Why Did The Church Hate Mary Magdalene? | Secrets of the Cross | Timeline

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Blocked in Australia Mirror: Secrets Of The Cross : Mary Magdalene Conspiracy (2017) 47min - 571113 views

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Mary Magdalene is the Bible's key witness to one of the most important events in history the resurrection of Jesus without her Christianity might not exist yet we know almost nothing about the wheel Mary Magdalene she's definitely the mystery woman the early church branded her Hall I think everyone has the potential to be a harlot to be a sinner popular fiction recast as the wife of Jesus and the mother of his child in the modern imagination of course Jesus and Mary Magdalene are not only close their internet but beneath the lays of myth lies a hidden truth about what really happened on the day the Bible says Jesus rose from the dead a secret that had to be kept for Christianity to people the gospel wanted to remove Mary from Spain and maker irrelevant one that made Mary Magdalene a very inconvenient woman [Music] two thousand years after her death Mary Magdalen's name is everywhere yet she remains the most mysterious woman in history to some she's a prostitute forgiven by Jesus the sinner who became a saint to others she's the true Holy Grail in the Bible's New Testament she plays a starring role in the foundation of Christianity when its Gospels give very little details about her saying only that she came from Galilee supported Jesus and was once possessed by demons the case of Mary Magdalene and the Gospels is just very very odd in that she just suddenly shows up in the earliest gospel the end of Mark and she's at the cross and all we're told us she's with this group of women who came from Galilee [Music] this is right hand of Mary Magdalene Mary Magdalene could be little more than a relic of history except for one thing the Gospels very rarely agree about who was where and when yet unusually all four Gospels of the New Testament place Mary among the group of women present the crucifixion the mystery woman takes the leading role [Music] the most significant moment would be when she's with Christ on the cross the other apostles left and fled because they were afraid but she stood by crime with the male disciples in hiding only Jesus's female followers witnesses execution mentioned first among them is Mary Magdalene she remains with him until his death but by doing so she was taking a significant risk from other accounts from crucifixions it is clear that it was dangerous for family to be around to show grief and so on there are stories of not only male family members being crucified but also seeming and even children so it was not less dangerous for the women to be and later married those to the tomb with Jesus's mother and sister to tempt to his body it's very very odd because if you think about it that's very little to know about her but a high level of intimacy if she's with the mother of Jesus the sister of Jesus at the burial washing and preparing and anointing the naked body of Jesus for the proper rights of burial she somehow very intimate and inside and yet who is she she's definitely the mystery woman the Gospels of Matthew Mark and John then all tell how Mary is the first to see the resurrected Jesus next picture depicts her seeing the resurrected Christ this is the actual picture of when she doesn't really realize it's him she thinks he's a gardener and then all of a sudden he says Mary and she understood that him the teacher her beloved the resurrection is the foundation stone of Christianity the idea transformed the Jesus Movement from a minor Jewish sect into a whole new faith according to the New Testament Mary Magdalene is the messenger who delivers news of the resurrection to the haidle male disciples she is the apostle to the apostles but then her job done she disappears from the Bible [Music] one of the big mysteries of the New Testament is why Mary plays such a slight role the Gospel writers obviously knew of her as as a person who is significant for understanding the resurrection of Jesus and we know that the early Christians are making up stories about companions of Jesus during his lifetime and so the big question is why didn't they tell more stories about Mary Magdalene hosts the resurrection the Gospel writers concentrate solely on the male disciples Mary Magdalene is swiftly forgotten did the early church have something to hide [Music] and the Gospels of the New Testament Mary Magdalene is the key witness to the resurrection her vision of a risen Jesus inspires the male disciples to claim that their leader has returned from the dead the Jesus Movement breaks away from Judaism and Christianity is for yet amazingly 500 years later instead of celebrating Mary Magdalene as a founder of their faith the Christian Church branded her of all an image that stood the test of time we have here an unashamedly a rata sized image of Mary Magdalene she's here depicted in all her fleshly glory and noticed particularly the way that her arm is used to obscure her faith the entire emphasis here is on her corporeality her long hair flows like a river over the stone that she leans against but there in no way is it being used to hide her nakedness in the sixth century Pope Gregory the Great decreed that the New Testament stories of three separate women in fact referred to just one individual Mary Magdalene one of these women described in the Bible only as an unnamed sinner had sought Jesus's forgiveness by washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair in first century Judea only a prostitute would perform such a shocking act of intimacy in public for the next fourteen hundred years the unnamed sinner and Mary Magdalene were as one Mary