Why Christians are Compromising (LIVE Q&A)

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AlienEnglish 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody welcome to the Tuesday night chat I want to start out tonight just talking about something that I've been thinking about lately you know we've been last week we talked about abortion and the law in New York has changed and allowed abortion up to birth and you've seen the news all the time about different churches talking about homosexuality the LGBT how a lot of churches are opening up to that and allowing it and even you know there's some denominations some churches that are allowing homosexual pastors and elders and deacons and things like that and I recently saw something about Christian witches and was talking they were talking about how there are Christians who are also practicing witchcraft and there's some of them even refer to themselves as Christian witches and they say that you can you can be a Christian and do witchcraft and it's not a problem and so there's there's all kinds of different things that are going on in the world today and they're infiltrating into the church and therefore trading into mainstream mainline Christian denominations and it's it's one of the things that's kind of it's just been on my mind a lot lately it's been troubling me a lot and so I just wanted to talk about some of those issues real quick and what I think the problem is why is this happening why is the church compromising why is the church in such a position that they are allowing these things to take place and I think some of them are at the point where they feel like they're they have to allow it that they are kind of back themselves into a corner and they don't see a way out of it and ultimately I think it comes down to because they have rejected the Old Testament they've rejected the the Torah and they say we only have to keep what the New Testament says and if it's not repeated in the New Testament then we don't have to do it and so they come up with with come here across problems now and they're seeing that a lot of the things that the the tourists says we shouldn't do they're they're starting to compromise on those things and you know 50 years ago 100 years ago these things weren't happening Christians were you know they still didn't say we need to keep all the Torah but they were there were so many parts of the Torah that they were keeping anyway and so you had you know 100 years ago Christians didn't get tattoos 50 years ago Christians didn't get tattoos this is something that's been new it's a new thing in Christianity 100 years ago 50 years ago the the homosexual agenda was not even an issue for Christians to deal with they they didn't even in the world it wasn't a big issue and especially in the church they weren't dealing with it at all they were they would just say no that's that's unbiblical you shouldn't do that that's that's a sin that's an abomination 50 years ago a hundred years ago they weren't dealing with with with witchcraft in the church this is a new thing that's coming along and a lot of it has to do with Harry Potter a lot of it has to do with Disney pushing witchcraft in the movies and things like that a lot of novels and things that people are reading have witchcraft in them and so it's being pushed to the forefront in our society today whereas it wasn't before but the reason that there is now becoming a problem in the church these these issues that are clearly spoken against in the Bible churches are compromising in those areas and they're saying okay we'll let you do that it's okay you can still be a Christian and do these things is because they have compromised and they've said we don't have to keep all of the the Torah we don't have to keep all the commandments in the Old Testament and they'll say well we just need to keep the moral law not the ceremonial law within since the Bible doesn't define what is moral law what a ceremonial law then there's a lot of gray areas does this commandment apply to everybody does it only apply to the Jews does this only apply if there's a temple does this only apply to moral situations or does this does this apply to moral situations or does it only apply to ceremony of situations and so there's a lot of gray areas and people try to to distinguish and define those things but the Bible doesn't define them for us and so like we'll just take the 10 commandments for example they'll say that the Sabbath is a ceremonial commandment not a moral commitment and so that's why a lot of Christians don't keep the Sabbath they'll say that let's you know step outside the Ten Commandments now and they'll say like of Leviticus 11 where it talks about the food laws they'll say well those are for ceremonial clean cleanliness they're not moral and so we don't have to keep those you know so you get into these kinds of arguments well who says that's ceremonial and not moral and who said that we only need to keep the moral Commandments anyway you know that that was that's not defined in the Bible either now you have Christians who are who are saying you don't even need to keep keep the Ten Commandments and you know I've heard I've heard numerous preachers big megachurch TV preachers mostly who will say you don't even need to keep the Ten Commandments and they'll say if you try to keep the Ten Commandments then you're trying to earn your salvation and you're rejecting grace and you know we're getting so far in the wrong direction you know a hundred years ago they weren't they weren't teaching you needed to keep the whole Torah but people were we're keeping it anyway you know for you know a lot of the a lot of the things anyway you know they were saying maybe they didn't eat kosher but they they were definitely taking a strong stance against for example tattoos and homosexuality and witchcraft and now there's such a swing in the other direction that even issues that used to be very very strong strongly opposed by Christians are now being accepted and you see churches with the gay pastors and it's because of the compromises because they were compromising on a certain commandment in in the Old Testament for four generations they've been compromising on those things like for example it says not to eat unclean things well so it says eating an unclean thing is an abomination well like someone they'll argue that will homosexuality is an abomination and someone will say well you you are you're fine with eating unclean things you say it's okay if we shellfish and pig and the Bible says that's an abomination so why are you opposed to homosexuality they're both called an abomination and they put them in this corner where they say well since you're allowing unclean meats into your body why are you opposed to unclean sexual relationships and so you know they kind of put them in a corner there and what the church