Why Can’t the US Stop Mass Shootings?

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computer ready stand by why did you decide to leave the Firearms industry I got to a point in the Farms industry where you had to accept the responsible behaviors you had to celebrate them and you had to Market them to stay in and I looked around and I thought what the hell have we created here the Second Amendment of the Constitution was not written so I can go deer hunting second amendment was written to protect the entire Constitution from a tyrannical government like we have right now will you stop talking about you're the guys that talk about Sandy books I don't want to talk about it I don't want to talk about you do you understand the pain that these families have gone through what's your outlook on whether an office can change I think a lot of people my age are to the point where we just kind of accepted that this is what life in America is [Music] we have some breaking news from South St Louis at this hour a huge police presence near Central Visual and Performing Arts High School this is happening right now America is the only country in the world where scenes like this play out on almost a daily basis mass shootings are a crisis that our politicians refuse to solve even when the answer seems pretty straightforward [Music] it's the guns it's the gun that was not our fault that we live in a world that that loves money more than our safety that's not our fault but industry money an uncompromising culture of fanaticism and a broken political system have all made this problem nearly impossible to solve 10 people were shot several of those people were killed here at Central High School in St Louis we've seen some people bring by flowers but it's eerily quiet given the number of shootings Across America this tragedy barely registered in fact by the time you're watching this film you may have forgotten that this even happened do you go to school here I do tell me what was your day like yesterday I thought it was a drill uh we all thought it was a drill and by the time the first fire alarm went off we knew that it wasn't it was shots it was obvious it was a big gun you're 17 years old is there a generation of people in this country young people in this country who have just accepted that this is the reality what's your outlook on whether or not this can change I think a lot of people my age are to the point where we just kind of accepted that this is what life in America is every line passing by now is a massacre a mass shooting means four or more people shot or killed not including the shooter over the past decade there have been more than 4 000 of them 600 this year alone the tragedies are so frequent they blend together the deadly shooting at an elementary school and it is turning out to be worse than anyone could have imagined while each one is a national news story there's a routine to how it plays out oh my God oh my God [Music] shock and horror giving way to thoughts and prayers tonight everyone in this Arena and every citizen across the land sends our prayers to the victims and their families that we all do we hear from morning family members and friends about their loved ones whose lives were cut short he's just a wonderful person to give anything for those kids anything even her life and if the death toll is high enough or the victim's young enough the president might visit the scene I am sick and tired of it why are we willing to live with this Carnage why don't we keep letting this happen where in God's name is our backbone when one town Fades from the headlines another takes its place [Music] so it's been several months now since the Rob elementary school shooting and this Memorial is untouched there are so many memories and stuffed animals and dried flowers and families in Uvalde are fighting to make sure that this shooting and what happened here is not forgotten [Music] [Music] entered in elementary school and murdered 19 children and two teachers what are we doing here am I bleeding can you hear me sir please put your firearm down police waited more than an hour before confronting the shooter who was using an AR-15 style rifle the same semi-automatic weapon used in the deadliest school shootings of the past decade he purchased the gun legally [Music] we got the call that we never wanted you know Javier casares's nine-year-old daughter Jacqueline was killed that day and you get a call I'm about 11 45 that there's a possible active shooter at the school and I didn't do anything would do I went straight over there where there wasn't you know about five minutes and I heard shots at least four shots and then we started seeing students come out of the and they're breaking windows and they're taking some of the kids out you know at that time I'm hoping to see my daughter come through that window and it never happened [Music] foreign [Music] fear is a gun owner but after what happened he's decided to run for County Commissioner on a platform of gun safety measures he's up against the man who was also the acting police chief on the day of the shooting it's a struggle every day you know the only thing that keeps us going really is fighting for change that's what's helping me cope once we're home that's when it hurts you know [Music] we all miss her do you think that change can happen from a County Commission seat up to National politics I'm hoping so you know I'm I'm gonna do my best to do what I can you know because I'm a parent first I'm not a politician but you know I have that drive that fight in me thank you Brett cross lost his ten-year-old son Uzziah in the same shooting he loved this area so he would run around this damn thing like crazy and they would always stop about right here when they were chasing and running each other so a better place you know since then he's become a leader in local efforts to hold officials accountable