Magdalene became doomed in Orthodox circles as a lap prostitute so in some respect she became a role model but suddenly most of what she had wanted to become she became a role model for Christianity she was willing to forgive sinners and soon and particularly women laugh women the Pope Gregory's portrait of Mary Magdalene was a work of pure imagination nowhere in the New Testament is she ever referred to either as a prostitute or a sinner I don't believe she was the harlot but let's just pretend she was I think everyone has the potential to be a harlot to be a sinner we all are I mean at every moment we do things that are exactly right we make bad judgments we're human even pretending or assuming she was the harlot would even make her greater so for me it wouldn't be a deterrent it would be actually more of a way to you know appreciate her more the image of the repentant Mary Magdalene so popular that it lasted 14 centuries only in 1969 did the Catholic Church finally declare that she was not the unknown sinner and prostitute but what had motivated Pope Gregory - apparently deliberately smear the reputation Mary Magdalene was there perhaps something to hide there's no indication in the Bible that Mary Magdalene is the nameless sinner but at the time of Gregory he wanted to help to have inspiring figures for for the people in an apostille way Pope Gregory's motive may have been to create a role model for sinners but he also effectively ended any debate about who Mary Magdalene was or what her role in the Jesus Movement had really been he was able to construct this new image for her simply because so little was known about her at a time when that men no women had surnames and will usually distinguish from each other by association with other family members very named Magdalene Steve most women are usually associated with with men in in their names and I thought well perhaps there wasn't she married or she widowed but I think you must simply conclude that in the movement of in which these Gospels arose she had no male family who was also known in the movement the others are named the Mary of James for instance of James was known in the movement Mary of James perhaps you could say that there were no male people who are shown to associated it's also not mary of jesus the word Magdalene is not a first name and unusually doesn't associate Mary with a relative gives no information about the statuses of wife mother or daughter so where does the title come from on the shores of the Sea of Galilee like the remains of a first-century town an important fishing community known as macula Mardela was famous for its fish it its name means fish tower or the Greek name means salted fish bill and salting the fish after salting it it would keep so you could export it to the entire Mediterranean world in the first century fish were an essential part of the diet and Magdala was a major producer famous throughout the region its name would be instantly recognizable could Mary Magdalene mean Mary of Magdala I'd say Mary Magdalene is a proper title for a woman who comes from the city of Magdala and because Mary was such a popular name at the time we would want to sort of identify her and distinguish her from the other Mary's her place of origin would be a good way of doing that once she needs it and she joins a certain group she is the Mary from Magdala it seems likely that Mary Magdalene came from the Galilee in town of Magdala archaeological excavations there I still have an early stage but further along the coast of Bethsaida the biblical home of disciples Peter Andrew and Philip archaeologist Ramy Erev has spent 20 years excavating a similar Galilean fishing community he believes it offers clues to Mary Magdalene's and life what we encounter in the dig is a community of people who live here in very humble simple buildings their homes were not sophisticated their homes were almost a fairly similar to each other there is no mosaic floors no marble on the walls nothing of this kind I would expect Mandela to be net much better than what we have what we see here in this area Mary's childhood in macula would have been overshadowed by the might of Rome Galilee was a hotbed of political activity some of it violent and the Romans had crushed frequent revolts in and around Magdala reminders of Roman oppression were very close to home some 40 years or so before Mary's birth a large number of Galilean rebels and their families were called hiding in the caves of Mount Arbel about Magdala Herod the Great appointed King of the Jews by the Romans was determined to get rid of him the Jewish historian Josephus recorded what happened next Herod at first doesn't know how to deal with the situation they seemed so well defended inside those games and how do you get to them finally he resorted to a trick Josephus tells us brought with the utmost danger he lowers the best of his soldiers in cradles from the top downward and they attacked the families from these cradles Josephus tells the story of one family a father and mother with seven sons and the father refused to surrender instead this old man Josephus tells us takes each of his sons one by one drags him out of the cave and throws him down into the abyss after the seven sons plainly throwing down his wife as well and then he leaps to his own death Mary would have heard these stories from her grandparents and from her parents and every time she looked at these caves she would have remembered this one example of the many examples of Roman oppression in the Galilee I think that growing up in Magdalene growing up anywhere in Judea or Palestine at the time Jews felt Roman influence Roman government Roman colonialism we're aware of this couldn't ignore it there were the soldiers out there in the streets who could be caught pose any sort of