should do is say you know what you're right we shouldn't be eating unclean things either the Bible says the Bible's clearly saying that's an abomination we should reject those unclean things and stop eating them that's the way the church should have went but instead the church said oh well yeah I guess I could see your point since since we don't accept the kosher laws why do we accept this this log is somewhat sexuality that was the thing in the past just like the kosher laws were the thing of the past maybe it's not so big a deal and why don't you come become our pastor now since you're your homosexual and you seem to understand the Bible pretty well you know you knew you knew that we don't need unclean things and you showed me that the homosexuality is is okay now so I guess you could be a pastor that's kind of the attitude that churches have now and but you know the this it's one of those issues that if the church hadn't compromised for so long on certain things they wouldn't be in the situation they're in now where they're having to compromise on bigger issues they were compromising on what I would say is probably smaller issues compromised on eating unclean things I would say that's probably one of the smaller issues but now they're in a position where they are compromising on homosexuality and I would say that's a big issue but the Bible says they're both an abomination and so you know how can you say that one's okay and one's not it doesn't make any sense anyway that's just something that's been on my mind just recently and and like I said I saw things saying there was Christian witches and really what what they were talking about is that the the generation the Millennials and and those younger like so those in their 20s and and teenagers and younger because they've grown up with so much witchcraft influence in their life with the movies and books and various things that they are attracted to they're attracted to the occult they're attracted to witchcraft many people in the millennial generation they they're just going full witchcraft and so we see a rise in Wiccans we see a rise in various other pagan witchcraft type religion practices and they seem to be really drawn to that they see something attractive about it the out of its the power or what it is they're drawn to but there's also a rise in people who claim to be Christians who are also practicing witchcraft and the Bible clearly says don't have anything to do with witchcraft in that you know if you if there's somebody who's practicing witchcraft they should be cut off you know if they're you know they're part of the community there should be kicked out of the community or killed in some situations is what the Bible is explaining and so you know it's for us to compromise and to say that okay well yeah you can you can be a Christian and do witchcraft or you can be a Christian and practice homosexuality or you know all these various other things you're not being a Christian anymore is what you're doing anytime you compromise in that way when you when you start saying you can do both you're not doing both you can't you know you sure said you can't serve two masters and he talked about money he says you can't serve God and money but ultimately you can't serve two masters anyway you can't serve God and witchcraft you can't serve God and Satan you can't serve two masters you were either gonna love one and hate the other or be devoted one despise the other but you can't serve them both and so if you're trying to do be a Christian and do some of those other things that the Bible as opposed to then you're not being a Christian and that's ultimately what it comes down to let's go and jump into some of the chat questions can you please recommend a Bible version for someone who is new to Messianic Jew or he bruits movement there's a lot of I actually did a couple videos on this I have two videos I've one is with for wreck for Bible Hebrew roots Bible translations I recommend I think is what I called it and I talked about the restoration Study Bible that's based on the King James and they have taken it and they have made corrections to some of the translation errors and they have added in Hebrew names so instead of saying God or yeah instead of saying God it says Yahweh instead of saying Jesus as Yeshua stead of saying Lourdes is Adonai it got rid of you know the translation where it's translated Sheol as hell it now translates it as Sheol and Hades instead of Hell it translates Hades and Gehenna instead of Hell it translates Gehenna and so fixed a lot of those translation errors it fixed the error in in acts where you translate Passover as Easter they fixed that and so there's there's a number of minor translation errors that they fixed and it has Strong's Concordance numbers with this so you can easily look up words and so it's it's a it's a good translation if you like the King James that's when I would recommend most of the others are based on the critical text and like I said I had two videos once talking about Hebrews translations once talking about just Bible translations in general and there's there's two basically two branches of text that Bible translations are based on one is the majority text and one is the critical text and the King James and New King James and Aramaic English New Testament and various others are the majority texts they they use the majority text to four as the basis for the translation and then so the other translation is the the critical text and so you'll have things like the NIV the ESV the New Revised Standard most modern translations are based on the critical text the critical text leaves out a lot of verses that are what they would consider questionable basically they took codex sinaiticus and codex Vaticanus and those are their two primary sources and if if a verse is not present in one of those two texts or both of those two texts then they they say well this text may not have been in the originals and so then I'll put it in the translation and so you end up with quite a few verses that are missing or shortened and in some cases it's not a you know you really don't notice a difference it's not a big deal it's not anything significant but in other cases there's some significant stuff missing and so you know I would encourage you to do some comparison between different texts and different translations but as far as translations that I recommend I really like the New King James that's the one I use most of the time it's based on the majority text and so you're not missing a bunch of verses and it's a good translation and updated translation so it's it's easier to read and they did a good job with the translation I think and a lot of the errors that were in the King James the the King James has errors I know there's a lot of people who are King James only and they believe that King James has no errors that's just