Why BOOMERS Hate POP Music

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started streaming what's up everyone it's um sunday afternoon good afternoon this is a great question here today why boomers hate pop music before i get started the um discount code for today's live stream is rb808 now those of you that know about music production you know what 808 means those of you that don't we're going to talk about a little bit billy can you brighten up this light over here a little bit yeah thank you um so it uh this is based on my video about the top 10 that i did where i was talking about the uh i went to the global top 10 from spotify and i listened to each song i analyzed the um the melodies the production things like that and i talked about uh structurally what was going on with each song and of course uh you know the video did i i don't mean of course it did well hey brett uh but the video got on trending to number 27 a few days ago and uh and i think it's funny because i am a boomer okay i was born in 1962 the baby boom goes from i don't know 1945 until 1964 i believe right so uh but i don't think of myself in that way because i don't typically like uh what boomers like necessarily well that's not true i like i like stuff that i grew up with and i like contemporary music as well so um i want to talk about these things i'm going to start out by reading some comments once again the discount code today is rb808 that's for my new biato book um instagram quick lessons those of you that follow me on instagram at rickbiota1 i have a series called quick lessons and i have 30 of them right now and there's a book that goes with my beyo book what we call the slim bundle and it's 50 off that and it's a really good deal if you've been waiting to get my uh my biato book you can get that and the series of 30 lessons which is about another uh 50 55 page uh uh book that goes along with it anyways okay first of all let me read you the typical comment from this okay here we go um pop sucks um i think all that music is under crap i'm literally reading these just right in the road trap b makes my ears bleed um the cardi track slaps though that second song was unlistenable the only good songs are watermelon sugar and blinding lights others are straight up trash uh the next one the only cool part is when they ripped off red hot chili peppers great video must be the chorus um let's see absolute garbage um the top ten tumors uh rick you played the chord progressions alone on the guitar the analysis of each song it was better than the mixed final product by the artists if i was scanning the radio dial for something else to and there wasn't a song in there i would have it would have caught my attention the point where i would have stopped okay interesting uh but uh terrible great review appreciate your honesty analogies 10 reasons why i don't want spotify um let's see okay boomer there we go finally got one it didn't take long to get to uh to get to ok boomer um okay but there's a really interesting comment here that i thought was more uh that i actually i screenshot comments when i read through them and i save them my photos so there's one that came here like this person writes if i could summarize my issues with contemporary pop in one sentence too much production not enough talent the labels if there are even labels anymore have monetized it all the way down to a few algorithms in clever marketing now this person says i grew up on steve miller whitney houston michael jackson metallica prince of course i could go on as people of a certain age know too well the last singer i truly appreciate was amy winehouse um anyways rick i respect you can sift through the noise and find the good so in summary get off my lawn that's now this is really interesting i put together a list actually this isn't the interesting part but this that was very interesting a very insightful i thought so i put together a list of what i think boomers why i think boomers do not like pop uh popular music hey billy can you brighten up this little bit more too i look i look uh i look kind of dark here there we go better thank you um okay so here's the reasons that i think and i'll and i'm going to give you some examples number one no tempo variation every pop song that i played is the exact same tempo the number one song right now which is uh what what is it billy what's number one right now no it's uh mood the song mood is all one tempo okay now i just took about two seconds and i programmed the [Music] now i hope i don't get demonetized there the whole song is 91 beats per minute that is the basic beat there with pretty much the typical sounds that you hear okay we'll talk about that in a second my next thing okay so no tempo variation for example i did a video where i talked about james brown funky drummer and it drifted i have a an app for my phone called live bpm in old school songs drift they were done on tape they were done with live players and they weren't done to a clip to typically um uh stevie wonder superstition all these records that that i've done what makes a song great on that are pre 1996 or so for the most part now there's a lot of things in the 80s that were done to a click because they used midi okay but things that have uh real players on them tended to not be to a click and they let the people just play free form right and they played live in the room and there are tempo variations for example if you take back in black by a cdc i used that in one of my videos so the verse was at 92. the chorus 9192 the course was at 94. second verse was at 93 second course was at 95 and so on and so forth and yet they were fluctuating all the time all right so that's one thing that that people i think boomers don't like is that there are