Why Did You Quit? Come Back And We'll Even Pay You - All Customers Left With Me, Bye! - r/ProRevenge

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welcome to r slash pro revenge this is the story of someone getting back at someone with pro revenge after being wronged and today we have two good stories so subscribe hit the like button and let's begin the first story is expert revenge in a liberal arts world original my revenge story starts five years ago i was a mere 25 year old leaving a world of mental health behind and entering into the world of post-secondary education i had a job working at a small liberal arts college in nowhere usa the pay wasn't great but i was good at the job and i liked most of my co-workers i had a horrible supervisor he refused to train me and instead left it to the most senior worker on staff this person was not only the husband of a boss boss direct report he was also the relative of several other higher up workers on campus he believed he was untouchable and so did everyone else he was at first kind engaging and all too happy to help train me twice my age and severely obese it soon became clear to me that he was a narcissist thanks to my mental health background this type of personality was easily detectable he told me that i had nice tna i had to look up what this meant tna apparently he tried to grope me in the break room hallway or other areas he smacked my a would rub against me when passing in the hallway and constantly asked if i thought he was the best counselor that existed in the world he would claim he was too hot to actually have to work he skirted policy ignored phone calls and emails and still somehow talked outside offices into believing that he could get things done within the office and should be the go-to person others in the office informed me that he would say sexual things to and about students and other colleagues but it was never reported i was too new and realized that he was too connected to complain to my actual supervisor i decided to take matters into my own hands i knew that my director was nearing 70 and would soon be ready to retire the assistant director my boss was worthless and would never be advanced narcissist would always try for a director position but he lacked the experience and education needed my director left two years into my career at this university i waited to apply as i knew that a joker would be transitioned out of one department and into mine making friends in other departments is helpful he lasted a year as our new director then left quickly for a higher position at another university the second time the director job became available i applied the assistant director who had been at the office 12 years also applied as did narcissist i waited for my boss's boss to let me know that they would like me to apply and i did i got the job as director i only applied to get rid of the assistant director and of narcissist i have no interest in being a leader of anything let alone a dysfunctional office and owning a 50-hour per week job in a highly complex field i simply wanted a position to get revenge on narcissist for his constant harassment and to help my other co-workers who i knew were always covering for narcissists and trying to avoid him as much as possible assistant director moved on within four months i knew he was looking for another job after being turned down twice for the director position and i made a few phone calls to him out of the office he was toxic as well but mostly just because he was cynical and lazy he was not my main target narcissist told me repeatedly that i only won director because it was a personality slash beauty contest or because i was hired by men and i had the t they were looking for and wanted to stare at in a meaning he started a rumor that i sucked my way to the top everyone who knew me knew this was preposterous narcissist is the only one who couldn't see how much other people disliked and mistrusted him and the family connections he brought his baggage for over a year i have documented every failure narcissist has made he has sexually harassed others slacked off at work shown up late most days frequently taking long lunches and has made a variety of enemies along the way he's been doing this for 10 years i've followed procedure and written him up no one else ever would due to the awkwardness of family connects and the fact that he's such a nice guy when he's being his narcissistic self to make sure that others bought into my dilemma i painted him as a nice guy that i really didn't want to discipline but whom i couldn't figure out and had no idea what to do firing him eventually became a goal of others and no longer my goal others finally bought the fact that he was toxic and needed to move on those in a higher position realized his devastation and wanted to help me out finally over a year later he is scheduled to be fired next week everyone is against him after some moderate manipulation and realistic presentation of the facts i feel no guilt because everything presented is accurate but i couldn't come across like a disgruntled harpy i had to be nice to him every single day i had to play a game every day but eventually i've reached my goal due to narcissist connections i had to have the ceo cfo hr director president of the school and every boss in between sign off on firing him i did i can't wait to see his world crash down around him and the look on his face here's to hoping he doesn't try to shoot me or stalk me in the days following i plan to start looking for new employment after he's fired my work here is done give a man some rope etc etc update so today was the big day narcissist and i initially met my office and i walked him to the meeting location he chattered the whole way about how busy the office was today and how he has sacrificed lunch to make sure everything was taken care of so i shouldn't worry about the office blah blah he had no idea what was coming apparently when we walked into the meeting area and he saw the sheriff and the other staff waiting on him he said okay this is weird we sat down together i explained that he had failed to meet goals outlined in our last performance meeting he denied this i explain there's a variety of documentation outlining that this is the case he demanded to see it he was told we're not required to show him this documentation and nothing he does or says will change the outcome of the meeting today we had a limited amount of time to get through the whole process and needed to stay on task he was told that he's no longer employed and given several different severance options as a sign of goodwill he began crying this is always his mode when he knows that there's no way out of a situation it's happened at every performance review narcissist promised to change his behavior he swore he had been working as much as possible to meet the goals he was told again that nothing he says will change the outcome of the meeting which caused him to breathe very deeply and grip his chair extremely tight hr walked him through a variety of contracts and options once he chose an option it was outlined in detail in legalese he was quiet the whole time but maintained eye contact with the sheriff the entire time i do believe that the presence of the sheriff made a difference in his ability to keep it together once it was all over he was asked to turn in his keys badge and other items he went back to his office and cleaned it out while being supervised he took most of his things the items