not true there are errors in the King James there are translation problems translation errors and it does have problems it's not a perfect translation and in case you didn't know yeshua didn't speak King James English that was no they didn't speak English at all they spoke Hebrew Aramaic Greek various other languages that were around in that culture at that time but then you speak English and the Bible was originally written in Hebrew Aramaic and Greek and it's been translated so those of you who are King James only the King James isn't perfect I know it's a good translation I don't see anything wrong with wanting to use it I like the King James but it's not perfect and it does have errors and the New King James is not perfect either but I believe it is a very good translation and it's a solid translation and that's the one I usually use the Tree of Life if you're wanting like a Hebrew roots messianic translations some of the others you might look into is Tree of Life version as is a decent one it's based on the critical text though so you're gonna have missing verses but as a translation in itself they did a good job with it I know Michael Brown is one of the people who is on the board translating it and they did a good job I think it's a good one I'm just disappointed that it's not based on the majority text I wish they would have used the majority as to the critical another good one the Scriptures is a decent one there are parts of it that I just I don't like the way they translate certain things and it just kind of comes off as why they do that instead of this and but I think a lot of that's just personal preference they may have done it because of copyright laws maybe they had to you know copyright laws say that you had to show significant difference in your translation from all others and so they may have translated things slightly different than what it should have been because of copyright I don't know but so I like the Scriptures but there's a lot of things that I don't like about it the complete Jewish Bible is a popular one I think it's okay it's it's kind of in it's a fun read it's easy to read but it reads like the NIV and really in my opinion that's basically what it is is they took an NIV and then they kind of put in some Hebrew words and made it more appealing to Jewish people but to me it just feels like an NIV and it's very similar in translation to an NIV so if you like NIV you might like the complete Jewish Bible there's a few others I do not recommend the sefar and you know I think I've talked about this before but there's there's a few reasons why I don't like the sefar one is they brought in a whole bunch of extra books that were never part of the Canon and they just threw them in there and they said oh these should be scripture too we're just gonna add these in there I think that that is one is very irresponsible of them and I think that it's it causes a lot of questions and problems and because those books were not supposed to be scripture to begin with and people are starting to treat them like Scripture now it's causing conflicts and people's doctrine because those are those books don't agree with the Bible that's why they're not in the Bible that's why they were not canonized there are problems with those books and so to throw them in there and say oh these are these are Scripture - let's read them that is a huge error and it's causing a lot of confusion and the other thing I don't like about it is he uses a lot of what I call he Blish it's Hebrew sounding words but it's not real Hebrew and it's his own transliteration of certain words and it's just it's not real Hebrew he's not inserting Hebrew in there he and the thing is the the guy who who did the translation he's not a Bible scholar he's not a linguist he doesn't he hasn't studied the local languages and you know from what from what I understand he had a degree in something totally unrelated like a lawyer or something i don't i don't remember what it was but he's not a bible scholar and yet he's putting forth this this bible translation and including a whole bunch of extra books and i see a lot of problems with that and so i do not recommend this effort let's good move on see do you think it would be taking the set do you think would be breaking the sabbath to play recreational softball on the sabbath there's one of those questions that i see a lot people ask me hey my son plays sports is it okay for him to play sports on the Sabbath or we have you know a church softball league or something and they play softball and sabbath or various things the bible doesn't talk about recreational sports so you know it's hard to say well definitely no or definitely yes I would say that's something you really need to pray about and you really need to talk to the Lord about and say is this breaking the Sabbath by doing this you know and consider what the Bible says about the Sabbath it just be to be set apart from all other days it's to be holy it's to be a day of rest not work it's a holy convocation as it's time to gather with like-minded fellow believers for fellowship and so is does playing a sport a secular game in a secular arena with other you know with secular people basically or even you know when you're doing it with your church group does that qualify as setting the day apart as Holy does it qualify as being a holy convocation does it qualify as rest you know you're out sweating and running and you know doing a lot of vigorous exercise is that considered rest and so I would say consider those things pray about those things and ask ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in it like I said I can't take a solid stance one way or the other I lean towards it's probably not appropriate but I don't think I can just say definitely don't do that because it's one of those areas that the Bible just doesn't address alright let's jump into the next one what do you think this verse means exactly Philippians 2:12 wherefore my beloved as ye have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling so you know there's there's a couple things to think about in this verse you know you're you're obeying not only in his presence but also in his absence so as you know there's some accountability he's talking about that whether you're in the presence of him or whether you're in the presence of other believers or whether you're all by yourself are you acting in obedience to God are you doing things that are approved by God and so there's accountability issue there that you are you being accountable at all times but he says work out your own salvation with fear and trembling and so you are I talked about this recently in video a couple weeks ago about once saved always saved and I talked about how we you know the Bible talks about how we have been saved we are being saved and we will be saved and I really see salvation as a