I tried AlgoExpert... is it worth it?

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so you want to be a software engineer at google go to algo expert dot io pick a question read the prompt write some code okay fine we've probably all seen the now infamous algo expert commercials but it's i figured it's time to put it to the test like is this thing any good is it worth it i did reach out to algo expert for a free membership for this video and they were nice enough to give it to me but this video isn't sponsored and anything like they aren't paying me to say good things about them i've actually never done a sponsorship on this channel because i want to be able to give my honest opinion on things so we'll see how it goes so how's this video going to go well first i'm gonna explain to you guys what algo expert is second of all we're gonna look at the different pricing options next we're gonna look at the features where we're gonna look at about three there's three or four main sections we're gonna be going over finally i'm gonna be giving you guys my opinion do i think this is worth it do i think it's any good so make sure you guys stick around to the end of the video to hear my opinion before we get into the video make sure you guys smash that like button come on people i want to see some blue thumbs also if you haven't had the chance to join the keep on coding discord channel it's completely free so you guys can just hop in there talk tech with myself and other developers all right so what is algo expert well it's a website that's a collection of resources to prepare for coding interviews they focus mostly on data structures and algorithm type problems so it's specifically targeted for people trying to get jobs as software developers or software engineers it's co-founded by the youtuber clemence m i'm probably butcher's last name so i'm not even gonna try so some of you guys might know who he is they do have a collection of a hundred coding interview questions that you can practice on but we're gonna get into all that all the specifics later on in the video i checked it out and it is searched on google 60 000 times a month so it's definitely a product people are searching for and are interested in so here is the website here i'll go expert dot io and here are the different pricing options we have algo expert which is 99 there is also systems expert which focuses on the system design interview that's we're not going to talk about that in this video but they do have that and then they do have the bundle here i was able to do a quick search on google and if you type in the promo code save 10 and apply that it gives you a 10 discount on i'll go expert so now it takes it down to 89 and then the algo expert and system expert bundle went down i think it was 14 so this is probably the best option here and i should mention that this is only for one year of access so the 89 will be good for a year and then you'll be charged again at the end of that year i don't think they have auto renewal on though i do wish that they had something maybe like a monthly option because i mean this is targeted for people that are trying to get jobs and the average job search usually doesn't take a year it's usually what couple months like maybe like three months and then like if i was using this and i got a job i probably wouldn't use it anymore after that so i do wish that there was some kind of like shorter like a monthly option so if you guys are watching this think about it all right so up top here uh we have a couple of links but what we want to look at is the content again we're not going to be looking at systems expert but under algo expert we have four sections here let's take a look at the first one which is coding interview questions so if we go down here uh we have four different categories easy medium hard very hard with most of the questions in the medium to hard range you could also group by category uh which goes over like pretty much all the main topics that you would want to go for when studying for the coding interview uh you could also do this like group randomly thing here so yeah if you want to go into a question so this is the editor here this is probably where you're going to be spending most of your time um and if you look at it it's very similar to lead code like almost the same uh so if you are familiar with lead code you'll be able to you know use this pretty easily and um okay so wow there's a lot going on here uh let's start at the top where basically you can like customize the editor uh they do have the option here to do different languages if you guys know me you know i'm gonna go with java let's make the font a little bit bigger so on the left here we have the the name of the problem with the prompt and i guess oh you actually can't highlight anything that's kind of annoying so you have the prompt and then underneath you have some sample input and output it even gives you some hints and then on the right here we have the actual text editor where you would write your code and then you could submit your code and it will run it against a bunch of test cases and tell you whether you passed all of them or failed some so uh i don't know should we should we give this a shot i feel like i haven't done a lot of coding lately on this channel i wanna i gotta prove to you guys that i still got it right so let me read this prompt real quick and solve this problem [Music] all right so hopefully i did that right let's give it a shot and there we go still got it uh past all the test cases first try um if you want to look here at the bottom left there is the list of tests that it tests your code against so if you did get one of these wrong you can go and like try and debug with the actual uh input so there are a few other tabs here on the left so you could have like a scratch pad if you want to write some notes they have their actual solution here if you wanted to look at that like if you can't figure it out and they also do have a video explanation so the video explanation talks through the algorithm um and then finally it actually goes over the code i noticed that all the examples are in python so i mean if you're a python person that's good but if you're not then i mean it shouldn't be too hard to follow but that's just something to keep in mind so let's go into the next section here which is the data structures crash course so right here is a list of 13 videos here that explain different computer science or data structures and algorithms topics so there's theoretical stuff like big-o notation logs and then it gets to a little bit more practical stuff so these videos are anywhere from like 10 minutes to i saw one for like 42 minutes so you know not not too long pro tip if you are watching the video you could always speed it up at like 1.5 or 2x speed if you're you know really daring all right so let's look over the final section here which is mock interviews this is looks like it's a new thing and it's still in beta so there are two options here you could either do a mock interview with a random algo expert user and what you do is you go over to the scheduler and you just pick a time that you're available and they'll probably like randomly match you up with someone or you could do a mock interview with a friend where they just give you a link to a sample question that you can you know you can interview your friend so if we go back to content you do also get a couple bonus sections here so this is behavioral interview prep so here there are 15 questions here where uh they're just kind of like sample behavioral interview questions like uh making a pass mistake a time that you got tough feedback so so if you wanted to just practice your behavioral interview stuff there's that section as well i also do have a video on behavioral interview questions so you guys can definitely check that out as well and then the final section here is coding interview tips so i haven't looked at these either but they're probably like you know how to communicate during an interview um i don't know what these other ones are but uh those are you know just more resources that you could use all right so it's time for my opinion do i think this is a buy or not and let me tell you this this is a tough one i mean it's 89 so it's not you know it's not a fortune that you're paying but i mean it's also not pocket change i also did a video on lead code premium and whether that was worth it or not i said no because i feel like the free stuff is already good enough for what you need but for algo expert you don't really get much unless you actually pay for it and just you know from going over all the features that we went over does this have anything that you can't find from searching the internet no i mean if you want videos on different data structures and algorithms there's youtube if you want an editor to solve problems you could use leak code and there are a lot more problems on there plus lead code has a comment section where people can comment and post their answers if you want to do live interviews there's websites like pram so really what you're paying for here is the convenience of having everything all in one bundle so i don't know maybe maybe you are just a fan of clement and his teaching style which is totally fine so i mean it's hard for me to give a definitive yes or no like for me personally if i was looking for a job i probably wouldn't use this because i kind of have my own routine like i do a lot of cracking the coding interview i do a lot of lead code so i don't know if i hadn't if i was looking for a while and i wanted to switch something up yeah i would definitely try this i mean it is a good product like say we took away the price and we were like is the product itself good yeah it's a very good product but it's also not like okay you have to get this if you are interviewing so i mean 89 is different for every person uh if you you know if you want to spend it then by all means go for it it wouldn't be a bad purchase so you know that's just my opinion but i mean you guys can do whatever you want to do all right y'all thanks for watching the video uh let me know in the comments if you guys have tried algo expert and if you guys would recommend it or if it's something that you would consider purchasing i'd love to hear your guys feedback on that but uh yeah i mean make sure you guys hit me with the subscribe for more videos and uh thank you guys so much for watching and see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Keep On Coding
Views: 451,768
Rating: 4.9210167 out of 5
Keywords: algoexpert, algoexpert review, algo, systems expert
Id: 5HSoS7x8VP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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