the sounds of children screaming have been removed was the caption that played right before they released the hallway video their screams weren't just removed from that video their voices have been silenced completely the flag upside down it's our country is in distress right now and we have to do something what are the changes that you want to see I want laws that are common sense that can prevent these things and I fear that most of this country and all of the government and everything it's not going to change their minds because it wasn't their kids the weapon that is used in a lot of mass shootings is an AR-15 or a high capacity assault rifle do you think that those kinds of weapons should be allowed in this country no I I don't and so the main argument that you get is oh well they're fun yeah this piece of thought it was fun too when he walked into a school and murdered 19 children injuring how many else more what do you need it for hunting no you don't there's other weapons for that home protection I protect myself just fine with my Smith and Wesson that I have those weapons are chosen for that reason because they do the most amount of damage and the quickest amount of time what does it say about this country about the U.S that we are allowing this to continue to happen and it says that people give a damn more about their guns and their money than they do our children I mean plain and Sample Javier and Brett might not have lost their children if we had fixed this problem after Sandy Hook it's been a decade since 26 people were killed including 20 first graders and violence so stunning many believed it would jolt the country into action I know there's not a parent in America who doesn't feel the same overwhelming grief that I do the majority of those who died today were children uh beautiful little kids between the ages of five and ten years old [Music] but even at this pivotal moment nothing happened Senator Chris Murphy represented Newtown Connecticut at the time of the shooting the idea that this country decided to do nothing in the wake of 20 kids dying the decision to do nothing with a hundred people every single day dying of gun violence we um obviously hit a brick wall right after Sandy Hook we tried to pass a universal background checks bill and we weren't able to get the 60 votes necessary to pass that Sandy Hook marked a new phase of near total legislative failure after the mother Emanuel Church shooting in 2015 it took four years for the house to pass a bill that would close the Charleston loophole which allows a gun to be purchased even if a background check isn't complete the bill withered in the senate in 2016 Democrats staged a sit-in on the house floor after the Pulse Nightclub shooting but several gun control bills failed to move and after the Parkland shooting in 2018 a bill limiting magazine capacity also failed to pass both Chambers what are we doing why are you here if not to solve a problem as existential as this after Uvalde Murphy was able to get a modest gun safety bill passed for the first time in three decades it increased gun background checks gave money to States for red flag laws and invested in Mental Health Services it broke some of the Washington inertia but fell short of the real policy changes that would end this crisis why do you think it's so difficult to find compromise on the issue of gun reform and gun safety this is such a crazy issue because ninety percent of Americans support um changes like Universal background checks and yet we can't get it done when I got to 2013 I came to a place where there was this mythology that had been built up over Generations about the power of the NRA you couldn't cross the NRA absolutely not if you're a republican but even if you're a Democrat you weren't supposed to cross the NRA in 2013 that was the world that we lived in even with this bill that passed in the summer there have been horrific mass shootings since then are you doing enough we're absolutely not doing enough um this bill will save a whole lot of lives none of it is implemented yet but when it is implemented it's going to have a downward pressure on mass shootings so we made progress we sort of shifted the entire Paradigm this summer but until we do Universal background checks until we ban assault weapons we're still going to have a gun bounce rate in this country that is way outside of the norm as the senator go from Connecticut nine and a half years after Sandy Hook happened was that frustrating for you to finally see them come to the table yeah I mean why do they allow all of these shootings in between Sandy Hook and today to happen I mean why couldn't we have passed these changes back in 2013 I mean had we passed the bill that we passed in 2022 in 2013. I guarantee you there will be thousands of kids still alive today it took 10 years um and maybe that's how politics works but it shouldn't be how politics works so yeah it's frustrating foreign the Sandy Hook shooting became a sign of legislative dysfunction new voices on the right also used this moment to inflame a culture of paranoia that continues to burn out of control Alex Jones is the conspiracy wielding broadcaster who took the long-standing conservative belief that the government is coming for your guns and pushed it to the extreme for years he said the Sandy Hook shooting was staged and that parents who lost their children were simply faking their grief he claimed it was all part of a covert government plan to confiscate guns from Americans Hitler took the guns Stalin took the guns Mal took the guns that El Castro took the gun Hugo Chavez took the guns and I'm here to tell you 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms we're outside of this Superior Court here in Waterbury Connecticut and we're expecting Alex Jones to show up today to take the stand in his defamation trial he is being sued by Sandy Hook families after