no tempo variations these are subtle things right um repetitive sounds like i just played those 808 909 all those rolling drum machines drum machine sounds like if you hear [Music] you hear kick drums like that all the time you know why because that's actually taken from one of the top 10 sons it's not from the song that i put but that that's clap sound you hear all the time snare sounds like that you hear all the time you hear this is uh what a hi-hat um they think sounds like and then you hear the the cicada rhythm a lot right that's what i call the cicada the 32nd note or the hi-hat quote-unquote hi-hat rolls those are very repetitive out of the top 10 songs i had uh i think there were five that have that those trap beat sounds that are just um that are used in pop music all the time it's not just pop music hip hop rap pop country music uses them they're just they've been around forever now they've been used for the last oh geez i don't know 10 years or so in pop music and they're they're i thought that they were start i think that they're actually on the decline i really do because everything eventually people get sick of hearing okay so you'll start hearing less and less and like i said only about half uh half the songs use that trap beat sound that actually was big in atlanta 20 years ago okay um next thing all diatonic changes meaning it doesn't change keys like the harry styles song for example right watermelon sugar it's just four chords i mean pretty much all of the songs on my list are in that list of the top 10 it's changed this week but most of the songs are the same um use four chords or less and only one of them had a chord that was not in the key okay one of them used the three major chord um this week 50 years ago the number one song was um simon and garfunkel bridge over troubled water now there are so many chord changes in that song it's an incredibly sophisticated song okay it's a very melodic song beautiful song a song that you cannot put together with a drum machine and a piece of software this is something you have to sit down and write and i'm not judging things i appreciate pop music because i'm a producer by trade and i love sounds okay and i love manipulation of sounds things like that but there's a lot of repetitive things these sounds that you hear all the time swells things like that bass drops all these kind of things just constantly this is just what pop music is it's a lot of these things next thing um beyond beyond diatonic changes meaning no key changes and typically four chords or less uh there's no dynamic variation except when people use side chain compression side chain compression is a thing that they use on on base it's you typically triggered by a rhythmic instrument and it has this sucking sound where it ducks it's actually called ducking it actually ducks the front end of a of a sound down and it produces a pumping effect and that pumping effect actually gives it rhythmic variation but it's really uh it's an amplitude variation that doesn't really um it does create dynamics but for the most part you hear those hi-hats for example right i just played you that beat from the song mood and the hi-hat sound it's the same really what a lot of boomers think is irritating sound that has no dynamics now that's not even a hi-hat it's just a tick from a drum machine that you know these drum machines were put out back in the 80s a lot of these rolling drum sounds and people have modified the sounds obviously you know you can pitch them up pitch them down truncate them a little bit but they're pretty much just sounds from 40 years ago whatever right or 35 years ago whatever uh the trap beats in the top ten so 24k golden had it lemonade rockstar laugh now cry later the drake song those all had the trap beats with those typical types of sounds um uh now somebody says oh a side chain compression that's typically used in edm music and that's an old school kind of thing uh when i talk about pop music i'm talking about music of the last 10 years or so because boomers really do not like uh popular music for the most part of the last 10 years this is when i started to see these kind of uh i've been seeing these kind of comments more and more on my channel i've had my channel for four years now but but as i started doing pop uh you know including contemporary music um you started to see these kind of things right um i did a video on the jonas brothers um where the this musicologist was currently comparing it to funky drummer the uh jonas brothers song sucker talking about the drumbeat and my thing was that it was a quantized beat meaning it's all been lined up to a grid and people know they're like oh rick's talking about that again well these are the reasons why people do not like these this is another reason that boomers don't like it now they don't know these things typically unless you're a musician and you can articulate these okay um uh little sonic variation uh they have singable melodies a lot of popular music some doesn't even have single melodies it's it's uh we'll have wrapping things like that but the typical melody since the harmonic progressions are simple the melodies are simple and they're very nursery rhyme like okay this is why what makes them catchy now there are plenty of songs that are not like that but if you have songs that change keys you get far more interesting melodies i did a video on sting now this is a here we go boomer uh but this goes back to the 80s he had a record called dream of blue turtles it was his first solo record after the police and i talked about this song fortress around your heart which is very sophisticated it starts in g dorian then it it goes down to e flat mixolydian it goes from g minor to e flat major to f sharp minor