Why Aren't There Any Gay Relationships in Warriors? - Book Banning, SJW's, Censorship, and more!

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now before we start I want to say that I originally intended to get this video out in time for LGTB Pride Week but since I'm going to be tackling a lot of big controversial issues in this video I decided to take my time and do a lot of research before I open my mouth it's no secret that a lot of warrior fans are avid shippers myself included with the cast of this large there's no shortage of pairings that people can stitch together and worship with fanfics and fan art galore some are confusing some heartwarming or heartbreaking some are just batshit insane and then there are the very few hidden away in the dark corner that most of us refuse to acknowledge like seriously what the and out of all the non cannon ships floating around most of the popular ones are homosexual Raven paw and barley tall star and Jake and Leif pull a moth wing are probably the most noteworthy and for good reason there's a lot of evidence scattered throughout the books that the parties involved may actually be in love Raven Paw and barley spend practically every minute of their lives by each other's side and it's crystal clear that there's no one more important to them than their best friend tall star outright states that he loves Jake and thinks of Firestar as a son Leif Poole describes moth wing as beautiful more than a few times throughout the new prophecy and they are shown to be very close friends but despite all this there is never any definite proof in the books themselves no declarations of love no over-the-top romantic gestures nothing what the heck cried the frustrated shippers why aren't they cannon already errands it's so obvious that's true love and those are just the biggest examples most recently a lot of people were unhappy over the development of blossom and thorn and ivy and fern for three reasons one blossom and ivy has grown in popularity as a ship lately and no one likes to see their ship get sunk to these characters have shown zero interested romance beforehand and for them to suddenly dive head over heels into the idea of living happily ever after without any sign of character development that may push them into believing in romance is just not realistic 3 their actual relationships are not written all that well as blossom fall and thorn claw are shown to be good friends one time back in the last hope only for them to jump straight into starting a family together in shattered sky despite the fact that we never see them interact between those points I do pool and fern song fairs a bit better but not by much as we do see them start by taking it slow in thunder and shadow but as IV pool has been demoted to background character status we don't know many details about their relationship I myself don't really see how they would work together as fern songs warm nurturing personality doesn't seem like a good fit with IV pools more blunt attitude I also have difficulty imagining either one of these she cats as a mother blossom fall I might buy if she undergone a few years of development where she learned to move past her mommy issues and mature a bit more but IV pool no I don't think so it's a good thing I don't give a rat's ass about the vision of shadows timeline so at this point there are some people who really really want full homosexuality to be portrayed in these books but why hasn't it happened yet well if we dig far enough our shovels will fall through the empty cavern and reveal the deep screeching mall that holds our answer a terrible all-too-real pattern of prejudice public outcry and censorship that sadly perfectly summarizes how society is a creature slow to embrace even the best of changes a creature so bereft of common sense that anchors the rest of its fellows from civil progress if we want to find answers we'll need to start with the marketing of warriors although we all know Warriors has something to offer adults and kids alike it's classified as a children's series more specifically in the 9 to 12 age section that means when parents go to the bookstore to find something for their child to read they see warriors shelves beside stuff like this therefore it's childish by association it doesn't help that it has cats all over the cover and you know if a book has animals on the cover that automatically must mean it's only for children so assume that you are a parent in this situation who knows nothing of these marketing mishaps your kid starts whining to buy them the kitty book and since it has enough pages to shut them up for at least 5 hours you gladly oblige this plan backfires when he wakes you up at midnight crying because the mean Kitty scared him flipping through the novel you find a gruesome description of a cat's disembowelment how would you react if you were this parent come for your child until they go back to sleep then return to the store in the morning and play Lee asked for a refund maybe suggest that they shouldn't shelve this stuff in the kids section or perhaps you did some research and found that it was the fault of the publisher and send them a calm professional letter expressing your concerns promise to yourself to check your child's reading material more closely from now on if you respond did with any of these answers and congratulations you are decent human being I know how that last comment must sound but I assure you I don't mean any disrespect except towards the people who I'm going to introduce you to later now that last scenario I laid out for you was