First time hearing of Carly Simon - You're So Vain (Reaction!)

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okay okay are we rolling we're rolling we're rolling what's up everybody thanks for coming thanks for hanging out me and Ally we're together yep here we go baby so today uh we received a a tip from a long friend of the channel uh a donation and this is what he says this is from El Cruz since Ally spelled a l l i e by the way it's how do you spell your name a l i it's really fine because is it though yes do you know how many ways there are to spell I am aware of how many there's Al y I've seen there's a l i al l l i al l l i e a l y a l l y a like it goes on there's a thousand million ways so it's fair about like first second grade I stopped carrying you're just like so it does not bother me in the slightest if people spell my name wrong when I moved to Utah it was the first time when I was when someone would say like what's your name Sebastian like how do you spell that like in the Starbucks I'm like just that's when I start saying Chuck then Chuck so she hates it when I do that but it's that's why it's like this kid sounds kind of like an idiot I'll just say chuck all right so since Ali is curating a list of Classics for you yall should try this one beautiful voice and from a beautiful lady James Taylor's first wife and James Taylor was a that was a the I See Fire and I see rain a great song yeah it's a very old video we're going to check it out so I pulled it up Carly Simon I actually did not know they were married yeah yeah yeah oh we got a little blurry on the camera didn't get fixed we're back so um You're So Vain Carly Simon so you did know this song as soon as we brought it up okay there you seem to have a back um How to Lose a Guy 10 days she sings this song oh really have you seen that movie like yeah I've seen that movie so many times I bet you have it's great it's a great movie sure like I do remember like it's a chick flick that dudes like yeah I remember like Matthew M being like super likable in it like and she's so funny I do remember it being funny so yeah it's like I was like oh it's a chick-flick and no it's cuz I actually don't love chickf flakes sure I don't like when do I watch chick no that's right yeah you don't but I really like I mean you watch The Keeping Up with the Kardashians stuff that's not a chick that doesn't count that's trash not chickf flip there you go different category yeah um no she sings this song in it does she so I actually don't I think I have heard I've heard the song like the real song too sure but that's where I learned the song got it okay was like grade I don't remember one bit her singing in that I remember the I remember the the make out love scene in the stei bathroom in his parents' house oh that's all I remember from the movie and the Nicks game cuz I would have been so mad yeah that's why it's funny yeah yeah yeah so okay Carly Simon You're So Vain never never heard of Karly Simon I'm excited this was posted on YouTube 14 years ago has 41 million views so it's doing all right we'll analyze the comments later but I'm sure people love it yeah so let it thank you guys for clicking on this and hanging out with us [Music] huh he walked the party like you were walking onto a yach your hats strategically di below one ey the scarf that was at you had one eye in the miror you watched yourself go and all the girls dream that they be your partner they be your partner and you're so Fain probably think the song is the about you you're so F bet you think this song it's about [Applause] you yeah it's like a fun song that is fun yeah yeah what's funny is that it's like you probably think the song is about you it is about you but I don't want you to think it's it's yeah it's just funny probably wor te I've got her inspiration from I don't know maybe but yeah you really don't remember this from that movie not like I like want to find a clip of the movie now we we'll find maybe in a sec pull it up on your phone and we'll yeah so car Simon your so ve lyrics yeah so first off let's see who wrote it Carly Simon so you know how it goes MC Jagger oh like the original featuring MC Jagger I guess so son of a gun right to the chase there you walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht your hat strategically dipped below when I your scarf isn't was it wasn't an apricot it was apricot paper cot like a color why do you guys make up all these color names paper cot the color like one day she like had the audacity to ca some like a color like Periwinkle to me like don't make up words You're So Vain you're probably thinking the songs about you yeah that's funny yeah all the girls dream that they'd be your partner it's a song about the metaphoric it's a song about gastan right the Gan relate to it because I never liked the boy that everyone else liked because it was like give me a break so G like the gastan yeah you were looking for the beast that's right but like so all the girls want to be with you and it's like H you're so full of yourself get out of here yeah get get out of here yeah yeah makes [Music] sense where are we performing right now this awesome that we made such a pretty p and that you will never leave but you gave away the things you love and one of them was me I had some dreams there were clouds in my coffee clouds in my coffee and your who's this Bas player I want he's a cool [Music] guy there it is not the guitar actually the cowbell I need him I need him to play it closer to a microphone I kind of heard it there [Music] [Applause] [Music] though sorry we just need to bring it up homie has literally the entire song just been walking around playing the cow that no one can hear I don't know more cowbell I was I was actually wondering to ask you like you have seen that right okay just just check it that would have been like the I got a fever and the only prescription is more Cowell no but really though we're blurry again keeps blurring us um probably a case for I was getting a new camera one day because there's like apps where you can the camera on the thing you can like control the one day one [Music] [Applause] day he's he's just like [Music] yeah maybe there's a microphone in the cowbell no there [Music] isn't what does that mean clouds in my coffee I don't know we're not coffee drinkers so we [Music] don't okay he sings too that's good you went up to Sara and your horse naturally want then you BW your leg to NOA SC to see the total eclipse of the sun well you're where you should be all the time and when like where's the cowboy guy like it's really distracting me he's not even performing close friend and you're so [Music] is bet you think this song is about you don't you don't you don't you let It Go Let It Go the song I am enjoying the song too it's a good song you're so F you probably this sest about you you're so Fain you promise think this song is about you you're so I bet you think this song is about you don't you don't you don't you so old school I love [Music] it that was cool with the mom jeans I know look at them they didn't even have to dress all skanky they could just like wear comfy clothes you know what yeah I know when did this happen freaking blame Instagram we gonna blame Madonna actually it's like a good place to go so yeah lyrics here you had me several years ago when I was still quite naive uh when you said we made such a pretty pair and that you would never leave but you gave away the things you loved and one of them was me I don't know what clouds in my coffee there were clouds in my coffee clouds so V Let's look that up actually here Alexa what does it mean when you say clouds in my coffee the phrase clouds in my coffee is a metaphor that refers to feeling confused or uncertain if you're illusion in life wow well there that was a very detailed response pretty impressed I I hope it caught it for you guys we should have put it up there usually she sucks that was pretty good that was really helpful so got it means you're confused all right so had some dreams dreams there were clouds in my coffee and when you're not with some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend o just calling out what a scumbag yeah I mean it is just it's a fun song to sing to someone like who's like that just you're just like you're terrible right yeah like um I'm gonna find the scene while you sounds good I feel like this is a John Mayor to you the way you talk about John mayor he's terrible I just want Jen to be happy stay away from John May okay I got to find it now so you can talk or you can pause what if I just look at the camera like this turnt that would be very creepy so it's like a you don't have wait so he's singing it to her you had a scarf I think was aot strategically tipped below one eye one eye in the mdle [Music] soy tell Def and drunk is not we got the well that's the gist I I like want to watch that movie now we can watch it I haven't watched it since honestly probably like when it came no cuz like I watched it a few like you know we would like hang out someone would throw it on and and and we there would be like your it's yeah never anyways that song reminds me of this movie got it and and that means it was a big song so yep y well there it is finally listened to Karly Simons You're So Vain apparently a classic and glad we checked it out there you go guys thank you for uh clicking on this video and hanging out with us we really appreciate yall and appreciate the support check out the description down below to find more ways to help also check out um our other channel called life of Duran Ally you're the one roken on that wish your people go to the other channel there it is the link is down below honestly we're trying to monetize that channel so you know go watch this videos I think they're great you're doing awesome yeah I honestly like we've talked about this in private it's just things that I want to share it's just for us so I'm really not thinking so much about what s YouTube success what YouTube wants me to share it's just like I like this so here you go so if you want to follow great we would love it yeah thank you guys till the next one
Channel: Sebs Duran
Views: 29,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sebs, sebs duran, sebs reacts, sebs duran reaction, immigrant reacts, sebs reacts to country, latino reacts, music reaction, first time reaction, vocal coach reacts, sebs and ali, sebs and ali react, carly simon, youre so vain, carly simon youre so vain, carly simon thats the way i heard it should be, carly simon reaction, youre so vain reaction, carly simon youre so vain reaction, reaction to carly simon, youre so vain carly simon, youre so vain carly simon reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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