he did not take i packed up for him later in the day i shook narcissus hand and wished him good luck like a woman should always do to his credit he accepted this but refused to make eye contact with me at any point i've received calls from family and his friends but of course have not taken them staff has been told just that he is no longer employed there's little else i'm legally able to tell anyone including his family and friends we'll see where it goes from there i must admit the office is buzzing and happy today mixed with a bit of confusion i don't know that anyone saw this coming because he had gotten away with everything for over 10 years staff are mostly worried about the increased workload but i know that we'll get through it now that we're a team i feel lighter and less weighed down despite the increased workload this is a good thing and i am so glad that it worked out the way it has i'm both happy and saddened that the story did not end more dramatically hopefully i haven't disappointed any of my voters readers etc it's a win to be done with this and i am looking so forward to moving on the second story is f you pay me this is a throwaway account apologies for the length the revenge is sweet though i was a contractor with a small business company x that did consulting and other services for bigger companies i usually work directly with these bigger companies and was operating largely as a direct employee of company x though not on site i enjoyed the work but some of the people at company x were d's just petty nonsense like talking sh about me in meetings and for no reason that i could discern all their clients loved me i was good for business they were just being ds like these do it didn't matter since i was working mostly with companyx's clients i didn't have to spend much time communicating with the ds every month i sent my invoice to company x and the terms were they had 30 days to send payment at some point they promoted their main accounting guy one of the d's henceforth d accountant and hired a deputy accountant who was put in charge of satisfying invoices such as mine i moved from one state to another which meant the address on my invoice changed the first month in the new residence my check didn't show up i got in touch with the deputy accountant and sure enough she sent it to the old address sure my mail would get forwarded but it was going to take a couple extra weeks kind of a pain but not the end of the world no problem i said just make sure you change that address next month comes same thing checks into the wrong address and then month 3 yet again to the wrong address i called this deputy and said hey what's the deal oh you moved she asked i guess i didn't see that sorry about that i'll make the change now this woman wasn't a d she was just effing terrible at her work and evidently her memory was sh2 we got it straightened out and for the next year everything was fine when my lease ran out at that place i decided to move now the mailboxes at that place where the metal sort all grouped together that one unlocks with a key and when people would move usps would just keep stuffing mail in those boxes apparently oblivious to mail forwarding requests and the obvious piling up a mail since deputy accountant had such a hard time with an address change before i headed it off i told her before i moved hey i'm moving here's the new address just putting it on your radar then i moved and again highlighted and bolded the new address on the invoice said in an email please note the new address 30 days passed with no check i emailed to say i hadn't gotten my check no response i let it sit a couple days and then wrote again where's the check deputy accountant comes back oh you moved sorry i didn't have time to change your address this is a small business she's not dealing with mountains of checks she's just having stupid and lazy so i said i'm positive that check is now stuffed in a mailbox that i can't access it's not going to get forwarded just cancel that check cut a new one and send it to the right address she says well let's just wait and see what happens sorry no let's not do that this is not a big deal just cut a new check and we're good no i'm gonna wait she said so i fired off a stern but nevertheless polite email detailing this whole chain of events citing the multiple reminders i had center and saying that since they were already past due on payment i expected a new check to be sent by the following monday i see cedar boss d accountant fool on me for thinking the sound logic in my email would be persuasive to a d he writes back that he doesn't like my tone finds it rude and that he's not going to pay me until i apologize to his deputy oh really really well then revenge it is fu number one i wrote a formal email to d accountant and company xceo saying that this was totally unacceptable and petty given some of the sh talking and meetings of which i'd been informed as well as their unwillingness to pay i would no longer be providing my services and they can find someone else immediately after i called their clients with whom i had become pretty close instead i decided to disengage from company x so unfortunately i wouldn't be working on those accounts anymore but if they wanted to contract directly with me i said i'd be happy to provide my services company x had stupidly not had me sign a non-compete one week later those clients had already signed contracts with me hearing of this and realizing they were losing business the accountant called me i didn't answer the voicemail was so effing sweet clearly chastised he apologized about a dozen times saying he was wrong and he couldn't be sorry that all my outstanding invoices would be paid immediately and he wanted to talk whenever it was convenient for me within a month the clients cancel their contracts with company x which was collectively more than six figures of annual revenue fu number two company x was partly in the business of managing websites including sites for clients that were now mine i took those sites off their servers to put them on new servers the developer who does technical work for me tells me as soon as he touches the code all the anti-virus alarms on his system start going off the sites were ridiculously compromised riddled with malicious code they were swiss cheese so as we began fixing all that i decided to send the malicious code along to a cyber forensic group so they could learn from it whatever cyber forensic groups do they added the findings into their work and rumors got out partly with my help the company x can't manage sh and if you have a site with them it's probably hacked to pieces last i heard deputy accountant got fired the account resigned within six months and company x is barely keeping its doors open thank you for watching this video to the end have a good day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 129,748
Rating: 4.8896375 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, petty revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, nuclear revenge, r/nuclearrevenge, revenge stories, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear stories, reddit nuclear revenge, r/NuclearRevenge, r/prorevenge boss, prorevenge, Pro Revenge, r/Prorevenge Quit, fired, manager, r/prorevenge fired, owner, boss, Didn't Realize, I Quit, Quit, Customers, r/Prorevenge Customers, Pay, r/Prorevenge pay
Id: 1BhMZd83TQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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