purely hypothetical because statistically speaking a lot of people's love for reading doesn't begin at a bookstore rather it starts at a library more specifically a school library I myself became an avid reader at a school library as did every other reader I know but I do not speak for anyone besides me so I started a poll to back up my theory as it turns out most of the respondents said they first became hooked on reading at a school library bookstore second third public libraries and last was other usually hand-me-downs from parents or older siblings at first I was surprised that public libraries came in third but when I thought about it it made sense families don't often have a lot of free time and may not be able to fit in visit the library in their busy schedules on top of that parents probably wanted to spare themselves from costly library fines because of their kids forgetfulness however I was not surprised for the bookstore result books can be very expensive nowadays so it's a lot easier for parents to just let their kids explore their school's library which has no cost of membership and it's much easier for kids to remember to return their materials to when they have to be there every day anyway now my poll did not have nearly enough respondents to fairly represent the reading habits of North America but let's just assume that this data is dependable and most kids first learn to love reading at their school's library now let's remember that scenario I painted up a few minutes ago during my research I became aware of a system involving these two things that is truly disturbing in America in Canada people can challenge a book in an effort to restrict or remove access to it from libraries or schools the most common reason the challenges issued is to protect children from inappropriate content such as racial slurs profanity sexual content or other similar reasons if the challenge is successful and the book is removed from the collection or curriculum then it is considered a banned book if the challenge is unsuccessful and the book remains shelved than it is retained regardless of the challenges outcome someone can report the challenge to the American Library Association's office for intellectual freedom who compiles the challenges and the reason for the attempted ban and catalogues them into a list in order to inform the public about these censorship efforts you can check out some of these lists on the website in the links below for this video I hope linked to every source I used for research so by all means educate yourself now before we go over the lip of this slippery slope I think it's important to acknowledge that in a lot of cases the challenges really do want to protect people but there is no getting around what the system essentially is censorship and offensive contents is relative well maybe crossing the line to one might just be edgy humor to another restricting access to a book from everyone only because it offended a select few is just wrong and in the fact that most of these banning books drama unfolds in schools and it becomes cooler just how messy these situations can get it's common knowledge that there's some seriously overprotective parents out there who will stop at nothing to shield their kids for the big dangerous world even if that means cutting off other kids from reading of course not every parent takes it to the extreme but more often than not their attempts to shield their kids can seriously backfire and do a lot of harm how do I know because I saw it firsthand two years ago at Christmas time we were visiting with family at her aunt's house and as usual my brother and I hung out with our younger cousins let's call them candy the older sister at 14 and we'll the younger brother at 10 as the conversation went on candy mentioned that many of the kids in her school were gay to which will replied that he doesn't like gay people my brother flipped his lid at hearing this side note he's not actually gay but he strongly disapproves of homophobia and will said nonchalantly that he just thought it was strange candy a will then started bickering about the different types of gay people so my brother and I tried our best to explain but we hit a snag when it came to the transgender part we both thought it meant different things and as the argument began to heat up we unintentionally raised our voices kandia Will's mother Theresa overheard us from the next room and sternly asked us to change the topic with her 14 year old daughter and 10 year old son in the room will didn't understand what we had done wrong so my brother explained that parents like to shelter their kids for as long as possible and we can see how well that turned out for them because homosexuality was treated as a taboo conversational item by his mother we'll assume that was an abnormal thing and begun to treat it as such it chilled me to hear him describe it as strange like he had no malice toward homosexuality at all but simply didn't understand it and it saddens me to think that he may be denied the chance to learn about it before it's too late parents need to remember that kids are learning about the world faster than ever thanks to the growing presence of technology in our lives it's their job to guide their kids through these difficult years of confusion to teach them about these brand-new concepts and make sure they won't step into the world as ignorant closed-minded people it would be nice if they could stay wrapped up in their little innocent childhood bubble world forever but they can't so stop shielding them and I get it maybe you don't