and then the chorus starts on e minor right so it's modulating all over the place you get a really sophisticated melody you just do because of that right or you know grunge music pretty much all the grunge me bands had very sophisticated chord changes it's just a fact okay compared to today's pop music so uh and then the last thing that people do not like typically people that are my age or or even way younger than me is auto-tune the robotic sound right that's what you hear where you started hearing share on do you believe in life after love you know back in 1998 uh which has become just part of popular music it's in every song but there's just there's two things you have auto-tune and there's a thing called melodyne melodyne is something that you use uh that people use to tune vocals also they will they tune vocals with that when you do not want people to hear the tuning because um typically autotune is used as an effect in popular music right it almost doesn't sound like pop if it doesn't have auto tune on it it's just become the sound of pop music just like the uh one four five and six chord progression became the sound of pop music over the last 20 years or so and you've seen the videos on there on that thing i've done a video on it you know the four chords of pop music right so auto tune has become one of those signature things that uh that people just expect to hear and they expect to hear in tune or perfectly tuned vocals right the the pitch variation along with the tempo variation along with the um you know songs that change keys so that you have much more complex melodies is what to them made music more interesting and i understand that okay to to you know those the pop music that i played on my video the other day i enjoy sonically i enjoy the uh i enjoy the craft of how the songs are put together how they put sounds together because most production nowadays is uses what i would call additive sounds i have a one of the tracks from the um from the top 10 i have the tracks for okay and there's 170 tracks now one some of the tracks have just one kick drum sound on it for the whole song right or might have uh you know one sound effect swell sound effect but they're all on separate tracks if you have a song you know um uh it smells like teen spirit okay in the verses the band drops down kurt cobain plays a two note thing with chorus down here right and right they do the four chord thing and then um and they drop down so they come down in dynamics when the chorus hits they play louder curt hits the distortion they add a bunch of guitars in there and it's it's a very dynamic change okay um stevie wonder superstition when i did that video there's like six clap clav parts in it right the drums are played there is no click track because stevie played the drums first on it right and he's just playing to himself the keyboard bass sound and i mean it's just unbelievable how much variation there is on it because it's played right it's not programmed it's physically played along to the track and it's not perfect none of those things are perfect you heard that the term perfection is the enemy of the good right and uh you know we are in the era of perfection now everything is not everything country music has a lot of variation certain types of country music jason isbell people like that chris stapleton you'll find a certain style of country music that is um that is very fresh in that way that is actually played by players there are certain indie bands that that are played by players plenty of indie bands that that are not on the grid and things like that um but the um the sophistication in music and of of melodic songs of the 60s if i did a comparison between the 60s and today so we're talking 50 years ago or i'm 60 almost 60 years ago um the mid-60s there was an incredible music sophistication that started in the mid 60s from the chord progressions and the melodies and it was across multiple genres of music it was in um motown music it was in pop music it was in acoustic folk music like jim croci and uh people like that that had really sophisticated chord progressions it was in led zeppelin it was in black sabbath the who um you know so many different styles of music uh and i think that that um that these reasons there there's there's a nostalgia that people have because of when they grew up and they relate songs to that certain era there's no getting by that right but there are concrete reasons that that boomers or that a lot of people it's not just boomers a lot of people don't like popular music um but i think that they can't really articulate them and so i just articulated those things that that i think are the reasons why people don't like it it's not necessarily the reason that i don't like it right because i like songs that like i said i like production there were songs in there that i liked that are in the that are in the top ten no tempo variation repetitive sounds all diatonic or chords from the same key no dynamic or little dynamic variation they use additive uh uh production value so if they want a sound to get louder instead of playing it louder in a performance like a drummer getting louder and a part they just add more things they add it to make it fuller and louder okay so that's what i call additive production a little dynamic variation little sonic variation although i think it's actually a lot of sonic variation um but using a lot of the same sounds drum wise is where they the son lack of sonic variation is using the same kind of sounds like i was playing i mean it's the old cicada right there that is taken from a this is taken from a con a current song those sounds i just just literally got them out of there right so there you go it's not uh those of you that want to sample this