Simcha Jacobovici | The Lost Gospel

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first speaker is simply a cabbage simcha so simcha is an old pal of ours and those of you who watch television have seen him all over the screen he is the naked archeologist all dressed now for this special 16th anniversary and all I can say this is his latest book but when it comes to simcha insofar as conventional academia and conventional wisdom is concerned it's one outrage after another so simply why don't you pick up the story about the lost gospel and maybe a little later we'll talk about the other stuff you've done and that you have revealed on this stage okay what I'll do I'll set it up a little bit with the other stuff and then because it led to that okay okay after we go so I'll just set up I have a three-minute video I dug into my very limited time but I think a picture's worth a thousand words so we'll show it to you in a minute I'll just set it up first I I don't want to by the way I don't want to offend anybody's faith I'm reporting on history and archaeology and well I should say this I'm literally the Jew who found Jesus like the earth the Orthodox Jew and what I mean that not theologically I'm not a Christian but I I feel that I believe that I literally found Jesus meaning we found the tomb we identified the tomb of Jesus and his entire family in a suburb of Jerusalem called tel Piatt this made a lot of news a few years back and then I was I think on this very stage in 2009 I think it was to report of how we found Jesus and you know it was Larry King or Anderson Cooper was everywhere and then everybody went home forgot about it I remember going through the airport in LaGuardia and I give my passport and the guy looks at it looks up says you're the guy who said he found the tomb of Jesus I said yeah modest yeah shucks not that's me and he said turned out to be a lot of nonsense huh and I said why do you say that a nice guy thought maybe he read the book thought it would I wrote a book about that too saw the movie is that because if it was true I'd be hearing about it all the time and he had a point it's suddenly you know I went home and you know it was very frustrating honey I found Jesus and nobody cares so in that kind of Twilight we continue to make documentaries about the start of early Christianity and it was at that moment because kept on researching and researching that my colleague my co-writer of that book that Moses held up professor Barry Wilson was here somewhere in the audience over there and we will be signing the book upstairs later he and I teamed I mean he's a real scholar I'm a journalist filmmaker and naked archeologist but he is a real scholar and one of the experts in early world experts and early Christianity and we've teamed up to to decode a lost gospel now what it is and how it happened I'll tell you in a second so in a sense we found Jesus now we found the back story but let me show you three minutes of videos so you get a real feel and this is part of the biblical conspiracy series that's airing every Monday at 10 p.m. on vision and it's it's going to be coming up in a few weeks so Q can we see a forbidden Christian message is found encoded inside manuscript almost 1500 years old using state-of-the-art imaging technology investigators discover what they believe to be a lost gospel do these new readings finally prove the controversial claim that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and even more remarkably do they suggest a strange version of Christianity perhaps started by Mary Magdalene herself a form of worship so controversial that it was snuffed out by the church in the rare manuscript section of the British Library is item 1:7 - OH - at first glance the book seems to be an elaboration of a story in the biblical book of Genesis the patriarch Joseph Smeaton with an Egyptian woman named asana but the text is full of mysterious undeciphered symbols that for centuries have stumped scholars recently investigative journalist simcha Jacobovici and New Testament scholar professor Barry Wilson offered a possible solution for this mystery and suggested that behind this seemingly Jewish tale lies an encoded Christian gospel telling the story of the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene at first this may sound like an outrageous conclusion to draw but this is a strange text and the closer we look the more we realize that there was more here than meets the eye if we write this manuscript could rewrite our understanding of the birth of Christianity this letter dates probably from about the Year 550 their first clue that this is more than a simple story comes in the form of two letters attached to the ancient book they were probably written by monks who came across this text in the 6th century the letters claim that the manuscript contains a dangerous encoded message concerning our Lord our God who became flesh but just as the meaning of the text is about to be revealed one of the letters seems to be purposely cut looks like whoever is on this book later on in its transmission has cut off the page they're perhaps objecting to what that content was wait a minute this is not water damage yep just this is censorship that appears to be that way yeah was the letter accidentally torn or did someone take a knife to this ancient document in order to hide the true meaning of the text to answer these questions the team turns to spectral imaging experts using cutting-edge technologies to see whether the 6th century