have anything against homosexuality maybe you even support it wholeheartedly but you don't want your kid to learn about the strong prejudice and hate surrounding the subject at such a young age which is fair but there are ways to teach your kid about the concept without exposing them to the horror stories - but steering clear of the matter entirely is no solution think about it when a little kid says they have a crush on a classmate or a couple of 7 year-olds dates for a day or two the adults usually say oh isn't that so cute and innocent they're learning about love but if two kids of the same gender try the same thing reactions may differ significantly aren't they a bit too young for that he/she is so young how do they know what they like I remember a particular time during elementary school I was on the bus going home for the day and I saw two eight-year-old boys kiss each other and the bus driver told them look cut that out that's disgusting I'm basically repeating myself here but I only do so because it is greatly important by letting children discover and explore the concept of straight romance but treating homosexual romance as a forbidden subject that they're too young for you are teaching them that there is something wrong with it and disclaimer there's another extreme to this issue that we should go over you know the type the politically correct SJW that only judges and absolutes if you don't know what I mean just look at tumblr for a few minutes you'll get it I feel sorry for these people because a lot of them grew up hearing from their parents over and over that they were special they could be anything they wanted to be but none of it is true not everyone in the human race is special because if they were then special wouldn't mean anything not only that but we all have specific skills that are suited to certain career paths meaning we have to have weaknesses to balance it out that's just how people are I am absolutely hopeless and math therefore I can never be a scientist and that's probably for the best as my imaginative mind probably isn't suitable to the cold logic a scientist is demanded to employ on the job but these snowflakes they won't accept that instead they take anything from character traits to basic human emotions and label them as genders convincing themselves that they're special and unique for identifying with these ridiculous labels it's one thing when they choose to live in denial themselves but it's another when they try forcing it on others apparently Sweden in particular has adopted a lot of gender-neutral policies from Parliament to preschools there's a short vice documentary about parents who raised their kids as gender neutral and watching it feels uncomfortable I know I said earlier that it's important to teach kids about homosexuality but there's a difference between education them about the concept and shoving it down their throats in the video the mapa asks Myka what it wants to be called he/she or hen hen is a Swedish gender-neutral pronoun the kid seems very uncomfortable during the whole exchange like it's only five years old at least wait until they've learned how to properly wipe their ass before you try discussing these complicated issues with them I honestly feel like the parents in this video feel that they're doing the right thing but it seems that their efforts to free their kids from gender norms have only confused them out of their wit's the government of Sweden doesn't help with these issues either looking at their website about gender policies it proudly claims that there are a feminist government ensuring the reader that this term has not been corrupted in their country as it has been by hateful extremists in the West but as much as they talk about gender equality the page only brings up issues facing women not men there's even a segment about women being raped by men ignoring the possibility that women can rape men too and there's no mention of how women who rape may be punished by law either just men that doesn't seem very equal to me yet this tangent doesn't really have anything to do with book banning I simply just want to make it clear that when it comes to complicated social issues there are always two extremes and they are always just as ugly as the other one so back to the topic at hand as you can probably imagine overprotective and misguided parents are far from the only ones that are issuing book challenges there are a lot of people out there who defend their truly backwards thoughts with rabid ferocity seeking to prevent anyone from accessing information that dares to portray or promote ideas that they disagree with but even more scary some of these toxins are actually parents themselves to illustrate my point let's talk about two stories both revolving around the same book first heather has two mommies by Leslie Newman was challenged because of homosexual themes in Wichita Falls Kansas but the followers of a pastor took matters into their own hands by signing out a bunch of copies and refusing to return them they did it because of promoted a dangerous and ungodly lifestyle but new copies were donated by intellectual freedom fighters then the book came into trouble again in Fayetteville North Carolina when the local government nearly lost eleven point four million dollars meant to build new library branches when opponents tried to defeat a bond bill which if you don't know is a request from legislation to fund renovations repairs or replacements of public buildings these opponents write a newspaper ad that stated cumberland county library takes the lead in pursuit