process we're going through we've started the journey when we accept Yeshua as Lord and we are in the process of being saved we're going on this journey and we're working through our salvation we're working things out we are drawing closer to him we're getting to know him more we're learning how to obey Him better we're lowing learning how to walk in his ways and at some point we will our salvation will be complete we will be saved and our salvation will come to its completion and so he's saying work out your own salvation with fear and trembling so we are we are working out our salvation it's not that we are saving ourselves though that's one thing we need to be careful about is because people want to when you talk about stuff like this people want to say well you're trying to save yourself you're trying to earn your salvation that's not it's not at all what it is we are we have received salvation as a gift from God but because we've received salvation then we start a transformation in our lives we start being changed and this transformation our life includes a beat obedience it includes becoming less worldly less secular less sinful becoming more holy more godly more righteous it's it's a sanctification process it's us being set apart it's us being made holy and so all of these things are kind of working in together and so someone who just says well you you prayed a prayer and now you're saved and that's it they never progress in their salvation they never grow in their salvation they never they never become sanctified all they're doing is they just say well I prayed a prayer and ask Jesus into my heart and now I'm good that's not what the Bible is describing though you take Israel for example when they left Egypt they were saved by grace through faith in the blood of the Lamb they didn't do anything to earn their salvation and God saved them by grace through faith led them out of Egypt into the wilderness and then he gave him instructions I said here's my Commandments here's my instructions this is how you live in the kingdom of God and so he gives them instruction on how to be redeemed people how to live in his can as his people they didn't they didn't do anything to earn their salvation but then they were asked to obey it's the same way with us we didn't do anything to earn our salvation once we're saved we're asked to obey we're asked to live according to his instructions and if you think about it you're safe from sin to righteousness you're safe from sin to holiness and so if you're safe from sin that means you're gonna stop sinning well if you stop sinning what's that mean it means that you're gonna start doing things that are righteous and so as we are being transformed and changed we are stopping the sin in our life and we are starting to do righteous things and that's really what it comes down to is once you are saved you were gonna start living a righteous life not because being obedient is going to save you you've already been saved being obedient is the result of your salvation it's the fruit of your salvation it shows that you have actually been transformed and are becoming a new person soon way so work out your own salvation with fear and trembling why fear because the Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning the wisdom it says that we are not to fear anything but the Lord it says he's not giving us the spirit of fear but of power of the South mind sound mind but it says that we are to fear God and to love him and he is he's the one we were to love and fear why because he is the one who Yeshua said fear the one who can destroy both body and soul and getting it Gehenna and so he's the one we're to fear he's the only one we need to fear you know somebody puts a gun to your head you don't need to be afraid of that person you need to be afraid of God and say am i right with God you know this this guy may kill me but am i right with God because God is the one who's going to be able to destroy my soul a question should we learn from the Talmud absolutely not for a number of reasons for one the Talmud is not inspired Scripture by God it is man-made tradition of the Jews many of the things in the Talmud come from Babylon they come from the the time when Israel was scattered into paganism and they've adopted excuse me they adopted a lot of those pagan beliefs and pagan practices and so I would say absolutely do not consult the Talmud or the Mishnah or any other extra biblical Jewish source for for your theology or your practice or your doctrine that's that's not what those things should be used for now if you want to consult those things for history and say well this is what the people will believed at that time or this is what maybe have influenced them throughout history why they think certain ways they do yeah if you want to read it for history fine but don't don't try to get doctrine from it the you know also the Talmud is is anti-messiah there's things in the Talmud that are opposed to your shoes so if you start reading the Talmud it may lead you away from you schewe and Yeshua said that you have forsaken the commandment of God in order to keep your traditions the Talmud is the Talmud is those traditions that Yeshua was opposed to so those things that the Jewish people were doing in the first century that he was saying you'reyou're exalting your traditions above the commandment of God those things are what a lot of those things are written in the Talmud and also there's Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism and those things are you know they're very pagan very associated with darkness associated with witchcraft and so yeah I would say avoid those things do we as Christians need to repent daily I would say you need to repent as often as you have sin to repent for if you haven't sinned today then I guess there's nothing to repent for today but if you have sin in your life I say you need to be repentant often as often as your sin and so if you've sinned then you need to repent turn from that sin I asked for forgiveness seek his face and to repent is to turn away from that sin to stop doing it to make change in your life so that you're no longer doing it question how do we find our calling man that is that's a tough question for me to answer for everybody I think it's different for each person and I think that what you'll find is often times not always often times that the abilities the talents the desires that God has put in you and gifted you for oftentimes those seem to help you find what your calling is but not always there are some times when somebody is completely without skill without talent without natural ability and God calls them to do something that requires those skills and natural abilities and they say well how am I going to do this I can't I don't have this ability like we see this in a tan and Moses and God tells him go you know go speak to