he called that shooting that tragedy hoax [Music] I just like to make a short statement though and then I'll be happy to answer your questions this is a travesty of justice and this judge is a tyrant this judge is ordering me to say that I'm guilty and to say that I'm a liar they've misrepresented what I've said and done and they have continued to use my name to fundraise for their gun control organizations Alex do you understand I say to them stand the pain that these families have gone through the lawsuits against Jones May bankrupt him he's been ordered to pay over a billion dollars so far but it took 10 years to prosecute him in that time people have become more afraid than ever that the government is coming for their guns and demand for military-style weapons has only increased David yamani an expert on the evolution of gun culture says demand began to change after 9 11 and when the assault weapons ban expired in 2004. so you have a really broad-based interest in self-defense in gun culture and this is maturing at the same time as we begin to fight this global war on terror and with the sun setting of the assault weapons ban in 2004 you really unleash all of this pinup demand for these kind of rifles gun manufacturers responded to this increased demand in military-style Firearms by tailoring their marketing accordingly remember to get the gun into the fight it's very very quick but don't be back when taking the gun out of the fight so in 2008 Magpul Dynamics released a DVD called The Art of the Tactical carbine and it was hosted by two military veterans and it was basically the live video of them teaching courses on how to use carvings which are small rifles like the AR to shoot quickly to shoot accurately to shoot around barricades to shoot while lying down and this video was incredibly popular among civilians that then becomes a leverage point for advertisers in the gun industry to take advantage of people's interest in these military Special Forces what type of equipment are they using what type of rifles are they using there's a growing civilian interest in things like plate carriers night vision goggles you know things that you wouldn't think that the average civilian in the United States would necessarily need in terms of their home defense plan in 2008 two big things happened that impacted gun culture first the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment means Americans are entitled to a gun as a defense against tyranny then the first black president was elected I stand here today humbled people immediately fear that he's going to confiscate their guns is including or especially their assault weapons Obama then becomes the greatest gun salesman in American history Mr Obama's the best gun salesman on the planet every time he talks he drives up sales this is gun sales in the United States month by month the biggest Peak there is when Barack Obama was re-elected president shortly after the Sandy Hook massacre we heard this again and again from experts we interviewed it was a perfect storm That Sent gun sales through the roof in 2016 we saw the political pendulum swing from President Obama to president Trump how did President Trump's election spur or change gun culture in the U.S president Trump's election really solidified that one aspect of American Gun culture which is very sort of anti-government anti-crime and that has always been part of that gun culture but it really then kind of gets its final seal of approval in 2016. I saw this anti-government sentiment firsthand a few years ago in Richmond when militias showed up to protest new proposed gun regulations after another mass shooting when you hear that Governor Northam is having this special session to talk about guns do you think that Virginia needs some guns safety measures at all after both the Virginia Tech shooting and then the shooting in Virginia Beach a few months ago yeah the Second Amendment of the Constitution was not written so I can go deer hunting the second amendment was written to protect the entire Constitution from a tyrannical government like we have right now that's pushing these anti-constitutional laws foreign [Music] the face of gun ownership in America is changing firearm sales are on the rise and the customer base is diversifying we talked to Taryn Butler a champion Marksman who makes and sells high-end handguns and every time you shoot whenever you're done finger off the trigger yes so Taryn has gone through some of the safety for using a handgun I've never shot a handgun before so we're about to try this on some of the dummies here I am setting the bar low for how many I will actually hit here we go go really fast see what happens okay shoot it ready stand by wow 401. wow I want to try the shotgun yeah let's try it what are the trends you've seen what has Taran tactical been doing in the last like two or three years out here well we've had a lot of women and a lot of people of color for the first time ever buying a gun and a lot of reasons why they just don't feel like they can have protection fast enough or things that are going on in the world they just want that last line of defense this was the very feeling that led Antonia Okafor to arm herself grew up anti-gun and identified as a Democrat but after surviving a sexual assault at College her views shifted I believe does being a plot person but being a black woman particularly with the issues of sexism the issues of of course racism that makes just perfect sense that a black woman would want to use a firearm it's not as lonely as it was before now Antonio works for Gun Owners of America who describe themselves as the quote only no compromise gun lobby she hosts trainings to introduce women to firearms and the hopes that they will eventually advocate for gun rights at the state level right now what's going on in the news and media a lot of you will think that oh my goodness you