of legitimizing homosexuality can prostitution bestiality or incest be far behind Wow just wow so yeah this is the kind of we have to put up with in order to keep libraries free and open and this is far from the only time crazy like this has happened it's just when I started my research for this I couldn't believe the amount of horrible backwards-ass thinking that tries to threaten the intellectual rights of others I could barely contain my anger it was so bad I'd like to share some of these snippets with you guys just to show how up the world can get okay this is a lightning round of the ten most absurd challenged bookcases that quiet rage has found number 10 The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins this book was challenged to the goffstown new hampshire school board after a parent claimed that it gave their eleven-year-old nightmares i hate to break it to you honey but age appropriateness is relative it's your responsibility to make sure what your kid is reading is appropriate for them not the school board not the library you don't derive other people's rights to read what they want just because your kid isn't mature enough for it yet number nine get well soon bye Julie Halpern this book was challenged at the thiis in middle school in Fond du Lac Wisconsin because a parent thought it contains subject matter not suitable for children so you mean to tell me that we shouldn't teach our kids about mental health teenage pregnancy unhealthy beauty standards appearance shaming unhealthy relationships and questioning authority issues that today's youth face all the time wow I hope it doesn't get hot under that she'll do you cover your kids with 24/7 number 8 walter the farting dog by Kaas winkel william and glen murray this book was challenged but retained in West Salem Wisconsin elementary school because it used the words fart and farting 24 times what kind of material are they making these people out of spun sugar in stained glass because I don't know how else they could be so fragile it's a natural body function and lots of kids love lowbrow humor like this don't take it so seriously number 7 on the bright side I'm now the girlfriend of a sex God further confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison this novel was challenged yet retained in Bozeman Montana 's middle school district the reason someone complained that an unstable person might see a girl reading it's assumed that she is promiscuous and begins stalking her oh I see so it's the girl's fault for indulging her human right to read whatever the hell she wants wherever she wants huh the weirdo that jumps to conclusions is the drop of a hat and uses flimsy ass excuses to engage in creepiest behavior no they're perfectly innocent in all this it's the girl that didn't want to get stopped raped and murdered she shouldn't have been reading that smut oh-ho ladies and gentlemen welcome to Planet Earth number 6 notre dam versus the clan how the Fighting Irish defeated the Ku Klux Klan by Todd Tucker a student employee at holy crap Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis how long of a name do you need geez was found guilty of racial harassment by the school administrators just for reading this book in public the student contacted American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana and received a letter of apology six months later this this cannot be a real story just how could anyone be so stupid as to charge someone for reading not to mention this book is about fighting the KKK one of the most infamous symbols of racism by punishing this guy for reading this book aren't you kind of sending the message that you support racism in the KKK I really don't think it's a good idea to associate your school with those guys the idea that anyone would slap someone with a criminal charge simply for educating themselves about local history is just horrifying and while we're on this note I had no idea this was even a thing before my research you mean to tell me that a whole school fought the KKK and won that is so badass where's this book I want to read it are they still accepting students I don't want to punch the racist too konami bros number five the Diary of Anne Frank the Diary of a young girl by Anne Frank the Diary of Anne Frank was challenged at Culpepper County Virginia public school because of its sexual and homosexual themes one of the most important symbols of the abominations of the Nazi regime an urgent record of a terrible history that humanity should never even dare to forget and you don't want your kid reading it because it happens to have homosexuality in it you disgust me number four snow falling on Cedars by David Gutterson this story has a lot in common with the previous one this book deals with the discrimination against Japanese American citizens during and after World War two it was challenged but retained in college-level classes at Richland Washington High School's there's no details over why was challenged but that doesn't really matter like Anne Frank this novel chronicles a shameful piece of history that we need to document and remember if we are to learn from it if you want us to send us back one century then banning these books is a surefire way to do it number three the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling no you did not suddenly develop a bad case of dice Lexia someone really did try to ban Harry freakin Potter what for well according to these parents in Gwinnett County Georgia the series promotes witchcraft how are you that stupid the only possible explanation for this behavior is