me go speak to Pharaoh and tell him let my people go in and Moses says why I'm a man who stutters I'm a man of stammering lips how am I gonna go talk to this guy and so he takes this man who has a stutter or a speech impediment of some kind and he says you go speak go speak to the king and tell him God says so and so that's an example of somebody who God uses in spite of their deficiency or inability or lack of talent or lack of natural ability but then there's other times when people have a certain ability or certain skill and God uses that to work his kingdom out and so what he has called them to do he has also equip them for and so it's really hard to nail down well how you know if you do this this and this you'll know exactly calling us I that's not there's no formula for it some people they just have something in there in there harder in their mind that just says this is what I need to do this is what I feel God is calling me for some people may even hear a voice you know maybe God talks to him and says I want you to do this for me I was I was eight years old and I was at church one night and it was a Sunday night and it was a missionary night we had most of the time it's like some older lady in the church who would come and give like a missions report and read some stories and whatnot but this one particular week we actually had a missionary come and was a guest speaker and I remember it I remember that night and the missionary spoke and I remember just feeling a strong desire to do ministry to do missions to do preaching and I remember I told my parents when I grow up I'm gonna be a preacher and you know as one of the things I was 8 years old I didn't have any skills I didn't have any abilities to speak of that I would even based that on I didn't have much life experience to base that on but I felt a draw I felt a desire God pulling me in that direction to do ministry and you know so you know when I was graduating high school I said what am I going to do with my life and I still had that tug saying you know going to ministry do do ministry preach and teach and lead people to God and so I went to college and I studied theology and I studied how to learn how to how to preach how to teach how to study the Bible learned how to work through theology and all these different things and so I acquired the skills I wasn't naturally skilled in those things I went to college and I studied and I acquired skills for it and so you know I didn't God didn't automatically download everything I needed into me so that I could just but he put a desire in me to do it and that desire caused me to to achieve what I needed to learn what I needed to develop the skills I needed and so it's different for everybody but I would say you need to be in prayer about it you need to you just ask ask God what is it you want me to do point me and point me in the right direction show me where you want me to go show me what you want me to do how can I serve you and I think if you approach him and ask him I think he's gonna reveal it to you they may not instantly reveal it to you it may take time it may be something where you pray about it for weeks or months or years even but he's gonna reveal his plan to you if you were seeking Him and you're seeking to do his will he'll show you what is the proper way for Christians to pray was bowing your head and kneeling taught by Yahshua his apostles at the first century and the first century Christians so we see in the Bible that oftentimes prayer is associate with kneeling so like for example you look at Daniel Daniel got in trouble because people saw him kneeling and praying and oftentimes it was kneeling with their face on the ground but it's that kneeling is a as a posture of reverence it's a posture of submission and it's a posture saying God I bow down to you I submit to you I reverence you i exalt you and I am here to serve you and so kneeling and bowing our postures for worship and for prayer and so I think there's is absolutely biblical to kneel and to bow in prayer there's numerous examples throughout the Bible of people doing that as far as closing your eyes I don't know I don't know where that came from I don't know if if that was something that was because of tradition that people often prayed with their eyes closed that is kind of passed on or if it was something that somebody taught at some point I'm not aware of anywhere in the Bible that talks about closing your eyes or someone closing their eyes during prayer I could be wrong but I can't remember any verses that talk about that I can't think of any off the top of my head to that mention closing your eyes in prayer I don't think there's anything wrong with closing your eyes sometimes it's easier to focus and easier to concentrate if you close your eyes especially if you're easily distracted and so you close your eyes and you're not seeing what's going on around you you don't see people moving you don't you know you're not attracted to what's that sign say over there or whatever so maybe it helps focus but there's no not that I'm aware of there's not really biblical reason to close your eyes but I do think maybe it helps people focus but as far as what you how you pray aside from the posture is the attitude and so the attitude that you should pray with is the same as the posture it should be an attitude of worship an attitude of reverence an attitude of humility and submission and that I am bowing my head and my heart I am laying at your feet I am coming to worship you and to plead for you to intervene to intercede exalting God and glorifying him and thanking him and worshiping him and so that's the attitude of worship and it's reflected in the posture that we are to bow we are to kneel we're to submit and humble ourselves a question what happened to those Saints that were raised from the dead at the death of Christ okay and it's talking about so when you're sure resurrected it says in in Matthew it doesn't say anywhere else but it says in Matthew that other tombs were opened up as well and some of the dead Saints came out and walked around people saw them and talked to them and then it doesn't really say anything else about it where did they go after that my theory because the Bible doesn't say anything else about it my theory is that eventually they went back into the grave either they walked around for a little bit and went back to their tomb and laid back down or they lived you know while longer and eventually died again and went back to the grave I don't know but I I don't believe that they ascended to heaven and there's there's a number of reasons for this and actually pretty sure I talked about this in the book a little bit in the book of mortal and just about how Yeshua is the only one who has ascended into heaven and that we're not actually going to ascend to heaven the Bible never says that we're gonna ascend to