danger for anybody especially for women I'm sure Mary Magdalene was well aware of it and I have no doubt that she was not very sympathetic to Magdalene was at the heart of rebel Galilee and Jewish resistance movements sprung up all around the region many preached armed rebellion the Jesus Movement was different but the lessons of history were clear when she joined Mary must have known that she risked the wrath of Rome Jesus has a different teaching his teaching does say yes Rome will be overthrown there the last shall be first the meek shall inherit the earth this is definitely a revolutionary teaching but it's not a military teaching and in the kind of community that Jesus indicates he wants to build around him women can have a much more active role than they can in a military movement the headquarters of the Jesus Movement latest five kilometers away from Magdala across the Sea of Galilee and Capernaum said to be the home of the disciple Peter the New Testament doesn't say how or when Mary met Jesus but the easiest way to travel between the Galilean towns was by boat in the early 1970s a mosaic of a first century fishing boat was found in an archaeological dig at Magdala remarkably in 1986 the shrinking waters of the lake revealed the remains of just such a vessel preserved in the mud the oldest freshwater boat ever found [Music] the broad dated first century so it's more than 2,000 years old and I think the broth was used for transportation and fishing you could use a boat much is easier than walk around the lake especially 2,000 years ago because now you see roads through there good roads but in those days the roads were not very good and it's a very very rocky area so both are the easiest way to go from place to place could such a boat have brought Mary and Jesus together also in the New Testament it's written many times people went from Capernaum to Migdal by boat and it's it's very logical and very likely they would have done that and the boat is from the time of Maria Magdalena that that we know for for sure and it's very likely that she that she saw this boat so I cannot say for sure if she used the boat but I presume she saw the boat many were drawn to Jesus by his revolutionary message the New Testaments only clues to why Jesus and Mary came together is in the Gospel of Luke which states that Mary Magdalene was a woman from whom seven demons were cast out [Music] now the text doesn't actually say that Jesus was the one who cast out the demon but most people assume that that's what it means the Jesus had exercised her in the Bible seven is the perfect number signifying completeness if Mary was afflicted by seven demons then she would have been totally possessed could demonic spirits have driven her to Jesus and if so what were they first of all we have to ask what does this mean that she has demons I can imagine various explanations for one of them I could say that maybe she would epileptic when a person is at the lab Nicky seems to be possessed when he has when he or she has a seizure the risks like possession or she could be schizophrenic in which case the various characters that she had sort of come out in hell may be seen as demon said to Lisa yet strangely only the Gospel of Luke alleges Mary Magdalene was afflicted by demons the accusation appears nowhere else in the Bible and many scholars ask whether Luke deliberately fabricated the story to undermine Mary's later role in the Jesus Movement it's very odd that he does not tell a story about it would have been a beautiful story some woman being liberated from seven demons look at several stories about people being freed from demons so you really don't know what's Luke means by it I don't think we know that Meredith I think that making her possess is a way for the person who's writing the Gospels of the Apostle to somehow signal to us that is something not quite right with this woman and so of course whatever she does and whatever she says we take it with some sort of reservation which is derived from the fact that she is actually in the Gospel of Luke seems to have made a deliberate attempt to cast doubt on Mary's reliability but in Luke and in the Gospel of Mark there are two more important clues Mary's mentioned first among a group of women from Galilee who offer financial support Jesus now that's an interesting clue because her name seems to say she's from Magdala up in the Galilee the city and does she have some money she's alone she doesn't seem to be married but does she have some funds that she sort of backer of the Jesus Movement according to Jewish law women do not inherit they are maintained either fathers are men by their husbands and so in fact you could say how could a woman have money at all but in reality we have evidence for all kinds of stories where men go to great lengths to provide property for their daughters or wives where the law would not have expected them to do so [Music] any wealth meri had was almost certainly held in the form of property could that generate enough money to finance Jesus and his followers how wealthy you have to be in order to support one person who has very humble means he was not after all it Prince he was at very big deal to support somebody like him not only when Mary Magdalene have helped finance the Jesus Movement but she also seems to have taken a leading role among the women from Galilee she's not just any woman she's a woman that has the means to support him follows him down to Galilee but somehow puts herself right at the head in terms of that group did Mary Magdalene play a prominent part in the Jesus Movement Jesus was set on a collision course with Rome and the Jewish state being close to him was tantamount to an act of revolution once she joined him there was no going back but was she more than just a follower [Music] [Music] nearly 2000 years all that was known about Mary Magdalene was contained in a few lines of text in the Gospels of the New Testament but then in 1945 a remarkable find near the town of nag Hammadi in Egypt changed everything a group of local farmers were digging for fertilizer when they uncovered an ancient sealed jar inside they found 12 leather-bound blocks among the texts were Gospels credited to some of the disciples but left out of the New Testament only recently translated they have revolutionised scholars understanding of early Christianity I was very interested I got to know these writings did portray Mary Magdalene in the neck Emily find because she is portrayed as a disciple she's called a disciple with other women and she is portrayed as asking questions of Jesus and he is answering her and then she she is reacting again so it is very you get a new new image of Mary Magdalene The Lost Gospels gave Mary a far more prominent role than she plays in the New Testament and one of the texts the Gospel of Philip offered what appeared to be a shocking revelation about the relationship between Jesus and Mary the Gospel of Philip is one of these books from the ancient world which over time was eroded away and there are holes in the manuscript gaps where there used to be words that have now disappeared and that happens to affect this particular passage let me read the passage to you as we actually have it in the Gospel of Philip what it says is this and the companion of the there's a gap in the manuscript mary magdalene gap the manuscript her more than gap the disciples gap kiss her gap on her gap by examining how the writer of the Gospel of Philip used language elsewhere in the text scholars have been able to make a reasonable guess of what the missing words may be in some translations they say well at least Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene all mouth and very often and you can make a lot of beautiful conclusions about it but I think first of all you must admit that of that space where mouth is filthy if looseness there are no letters so you could fill in every word that fits feet and someone falls cheek for there if Jesus did kiss Mary upon the mouth or even elsewhere on her body as the Gospel of Philip alleges then could that imply a sexual relationship between the two could Mary and Jesus even have been married some people say well but but the fact that he's kissing her doesn't that show that they have an intimate relationship and one would think that unless one read the rest of the Gospel of Philip because as it turns out kissing is referred to elsewhere in the Gospel of Philip and the way to refer to elsewhere is in relationship to the Christian ritual that happened during Christian worship services in the early church where where Christians would welcome one another with a kiss and the gospel Philip asks why is it that you welcome one another with a kiss the reason is because by kissing you're showing that revelation has been given God gives his revelation by delivering his word words are delivered by the mouth and so Christians kiss one another to show that they're giving revelation to one another all the disciples kissed each other to share the grace so I don't think you should make something about the God read it would be our interpretation in recent years novels and movies have gone much further and imagined at the time of the crucifixion Mary was pregnant with Jesus's child it's widely thought today among people who have paid attention to the popular press and to novels like The Da Vinci Code that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had an intimate relationship from a historical point of view speaking simply as a historian this kind of claim looks to be completely bogus there is no reference in any early source of any kind of Jesus and Mary being married for example or were having sex and having babies in the novel The Da Vinci Code Mary Magdalene and her daughter flee to Provence in France after the crucifixion it's a story built upon an ancient provençale tradition the one that has nothing to do with Mary bearing the child of Jesus [Music] we became very famous when Dan Brown wrote the book but I don't think we don't have this vision here in South of France the province of people think that she she's very different from the book [Music] could the province our tradition provide a clue to Mary's true role in the Jesus Movement each year the supposed skull of Mary Magdalene covered by a golden mask is created through the streets of the small French town sent maximum lasalle boom the tradition goes back to 1279 when the count of Provence claimed to have discovered Mary Magdalene remains beneath the town's small church with the blessing of the Pope he built a huge Basilica on the site of her tomb modern forensics have cast doubt on the authenticity of the relic but the tradition of Mary Magdalene arriving in France survives the figure of the mother mother of Mary Magdalene is very popular not only in religion and religious life but also in social life for example Mary Magdalene is the patron saint of perfume years and of jewelers here in Provence when someone is crying we say they're crying were Michael a welcome in the Madeleine Santa Maria according to this story Mary Magdalene and other refugees from the Holy Land were cast adrift on a rudderless boat and swept ashore on the coast of Provence tradition holds that she began converting the local people to Christianity before eventually retiring to a cave in the local mountains the tradition in Provence is that seven times the day she's raised up to the heavens by angels and I think this is some indication she has missed mystic experiences and seven times a day means the perfection she was a perfect mystic the tradition of Mary as mystic has