if somehow mixed up their calendars thought it was the 12th century and not the 21st and magically reverted to an old medieval mindset but as I find that scenario highly unlikely I'm going to go with the much more plausible theory that these people are just gigantic morons listen up idiots it's Harry Potter a fictional series and I do emphasize fictional but its delighted millions of people around the world if these books really did promote witchcraft then global air traffic will be swamped with people zipping around on their brooms chasing fairy testicles and whatnot so just relax please it's gonna take a lot more than one talented British writer to turn the world into a magical child murdering realm with threatened by some half-dead elf okay number two bone butt Jeff Smith oh great another childhood classic comes under fire bonus one of the most frequently challenged books in America if you can believe that you name a reason and bones been challenged for it in 2010 a concerned parent in Minnesota filed a complaint because of the serious depiction of gambling smoking and drinking the challenge was shot down by a ten to one vote at the review committee to the praise of Jeff Smith however the very next year in New Mexico a parent complained about the smoking and drinking in book 4 dragon's lair to a board member who told the administration the entire series was then removed from every classroom and library in the district without so much as a whiff of her view process but by far the dumbest story of this series being challenged occurred in 2013 at Whitley Road Elementary in wada tuga Texas the unidentified complainant accused book to the Great Cow race of being racially politically and socially offensive what what how in the name of King ducks shriveled tongue could anyone see racism in this series there is absolutely no possible way you could take anything out of these books and come up with racism honestly though no one roasts these outrageous claims better than Jeff Smith himself so let's take a look at a few of his words after fielding these and other charges for a while now I'm starting to think that such outrageous accusations really racism say more about the people who make them than about the books themselves could not have said it better myself as for the second quote I look for the source everywhere but I couldn't find it but I swear to you it's true this is in response to hearing the news of the story in Minnesota I feel really bad for her son he's going to be really embarrassed but you know not everyone has to like my stuff that's fine but I really can't go along with this unamerican concept of banning books let the Nazis do that I think Jeff Smith may be my idol number one King and King by Linda and stern Nils and D Hahn this book about gay marriage was read to a class of second graders in Lexington Massachusetts as a lesson on different types of weddings the parents of one of the children complained that the school did not warn them about it and claimed that by teaching the children about it at a young age that the school was trying to indoctrinate them the incident sparked a new flare in the wall phone-based parents rights coalition and their goal to rid the state schools of lessons and books that furthers the homosexual agenda thankfully US District Court Judge mark Wolfe ruled that public schools are entitled to teach anything that is reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens in our democracy and that the parents religious beliefs were not violated when the children were taught contrary ideas in school and that's just a glimpse into the awful twisted world of banning books if you notice the running theme throughout some of these stories I told you then Congrats you win a cookie what kind is it rainbow chip yes many books that deal with homosexuality or just happen to have elements of it in its story are targeted by miss guarded parents and hate groups alike in fact just two years ago almost half of the books in the banned list had LGTB themes and out of the overall top ten five of them featured strong homosexual tones this all seems to point to the existence of an ugly trend but despite the leaps and bounds that we've made in the progress of gay rights there is still a long way to go so what does all this have to do with warriors well as you probably know the series is published by HarperCollins one of the biggest publishing companies in the world and big companies love their prophet it's hardly a secret that warriors is a cash cow series but only reason it's still going to this day is for that sweet sweet money fun fact originally was only supposed to be a trilogy but the author's came up with enough material to make six then it was supposed to end but the publishers wanted them to write more so they decided to write another trilogy which turned into another six book arc which turned into four six book arcs and counting six field guides several mangas ten plus super editions twelve novel us in so many releases during that time the books were on a two books per year schedule a harsh and unforgiving constraint that doesn't leave much room for the creative process to flow naturally as much as I've heard Harry Potter fans complain about waiting two years for each book while I was growing up I don't hear any of them complain about inconsistencies plot holes stunted character growth or botched plot threads now but HarperCollins doesn't care about quality they care about profit and books that are frequently challenged and banned from libraries or schools don't make profits this is the same company