heaven it says the heaven is gonna come to earth and the God is gonna make his dwelling with us here on earth and they we're gonna live and reign and rule and judge the nations for the thousand years and then after the thousand years of Jim in new heaven a new earth and God will make his dwelling with man in heaven and the New Jerusalem will come down to earth and God will dwell with us and we're gonna live and reign are living in live in eternity with him on earth on the new earth but it's never we're never promised that we're gonna go to heaven and anyway if you're not aware of the book I'm gonna just go ahead and play a little clip here to give you some information about it if you want to know the biblical truth about life after death then get immortal this book reveals what the Bible says about life after death heaven hell and the resurrection of the Dead you'll find out what the early church believed about eternal life and why the resurrection is so important my husband and I read immortal together and the conversations we had about it we're amazing it's such a good book that we bought extra copies to give to friends I really can't recommend it enough my greatest desire in writing this book is to reveal the biblical truth about eternal life it's my pleasure to share with you the power of the Resurrection and I hope it transforms your life as it has order your copy of immortal today on Amazon available in both paperback and Kindle eBook format all right next question I've recently seen people saying the day doesn't begin at evening but it's sunrise this according to them changes the Sabbath day to Saturday morning to not Friday evening do you know about this yes I have seen those arguments people saying the day begins at sunrise not a sunset and so they say Sabbath begins on Saturday morning there's a lot of problems with that and I actually probably need to do a video like a full teaching on this but you know so just some quick examples of problems that I see what that is one we see at the crucifixion that they wanted to get him off the cross before sunset why because it was about to be the Sabbath and so he died on the preparation day for the Sabbath they wanted to take him off the cross before sunset because the Sabbath was about to begin at sunset and so they wanted to get him down get him in the tomb get his body prepared and so that they would be done with that before the Sabbath begins that is a I think that's a huge problem for the the day begins at sunrise people another thing to consider is in the Old Testament where talks about clean and unclean it says that you're unclean until evening so it'll give you examples and they'll say if you do this you need to wash and you'll be unclean until evening or you do this you need to wash and stay outside the camp for seven days and wash and you'll be and clean till evening and you can't turn the camper various things like that the unclean until evening is pretty significant because the day ends at evening and so today will end at sunset well tomorrow begins at sunset and the word for evening is a rev and it means a mixture and it's talking about that time where it's mixing of light and dark it's a mixture of the day and night as a rev and we see like for example the Day of Atonement is from the ninth day of the seventh month that evening until the tenth day of the seventh month that evening but it says that the day of atonement is is the tenth day of the seventh month and it's from evening of the night to the evening of the 10th and so it tells us this day is from evening to evening and you know it doesn't say it's from morning until evening or from morning to morning it says it's from evening to evening and you know there are probably a number of other examples as well as topics I haven't haven't addressed yet and I probably need to but that is a I think that is a significant false teaching that's going on right now that people are being led astray and they're being taught something that's unbiblical and it's causing a lot of chaos and confusion and just you know those are the kinds of things we've got to steer clear of it's also like the lunar Sabbath it's another one of those theories that it's not biblical there's a number of Bible verses that oppose it I did a video on lunar Sabbath a while back if you're interested but it's it's one of those theories that is unbiblical and it is leading people astray and it's causing people to keep Sabbath on the wrong day regularly and it's because they are trying to follow this lunar Sabbath Theory instead of following the pattern the Bible of establishes for us but it's causing a lot of confusion who decided which book which book should be canonized well ultimately I believe God decided but the process was that the Jewish people had already established the Old Testament Canon and so they had decided which books were Scripture which books weren't this was you know I don't I don't know the full process that they went through to establish this but I'm sure the prophets were somehow involved in it the New Testament was canonized around 3rd or 4th century and a fourth century actually is when it was solidified but the process was they said these books are we know the authors these are authentic first century apostolic writings and these books have been circulated in the church and the church is already reading them already using them already establishing them as the Word of God and so we're just going to basically close the Canon and not and say we're not going to let anything else in here and so that they tested it by is it first century there are a number writings that were not written in the first century and they said this can't be in there it's a second century source so it's too far removed from the origin and so we can't include that there were another one as authorship is if they knew the authorship of the book if it was verified or if it was extremely likely that the the author is is who it claims to be if there's there's little dispute or doubt about the authorship then they would say that that one passes and if it's what's the word if it lines up with the rest of Scripture if it's not contrasting what the other scripture says if it's coherent with the rest of the Bible and so those were kind of the criteria they went through well so that throws out things like the Gnostic writings Gospel of Barnabas the Gospel of Timothy the Shepherd of hermas you know a number of God of second century writings that they may have been fine writings but they weren't first century they weren't Authority wasn't from the Apostles like you know there's some stuff that Polycarp wrote there's good stuff but it's not canonized because it was second century it wasn't first century and really most of the stuff that that Polycarp wrote was quoting the New Testament he was quoting stuff from Paul quoting stuff Peter and so it