know I believe in Second Amendment but there's no reason why someone should have this firearm or this firearm I want you guys to make a decision what's best for you you're independent enough to take care of yourself and you don't need someone else to do so including the government Goa says their group has grown dramatically in the last few years to more than 2 million members as more and more gun owners reject the need for any kind of regulations including things most people want like raising the minimum age to buy a gun they're already minimum age laws even thoroughly of when a woman or a man can be able to purchase a firearm so a handgun they have to wait till they're 21. anytime a rifle or a shotgun 18. so that's already in existence and that's kept a lot of people from being able to purchase something when they're trying to use it for self-defense unfortunately evil has no minimum age or maximum age so it sounds like at the federal level you don't think those kinds of restrictions or laws should be enacted federal state local um really it's that the government who has the Monopoly of powers saying that you can't have this right that's already god-given that's the issue with any of those type of laws so red flag laws minimum age restrictions background checks anything like that is compromised a bad word I guess for for Gun Owners of America yes unfortunately it's because compromise means lessening your ability to exercise those rights that you have as lobbies become more uncompromising politicians and candidates are following their lead tapes turn this country back to its former glory glory in 2022 I'm going to blow away the Democrat socialist agenda [Music] more than 100 candidates running for office this year featured guns prominently in their ads in hopes of winning over a fanatical base [Music] the committee will come to order gun violence is now the top killer of children in the United States the gun industry has flooded our neighborhoods our schools and even our churches and synagogues with these deadly weapons and has gotten Rich doing it the gun industry has every incentive to keep fueling extremist culture it's been great for their bottom line a report from the house oversight committee found that five of the leading gun manufacturers had made more than a billion dollars from the sale of AR style firearms in the past decade nobody knows how the industry has profited from the rise in extreme culture better than Ryan Bussey I am here on behalf of responsible gun owners like me who Harbor a deep fear about what this is doing to our country I am also here to warn you that there is much more of this on the way no one from the industry is going to stop it and it's going to get much worse foreign [Music] Ted come here hold on Ryan worked for decades at a gun manufacturer called Kimber he left that job in 2020 now he's with the liberal leaning gun safety group Giffords and acting as a whistleblower on how Firearms companies operate and how influential the lobby is in politics come on [Music] beautiful agree here oh no here [Music] good boy good boy good boy good boy oh boy Ryan what Drew you to the firearm industry growing up so many of the best times of my life were spent hunting and shooting with my dad or my brother so many of the best parts involve guns and so guns kind of became emblematic in a healthy way of what I wanted to do the first part of my career was pretty you know it was like a dream job I got to do something I love to do or be around it and get paid to do it those were kind of simpler times though you know [Music] Ryan watched in real time the industries shift from catering to the recreational Hunters of his youth to a new type of customer one motivated by ideology to buy military style guns and tactical accessories who's responsible for the way that things are in this country right now is it the gun business or is it gun culture one creates the other this sort of dangerous tactical culture has been fomented and marketed to by the NRA and then the gun industry so this knife's Edge sort of precipice that we feel like we're on now with regards to Tactical culture people marching in the mission Capital the sort of flags that we saw on January 6th that come and take AR-15 Flags those were accidents they didn't just Bubble Up in the base those were marketed to those were created by the Firearms industry do you think that the gun manufacturers created this gun culture that we're seeing right now and how did they do that yes they absolutely did they did it by advertising largely to a Cadre of mostly young men who wanted to be badass military operators they've been told to be fearful irrationally so in my opinion and they've been told that there's going to come a time that they have to quote unquote avenge people who are going to take over the country how do you reconcile being part of an industry a business that really fanned the Flames of gun culture in this country it's not easy it was my childhood dream I mean I I and I had built a gun company you know helped build a gun company that I was very proud of but I'm not proud of what the industry has become now why did you decide to leave the Firearms industry it got to a point in the Farms industry where you had to accept irresponsible behaviors you had to celebrate them and you had to Market them to stay in and I couldn't do that anymore was there a clear moment or Tipping Point for you foreign I remember late January early February 2017 the last day of the industry trade show which is called Shot Show shooting hunting outdoor trade show one of the largest trade shows in the world happened to correspond with Donald Trump's inauguration speech came to be known as the American Carnage speech and the crime and the gangs and the drugs American Carnage stops right here and stops right now the Firearms industry the nssf stopped the trade show they piped the audio for the American