that changed a book's title just because some school board felt that cruel season was too violent of a title for kids in a series that regularly features graphic violence infants ID and even sexual harassment at one time but instead of standing up for their author's rights they complied with this ridiculous request and changed the title to sunrise dooming the fan base to endless confusion so a publisher that's willing to cave in to such trivial complaints to keep their customers happy is obviously not going to risk pissing off a bunch of them by pushing social boundaries either however I think it's important to keep in mind that this wasn't always the case if you're a dinosaur like me you may remember something called errand hunter chats where a site called wands and world's hosted an event wherein the author's answered fan questions these chats ran from 2005 to 2010 during the sixth chat that took place on June 29th 2009 one fan asked the Ahrens that there is anything they wanted to add to the series but couldn't because the target audience was too young Vicky responded with this good question I always say that I don't write for children or adults I just write about things that interest me and strong characters and all different shades to bring those about the fact that we write about cats gives us the freedom to deal with subjects that wouldn't normally be acceptable in a book aimed at younger readers that featured human characters I'm thinking specifically of death Parenthood intense political situations violence giving away your children losing religious faith madness so joyously I don't feel constrained at all about what I can include in the books which is one reason why I haven't run out of stories yet however there are two topics that will never fit into any of the books and those are homosexuality and drug addiction not because the readers are too young although I do have an opinion on the appropriateness or otherwise of these topics but because they don't sit easily in a series about feral cats well this is an interesting answer since it shows how things have changed since then reading Raven paws farewell it's impossible not to notice the strong romantic tones between rave and Paul and barley especially considering how Vicki once described them as an old married couple on her Facebook but this quote shows that she wasn't always supporting of the idea not out of homophobia or anything but simply because she didn't see a good place for it after all homosexuality and animals was not believed to be that common until recent research showed otherwise it will make sense for an average person to believe that animals don't stray from the straight path very much yet is shown by the Ahrens confirming tall star and Jake in Raven paw and barley on their social media channels it's clear that their minds have changed unfortunately a chunk of the general public and therefore HarperCollins have not forcing the authors to talk about their gay ships outside of the books themselves it disgusts me that the higher-ups would rather play it safe and appeal to as large of an audience as possible then allow the writers to tell the stories they want to tell it's one thing if the authors don't intend for homosexual subtext to exist like with leaf pool and modeling yes I know I did talk about the evidence at the beginning of the video but that was only to show why this ship is there I actually asked Vikki homes if leaf pool and Martha wing we were supposed to be in love on her Facebook and she responded and I quote goodness me no now while I do support trusting one's own judgment and taking the Word of God at face value this question does relate to a point in time where the Ahrens haven't fallen off their rockers yet and as previously discussed with our other two ships we know Vicki isn't against gay relationships outright so I think it's safe to say that moth pool is officially not canon sorry guys and yeah that's another tangent we need to discuss aggressive shipping I'm all for supporting whatever ships you like because at the end of the day it's all in good fun but acting like it's the ultimate creation of humanity snubbing others opinions and twisting Canon timelines and/or other characters to support your ship is taking it too far if you like moth pool that's great all power to you but treating it like it's some symbol a rebellion against homophobia is just misleading and saying that crow feather was an abusive the manipulative leaf pool is just a flat-out lie this kind of behavior concerns me greatly especially since mostly all of it occurs on tumblr I feel like a lot of the gay headcanons I see on there are less about creating fascinating insight or expanding on unexplored ideas and more about promoting a radical LGTB agenda remember what I said there are two extremes to each issue well when it comes to gay rights this is the left side on top of the special snowflakes I was talking about earlier it seems that these people also project their views onto their favorite characters too further legitimize their abuse one of the more popular headcanons I've seen is that red tail is transgender no offense but I don't think that's how it works red tail had a kid so he probably wasn't uncomfortable with his assigned gender and while I can't say for sure since I never encountered it myself but it's probable that someone has been attacked at one point for criticizing someone's ship or headcanon I've heard some particularly nasty things about the moth pool community but if it's true that supporters of gay ships and theories have been attacking others