was you know it was a a good second so a secondary source to help confirm the primary source which was the New Testament but so the New Testament was canonized I believe by God but the the church officially closed the Canon and said you know these we approve of these because we believe these are sanctified by God and that these are the works that God has ordained by his apostles and so that's kind of how it came about super chat cell droid thank you it says I have trouble growing a beard I don't have much facial hair also I need to be presumable since I work at a school I find it hard to grow a beard and I wonder if it's okay to shave the Bible doesn't command men to grow beards there are a few things that it does say it says not to destroy the corners of your beard and there's there's some debate about what that exactly means because your head is round it's not square so you don't have corners you know I mean you think about you know a Bible is square so as corners you have these different sharp pointy edges but you look at your face and you don't have corners but you have edges and so you have your edge here you have an edge here and so some people think it's saying not to destroy the edges of your beard so not to destroy your sideburns and also the word destroy is actually talking about a violent like tearing and ripping and it's not really necessarily like a trimming like with scissors or something but like the two are ripping it out and trying to destroy it so you know as far as there's no command to grow a beard it doesn't say you must grow a beard it just says not to destroy the edges of your beard so it doesn't even say you can't shave or you can't trim or you know something like that it says not to destroy the edges of your beard so you know I would say if you can gross you know some sideburns or something maybe do that that's that's a way that you can try to honor that commandment you know even if you can't grow a full beard you know some people the job doesn't let them have beards some people they just physically are in it unable I knew a guy who he had some kind of a autoimmune disease or something and he didn't have facial hair at all he didn't have hair on his body at all I mean he was completely without hair he didn't have nose hair he didn't have eyebrows he hadn't he didn't have eyelashes he was completely bald from head to toe like no hair anywhere and and so you know obviously he can't you can't tell him oh god commands you to grow beard he can't he's is physically impossible for him to grow a beard he cannot grow facial hair and so you know there are some people there are certain ethnicities you know like I know a lot of American Indians who they don't have facial hair they they can't grow it I mean they just nothing grows they don't have to shave because there's no facial hair and so you know God didn't command you to grow beard but I do think that the bible does talk favorably about beards beards are considered a sign of manliness they're considered a sign of respect they're considered honorable they set you apart you know a beard sets you apart from a woman a man from a woman and so you know I think I've talked about this before but you know I was at a restaurant one time and the waiter came up and went to the table and you know I can't matter what the name was but it was something kind of like a gender-neutral name where you couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl and the person had like short curly hair kind of like a fro perm type haircut and they were kind of heavy so you couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman by their body figure body type and when they spoke they their voice was kind of like gender-neutral too I mean like everything about this person was very gender neutral and the clothing they wore and everything and so the entire time I was thinking do I address this person as sir or ma'am I don't know if this is a man or a woman and you know if the person had a beard it would be easy because I'd say hey sir come here or you know if the person would have had their hair grown out long I would said ma'am can you come can you come help but because they kept like a short curly hair haircut that was it could have been a man's haircut or a woman's haircut it was that gender-neutral thing like nothing about this person identified them as a man or woman they were completely gender-neutral in every way and it was the weirdest most awkward feeling to try to say excuse me ma'am or excuse me sir because you don't know if it's a man or woman and so God has given us things that help distinguish us and he says that women you know they should grow their hair long and this is you know the Bible talks about that women the glory of woman is long hair and you know it says that a man should not destroy his beard and it talks about men having beards and we see that David you know some of his men were shamed because they got half of their beard cut off and they got half of their clothes cut off at the at the buttocks and that was ashamed of them and so it was shameful for them that they got half their beard cut off and he said to stay out in the souther City I believe he told him stay in Jericho and he said stay here until your beard grows back and then you can return home and you know so it's it's one of those things that it's seen as honorable that's seen as manly as seen as maturity but it's not commanded and so I think people who want to make it a commandment they are they're adding to the scripture because God didn't command you you must have a beard but if he has given you a beard and you're able to grow it then I would encourage you to grow it just for the sake of manliness and for the sake of honor and for the sake of being set apart but don't destroy it don't rip it out another super chat mark day Eastern Orthodoxy has the deepest worship yet I'm torn because some of the practices are heresy like Frank de Mary is ether north ether more so Doc's heresy can I stay oh man I don't know enough about the ether nor Eastern Orthodox Church to tell you if they are heretical or not in their doctrine the practice of praying to Mary I know the Catholic Church does that I'm I I see a lot of problems with that I mean one is it's necromancy because Mary's dead she's she can't do anything for you she can't hear your prayer she's dead you're talking to the dead when you're praying to Mary the other problem is she's not God and she's not deity in any way and we are only to give our prayers to God to deity and so praying to Mary is not only useless it's also idolatry and it's also necromancy so I have huge problems with praying to Mary or to the Saints as far as the rest of their beliefs I can't really weigh in on on if their beliefs are heretical or not but I do I would say that that is that prang no Mary is definitely reticle and very very wrong but man if