manuscript written in the ancient Syriac language was deliberately censored all right we're good to go let's roll this ultra-modern technology uses 12 different wavelengths of light to capture detailed images of ancient documents the work will take weeks we are going to image with life that's not visible to the human eye we then will process those images to reveal as much as we can of the text that has been obscured or scraped off oh sorry no don't stand on the carpet this is a perfect replica of that text we actually if the photograph it's not a copy the photograph is what the replica is the skin and the binding using the same leather but it's the actual text you'll be able to see it touch it at the British Library they wouldn't let you touch it you have to wear gloves and so on the rare manuscript section so we actually created this because it was very difficult to try to study it or photograph it under the conditions of the British library so when we finished there we use the photographs and hadn't been even photographed for like 60 years there was only these black and white images and we we restored we were able to x-ray and restore letters that you couldn't see they were they were underneath the ink and as you saw this is a detective story it's a 1500 year old detective story fifteen hundred years after the act of censorship or someone cut the manuscript so as to hide the story that I was telling we we got to it we I think solved the crime we had it translated by professor tony burk an expert in Syriac which is a kind of a language that's related to our make and Hebrew the languages that Jesus spoke and we had it translated then we had it decoded now someone might say why do you have to decode anything because there's such a concept as typology in in Christian theology and that means that according to Christian theology the entire Old Testament is a prefiguration a setup of foreshadowing of Jesus and and the New Testament so therefore there are types Joseph is a type of Jesus doesn't on me this is basic Christian theology and it's certainly central to the syriac church a church that still exists now why is he a type of Jesus because like Jesus he was thought dead but then it turned out he was alive like Jesus he was betrayed he was thrown in the dungeon there's lists of hundreds of similarities between Joseph the biblical Joseph from the book of Genesis and Jesus and when the syriac church basically says when we say gee when we say Joseph we mean Jesus that's not us that's that's effort that's people it's it's serious theologians from 1500 years ago so we use their own typology to take a text a gospel that was hiding in plain sight at the British Library it's been there for over a hundred years and we decoded it and it was very simple in a sense it wasn't quite The Da Vinci Code what we did is we substituted where it says Joseph we put Jesus and you could say well Joseph's biblical wife was a snap why she Mary Magdalene people think Mary Magdalene is a name it's not a name it's a title McDowell then and now in Hebrew means Tower Mary Magdalene on her mailbox it didn't say Ms Magdalene Mary Magdalene means Mary the tower lady so it either means the towering figure or a woman who lived in a tower or a person who came from tower town McDowell but it means the tower lady and in this text a snot is portrayed one way and one way only living in the tower so once we substituted that what we got is the inside story if you will the back story the history behind the Gospels it doesn't really contradict the Gospels in a sense in some sense it does but it fills in so what it tells us it's in three sections the first two sections is a love story it's boy meets girl boy rejects girl because she's not Jewish remember Jesus is called rabbi in the Gospels in the New Testament and he rejects her why does he reject her because she's not Jewish this is new information who is she she's a Canaanite she's a Phoenician and she why is she living in the tower because the tower is a place of Canaanite worship she is a priestess she's a vestal virgin according to this the original Virgin Mary is not the mother but the wife now this again I don't want to contradict anybody's theology but where I come from moms are never virgins and wives are sometimes versions when you meet them but they have a chance at being virgins wife whereas moms don't so it made sense that the original Virgin Mary was the wife and according to this text that's the case and what happens according to this text and it's very exciting because you're looking at the Big Bang of Christianity they join in a new enterprise they try to bring together she abandons her pagan gods she accepts not Judaism but monotheism and together they set out to create really a universal religion in a sense they succeeded but in marked contrast central to this religion is their physical and sexual relationship that's not me that's this text and this text existed and was copied only in monasteries right there's no Jewish context for this thing there's no there's only a Christian context and it's what scholars call a gnostic context meaning according to the people who saw this as a gospel the most important thing about Jesus and Mary Magdalene was their bedroom and it makes sense because it says it's called a bridal chamber theology because they were the ones who were able to come on earth and show us how the carnal the physical and the spiritual can be perfectly United as opposed to being divided basically what we believe is that Paul adopted