Why CLONES switched to PHASE II ARMOR (and why it's better) | Star Wars Lore

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[Music] although the shift from phase 1 to phase 2 clone armor occurring roughly halfway through the Clone Wars was very noticeable there's not a lot of discussion about what the new line of armor actually offered most quite reasonably assumed that it was generally better and while that is true I thought it'd be interesting to track down the actual improvements offered by the Phase two and I've identified two major changes between the armor lines which we'll discuss today the first improvement was in the area of flexibility and just generally designed the old starwars.com article on clone troopers had a nice description of the phase one which was taken almost verbatim from several visual dictionaries pay attention specifically to the end the first series of clone trooper armor designated phase 1 armor consisted of 20 form-fitted plastered alloy composite plates sealed to a temperature-controlled body glove via magnet Amish gripped Eon panels Jango Fett's Mandalorian Heritage influenced the design of the armor as seen in the t-shaped adviser plate the Camino ins aesthetic is also visible in its stark coloration and detailing as the Camino ins are not fully versed in human economics the armor was uncomfortable to sit in though future generations of the suit corrected this flaw the attack of the clones visual dictionary expands on this adding that the armor allowed only reasonable freedom of movement further stating that the black body glove protects from the elements but is meant primarily for heavy use the armor was at times so unwieldy or uncomfortable that some clones actively disliked it despite the good degree of protection that had offered unsurprisingly the primary thing the phase 2 improved upon was this flexibility not only was it more ergonomic but according to the new visual guide the phase 2 was more flexible and lighter than the original phase 1 this may be due to improvements in technology or perhaps also the removal of some generally unneeded features for example the phase 1 suit was vacuum sealed and included a full life support system however season six episode one of the Clone Wars shows that soldiers wearing phase two armor need external oxygen though they do have mag boots allowing them to fight in zero-g I wouldn't be surprised if the standard phase two was stripped down of some redundant or unnecessary components which would be added in for specialist roles and this is all about modularity and effectiveness we'll get back to this in a minute but I just like to summarize at this point one of the main benefits of the phase two was a general greater flexibility brought on by likely improvements in material weight and design these changes especially the more functional design would have been largely led by clones and the experiences they shared from their time on the battlefield and although the Kami no one's actually manufacturing the suits is sort of weird to me especially where almost everything else for the Republic army was outsourced having the species that created and controlled the training for the clones able to respond to these realities of the war is kind of nice the second main benefit of the Phase two was its degree of customization options and the fact that it generally allowed specialized soldiers to be much more effective and this reflected a better understanding of the nature of war and a realization of the seriousness of the separatist threat look at the phase one we see almost a cockiness within the aesthetics alone the helmet almost reminds me of a Roman soldiers helmet with a crest or plume which supposedly by the way is a commlink phase one troopers were uniformed almost totally in white armor without camouflage as they wanted their enemies to see them coming from afar and fear them and this is some arrogance the general idea was that's the superior training of the clones and their state-of-the-art armor was itself basically enough to win the war however it was soon obvious that a more practical versatile and flexible army was needed here's a quote from The Revenge of the Sith visual dictionary as the Clone Wars became entrenched the need for specialization among troopers became apparent though a one-size-fit-all approach can provide the Republic with a ready-made infantry it cannot to contend with the dynamic strategies of the separatists in the tactical demands of a thousand different worlds by the end of the conflict there were many mission specific clone forces which go on to form the basis of the empire stormtrooper specializations so the primary way this was manifested with the phase two was a high degree of suit configurability and a Phase two clone could much more extensively alter their suit depending on their needs there's a couple of practical examples commanders had better communication equipment within their armor Scout units had better built-in binoculars and extra survival packs you get the idea the armor also allowed for more aesthetic changes trooper squads were made more customizable besides for arcs phase 1 armor was really only distinguished by rank colors the customization of phase 2 allowed an even higher degree of clone camaraderie and squad associations to form both things which I think are a benefit and I've talked many times about why the Clone Army is so bright and I often come back to its high degree of expertise and specialization the phase 2 allowed for this in a way that the phase 1 just did not other than those two features various sources have mentioned that the phase 2 has better visor equipment a more miniaturized but effective comm system and was generally more hardened to laser bolts but that's all for today on this topic did I miss something which do prefer the phase 1 or the phase 2 and which clone has your favorite looking set of customized armor today's question of the day comes from Dan the youtube addict who asks about the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Jess in legends Palpatine is killed multiple times but during the dark empire crisis he basically has a whole host of cloned bodies which his soul moves between I've covered his final death and how he was actually killed by Han Solo in a video which I'll link above do you guys have a question make sure to leave it below with the hashtag ask AK until next time this has been at karts ladder happy 2019 may the force be with you [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 1,764,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars lore, star wars legends lore, star wars clone wars, clone wars, clone trooper, star wars clone wars armor, phase i clone, phase ii clone, phase i vs phase ii, phase i clone armor, eckhartsladder, clone trooper armor, clone wars lore, clone trooper armor difference, why clones switched to phase ii armor, why phase ii armor better than phase i, clone trooper armor types, phase 1 vs phase 2 clone armor, clone trooper armor differences, star wars canon
Id: iAPAjiRtHxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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