Carnage speech for Trump's inauguration speech into the trade show and there were flat screen TVs in almost every booth and it was like a solemn Catholic mass in there and I looked around and I thought what the hell have we created here the organization Ryan mentioned the nssf is filling the void left by the NRA in most Americans Minds the National Rifle Association has been the key Power Player for more than 50 years they're synonymous with guns I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed from my cold dead hands but in recent years a series of Bad Business decisions public scandals infighting and serious Financial woes have slowly chipped away at the NRA's influence the nssf has been operating with a low profile for decades but it's overtaken the NRA and how much it spends on federal lobbying the trade group spent more than 3.7 million dollars this year alone compared to the NRA which spent a little over 2 million what is the nssf it's the National Shooting Sports foundation and it is the industry trade group that represents essentially all firearms and ammunition companies why have most Americans not heard of the nssf they haven't needed to the nssf positions itself is the reasonable nonpartisan business wing of firearms ownership but that's just not true they Lobby essentially against almost all firearms legislation as the NRA has been weakened I think the nssf has realized okay we have to step into that we have to be a more aggressive politically do you think they're effective at that lobbying I think they've been pretty darn effective yet I do gun lobbies have spent a lot of money on Capitol Hill to protect the industry from meaningful regulation more than 140 million dollars in the last decade and the nssf spends more than any other gun rights Lobby in Washington that money helps them block legislation that would hurt their members bottom line unlike the manufacturers who didn't respond to our requests the nssf agreed to talk with us we focus on what it is that our industry members pay us to do which is to represent their interests I think we've been very effective at doing our jobs nothing unique or different or special about what we do we're just better Larry Keane is the head lobbyist for the nssf in 2012 before the Sandy Hook shooting the nssf spent just under a million dollars in federal lobbying the year after that it jumped to two and a half million dollars what changed was this a turning point for you I think it was a turning point for nssf we decided to expand our footprint in Washington we started adding more staff and we expanded our state lobbying team what changed I think it was an existential threat to the industry from legislation that was being proposed [Music] but it wasn't just Sandy Hook the nssf has spent Millions to prevent Congress from passing gun control legislation in the wake of some of the country's deadliest mass shootings we dug into some of their lobbying disclosure reports to see what kinds of bills they lobbied against after the San Bernardino shooting in 2015 they opposed an amendment that would make it harder for individuals on a watch list to buy firearms in 2016 after the Pulse Nightclub shooting they lobbied against a bill that would tighten background checks and after a shooter killed 60 people in Las Vegas the nssf lobbied against a proposed bill that would ban bump stocks in 2017. I want to start with the Tumi Mansion background check Bill did you Lobby for or against that we deposed that legislation yes Charleston loophole bill that is not the same as a Gun Show loophole Bill did you Lobby for or against that we had issues with the bill as written based on how long it could go for a background check to be completed so we had some issues with that legislation there's polling on all kinds of different gun control Provisions out there raising the age raising the purchasing age Universal background checks closing loopholes a lot of this is popular with the American public is the nssf lobbying against what Americans want when you are opposing things that do have popular um opinion in this country our job is to represent the interests of our members we can't support raising the age to purchase to 21 because it's unconstitutional you have a constitutional right when you turn 18. to keep and bear arms to purchase firearms particularly from a law-abiding dealer after a background check you said that it's constitutional that when you're 18 you should be able to purchase any kind of gun does the Second Amendment say 18 I'm I'm sort of wondering what you mean by that I think it's well recognized that you are when you're 18 you have reached the Asian majority in every state in this country and you are an adult fully vested in all of your constitutional rights has there ever been a shooting or a tragedy in the recent past that has given you pause about your your work what you do at the NSS app like all Americans people in the fire industry certainly people that work at nssf and who are the criminal misuse of firearms we think these are horrible tragedies but we don't believe that our advocacy work on behalf of our industry is responsible for the strategies but I mean in Uvalde we saw 19 students who were killed with an AR-15 is is that not a time to to look at how deadly that weapon is that weapon is no more deadly than than any other firearm so we see that as just exploiting tragedy for political gain what the nssf is doing is working and gun groups across the country are succeeding and making it easier to purchase a firearm the conservative majority Supreme Court recently struck down in New York state law which had tightened rules on where you can carry a gun republican-led states keep loosening restrictions on gun licensing even in a place like Uvalde with direct experience of a mass shooting most people there voted to re-elect the pro-gun governor and Javier casares he lost his