although it's not uh it's not hi-fi or anything but those are uh those are kick and snare samples from a contemporary song um okay let me just say right now before i uh uh i see some questions here um discount code this is how i make a living for my channel um everything um i have my beato book ins um instagram quick lessons new what i call the slim bundle is on sale 50 off rb 808 808 it's 808 drum machine that's what that's for uh and then 30 off my ear training uh course and my ear training course a lot of people made the comment on this that wow i can't believe that rick can figure out those song those songs by ear so quickly well one of the reasons is that i developed my ear training course is for this exact thing so you can hear a song and you can figure out what it is instantly how you listen to the intervals of the bass you listen to the chord quality whether it's major minor uh you know and that's it this is how you do these things and then you use relative pitch to relate it to whatever tone that you give yourself if you play a c on the piano you can learn to okay if it's c and then you hear it up a minor third it's the no e it starts on oh i know it's an e minor chord so you're e minor then you hear a chord that's a minor third up and it's major a g major right so this is really how it's done it's actually done through using relative pitch right i don't have perfect pitch i just listen to them and i can figure out what the chord progressions are that's what my ear training course does um so it is instructive oh um so 30 off for that rb808 it's the same discount code but it's instructive to go and look at the comments i really think it is it's it's fascinating to me i learn a lot uh and there's a really wide range of people that watch my channel um the the the biggest age group is 25 to 34 but it's only by a couple percent like 23 it's pretty even honestly from 18 to 55 it's like 20 each with some you know less on the margins very you know 13 to 17 no my kids don't even watch my uh watch my channel okay let me let me answer a couple of these questions um uh tony asks here uh what records i would recommend to help develop the ear for his two-year-old um any type of high information music tony bach anything that modulates a lot a lot of jazz contemporary jazz or jazz honestly from the from the if 1945 on from charlie parker on has sophisticated uh chord progression to change key all the time that's my answer that thank you jay appreciate that i just missed where all my live chat stuff are if i i know there were more thank you to all the super uh super chatters here i don't know where where they are but um but i really appreciate that um let's see here uh so i got a lot of great ideas from doing this video though that um uh that i think that you know people want me to do more of these videos but i'm gonna do one on country music i think i want to do do one on uh indie indie music the indie charts too there's just a lot of really cool stuff out there um i'm getting close to um number 100 am i what makes the sun great people have been putting um suggestions for that i am taking suggestions i'll take suggestions in the comments section here after thank you tony um i will take suggestions for that i don't have it decided what i'm going to do for number 100 but i want it to be a gr you know something cool if you haven't checked out my latest one on the who you should definitely check that out because it's on love rain over me which is one of my favorite songs of all times it's an incredibly great song uh but you know i think it's good for people to get out there and listen to what is what people what kids are listening to my kids are 13 11 and seven okay they're not even my son dylan is kind of just into that area where he'd be getting into these songs right now into popular music so i'm two generations older than my kids so uh and i work with contemporary music and have for years um so there you go any other questions um this this is great i'm gonna put out another video about this i have an interview with steve jordan coming out this week who's the great session drummer played with john mayer great producer produced so many great records and um and uh so i got that coming out follow me on instagram at rickbiota1 check out my quick lessons pdf it's actually for sale by itself too on my website i think but you can get the biato book bundle and my quick lessons uh bundled together the slim bundle as we're calling it um for 50 off today rb808 and honestly if you guys own my book or something you want to support the channel i have t-shirts i've got mugs i've got uh i got plenty other things in my store but that's how i support my family and am able to keep doing this peter now that's a clickbait title there you go greetings back to russia thank you peter appreciate that i like it but that's actually what the topic was it was literally why people don't like why boomers hate pop music i explained it i think thank you stuart all right you guys are the best thank you so much have a great rest of the day take care how
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 866,269
Rating: 4.9284005 out of 5
Keywords: theory of music, music theory pdf, music theory guitar, guitar theory, what is music theory, piano music theory, music theory chords, basic music theory, rick beato, everything music, perfect pitch, absolute pitch, relative pitch, ear training, music theory basics, advanced music theory, guitar, bass, ear training program, music theory modes, guitar scales, pop music, country music, boomers, harry styles, cardi b, wap, music production, pop production, hip hop, Rick Beato
Id: yDUSFpek0PM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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