Should You Learn C# in 2021? πŸ€” (a tech CEO's view)

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today we're going to talk about should you learn c sharp in 2021 [Music] learning to code can be stressful and hard and that's why i was proud to write the book breaking the code that gives you those five essential steps to landing that first software job pick up your copy today at amazon or any other major outlet if you're new to this channel my name is bobby davis i'm the ceo and founder of coder founder what you may not know about me is i also run a consulting company and since the year 2000 we've been building software projects for a host of different people and and c-sharp mainly to do that and that puts me in a unique position because i've seen a lot of customers a lot of projects and talking to a lot of customers getting feedback i know what they want to use and that's and c sharp in fact that's why we started our boot camp coder foundry is because we wanted to teach people these skills so that they can take advantage of them in the marketplace so you may ask yourself a question should i learn c sharp in 2021 the short answer is absolutely yes because the enterprise uses it if you want to know more and you want to know why stick around and i'm going to give you a lot of reasons why c sharp is something you need to focus on so if you're paying attention to the tech world in 2020 one thing that you may have picked up on is that microsoft had defcom in november 2020. now what they did in that conference is they released something called net 5. 5 was their accumulation of of rewriting their net framework from 4.5 to 0.5 now in between that we had this thing core and all of that work terminated into dotnet5 now what does that mean to you what is dotnet5. 5 is a framework a collection of libraries and tooling that we can use to build applications the language that we use to build that is c sharp now what is unique about that net 5 is that it's for open source it also has free tooling free to use free and now for the first time it is cross-platform or truly cross-platform now a lot of that has been seen through net core but since november now that dream is fully realized especially on the web platform now if you're building web applications you got to think about where do i host it and net allows you to host that on the host of your choice now in the past that wasn't always the case you had to push it to windows and windows hosting is definitely more expensive than say like a linux host in fact at coder foundry we push applications utilizing a container to heroku now even though that's not supported but because of the magic of it's being supported by containers and it being cross-platform it allows us to on any type of host now if you're running this in the enterprise this is of great interest to you which means that you can pick azure to host it you can host it on windows you can host on linux you can go to aws you can go to heroku whatever host you want to do now your code will run there so it's open source it is cross-platform and now the tooling's free now the first thing that we want to talk about is web application development because after all that's still the most in demand job in the us when you're talking about web applications what can you do with csharper what kind of things does microsoft bring to the table when you're looking at the frameworks itself it's called and under that umbrella there is a lot of things that goes on there but brings you to things like mvc it also brings you into spas using react and angular it also can take you to the web assembly world using blazer but let's talk about just pure nvc at this point so if you're working in the enterprise a lot of people need what we call line of business applications built and they typically pick a lot of projects or picking c sharp because of the speed to market because you have things like built-in scaffolding you have a built-in oem using entity framework you have built-in security called identity and so all of these things are built in allows you to build a fast secure and very scalable application to run your line of business on and you can do that very quickly with scaffolding and so but combined with the tooling the language itself and the productivity a lot of companies pick csharp and to write these applications and that's why it's in such high demand and if you want to take advantage of those jobs and those opportunities you need to be learning and c-sharp this year as microsoft pushes this technology further and further into the enterprise more and more companies will adopt it now the other thing that's really fascinating about web development is in fact blazer the biggest name in webassembly right now is blazer the tooling is more mature and the types of things that you can build with it um are virtually unlimited and so microsoft itself is putting blazer forward above things like mvc and razer pages because they feel like that is the future of web development now in 2021 are we going to see a lot of blazer jobs we're definitely seeing more than we did in 2020 but we may still be 12 to 18 months away so if you need to learn one thing right now it's still c sharp with nbc but if you're already coding for a living you're already doing things take a look at blazer as well it is the best implementation of webassembly to date right now and it allows you to build things that formerly weren't possible um with standard javascript or standard like even like nvc sites because it compiles down to bytecode so check out nbc or blazer for web development hey if you're liking this video please hit the like button and remember to subscribe to be notified of all of our future great content now another thing that you may be looking into is mobile development so if you don't know in the last couple years we've seen a big influx of cross-platform mobile development applications and jobs the reason is is that the enterprise has really built out these robust websites but now they're coming around to well maybe these websites or these applications need to also run on other devices like an iphone or an android device or an ipad like a tablet and you might think ah everyone's built mobile applications it's it's kind of like it's kind of done and played out it's not really good luck been there done that bought the t-shirt next it does take a while for the larger enterprise companies to come around to these concepts where before they want to push it to just browser but now they're saying you know this really needs to be a native mobile device now that's where cross platform mobile development comes in now with apple you do have things like swift but that only allows you to build it just on apple and you do have things like android development and that only allows you to build on android now what companies are facing is