been reflected in art for centuries and entered a deeper understanding of Mary Magdalen's vision of Jesus notice the way that her eyes are focused on the book not the crucifix this tells us that this is something she is seeing in her mind's eye this is not a physical vision that she's experiencing [Applause] marries importance as a visionary and a woman who posed a distinct threat to a male-dominated church dates back to the earliest days of Christianity in yet another lost gospel deliberately omitted from the New Testament the late 19th and early 20th centuries a series of finds in Egypt reveal the remarkable text that gave Mary a far greater role in the Jesus Movement the only gospel ever discovered attributed to a woman the gospel of Mary Magdalene in the gospel of Mary Mary is given a position of prominence that she simply doesn't have in our earliest gospel sources the old first gospel of Mary is convinced that Mary Magdalene is the one who understood more of Jesus than the other disciples and perhaps it might be historical that Mary Magdalene understood more or understood as I always thought understood the message of Jesus in a different way in the Gospels of the New Testament men take the leading role women are peripheral to the story the gospel of Mary Magdalene and other Lost Gospels placed Mary a woman at the very center of the Jesus Movement but was the gospel of Mary Magdalene right could a woman really have been active in the early church in 2005 archaeologist yotam pepper made an amazing discovery inside a maximum-security prison at Megiddo in Israel the remains of a church or prayer hall believed to be from the early third century and possibly the oldest Christian Church in the world even more remarkable it was in part paid for by a woman this is we call it their Christian description okay it's a capital in the name of a woman she's loving the God and she all failed a table to the God Jesus died as a memory in early Christianity the centerpiece of the church or prayer hall was a table rather than an alter the Megiddo inscription shows that a woman called a kept us donated the table to the prayer hall evidence that women took an active role in the early church if a woman offered the table so she is involved in what happened in this player on this building it's a Christian community at the entrance to the prayer hall another mosaic commemorates for more with [Music] the mosaics that megiddo proves that less than 200 years after the death of Jesus women played an important role in the Christian Church but in the prayer hall all the female names are on one side of the building and all the male names are on the other the gospel of Mary Magdalene also reveals divisions between men and women as Mary struggles to tell her story she's portrayed as a disciple but also as a disciple who teaches the other disciples when Jesus is gone she is simply offered to tell about what she knows about Jesus she tells about it and then the men are debating among themselves is she to be believed can you listen to a woman so this is really a gentle thing the gospel of Mary Magdalene and some of the Gospels from NAG Hammadi give Mary a far more prominent role in the Jesus Movement and often picture her struggling to be heard against a male hierarchy but these texts sometimes called the Gnostic Gospels were written to promote an alternative view of Christianity [Music] they're called Gnostic Gospels because they represent a point of view that scholars have called Gnosticism Gnosticism was a religion that was in many ways similar to Christianity and had a lot of Christian elements in it in which the the proponents of this religion insisted that salvation came not by having faith but by having knowledge which in greek is gnosis in the gospel of Mary Magdalene and other Gnostic texts Mary's name was used to represent views that were a clear challenge to the Orthodox line betraying Mary in heated arguments with Peter the disciple in tradition says became the first pope of rome the New Testament and the Gnostic Gospels each promoted their own version of Christianity perhaps neither could be relied upon to give a definitive picture of Mary Matalin his conflict in the gospel of Mary between Peter and his form of Christianity Orthodox Christianity and Mary representing some kind of Gnostic Christianity this is a later gnostic fabrication the historical Peter and the historical Mary probably were not that far apart in what they understood about Jesus but in later Christianity Christian leaders and teachers tried to ascribe their own views to early followers of Jesus and so Orthodox Christians claimed that their views came from Peter and some Gnostic Christians claimed that their views came from Mary in the first 300 years or so after Jesus's death there were more than 80 different texts in existence that spoke about his life and teaching by the 4th century the church had settled on a list of 27 approved texts including the Gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John which would be admitted into the New Testament all others including the gospel of Mary Magdalene which did not fit the doctrine of the Orthodox Church were deemed heretical and never to be read or copied again the only information that survived about Mary Magdalene was contained in a few short lines of the New Testament over the centuries she would be reinvented time and time again but one question remained unanswered what had the key witness to the resurrection really seen outside the empty tomb [Music] in the 2000 years Mary Magdalene has been the mystery woman of the Bible trapped in an information vacuum endlessly reinvented down the centuries to suit the needs of the aged but her real importance revolves around what happened to you in those few brief moments 20 centuries ago because