this theology and wrote her out of the story but to the people who believed in this she was the most she was a co Messiah if you will and their relationship was central to their beliefs finally they had two children and this text tells us the the politics behind the crucifixion of how this theology that started in the Galilee ended up with one of its two leaders being on the cross now the book is out there it was an Amazon a few months ago history topped the history bestseller but as somebody as one of the speakers said before there's a monopoly of there's an elite that monopolizes knowledge and if you don't sing their tune they either marginalize demonize or if they can't say anything they don't say anything and and the story it basically is made to go away by surely by being ignored in all academic and Theological circles in a way that's what's happened the fact that in the last few years Jesus's tomb was found and now the historical and archaeological evidence points to this as the the back story of the crucifixion as my friend that that's checking passports at LaGuardia if it was true I'd hear about it all the time well I believe it is true and when people's collective psyche is ready for it I think he will be hearing about it all the time and maybe the truth will come out of idea city and this little platform will grow and grow and grow and everybody will find Jesus literally now for my failings I have always found simcoe's work amazingly persuasive he plotted a new route that better explains the exodus for example in one of his great documentaries and in another to my amazement and a little bit to my horror I think you prove that one of the most virulent enemies of Israel and of Jews in the world the Posche student these very extreme Muslims in Afghanistan are actually descended from one of the ten tribes did you really well except for yes I made a song called quest for Lost Tribes right and you know they're not enemies of Israel the purse tune are the people that we hear about as the Taliban okay now the Taliban is not a people it's not a tribe it's a political and religious movement the people are called Pashtun Passons the English called them and these are the people that we when I went there nobody had heard of them at least you know just people looking for really good weed but yeah but now everybody knows about Afghanistan and the Taliban and so on uh you know people say how come you find all these things for one I'm looking you're not looking it's impossible to find but you land in Pakistan you picked up by a cab driver who's a Pashtun because they're in Pakistan Afghanistan and you say excuse me sir who what do you belong to a tribe and he says yes I mean any any any Pashtun you say what tribe they say we're talk about 16 million people say we are Bani Israel we are the children of Israel they're still divided in biblical tribes God in a frame which is a free D today Rabbani the prime minister of afghanistan was named Robin you ask him sir why you called her Oh Bonnie says I'm from the tribe of Reuben and the last thing I want to say about this thing is that it would seem that this is just interesting historically but it's interesting today the CIA all these guys running around Afghanistan don't realize that they have potential allies you said they're enemies but they're potential allies and bin Laden understood that one of the reasons they didn't give him up is he went into what's called a City of Refuge and I met with people at the State Department I told them in the Bible there are cities of refuge if you make it into the City of Refuge the you cannot give this guy up what you have to do is coax him out of the city of refuge and then the people who are protecting him will turn him over so he understood their mentality went into a city of refuge and used his understanding of their theology to hide himself once we start understanding history I think that we can actually put it to use also in things like combating the Taliban but not the Pashtun now in Israel when they heard me say as they said wait a minute are you saying you want a hundred thousand Taliban's to emigrate to Israel no thank you I'm not quite saying that but I think the day will happen that there will be a hundred thousand paths on it like Ethiopian Jews over a hundred thousand that made it Israel one day you will go and you'll see all these Afghani is running around Tel Aviv and that's a good thing I think all the way back to Raiders of the Lost Ark there is a fascination with ancient archaeology and I hope to pursue this fascination at greater length next year but simcha if you'll forgive me and permit me I want to read a quote from one of your great debunkers could I do that it's just it's so much fun sure so he says about your work it's speculation wrapped in here saying couched in conspiracy masquerading as science ensconced in sensationalism slathered with misinformation and topped with a colorful hat and all I can say is they got to work that hard but somebody's ideas down you know he's probably on the right track you
Channel: ideacity
Views: 503,409
Rating: 4.2955117 out of 5
Keywords: City, Bride Of God Simcha Jacobovici (Organization Leader) Religion (TV Genre), Idea, The Lost Gospel: Jesus' Marriage To Mary Magdelene, ZoomerMedia, ideacity, VisionTV, The Lost Gospel, archaeologist, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, The Naked Archaeologist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2015
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