's something about night hiking i just absolutely love i'm gonna water this but i love doing this sometimes i go out to uh my local state park and do a little 12 miler in the dark what i really like about this headlamp when we're wearing the nightcore nu25 same one i did on the ut same one i was using the year before that you can power the headlamp with a battery bank right so you just put it in your side pocket or your backpack or whatever you want to do i got a right angle little cable it doesn't go down over my eyes you can you know twenty thousand milliamp battery or whatever battery bank you bring at that point in your headline nice cleaning i just really enjoy it i'm not looking forward to this ending today but i mean i did have a lot of comfortable bugs let that heat up just a little bit good morning how are you would you like a rat what would you like an omelette oh i would love a wrap a wrap it sounds delicious we got a veggie wrap scrambled eggs that's you right there buddy good morning good morning the sun is now up have to call it morning so fresh ground made us a veggie wrap with eggs and what else is in there a whole bunch of stuff good asparagus mushrooms uh all sorts of stuff you had uh you could have split yours up into maybe three three rounds at least it felt like the first round this was i think the first time he did it so his portions were a little bit off on mine because i was the first one in the coffee that was the learning curve and the coffee was amazing too oh as always yeah so he's uh he's gonna save us going out to eat i can get back on the road real quick once we get to oconee we're gonna have a little taco wednesday and then he's going to take a couple days off and jump right back on the at helping through hikers what an amazing dude jesus legitimately the best person best human being i've ever met this video is turning into a fresh ground leap frog cafe ad but he's a nice guy man he really is and you know i cannot overstate how much he helped at least me oh yeah i mean but i think the whole family would agree for sure harvey paul 7 30 in the morning beautiful i uh i think i'm going to pass on paper and hip hop yeah we'll try to save the pain look at that morning view holy cow we're thinking like what 1.7 guys until we get to oconee i'd say 1.5 1.5 good whatever you want about 10. whatever i want all right [Music] [Music] well that was an epic adventure i had a lot of fun how about everybody else oh absolutely absolutely get in here rd come on man [Music] i'm the oldest one on the on the trip five times adventure we'll see you on the trail guys take it easy all right hey let tez take a picture of it yeah man hey everybody it's frozen what's going on nah that's stupid let's try that again [Music] i'll go through it dude come on [Music] good morning everybody good morning everybody wow nobody else is going to say good morning we already did it wow no i wasn't on wait all right all right restart all right take three go i don't think we're gonna see our faces no not probably for the best we're a bunch of doors how do you do that bro [Music] you said you work at rei yeah man i work at rei okay there's a glitch in the rei system where i can't sign up for that credit card no way yeah i'd have to buy another membership somehow tied to a membership i don't know my originally my ex-girlfriend bought the membership you come over to customer service i already tried dude i even talked to corporate on the phone they still couldn't get like the biggest glitch since y2k i don't understand like it should be so easy to get the rei credit card but i just can't and then i realized i never showed up at all yeah until i get my dividend which i don't know how i got dividends like i don't know if you don't ever buy anything you don't have any dividends i mean i had 53.46 last year so you bought 530 apparently uh yeah i mean first like just sort of barely in it but you hit the stop button right there no i legit i i won't i mean do you just want me to like edit [Music] you
Channel: Outdoor Adventures
Views: 14,784
Rating: 4.9421129 out of 5
Keywords: appalachian trail, at2019, thruhiking, thru hiking, camping, backpacking, reviews, gear, outdoor adventures, frozen, hammock, mountain, hike, camp, backpack, trails, ultralight, hammock camping, hike, solo hike
Id: jjL5xnqAkYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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