what she saw that morning was the basis for the formation of Christianity did she experience a vision or witness a full bodily resurrection what did Mary see I think that at least one can claim that Mary had some kind of vision after Jesus death there's nothing at all implausible about that people see the dead all the time the elderly man sees his wife in his bedroom a month after she's died it's extremely well documented and my hunch is that Mary Magdalene had a vision of Jesus after he died she interpreted this apparently as a vision that he'd come back to life but it may simply have been a post-mortem experience somebody who previously died since the earliest days many questioned the story being told by members of Jesus Movement in 2nd century dairies this person is falafel for Celsus he looks at the resurrection story and makes fun of it so to speak and then he says well why should you believe a hysterical woman of course if it was only a hysterical woman who saw the resurrection it's not a very believable story and so if you get more reliable male members of the movement having witnessed something similar then you can really start taking it seriously and that could also be a reason why the Gospels and later sources also wanted to remove Mary from the scene and make her irrelevant Mary Magdalene appeared to have experienced some form of vision of Jesus but the fact that she was a woman is hugely inconvenient for the Jesus moment a single woman's testimony is never going to be enough to convince a skeptical population that Jesus had bodily risen from the dead so did the male disciples distort Mary's story to further their cause I don't think personally that what happened was that someone like Mary said I saw Jesus and the disciples were calculating and think you know well and we can use this and we can start a religion on this basis I don't think it started like that I think that maybe if somebody had a vision of Jesus maybe somebody else then was encouraged psychologically to have a vision of Jesus and various people had visions of Jesus them and this became enough for people to start saying Jesus is no longer dead Ephesians alone would not have been enough to convince doubters that an actual bodily resurrection and taken place to do that his corpse would have to be missing what was needed was an empty tomb we don't know how Jesus was buried in the accounts of the New Testament he's buried by Joseph of Arimathea in his private tomb more commonly Romans allowed a person who was crucified simply to rot on the cross and then tossed his remains in a in a common burial ground and so my hunch is that Christianity began with is with these visions and that only later was there a tradition that developed that he was put in the tomb and the tomb is empty with the myth of the empty tomb and plenty of male sightings in place the story of the Risen Jesus was now far more believable Mary Madeline's role in the resurrection could now be safely downplayed she may have had the first vision but what was important now was the testimony of the male disciples what if she was the first witness what if it all came from her that could be coming through the oral tradition so you can't write her out but you can contextualize there with all the other appearances and then you know yeah she was there first but then he really appeared to the men and got the business done the Gospels of the New Testament were written 30 to 70 years after Jesus's death by then oral traditions about Mary Magdalene his first witness may have been too well embedded to dismiss completely but the Gospel writers had no need to say any more about her the early church could even afford to cast doubt upon her character but if the story of the empty tomb really was a later invention in the case for the resurrection and the very foundation of the Christian faith rests on just one person's vision Mary Magdalene's I tend to think that Mary Magdalene is the real founder of Christianity and Christianity is the movement that believes the Jesus died on the cross for our sins was buried and resurrected on the third day and of course Jesus couldn't have come up with this idea because he was already dead somebody else came up with it and it seems to me that all the evidence points to Mary Magdalene as being the founder of this idea if Christianity is the belief in Jesus death and resurrection and she's the first to say that he got raised from the dead one can plausibly argue that in fact Mary Magdalene started Christianity if she was the first and so her importance historically enormous even if that's the only thing that she'd that she was known for I always wanted to find diary of Mary Mary but is it none and well when you ask why is there so little known about what she was before she met Jesus what she would became for after his death and resurrection Mary Magdalene's importance to Christianity may not be as a leader of the movement or as Jesus's intimate companion she may simply have been the faithful follower in the right place at the right time the woman whose vision ultimately led to the formation of a new faith [Music] you you
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 4,456,414
Rating: 4.5827155 out of 5
Keywords: jesus bloodline, conspiracy documentaries, conspiracy theories, the lost tomb of jesus, documentary conspiracy, jesus tomb, da vinci code, jesus christ (deity), tomb of christ, tomb of jesus, mary magdalene trailer, mary magdalene and jesus, biblical documentaries, the tomb of jesus, documentary history, conspiracy theory documentaries, jesus christ, jesus documentary, mary magdalene movie, mary magdalene documentary, mary magdalene, conspiracy documentary
Id: 51VXjm5itcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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