Why Did Caine KILL Gummigoo? - The Amazing Digital Circus

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at the end of the second episode of The Amazing digital circus pne's new friend gummig goo is WIP from existence by cane before her very eyes today I'm going to go into what happened why Kane killed gummy goo and the secrets Kane may be hiding starting with my first theory that Kane is actually telling the truth about not being able to tell the difference between NPCs and humans he says he did it because he can't intermix humans and NPCs otherwise something bad will happen if I start losing track of who's a human and who's NPC who knows what could happen and while Kane doesn't elaborate on what that means it's possible we could find out in future episodes but anyways if this theory is actually true and something bad will happen if too many NPCs and humans are together in the circus then I'm sure there are actually quite a few things that could actually go wrong with this the first thing is it may overload the digital circus if you're not aware the amazing digital circus takes place in a late '90s 3D VR video game games from that time were exactly graphically or technically Marvels by today's standards so not many objects could be loaded in a scene at once otherwise the system running would be under intense stress from the game game consoles at that time were much better at running 3D games at least compared to Windows computers which may or may not be the computer used in the digital circus what it comes down to though is that maybe having too many characters perfectly simulated in these computers rather than being controlled by humans could take up a lot of resources and potentially cause more glitches and bugs in the digital circus maybe the NPCs aren't meant to live in The Amazing digital circus at all all of the NPCs are just made up of code so it's possible that maybe the characters just aren't meant to live that way similar to an animal living outside of their natural habitat the NPC could possibly die or even abstract if they're left in the circus for too long because that's not where they're supposed to be in the first place the final reason is that Kane might have some sort of tracking system that are attached to the humans and if n PES get in the mix it might ruin whatever kind of experiments or whatnot that Kane is doing to track the humans and everything would get messed up and as I said before it would cause glitches in the game because we still don't know if he's evil or not and while these theories may be true I'm leaning more towards the fact that Kane is actually lying to paly and something more is up than Kane lets on my second theory as to why Kaden killed gummy goo is because gummy goo might have actually known some things that he wasn't supposed to when pumy and gummy goo glitch out of the map he sees some really weird stuff all of his friends and people he knows in the candy Canyon kingdom are standing in a te pose in a blue and black checkered room with nothing else in it and it seems that paly and gummy goo went out of bounds where the extra models are stored something common in video games the whole experience however sort of gave gummig goo an existential crisis pomy tells gummig goo that he is an NPC in the game and that neither him nor his friends are real what's even worse is that gummig goo notices that his mom isn't actually in the big collection of characters that he sees which causes him to wonder why he doesn't remember his mother's face which is pretty sad obviously he's an NPC who has a preset set of memories emotions and personality and while his character may have a mother this mother doesn't actually exist because in the context of the game that the amazing digital circus cast go through it doesn't require any space for Gummy goo's mom to exist meaning that gummy goo's Mom isn't even real gummy goo and his friends aren't meant to have a very deep backstory that's fleshed out like they say in the show they're just obstacles to be defeated once gummig goo figures this out things can start to go wrong for Kane so in the amazing digital circus gumu is the only NPC that knew they were well an NPC but I have a feeling that an NPC knowing that they're an NPC can somehow mess with whatever plans Kane has and that might be exactly why Kane killed him in the first place maybe gummig goo knew something that the others don't because he was an NPC and if he's an NPC made of code maybe he's supposed to be a part of the digital circus rather than existing in it kind of like the mannequins he may know more about its inner workings and possibly help the cast escape this would make perfect sense because we see Kane instantly pop gummy goo out of existence and say that bad things might happen if NPCs and regular humans begin to intermingle so what he's saying might technically be true but it would actually be bad for cane not the humans another theory I have is that maybe gummy goo isn't gone after all see after gummig go is taken out of the digital circus retha tells PNE that Kane likes to reuse NPCs and it's possible that he'll reappear in a future Adventure you know he might be back in a future Adventure I know Kane sometimes likes to reuse inpcs well gummy goo being taken to the digital circus permanently seems to be off the table due to rules I think we should discuss if he'll ever come back and how that would exactly look as we know Raga told PNE that the NPC's reappear because Kane reuses them but that doesn't exactly mean that the gummy goo that PNE meant will ever return and to be quite honest I don't think that'll ever happen in fact I think that if gummy goo does ever happen to reappear again pomy will remember gumy goo but gummig goo will have no idea who PNE is the NPCs most likely aren't made to memories like that so even if they quote unquote reappear in another adventure due to can reusing NPCs I don't think that means that gummy goo in a new adventure would have any old memories that he did when py and him were friends and met in the weird back rooms place if anything his mind would probably just be wiped and he would have no idea who palne is he would just go back to his default set of memories thinking his mom is still real I think if pomy ever did meet gummy goo again though she might get quite mess messed up about it because he will forget everything about her but PNE wol have remembered everything that happened when they first met though this might not be as sad as we think when PNE and everyone else was at Kos funeral palne had a vision of her falling down back into the cellar again but instead this time falling into the black abyss and she was caught by her friends this time which to me this seems that she finally trusts her friends and settled into the circus now there's one last thing I wanted to talk about and it's actually kind of messed up when you think about it my theory is that I think rathan knew what would happen to gummy goo when he entered the circus but didn't tell her and if you think about it throughout the entire show ratha has taken palne under her Wing protected her and has been especially kind which it's kind of strange to be so friendly after only knowing her for a day but I think that just might be ratha's personality even in the first episode when PNE does some pretty selfish things ratha doesn't stay mad at PNE for very long and the Very next day she tries to assure pomy that she isn't mad at her and understands that PNE did what she thought she had to do even if ratha might have been an intense pain while glitching out the way that she did after her confrontation with kmo rega still decides to be kind to pomy and help her out throughout the digital circus because she knows it's hard being brand new to the circus and how scary it must be knowing that you'll never be able to leave well at least as far as we know but in the second episode palne and ratha were a bit awkward around each other they ended up separating and that's where pomy meets gummy goo and they become friends because of their shared experience of feeling meaningless because of this pomy decides to take gummig goo back to the digital circus but when pomy tells ratha she says this oh uh is that allowed as you can see ragi sort of doubts pomy for a moment before letting it go and telling PNE what she's doing is nice of her when they arrive back at the circus though gummig goo is killed by Kane and I have a feeling though that ratha knew what was up but still let paly find out the hard way in order to avoid a conflicting situation and I mean it's not too unlikely that she had the same idea when she first got to the digital circus ratha might have also brought back an NPC so it would only make sense that rathod knew what would happen and didn't tell PNE either for a good or a bad reason
Channel: Circus Theory
Views: 47,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the amazing digital circus, pomni, jax
Id: OVGe92bEwPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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