simply for bringing up legitimate arguments then isn't that similar to censoring opinions through book banning come on guys you're better than this all right so far this has been a rather disorganized video I tried to balance out everything but there's so many issues it's hard to keep track so let's just briefly go over the main points we discussed book banning is a form of censorship that should never be tolerated radicals on either side of the political spectrum are disgusting authors should have the right to discuss whatever issues they want but shouldn't be forced to include themes that they feel don't fit with their story so when young adult or children's books are allowed to tackle homosexual themes what is the right way to do it well let's start at the wrong side of the scale if I tell by Janet Gertler tackles a lot of contemporary themes such as racism teenage pregnancy family units teen drinking and yes homosexuality the main characters best friend Ashley is revealed to be a lesbian almost right away and I swear 60% of her dialogue has something to do with her sexuality she never lets you forget that she likes girls and there isn't many moments where she's given a chance to grow beyond a Tolkien character even the scene where the protagonist talks to Ashley about her father tossing her out of the house after she came out the author can't seem to help but make at least three different quips about it right after the other you can practically hear the right screaming hey look a gay character are nice so inclusive is a gay character a gay character I'm so progressive and cool for including a gay character and honestly if censoring gay content and promoting intolerance towards the LGTB community is bad enforcing stereotypes and tokenism in media isn't helping either which is a shame because it's a good read otherwise aside from the usual rom-com cliches and on the other side of the scale is wings of fire the first arc introduces a lot of dragons giving every background character at least a few traits and values the second arc takes some of these pre established characters and reveals them to be LG TP but it doesn't Club itself on the back for including them because guess what they are not defined by their sexuality instead they give them many character arcs to go through and grow as dragons in the case of umber his sexuality is dropped almost as an afterthought it's easy to miss if you're not paying attention and when things go wrong he doesn't hesitate to abandon his feelings for the sake of family proving that he's a lot more than a token gay guy then there's an M&E who gradually becomes more important to the plot as the books goes on and by the end she is a far cry from the typical spoiled brat stereotype she started out as in the epilogue of darkness of dragons it's revealed that she has a crush on Cameron a female rain wing and it amuses me just how out of the blue this revelation is it's kind of like oh yeah your sister's a lesbian getting you notice and as quickly as it came they start talking about another subject like it's not a huge epic reveal because it isn't this is a perfect way to include LGTB to develop a character around their personality not their sexuality and not flaunt it in front of the reader like some politician the loss to prove he's accepting of other lifestyles and I can't say for sure about the new book since they haven't had the chance to get my hands on it yet but I have heard that the main character is going to be LGTB which kind of concerns me that I just announced that information ahead of time a policy that seems to contradict what I just said aside from that though the series hasn't gotten away scot-free for its inclusion of gay characters I saw a comment on this page of the winds of fire wiki about one reader and her sisters who were forbidden from reading these books any longer because of their parents religious beliefs and as we've seen with the earlier stories these girls parents were probably not the only people to cut off their children from this amazing series simply for its LGTB contents it's a damn shame that these people are so short-sighted that they'd rather limit others freedom of speech and cut off their own kids from the world of reading then just let people express opinions that are offensive to them so my viewers if you're wondering why HarperCollins hasn't gotten with the program and allowed the errands to include LGTB material if they so choose well this is why there are still enough paying customers out there who don't want anything to do with it for companies not to bother with the efforts that's an important life lesson there a corporation is only as good as the society its services if it can get away with it they'll pay their workers next to nothing cut corners and their factories and sweep up any safety disasters under the rug any shady practice that puts them in the black but as long as people continue to give them money they'll keep doing it it's only when the public demands better and is willing to back it up with their wallets well the corporation go to the effort to change or at the very least put up some more smoke and mirrors between the consumer and the production line there you have it a detailed look into the world of book banning censorship radical hate groups and everything in between when I started writing this script I thought I would end on an inspiring message to never give up and be proud of LGTB progress but somewhere along the line while I was researching all of this I just lost mine through Yasim of course we should still fight the good fight and