election I guess when you see that are you disappointed in your community I am but you know it's it's been like this forever you know what has to happen and what more house has happened so things can change do you think that political leaders understand the stakes what happens to one of those and they're not going to care as much you know until episode they're gonna open their eyes what happens in the meantime while things aren't moving while there isn't anything changing what's gonna happen it has to happen I guess days after we spoke to Javier there was a deadly shooting on the campus of the University of Virginia not even a week later another gunman killed five people and injured 17 at an lgbtq bar in Colorado a few days after that six people were shot and killed in a Walmart in Chesapeake Virginia there have been on average 13 mass shootings a week in 2022 alone attempts at reform continue too even though they have little Prospect for Success an assault weapons ban passed the house but doesn't have the votes in the Senate Brett cross was in DC to Rally For It Anyway today we are here at the Capitol to demand action we need leader Schumer and Senate Democrats to bring the assault weapons ban to the floor for a vote now we're going to have a new Senate a new Congress here soon do you have hope that they're going to be able to change anything that there will be laws passed to prevent gun violence I I don't really deal with hope anymore I lost all my Hope on May 24th we've voted them in and if they don't do right by us then they can be on their way out foreign getting rid of politicians who can't or won't deliver on gun reform is harder than it sounds but they are the problem Congress gets lobbied on tons of issues but none are as deadly as guns they are choosing not to deal with this and when you question them on it all they have is talking points when is the US going to break out of this cycle why are we the only country that has these mass shootings especially we're the only country that have these mass shootings but we're on school campuses like this well I mean you've had somebody killed a bunch of people in Norway the point I'm trying to make is we're having a second amendment here and we try to balance that money that the gun lobby gives you does that ever influence your decisions when you meet with lobbyists in all seriousness I'm trying to remember it's it's not an excessive amount so anyway what is it going to take for this country for lawmakers like yourself to stop this epidemic of gun violence that we have we have a huge mental health problem you can do away with guns or you can do away with cars you can do away with anything but until you stop the mental health problem you're not going to stop people from getting killed I mean we have we don't have a plan for it we've never had a plan for it do you know how much money you receive from the gun lobby I'll have no clue does when they come up to the hill and Lobby your office does that impact your decisions on legislation you know I'm a big Second Amendment guy I've had guns all my life I think you have a right to defend yourself and uh uh you know I'll be hard to convince me any otherwise why does this keep happening in the United States well well I mean it's probably a Confluence of factors Shooters fit a profile I know it's it's usually in terms of being men and usually young men and that's a big problem I think we better have a conversation about that do you have legislation that you think could change why we have mass shootings all the time especially on on school campuses well yes I've introduced legislation repeatedly to go after violent criminals and and we've seen the Biden Administration nominate radical judge after radical judge that has a history of releasing violent criminals from jail all right thank you guys but it's not violent criminals it's not mental health and it's not a crisis of masculinity it's that any law which has the power to limit access to guns is stopped in its tracks by a no compromise culture and powerful well-funded gun lobbies if nothing changes a decade from now we'll be making another film just like this to most people if it doesn't happen to you then you don't care about it so it's just failure after failure and nobody is being held accountable from the federal level down to our town what is the future like for you right now it's fighting just anytime there's a fight anytime there's a sit-in a protest I'll be there you know I'm not going away if I go away then my son goes away and he's not going away I will make sure that everybody remembers his name and face until the day that I die thank you [Music] I'm Michael larimuth editor-in-chief of Vice news too often traditional news outlets shy away from the real stories and experiences of those living through Global conflicts not Vice news our reporters are on the ground fearlessly covering the human stories that shape our world you and millions of others can continue to read watch and listen to Vice news for free but we hope you'll consider making a one-time or ongoing contribution of any size advice.com contribute every contribution no matter how big or small helps support the journalism Vice news brings to you every day thank you
Channel: VICE News
Views: 833,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VICE News, VICE News Tonight, VICE on HBO, news, vice video, VICE on SHOWTIME, vice news 2022, mass shootings, gun control, america guns, shootings, world news, breaking news, gun violence, 2nd amendment, gun control in america, gun control bill, gun control 2022, gun control argument, democracy now, us news, gun violence documentary, news today, american guns documentary, sandy hook, uvalde, massacre, politics, american politics, america political divide, obama, biden
Id: z3yihywux_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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