How Luke Skywalker REACTED To Order 66 When He Found OUT!!

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we've seen how Luke reacted to finding out Darth Vader is his father no no what we never really got in the movies however was Order 66 and how Luke Skywalker ultimately found out that his father was the main culprit the main player in that order of course Palatine was the one who activated it but Darth Vader played a key role together with the Clones in destroying the entire Jedi Order when Luke found out he actually had a very visceral reaction to this finding out to What depths his father went and executing Order 66 not only killing the Jedi but also the Younglings too Order 66 saw Vader in his ultimate low and Star Wars issue number five of the 2020 series gave us a real purview into Luke's thoughts when he found out about Order 66 so from the first issue onwards the whole ordeal has has been Luke dealing with the fact that Darth Vader not only defeated him but showed that he was his father with that not only psychological turmoil remained in Luke's brain but also searching for his now lost lightsaber he searched on bespin with no luck now the force is leading him to a mysterious female Jedi that appeared in his vision this Vision sent him to the planet Celia where slowly but surely Luke descended on the planet once down below we see a hooded figure together with a Droid working at the port on the cargo bay all of a sudden though there is this boy he presents himself to the figure as Luke and he asks this person if he or she is a Jedi once they heard this realizing it was too late they let go of all the fish that they had harbored and made a run for it now Luke was desperately trying to catch up going through treacherous Waters in order to gain the upper hand and finally get some answers unfortunately for Luke though he wasn't experienced enough with boats as his tipped over and the young Jedi nearly drowned if it wasn't for a nearby island with the help of R2D2 Luke finally made it to shore once he stepped on ground he was relieved to feel sand again he told her to how much he actually loves sand if I may pause for a second of course this is a clear notd to Anakin hating sand and Luke being a totally different person in this perspective at least loving sand even though he grew up on Tatooine as well in somewhat of a loving family although not high class same as his father as a child now Luke noticed some Footprints and this of course showed him his path eily enough this island reminded him of deoa the dark and mysterious caves and journeying into the unknown Luke was now doubly worried because not only did he lose his light saber he lost his Blaster as well this left him defenseless and all of a sudden just as he was worrying he stepped on a booby trap lucky for them Luke still had a third weapon which was the force he used the force to grab R2 and get him to safety and also stop the traps from harming them in the end it was just too dangerous for R2 he left the astrom Droid to stay here in case something happens to Luke he will be the one to tell Leia what actually happened here and with that he journeyed all by himself deeper inside the Cave the more he journeyed the more his life life was in danger as he was dodging spikes left and right traps that were meticulously set but in the end his carefulness was just not enough he stepped on a hidden shaft where Luke fell down and as soon as he did metal bars locked him down for good now the water was Rising more and more and Luke was trying to use the force use the force as Yoda had taught him now this mysterious figure was taunting Luke wanting to figure out what he's trying to do he cannot hold back the entire sea but Luke had a clear-cut message do or do not there is no try this hooded figure had heard that message as well now they inquired what are they doing here and what do they want from them but Luke already had explained himself the force sent him a vision Luke said I saw you you were calling to me he is training to be a Jedi just like herself but she was no Jedi and in her book anyone who wants to be that is a fool as quickly she pressed a button and with that the sea stopped Rising although Luke took credit for himself the hooded figure finally admitted Luke was strong in the force maybe perhaps stronger than she was but she is pretty good at reading people she can tell when they're lying and Luke Luke is telling the truth he is not one of the hunters as the hooded figure called them he is just a poor deluded kid as she finally revealed himself to be Vera now Avid readers of the Darth Vader comic series of 2018 will know that Vera is actually one of the Disciples of Master bar in fact she was one of the strongest ones since she was forc sensitive and she was training with Master bar to become as much of a force Adept as she could her training of course was cut short once Master bar died at the hands of Darth Vader and she finally escaped mongala even still ver did not believe that this boy was destined to be a Jedi but Luke had a different question what does she mean when she says Hunters now Vera understood the naive of Luke he really was over his head and didn't know anything of what had happened and what is currently happening Vero was disappointed that someone had told Luke about all the good stuff about the Jedi bright Warriors of peace and justice but they skipped all all the bad parts did he ever wonder why there aren't any more Jedi around if it were so great why would more people want to become a Jedi she guessed that whoever taught Luke about the force did not mention the inquisitors or The Purge The Purge said Luke not knowing anything about it this cemented it for Verla she already knew that Luke shouldn't walk the Jedi path but now she knows Luke shouldn't she find finally started explaining to Luke Order 66 at the end of the Clone Wars she told Luke when Emperor Palpatine took power he declared the entire Jedi Order to be traitors he issued Order 66 and most of the Jedi died that very day not just full Knights either but padawans even younglings died in The Purge in fact Order 66 still stands To This Day Jedi ought to be killed on sight even people who might be Jedi people like me that's why she ran away the first time she saw him in order to quell the Jedi threat the Empire sent out powerful force users which were Dark Side adapts to hunt down any Jedi survivors this group was called the inquisitorius but their boss he was much worse than any of them and he's still out there laying above the pile of rebels and Jedi this Monster of Monsters was pure and true evil and Luke knew exactly who he was as Vera uttered the words Darth Vader the moment Vera said that name Luke reacted in a way that was strange and Verla started picking this up through the force although Luke tried to deny it she reached out with the force and tried to get inside his head she saw Luke's hand being cut off Luke was lying to Vera who is he now Luke was grabbing his head his memories were being toyed with and he pleaded with Vera to stop but in the end Vera found out the truth that Darth Vader was Luke's father he is Darth Vader's son and Luke pleaded with her that it was a lie he knows it was a lie but Verla was not hearing it she reactivated the Trap and now the sea completely engulfed Luke in that trap we later Luke of course getting rescued by R2 but what's interesting is that we've never actually seen Luke address Order 66 in live action whether it be in a liveaction series like the book of Boba Fett like the Ahsoka series even in the movie so it would be cool later on down the road to see Luke Skywalker actually talk about Order 66 and the consequences that that order had on the entire Jedi history
Channel: Star Wars Comics
Views: 130,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darth vader, vader vs, star wars comics, star wars comics explained, star wars explained, jedi, sith, lightsaber, vader lightsaber, darth vader lightsaber, sidious, darth sidious, darth vader vs, palpatine vs vader, darth vader revenge, vader order 66
Id: tvopCUGN0iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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