Why Bill Burr and His Wife Argue | Irish Girl Reacts

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you know I'm not huffing and puffing yeah I said that no no no no no no no no no no I just want to watch a documentary I don't have a lecture I do that with Partners so today we are going to check out Bill Burr and a video called Bill Burr while he and his wife argue something to that effect this should be interesting billboard tells a lot a lot of jokes about women none of which we should take too seriously I'm interested to see what he has to say about his wife hmm because he has to go home to her you know before we get into the video do be sure to like share comment and subscribe and maybe check out patreon and channel membership if you enjoy these videos otherwise you're gonna fall in snow which would suck it's so easy not to like share comment subscribe check out stuff and things this video appears on Netflix is a joke it's a pretty recent video well two years ago recent so let's check it out now I love Elvis okay he fascinates me he's like the first rock star with the power of Television they just intercepted and he went to this this he ascended to this level of Fame that no one had ever been to before hence he made all the mistakes because there was no one there to help him out right he got a piece of manager that stole from him bam he stopped making music started making shitty movies he's not a good actor right does that married a minor started doing drugs got fat got an Entourage got even fatter started wearing onesies doing karate kits splitting his pants nobody's saying you look good King you like that you're laughing my Royal balls hang out we love it King keep going starts doing pills gets addicted he dies alone on a toilet all right this man kicked open all of those doors for the rest of us all right so I sit down and I'm watching this documentary as a white dude which is what I am I'm looking out my white head watching this white it's coming back into my white eyes getting whiter by the second all right now my wife on the other hand she's black right now I hate saying that because it makes it seem like I'm gonna start doing some stupid comparison jokes you know those dumb white guy black guy jokes and it's always like the white guy's like oh Jesus I gotta I gotta do my taxes because this chair hold me the black guy's always like you need to loosen up you got to relax man you just gotta let it happen all right what it's always the same stupid joke I hate those jokes you know because they're easy and it's been my experience that it's just not true you know 15 years of being with her there's really no difference you know because at the end of the day it's a woman all right he does the woman yeah the who you're with I'm not gonna lie to you there might be more head movement and hand gestures with different races of women possibly an index finger jabbing at your forehead whatever the that is but at the end of the day it's the same fight so what's going on with us do you need to work on this why don't we communicate better right so she starts watching this as a black person right I know she's seen all the racism obviously that I'm seeing but she was catching all this subtle that I was too white to see but I knew I was missing it because I just kept hearing her huffing and puffing just sitting next to me being like and I'm just sitting there like okay somebody did something I don't know what just happened but I don't think that was good I love his face do you just love his face I just love his face so right when I right when I didn't think it could get any worse it could get any more uncomfortable between the two of us this white dude comes on who evidently discovered Elvis and he's like a hundred and 90 years old and he comes out starts talking he's just like well uh basically uh I was looking for a white boy that could take the down and dirty nasty blues and combine it with the pristine Angelic sounds of bluegrass yeah that's what he was doing he was suddenly putting black down here while he was propping up the white you know the down and dirty Daddy not sticking around drug infested neighborhood Blues with the Jesus as white as me hair the color of the sun Angelic Bluegrass playing music right oh so at this point my wife has like steam coming out of her ears so I make a judgment call I just shut it off right and she looks at me she's like why did you shut that off why did you shut it off I was like because you're about three minutes away from yelling at me like I produced this music [Applause] just just forget it we'll watch something else she's like no why can't we just watch the rest of this and then discuss it afterwards it's like I don't want to do that I just want to watch a documentary I don't have a lecture I do that with partners and friends and family members I like to discuss the thing that we were watching intensely overthinking it to a perhaps psychotic degree what's wrong with that I didn't do anything I'm just I'm just sitting here watching TV and not to mention we're just we're just gonna get into an argument she's like well why would we get into an argument I'm like oh all right you know why because not for nothing there was some black people in there saying some that I didn't agree with you know I'm not huffing and puffing yeah I said that no no no no no no no like a idiot and she just sucks at me she's like like what black people people that said what at that point it's like you started the luge right you can't get off the sled now you got to have the argument I'm like ah here we go guess we're having this and I'm like all right all right the black guy who brought up leg shaking saying Elvis took leg shaking from us it's like really leg shaking no nobody thought the to do this black people came up with that you telling me that I'll even give me that let's say you came up with that but where did that black dude learn how to do it didn't he watch some older black guy do it but what cause he's the same color he he's not stealing he's just carrying on the tradition but if Elvis doesn't oh what the now he's the biggest Thief ever that doesn't make any sense to me she goes no you idiot it's not about the leg shaking okay it's about he appropriated a culture he took all the music he got all the money got all the fame he's called the king of it now and he never gave a not even a shout out I was like all right yeah sounds like a Tick-Tock time fair enough you made about seven or eight good points there that I can't review you can't you absolutely can't he appropriated a culture I get it you're right so he goes fine thank you however not for nothing do I get mad at you when you get on a skateboard you start going down the Street do I get all offended like hey man that's the white stop appropriating my culture man some dirty white kitten Santa Monica came up with that man so she starts laughing and I should have stopped there but I'm a comedian right I'm like oh I'm getting a laugh there's got to be a bigger laugh so keep going let's come with another example so I'm like yeah do I get mad at you when you fly from LA to New York in under six hours she just yeah she just stares at me she's just like that was up I kind of get the impression from Bill Burr like he's probably not on all the time like he is when he's doing stand-up comedy but I also don't think because he's not putting on like a funny funny happy happy guy all the time Persona that maybe maybe it's just chill in its personal life versus the comedian who's like joke joke joke and then just like really depressed in their life but I don't know ain't never met him I don't know I would love to hear an interview with his wife I bet she would have some interesting things to say about him that's super lazy guys on the other side bye oh that was very sickly sweet endings bye who am I have you just given up we love Bill we love bill you know if you zoomed in on Chewy though to just be like all around me are familiar faces save a dog for Christmas save this spoiled plumper pooch
Channel: Diane Jennings
Views: 41,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: irish girl, diane jennings, irish people try, irish girls, reaction, irish girl reacts, bill burr, bill burr standup, bill burr comedy, bill burr best of, bill burr wife, family, f is for family, stories, story time, netflix, netflix is a joke, bill burr reaction, reaction video, stand up, bill burr stand up
Id: 1mKC7_ptdgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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