Why Darth Maul Died So Easily Against Obi-Wan in Rebels - Star Wars Explained

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Oh ha you should check out some of my other channel have a great day in rebels we got the beautiful and poetic ending to Darth Maul's legacy he fought Obi one for the second time one-on-one unless you know we count those few times in the Clone Wars vall had spent decades with pent-up anger and rage against Kenobi his entire survival was based on his revenge for what the Jedi did to his body mind and life he blamed that battle on Naboo all those years ago to be the pivotal moment where his life shifted from Sith Lord to nothing his form seven lightsaber fighting style and his overall aggressive and athletic strikes against the much older flag on Jin evidently tired the Jedi Master out opening him up for the final strike leading to his death before young Kenobi's eyes if we look closely in slow-motion Maul uses his unique long double bladed hilt to strike Jin under the chin momentarily surprising him and stunning him as we can clearly see he used the split-second opportunity to spin and kill him I've done a video before on why qui-gon lost to Darth Maul and why Maul lost Obi Wan here but never won on why Maul lost Obi Wan in rebels at the very end the fight was extremely quick it was also extremely poetic Dave Filoni himself has said that he doesn't want a long drawn-out fight he's done those he wanted something meaningful and sweet something realistic now I'm all used the same exact move he had done to kill Obi Wan's master qui-gon jinn but now on Obi one and that's the poetic part about it hoping it would kill him just like it did his mentor Kenobi had studied the attack and gone over the fight thousands of times in his mind this is kind of like something that Anakin did in the comics where he studied Obi Wan's fight with Darth Maul and when it came time to Anakin's demise and Revenge of the Sith Obi once said don't try it because he knew what Anakin was trying to do kenobi knew that his masters downfall wasn't because the Zap rock Seth was necessarily a better fighter it was because he underestimated the other possibilities of maules blade he was focused on the two blades but what he didn't open his mind to at least in that split second was the hilt the samurai would use their entire katanas not just the blade but the hill to the Jedi and Sith were based on samurai so I can see where the choreography for that finishing strike came into place by the time mom moved in on Kenobi on the desert and of tatooine kenobi knew exactly where the strike was going to end up he also knew malls mind that the villain was so sadistic he would gain pleasure knowing that he killed master and apprentice with the same finishing strike Kenobi wouldn't allow it he had his focus heightened and his battle meditation at the ready in the qui-gon and obi-wan book that just came out which is Canon Jin states how Kenobi was very bad at battle meditation this is obviously something Kenobi worked on over the decades Kenobi had the most important thing to protect Luke the new hope there was no time for a drawn-out battle that could risk Luke's life if maul had won he would have gone to Train Luke he would have killed the Lars family and taken Skywalker as his own turning him into this sadistic powerful dark side at being and unleashing him on the Empire eventually I mean that'd be actually a really cool fanfiction to make so in summation for this video however Maul once again used attacks that he had clearly done moves that he knew that Kenobi might have remembered and that was a chance he was willing to take unfortunately the chance and the arrogance once again cost him his life only this time for good as he died obi-wan cradled him and we get a nice ending tomorrow's internal struggle with himself and Kenobi finally put to rest the two almost become friends in that little moment as Maul told him that Luke will avenge us footing Kenobi and himself in the same category I like how they incorporated qui-gon in there somehow I mean even if it was just Maul using the Deathstroke that he dealt the jinn it's still a nice homage let me know if you think the battle was too short or if you liked it the way it was thanks for watching this video hit like if you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one until then remember the force will be with you always your destiny you
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 2,149,308
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Keywords: Why Darth Maul Died So Easily Against Obi-Wan in Rebels - Star Wars Explained, star wars, star wars explained, darth maul, star wars rebels, darth maul death, obi-wan kenobi, star wars theory, star wars rebels season 3, luke skywalker, darth maul lightsaber, darth vader, kylo ren, the last jedi, anakin skywalker, star wars the last jedi, darth vader death, order 66, darth vader suit, star wars episode 9 trailer, who is snoke
Id: qQFeajKeE6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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