well i don't want to write this twice i don't have two silos of code what i want is one way or one code base to build my application so that'll run on android and ios now what you're seeing is there's basically three ways to do that there's um react native and there's also dart or flutter from google those are the two other ways the microsoft way and the one that i want to talk about specifically is xamarin now xamarin allows us to build uis that run cross-platform that run on ios and android negatively it also allows us to share code so that the code that we write the business layer logic can be shared between the multiple platforms that we want to write for not only will it run on an ios device like a tablet or iphone it will also run on a desktop it will also run on a windows desktop as well as an android phone and so truly xamarin is really what we call cross-platform it's really going to mobile and now with net5 it's also going into the desktop as well and as those targets are mac os and windows and so when you're looking at cross-platform mode development xamarin is going to be a big player because of the innovation that microsoft continues to push in the platform and the amount of time and effort they're pushing into these into xamarin and you can see that they're pushing it really hard inside conf which tells you what they think about the platform and where they're going to take it they're going to take it beyond mobile phones and into the desktop and since it's open source now the community can come in and build things as well on top of this that can further extend the xamarin platform into almost anywhere almost unlimited so look at cross-platform mobile development in particular and specifically check out xamarin and c-sharp now when you're talking about c-sharp as a language you've got to mention desktop development because c-sharp truly is the first class citizen on desktop development because the primary target for desktop development is in fact windows which is built by microsoft therefore if you're building a windows application c-sharp should be your number one choice it doesn't mean other people or other languages can't build with it but c-sharp is going to be the best environment for you to build a windows application to point right now now here's what's exciting about that with net 5 and soon to be within 11 months of this recording dot net six which will allow us to for the first time really push our windows applications and onto mac os as well utilizing something called xamarin as i mentioned in the previous segment and so we can now make these cross-platform applications that run anywhere you may be asking yourself what about linux well we do have things like electron and other types of things that allows us to run c-sharp there but that's not officially supported by microsoft and their current thing is are they going to support linux on the desktop currently right now i think they will eventually but that's not going to be in 2021 but if you're building desktop applications right now it's more than likely you're building it on windows and if you want to pursue this market and take opportunities of windows development c-sharp is the language of choice so let's talk about the other things that you can build with c-sharp if you're learning c sharp does it cover you for all facets of programming and development and the answer is yes so with c-sharp you can build things like microservices or service-based sites utilizing and web api this allows you to run these functions sometimes without infrastructure in their service function or in a traditional web host either way you can build these types of the microservices pattern and run that on azure or aws or the host of your choice because your code literally will run anywhere another thing that you can do that's become increasingly popular is build games so if your goal is to be a game developer i can tell you my one tip right now you need to get out unity and build a game on unity push it to steam and then show that to the game pla the game company that you want to work out so build a game inside of c sharp and unity and that'll allow you to break into game development there's also embedded machine learning as well as internet of things all of these things are supported under nc sharp with broad support from microsoft and not to mention they have one of the strongest cloud platforms in the world called azure and azure gives you access to a host of things like cognitive services which allows you to like do voice recognition or text-to-speech type scenarios a lot of machine learning with and the services that run to train your data for those types of applications so in general c-sharp has you covered in almost every facet of software development today and it's something that you should definitely look into in 2021 especially if you're just trying to break in but even if you are a veteran you need to take a look at c sharp and what microsoft is doing because they're really pushing the technology forward and there's a lot of r d going on and before it wasn't open source the tooling wasn't free but now it is and maybe that's the time that you take a look at c sharp for 2021. so you're watching this video and you're probably thinking here we go bobby davis again is the microsoft fanboy i'm being paid by microsoft to wave a flag that says pixee sharp is doing it it's probably right now in the comments that i paid by microsoft to do this video and simply not the case microsoft and c-sharp simply gives you a fantastic opportunity to find employment as a software engineer microsoft is one of the largest companies in the world they're spending billions of dollars to innovate c-sharp in the dot-net framework and they are very good at what they do and that's seen in the results of all of the enterprise companies pretty much are adopting this as a platform and so if you want to work at any one of those companies c-sharp is the way to do that if you're watching this video and you'd like to learn how to be a software developer coder founder would love to be your teacher your coach or your mentor go to apply and we'll put you on that road to that first software job go to apply so i hope that helps good luck and keep coding [Music] you
Channel: Coder Foundry
Views: 50,196
Rating: 4.9392624 out of 5
Keywords: coding bootcamp, learn to code, dotnet, .net, c#, programming, software developer, coder foundry, coding bootcamp in north carolina, c# programming, learn c#, c# 2021, c sharp, software developer career, self taught developer, c# programming language, programming languages 2021, uses of c# programming language, c# unity, microsoft, web development, desktop development, coding bootcamp 2021, .net 5, .net framework
Id: IJgBn6Bd-nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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