stand up for intellectual freedom and gay rights but over the last year and a half I've become aware of the other radical side to this argument the SJW anti sister out who seems to think that the solution to all of these issues is cramming LGTB into every possible crack and orifice even where it wouldn't make sense it all seems counterintuitive to me isn't diversity for diversity's sake just another form of tokenism even if these people have good intentions at heart they're doing it all wrong enforcing stereotypes by building around the sexuality not the story or character and at the end of the day doesn't that just further contribute to misunderstandings ignorance and disdain they claim to want to bring these types of stories to an end but they're really part of the problem and that's why I always remember the three FS politics labels and social movements for every group feminists liberals conservatives sjw's Republicans Democrats pro-life pro-choice you name it they all have a few radicals that take their message to the extreme and corrupt the name to its core dissolving the general public's trust in it in this world you can only trust your own intuition follow your own sense of justice it will remain true a hell lot longer than any code of contact hanging on the office walls but if your sense of justice tells you to violate freedom of speech silence others for standing up for what they believe in or throw a tantrum when someone tries to make a valid arguments then I'm sorry you're already lost for now I'm just happy that the errands were able to sneak in the gay subtext they wanted and fly under the radar it's a shame that warriors doesn't have the freedom to include LGTB content freely but at this rate I'm more concerned about force diversity than anything especially if harbor Collins is subjected to pressure from the wrong people as of now I feel like the popular gay ships are being celebrated for the wrong reasons almost all of the moth pool in tall Jake content I've seen focuses on the character sexuality it's like reading if I tell all over again oh hey look everybody they're gay look at my gay babies aren't they so cute it's so amazing that they're gay it's so great that they're gay gay sure is great gay gay all the way yes on their own none of these characters are revered nearly as much as the ships that are involved in which kind of goes to show why the relationship is popular not because of their personalities and the dynamic between them or an interesting story behind the possible romance but simply because it's gay it's a shame because tal star and Jake actually have all three of these qualities but all of that gets overlooked just for the gay part of it same with moth pool even though it's the most non Canon of the trio both characters are interesting on their own and a romance between them could make a good story but no Mothe wing and leaf pull alone are largely neglected by the community and the common headcanons story behind them revolves around crow feather being an at least raven paul and barley are a fully realized couple keep up the good work guys this is why I'm kind of afraid of warriors being opened up to the world of LGTB content let's face it this series has never been that great at writing romance and it won't be any different for gay couples at this point the errands will probably just pick two characters of random and say boom they're gay happy now even if those cats are incompatible with each other haven't shown any previous interest of romance before or their story somehow spits on previous character developments they'll write it in anyway the only thing that would change is the sales not because the quality of writing is deteriorating no it's because of those darn gays as much as I about IV pool and blossom fall being pushed into romance for no discernible reason I still think it would be more believable if they became a couple because they at least have more in common he'll take an example from wings of fire and make Holly leaf in IV pool cannon they were main characters for a long time before they even met no one could accuse you of tokenism for that one but you know where we really need to do instead of wasting perfectly good ships by drawing fanart of the cat's drowning your rainbow flags or reducing the characters to Gale Abel's you can take a break from it all and take a stand you remember the American Library Association's office of intellectual freedom from earlier right if a book is challenged or banned in your district you can contact them to report the incident and they will record it there's also an annual event called banned books week during September 23rd to 29th which brings the entire reading community together to raise awareness about censorship and celebrate these controversial books if you want to help moth pool tall Jake or any of the others you can visit their website to see how you can participate in banned books week stay vigilant for any censorship efforts in your district help raise awareness of attempts against intellectual freedom celebrate the books you love that have been challenged and one day maybe our warriors can be openly gay like wings of fire [Music]
Channel: Quiet Rage
Views: 113,902
Rating: 4.7795329 out of 5
Keywords: Why Aren't There Any Gay Relationships in Warriors, Warrior Cats, Gay, LGTB, Ships, Quiet Rage, Mothpool, Ravenpaw, Barley, Tallstar, Jake, Book Banning, Leafpool, Mothwing, Harper Collins, Erin Hunter, Vicky Holmes, Kate Cary
Id: XkIcC1pho6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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