if you're torn about this pray about it pray and ask God is this where I should be or do you want me to go someplace else fellowship is is an important part of our Christian walk and we need to find good fellowship and we need to find people that we trust people that we can that that will lift us up and draw us closer to God and not lead us astray we need to be in a community that is teaching sound biblical doctrine and it's often hard to find a place that that fits all of those criteria and so I mean I would just I would just tell you to pray about it pray and I God to lead you in the right direction and tell you if you need to stay in your church or if there's another place he wants you to go that he would show that to you another question and this is we're almost out of time this may be the last question do you think it is important for Christians to go to Babbo college if they are inspiring to be pastored aspiring for pastors I'm torn about that one I think that you can get a lot of good out of out of going to Bible College or going to seminary but I think you can get a lot of bad out of it too and you know this may be one of the things that I need to make a full video on but I know that I got a lot of bad teaching and a lot of it really one thing that it does for you though is it may it'll probably challenge your faith and for some people when their faith is challenged they dig deeper and get stronger in their faith and other people when they're challenged in their faith they they turn away or they they believe whatever they're taught and so you get up I had a I had a college professor in a Bible class at a Bible School Nazarene Bible College and he said it's funny this guy he'll go over and pull the door shut and then he'll make his controversial statement and he'll go open the door again and he was so smooth most people didn't even pay attention and realize he was doing it he was such a good storyteller such a good communicator and people didn't even like pay attention that every time he said something controversial he pulled the door shut and I caught on to that and I started noticing and every time he'd go over and close the door I'd perk up and be like okay what's he about to say now and one time he strolled over pulled the door shut and he walked back to the center of the room and he said that Jesus didn't have to die for you to be saved he could have been run over by a mule drawn carriage and killed by the carriage and it wouldn't matter Danny anything to your salvation because your salvation doesn't have to do with his death it has to do with your obedience it has to do with your yeah your obedience to his teachings and so how you according to his teachings and then he strolled back over and opened the door again and he continued teaching and that was one of the statements that man that bothered me because you know the Bible says that he died for your sins that is his death that atone stress that you know without the shedding of blood there is no atonement for sins this is what the Bible says and this guy says I didn't matter this is your obedience to his teachings that's what's important that's that's heresy that was a heretical statement this guy made and he was teaching in a Bible College at a Nazarene Bible College and what I actually I heard that he was that he was also a music minister at his church and he changed the lyrics from under the blood to under the love because he didn't like anything talking about the blood of Jesus and so he changed the lyrics from under the blood to under the love and so I mean this guy was he was a deceiver and I you know I would say he's a wolf he's a snake he's someone who was leading people astray he's taken the Word of God he's twisting it and he's pushing his own agenda and so I would you know you've got to be careful but yeah Bible College I think if you want to pursue ministry Bible College could be a help a helpful thing for you it can teach you how to study it can teach you how to think logically and rationally it can teach you how to communicate it can develop those skills in you but I don't think it's absolutely necessary deal moody if I remember I deal moody didn't have a college degree and he may not have even had a high school degree and he was considered a very amazing preacher of his time he was considered one of the greatest preachers of his day and so I don't think you absolutely have to go to Bible College to do to go into ministry but I think it can help you know you look back at the Apostles they didn't go to Bible College but they studied under Yeshua and he was their teacher and he taught them what they needed to know and so they were his disciples and that was kind of the process at the time that was the schooling during the first century his a disciple learned under the rabbi and the rabbi teaches them the scriptures and teaches them how to interpret teaches them how to teach and then once the student is ready then they go out and and they get their own disciples it's a little different now but you know it's the same kind of concept but I would just say if you do go to Bible College be cautious and don't believe everything they teach you because just because it's a Bible College doesn't mean they're teaching you all truth and that not everything they teach you is truth knotch notchback $10 ship chat thank you sir I appreciate that and it looks like we are actually past our time so we're going to go ahead and get out of here thanks guys again they are flew by is you know I love hanging out with you guys and talking I maybe Wednesdays I mean they just decide to make it longer than an hour but anyway if I didn't get your question tonight I'm sorry we'll we'll try to get to next time anyway have a great week and I will see you next Tuesday thanks for watching if you found this video helpful then share it with your friends and family so they can unlearn the lies with us if you want to see more videos like this one subscribe to my channel and I want to say a special thank you to those who support this ministry we truly appreciate your prayers and your generosity thank you so much and remember the truth will set you free we'll see you next time
Channel: UNLEARN the lies
Views: 11,393
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Keywords: answering your bible questions, unlearn live, why christians are compromising, compromising christianity, live bible answers, unlearn the lies, unlearn, lex meyer, bible q&a, bible questions, bible answers, bible question and answer, what does the Bible say about, christian compromise, compromising church, church hypocrites, church hypocrisy, church apostasy, church apostasy in the last days, church apostate
Id: wsoxLQ-GiAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 49sec (3769 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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